Lycan's Rejected Mate

By haneel123

29.7K 883 87

You know I can't be with you, I love her too much", he said in a sad voice? I was too shocked to speak. This... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 1

2.8K 57 18
By haneel123

The world we live in is full of mysteries and there are a many things that are hidden. Be it the different realms and dimensions that exist or the people who live a normal life but are anything but normal. I am included in the category of those creatures. We are myths to humans, and we like it that way. We obey the rules and try to be as inconspicuous as possible. There are a few of us who likes to break them like witches, vampires, and demons. Oh, they love to play with humans, those crazies. But we, werewolves and lycans, consider ourselves much more sophisticated. We are Lycans and we do love to be considered as tamed as we possibly could.... Lol... okay I was kidding we are the worst of the lot. We love to play but not with humans nah too weak! What we love is to get it on and bloody with stupid vampires. Witches we ignore and demons, well they mostly prefer to stay in their own dimensions so why bother.

And now that you know about my world, I will introduce myself. My name is Amelia Thornton, everyone calls me Mia. Though we all live in different packs al over the world, we have one king and his power supersedes us all. I belong to the dark moon pack and my father is a very close friend of the king. I simply love the king and queen; they are simply the best of the best people, but I can't say the same for his stupid son. Such arrogance should be banned even for us Lycans. I mean come on I understand we are Lycans and all-powerful immortals... we live forever and there are few things that can kill us but to be this arrogant they should award him; it does take a dumb mind. Though I love his younger sister Susan and brother Jonathan, but him, I steer away from his path at all costs.

Knock knock....

Oh, hell I think I have been daydreaming for some time. There goes my life.

'Mia, I know you are awake I can hear your heartbeat', said my best friend, Liza.

'Yea I'm awake as if I can ignore you sweetheart', I said to her sarcastically.

I got up lazily and opened the door for her. Me and Liza have been best friends for like forever. We have the same birthdays and are like sisters. As I am my parents' only daughter, so Liza is like a sister. We share, we fight, we have fun, hunt together, and still do girl's PJ nights. I think you are never too old to have a night dedicated to all spicy gossip.

'Mia, don't you dare lie down again. You promised me that we will be going for a hunt. We have to go early, or the stupid males will have all the fun'. She said quickly before I could lie down again and pushed me to the bathroom.

You see Lycan werewolves in their prime are super possessive, be it their hunt or their mates. Once a Lycan sees an animal and has started to chase it, only an unfortunate soul will be in his way. So, we females tend to avoid those ruffians as much as we can. Especially those who have not yet reached their prime yet like me and Liza. Right now, we are vulnerable to the pack. Only when we turn twenty-five will we be considered of some use and not a liability. Most males reach their prime at the age of 30 and females at the age of 25. We call it a prime because that's when we reach immortality and before that, we are prone to death. So that's a scary thought. Liza and I will be turning 25 next week. In fact, it will be just a day after the queen's birthday.

After doing my routine I came out all dressed up to see her reading an invitation card.

'Hey, you didn't tell me you got the invitation to the queen's 500th birthday party, she said.

"I know, just got it yesterday. Mom is super excited and has been planning my birthday too. I told her I will not celebrate it without you, so I am dragging you with me to the palace. After the hunt, we will go do some shopping and then I am going to open my bookstore".

"Yes! It will be super fun. Oh, God! I am so excited I can't wait. I hope we will both find our mates there", she said, but then looked at my face and amended.

"Yes, yes. I know we live forever, and you are young and don't want to be tied up to a mate but me, I can't wait for it. All I have ever wished for is to find my other half." She said dreamily, while I quickly dressed myself into a cute t-shirt and shorts.

"Ookayyy good for you but just keep me out of your wishes. They are too dangerous for me. I haven't even seen the whole world and experienced the thrill of life. Just imagine the horror to find your mate right after reaching your prime. That will be the time when I will finally be free to do anything I please, be as reckless and adventurous as I can be. So, adding a possessive male in my life is not the equation I want", I told her while getting out of the house and reaching the tree line.

Stripping out of our clothes and shifting to our Lycan we stretched out and sniffed our prey to hunt. With all my instincts and senses sharpened, I found my prey in no time. Pointing towards the west I told Liza to follow me and we started our hunt. I tried to steer clear from the male Lycans' path and avoid them. It is not that we hunt every day, of course not, we prefer cooked food over raw any day. But our Lycans also needs to hunt once in a while to have its urges tamed or else, we will go wild and that's not a pretty picture.

After the hunt, we went home to fresh up and then went to the human mall to bought our dresses. I am not much of a fan of shopping, but Mom's orders are orders. She would love to shop for me but I don't trust her choice, it's a bit on a daring side. It took us hours to find our dresses but it was worth it. They were simply gorgeous. Tired, I said bye to Liza as she dropped me home.  Stashing my shopping bags in the room, I saw the time and it was 12 past ten. Seeing it was so late, I rushed towards my bookstore which is just a ten minutes' walk away. I am the proud owner of a bookshop with a little café in it. I love to read and collect books, so my choice of profession did not come as a surprise to my parents and friends.

After spending the whole day there and doing all the tallies of the newly delivered books, I was famished and in desperate need of mom's cooking in my tummy. Quickly closing the shop, I sprinted to my home, opening the door and saying hi to my mom and dad in the kitchen, I ran straight to my room for a much-needed hot shower. Changing into my comfortable pyjamas I walked out of my walk in closet. My eyes inadvertently landed on the invitation card that was lying on my bed and my mind went to that person whom I haven't seen for the last ten years but heard a lot about.

Alexander Romero is next in line to the king and a player heartbreaker. Well, he was when I last saw him. I had a little girl crush on him, but seeing his ways and actions, I got over my crush like a tsunami. I have heard that he has found his match three years back. According to Susan, she is perfect but not his mate. She has perfect hair, perfect body, and perfect fit for her brother. Well, I can't wait to meet her. The one who has tamed a famous playboy. Hmm, that would be an interesting sight.

Hello readers, if you are reading this then please do let me know whether you like it or not. I will really appreciate the comments. Thank you!!❤

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