
By thelittleblackghost

98.8K 3.1K 1.5K

Ian x Female Reader (Y/n) = Your Name (H/l) = Hair length (H/c) = Hair Color (E/c) = Eye Color I OWN NOTHING... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Birthday!
Chapter 3: The New Me
Chapter 4: Going on a Quest
Chapter 5: The Manticore's Tavern
Chapter 6: A New Friendship
Chapter 7: Sprites
Chapter 8: High Speed Chase
Chapter 9: The Argument
Chapter 10: The Trust Bridge
Chapter 11: Running From the Cops
Chapter 12: The Final Gauntlet
Chapter 13: The Curse

Chapter 14: The Battle

7.2K 243 126
By thelittleblackghost


The dragon eyes the gem in Barley's hand and started to advance towards him.

"Barley, (Y/n), run!" Ian shouted.

Barley quickly hopped off the fountain, and he and (Y/n) started running away from the giant stone dragon.

"What do you want? The gem? Fine, take it!" Barley yelled throwing it bro the bushes. The dragon went after the gem, and (Y/n) and Barley ran towards Ian and their dad.

"Haha!" Barley yelled, pulling the Phoenix Gem out from his jacket. The 'gem' he threw into the bushes was actually the piece of Guinevere that he had saved.

The dragon had figured this out and became angry. It sent a blast of fire between Barley and (Y/n) and Ian and their dad. The dragon suddenly launched at Ian, but was then hit with  something causing it to be knocked on its side.

Corey and Laurel came swooping in. Corey brandished her sword at let out a mighty roar.

"The Manticore!" Barley shouted happily.

"Mom?" Ian asked surprisingly.

"It's okay boys, we'll take care...woah, you're tilting, you're tilting!"

"Mom!" Ian shouted.

"Go see your father!" She called to them.

"It's okay, if they stab the beasts' core with that sword, the curse will be broken." Barley explained. "Come on!"

The boys and (Y/n) ran off to cast the spell while Corey and Laurel kept it distracted. Corey managed to slice its wings off, and it fell to the ground.


"Barley, what I said before...I am so sorry." Ian apologized.

"There's no time, the sun is about to set!" Barley placed the gem into the staff.

"Only once is all we get, grant me this rebirth. Till tomorrow's sun has set, one day to walk the earth!"


"Time to crush a curse!" Corey swooped down and went to stab the dragons core, but she got hit with its tail last minute and they went crashing to the ground.

"Ooh, my back!" Corey winced.

Laurel looked up and saw that the dragon was heading towards the kids. She picked up the Curse Crusher and took her glasses off.

"I am a mighty warrior."

She charged forward and jumped on the dragons back. She looked down to where the dragons core is.

"I am a mighty warrior!" She cried. She stabbed the sword through the dragon hitting the core enough for it to freeze.

"Hurry! I can't hold this for long!" She called to them.


The Phoenix Gem started to float out of the staff and the force started pushing Ian back.

"No, no, no! Guys help!"

Barley and (Y/n) rushed forward and helped steady him until the gem stopped forcing them back and started to form their dad.


Meanwhile, Laurel could no longer keep the sword in place and was thrown off of it. She landed on the ground and the sword got buried in a pile of rubble.

"Kids! It's coming back!" She warned them.

"I'll go distract it." Barley volunteered.

"What? No! If you do that you'll miss dad." Ian reminded him.

"It's ok. Say hi to dad for me." He replied.

"No. You go and say goodbye." Ian said.


"I had someone who looked out for me. Someone who pushed me to be more than I ever thought I could be. I never had a dad, but I always had you." Ian told him.

He then raised his staff and charged forward.

"I'll go help Ian. Good luck Barley." (Y/n) said following after him.

"'Bridgrigar Invisia!'" Ian created the invisible bridge underneath his feet and charged at the dragon.

"'Boombastia!'" Ian shouted, sending fireworks into the dragons face.

The dragon tried to swipe at Ian with its tail, but Ian slid under it. The dragon went to strike again, but Ian cast the levitation spell stopping it in place.


Meanwhile, (Y/n) was climbing up the debris pile where the sword went to go and retrieve it. She stuck her hand into an opening and reached for it.


The dragon managed to swing Ian up into the air and he lost the grip on his staff. He landed hard on the ground and the staff flew over the cliff and into the water.


The dragon turned toward a Barley and started waking over to him, nearly stepping on Ian in the process.

"No! No, no, no!" Ian screamed. "Use what I have. Uh, what do I have? I have nothing." He looked down at his hand and saw a splinter in it. "Splinter! Magic in every fiber." He pulled the splinter out.

"Magnora Gantuan!" The splinter grew bigger until it was about the size of his old staff.

Ian saw the dragon getting closer to Barley.

"No! Voltar Thundasir!" He bellowed and a huge blast of lightning shot at the dragon and hit its side, blowing it up and exposing the core.

(Y/n) had just managed to grab the end of the sword and pulled it out of the rubble.

"Ian!" She shouted, and tossed the sword at him.

"Accelior!" Ian cast the magic on the sword in mid air and it flew at the beast landing right in the core.

The beast exploded and Ian collapsed dropping his staff.

"Ian!" (Y/n) ran over to his side, and knelt down next to him just as the two were encased in rubble.

"Ian! Ian wake up!" The girl shook him and Ian sat up with a gasp.

"Oh, thank goodness you're alive!" She wrapped her arms around him in a bone crushing hug.

"(Y/n)! You're okay! Thanks for the help back there." Ian said.

"Of course. Here let me help you up." She put his arm over her shoulder and helped him to a standing position.

Light started peering in between the cracks of the debris and the two made their way over to a peeky hole to see what was going on.

On top of the hill, Wilden had fully appeared and was talking to Barley. They couldn't hear what they were saying, but at some point Wilden let out a laugh, and wrapped his arms around Barley and hugged him. Barley hugged back and then Wilden disappeared. Barley wiped his nose and started making his way back down the hill.

"Uh, hey, (Y/n)?" Ian said.

"Yeah Ian?"

"Um...hypothetically speaking...if I were to...ask you out on a date...what would your answer have been-?"

Ian was cut off by (Y/n) wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips to his. Ian's eyes widened in shock, before he closed them and wrapped his arms around her waist.

The two broke apart and gasped for air. "So, is that a yes?" Ian asked.

(Y/n) giggled. "Yes. I would love to go out with you Ian."

"Took you long enough!" The two jumped apart to see Barley staring down at them.

"Barley! How long have you been standing there?" (Y/n) asked.

"Long enough to see that I was right." Barley smiled smugly before extending his hand to help them out of the rubble.

"What did he say?" Ian asked.

"He said his always thought his wizard name would be Wilden the Whimsical." Barley replied.

"Wow. That's really terrible." Ian commented.

"I know." Barley agreed. "He also said he's very proud of the person you grew up to be."

"Well, I owe an awful lot of that to you." Ian told him.

"He kinda said that too. Oh, and he told me to give you this." Barley wrapped his arms around Ian and hugged him. Ian wrapped his arms around Barley and hugged him back.


"Long ago, the world was full of wonder. It was adventurous, exciting, and best of all, there was magic."

The Manticores tavern was now open again, and it looked more medieval than before. Corey was reenacting the defeat of the dragon.

"And then, with a slash of my mighty sword, I severed the beast's wings from its wretched body!" Corey shouted and blew fire from her mouth which lit some candles in a birthday cake. "Okay, who wants cake?" She asked.


"And I think, with a little bit of magic in your life, you can do almost anything."

Ian was giving this speech in front of his class, his staff leaning against the chalkboard.

"Is that how you put the school back together?" One student asked.

"Uh, yes." He answered.

"Isn't that also how you destroyed the school in the first place?" Another asked.

"Uh, also yes." Ian said sheepishly.

The bell rang and the class cleared out. (Y/n) walked up to Ian and wrapped her arm around his waist. He gave her a kiss hello and placed his arm around her shoulder.

"That was great!" Their friend group came up and surrounded them.

"Thanks" Ian replied.

"You going to the park later?" One of them asked.

"Yeah! See you there." (Y/n) replied.

They left the classroom leaving (Y/n) and Ian alone.

"Well, shall we my beautiful warrior maiden?" Ian playfully asked.

"We certainly shall my handsome elf wizard." She replied kissing his cheek.

She started to walk out of the classroom but Ian pulled her back.

"You missed." Ian pouted.


"You missed. You kissed my cheek, not my lips." Ian told her.

(Y/n) playfully rolled her eyes but kissed him on the lips anyway.

"Happy now?" She asked.

"Yes, let's go." Ian grabbed her hand and laced their fingers together and they both headed back to Ian's house.


When they walked into the door they both immediately got attacked by Blazey.

"Blazey! Down!" Laurel scolded.

Ian rubbed the dragons belly. "Who's a good dragon? Who's a good dragon?"

"So, how was school you two?" Laurel asked.

"It was really good." Ian said subtly glancing at (Y/n) who blushed.

"Well alright." Laurel replied knowingly.

"Hey, there they are. You working hard?" Colt appeared hiding a cup of coffee.

"No, hardly workin'" Ian replied. Making Colt do his weird laugh.

"Oh, I gotta go. I'm meeting the Manticore for a night out." Laurel said, picking up an axe and lifting it into her shoulder.

Colt's radio went off, saying there was an issue. "Duty calls, time to hit the trails." Colt said.

"Oh, you forgot your keys!" Laurel called.

"Don't need em. I was born to run. Hyah!" Colt sped down the street, his hair blowing in the wind.

Ian was watching from the doorway when he was suddenly pulled back by Barley who put him in a choke hold. Ian flipped him over his shoulder and Barley let out a laugh.

"So, how's the new van?" (Y/n) asked as the three exited the house.

"Oh. Guinevere the second is great. I've almost got enough saved up for a sweet paint job."

"No, please don't." Ian said.

"Why not?" Barley asked.

"Because we already took care of it." Ian told him, gesturing to the van.

On the side, there was a picture of Ian, Barley and (Y/n) on the side of it riding a unicorn. Barley was in front, holding a sword, and ian was behind him holding his staff, and (Y/n) was brandishing a shield, and wearing a warrior outfit.

"Oh, yeah!" Barley exclaimed in joy.

The van pulled out of the driveway.

"Okay, best way to the park is to take a little something called the Road of Ruin." Barley informed them.

"Uh...it's too obvious." (Y/n) said.

"Wait, what?" Barley asked confused.

"On a quest, the clear path is never the right one." Ian recited.

He then cast a spell on the van making it fly. He van flew out into the sky. Forever going Onward.


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