[Friend of a Friend] PJO x Ma...

Oleh Juliet_Nebula

43.7K 1.2K 472

Doctor Strange was always fond of having some aces up his sleeve, and keeping tabs on Percy Jackson felt like... Lebih Banyak

[Prologue: Tony Stark needs a Life]
[1. No, Mr. Stark]
[2. Pardon the interruption]
[3. The Science Tutor]
[4. You're Gonna Fail]
[5. The Mystery of the Jacksons]
[6. You're not a Detective, Ned]
[7. Nightmare at the Parker Apartment]
[9. Demigod in Space]
[10. One in Fourteen Million]
[11. What Would Annabeth Do]
[12. Cremation For Dummies]
[13. Awake from the Nightmare]
[14. When the World Shattered]

[8. The Flying Donut]

2.6K 89 20
Oleh Juliet_Nebula

  Percy wasn't all that thrilled for another day of school, and he definitely didn't hide that fact. Walking into the building he already put a glare on his face. He didn't really know anyone at his school, didn't exactly care to get to know them either. The less mortals he befriended, the better.

  It had been only a few months since Tartarus and the final battle against Gaia, not even close to enough time to recover from it all. Annabeth was able to distract herself in her schoolwork and her aspirations to be an architect, but Percy soon realized that he didn't have any distractions. Camp was his distraction, but he couldn't go back yet. He had to focus on school, unfortunately he was never known to be one to focus.

"Mr. Jackson?"

Percy looked up from his desk and stared at the teacher, "Mmhm?"

"Do you know the answer to question five?"

As it turned out, that was one of the questions that Peter was able to help him with. "Uh, -0.28 meters per second squared."

The teacher nodded, "Good job."

Percy couldn't hide the small grin from his face, usually he'd guess random numbers and be greeted with a disappointed glare. Peter was definitely proving to be helpful, he'd dumb everything down enough for Percy to understand. Sometimes they'd go word-by-word to avoid the letters from scrambling up too much.

"Attention staff and students, we are going on lockdown. Please remain in your classrooms and all students in the halls please go to the nearest classroom. There is no threat inside the school. I repeat, we are on lockdown."

Percy didn't think his classmates were capable of mass panic, but after that announcement it seemed like he was proven wrong.


"This can't be happening!"

One student, one of the football players, stood up with his phone in his hand, "There's an alien invasion!"

Alien.. what?

Percy looked at the kid next to him, his phone also playing the live footage of a circular spaceship attacking the city. It wasn't like any monsters from Greek Mythology, but it was definitely an issue. Would Percy have to do anything? Probably not, seeing as he was locked away in his classroom.

"Okay everyone, let's all line up and quietly go into the back room. We don't know if these aliens are nearby or if we're safe yet, so please remain calm and orderly."

Students stood up and started filing into the back room, Percy stared out the window, he then snuck behind the teacher's desk to avoid the teacher from realizing he wasn't with the rest of the group. Once the door to the back room was closed, Percy stood up and quickly took his pen from his pocket and opened the emergency exit window. He double checked that no one was there watching, then hopped out and onto the ground. He was suddenly grateful that his Physics class was not upstairs.

He didn't honestly know where to go, or even if these creatures were something he could even fight with Riptide. These Aliens weren't exactly monsters, so he'd likely have to resort to using water to kill them somehow.

"Okay Percy, if you were a crazy alien invading the earth, where would you go?" He heard a loud crash nearby. He sighed, "Over there, I guess."

He started running, he pulled his hood over his head to at least attempt to hide his identity, then arrived at the place he heard the crash. It was in the middle of the streets, cars were being thrown and the destruction was more than Percy had ever seen in New York. He hid at the corner of one of the buildings and watched as two aliens fought against a group of people. The avengers, probably. Percy sighed a breath of relief, he wouldn't have to fight after all.

  Upon closer inspection though, Percy saw someone he had wished he'd never have to see again. Doctor Strange stood there, yellow glowing symbols on his hands. Another man stood next to him with the same symbols, and two other men were there. Percy watched as the battle commenced, one of the men had a iron man suit forming around him. Tony Stark, definitely.

  Percy stepped back and frowned, the battle was being taken elsewhere as Iron Man was thrown through the streets. He needed to get out of there, it wasn't his battle to fight. Doctor Strange was still fighting on of the aliens, he was struggling. Percy groaned and ran over, he was still a decent distance away from the alien. He clicked Riptide and watched as it formed into a sword in his hand, then stepped behind the alien as silently as possible. The wizard and his friend stared at Percy in utter confusion.

  Percy swung Riptide, it phased right through the alien. "Well, that's not good..."

  "Percy what the hell are you doing?!" Doctor Strange yelled, "Why did your sword just-"

  "Yeah, about that..." Percy transformed his sword back into its pen form and started running as the alien tried attacking him. Doctor Strange ran over in front of Percy. "I uh, the sword doesn't work on mortals. I guess the alien is mortal? Or something?"

  Doctor Strange sighed, "Got any other party tricks up your sleeve?!"

  Percy looked over at the sewer cover and nodded, "You aren't gonna like it."

  "Look kid, I'll take anything at this point."

  The alien tried attacking again, but Doctor Strange was able to counter the attack. Percy raised his arm and felt the familiar tug in his gut, the alien stared with a glare. The sewer water quickly rose from the sewers and engulfed the alien within it. It wouldn't take long for the alien to break free though, but it saved them some time.

  "Now or never," Percy glanced over at Doctor Strange. "Do the portal thing."

  The wizard nodded and began the portal, but the alien broke free from the water quicker than Percy expected. He shot an attack at Percy, Doctor Strange used the portal he just made to block it. He looked over at Percy and frowned, "Run."

  Percy furrowed his brows and nodded, he darted back and watched as Doctor Strange created a sparky lasso that flung the alien near him. This didn't end up working in his favor, as he was corned on a building and trapped. It was too high up for Percy to reach, he couldn't do anything.

  Percy couldn't hear what was being said, but the two flung to the ground. Strange's hands were restricted and a rope like thing constricted his body. Percy slowly advanced forward, but then Strange's cape flew him away rapidly. It was too quick for Percy to do anything, he could only watch as the spaceship created a beam that flung him up into the ship.

  Doctor Strange and the alien were gone. Percy rubbed his temples in frustration, he'd never battled actual aliens before. He needed to find a different sword.


  Doctor Strange had been having a very long day. Getting captured by Aliens didn't exactly help that, but thanks to Tony Stark and his little sidekick, he was freed. He couldn't even understand what happened himself, but all he knew was that he needed to protect the stone at all costs.

  "Turn the ship around."

  Tony rolled his eyes and walked forwards, "Yeah, now he wants to run! Great."

  "I want to protect the stone," His cape returned to him.

  "And I want you to thank me now," Tony was walking away from him, "Go ahead, I'm listening."

  Stephen groaned, he slowly followed him. "For what? Nearly blasting me into space?"

  Tony turned around, "Who saved your magical ass? Me!"

  Stephen didn't like Tony all that much. He'd always been a very pretentious man, meeting him wasn't any different. "I seriously don't know how you fit that head into your helmet."

  Tony turned back around, "Admit it, you should've done what I told you to do. I tried to bench you and you refused."

  Bench him? Yeah, funny. Stephen wasn't just going to sit back and watch everything unfold.

  "Unlike everyone else in your life, I don't work for you." He'd rather be captured still if it meant he didn't have to put up with Tony's bullshit.

  "And due to that fact, we're now on a flying donut, billions of miles from earth with no backup."

  Backup. Right...

  "I'm backup!" The other guy raised his arm up, Tony didn't seem so enthused.

  "No, you're a stowaway. The adults are talking."

  Who even was this kid? He looked young, but why was he even up in space at all?

  "I'm sorry I'm confused as to the relationship here, what is he, your ward?" He needed to get Percy there, but he barely had the strength yet.

  "No, I'm Peter by the way!"

  "Doctor Strange."

  "Oh... we're using our made up names! Uhm, I'm Spider-Man then." He seemed so confident in his response, Stephen could only stare at him. He was surrounded by idiots.

  He raised his arms, "You want backup?" He began the spell, watching as Tony and Peter stared at him in confusion. "I can offer only one person at the moment."

  The portal appeared, he only had enough strength to leave it open for a few seconds. He pulled the kid through the portal and watched as it closed as soon as the kid was fully through.

  "Excuse me? Who is-"

  "Hey hey! What do you think you're doing, transporting people into space, I mean-" Percy turned around and faced the three of them. His hood had fallen off his head, he stared at one person in particular. "Uhh, doc?"

  "What?" Stephen was almost forgetting that Percy wasn't much better than the other two idiots.

  "What're they doing here?"

  Peter quickly put his mask on, confusing Stephen and Tony even more.

  "Peter, I still know it's you."

  Peter took his mask off and sighed, "Why did you bring Percy here?"

  "Oh, so you two are already acquainted. Lovely." Stephen began walking to the controls of the ship, "Percy gave me an unbreakable oath recently that if the world was in peril, he'd come to my aid. This is just him following through, isn't that right?"

  "Uhh, yeah... about that," Percy rubbed the back of his neck, "This is kind of, well, away from Earth, so technically-"

  "Just because we aren't on earth doesn't mean it isn't in danger. We have to be here to save it."

  "Right, but how am I supposed to fight if my sword won't work on them... and, well, I'm not seeing any water..."

  "What, that's the only trick up your sleeve? You've become infamous for a useless sword and water?" Stephen frowned, "The body is made up of water. Cant you just attack from the inside?"

  Percy hesitated, a dark shadow loomed on his face. "Look, Just because I can, doesn't mean that I will. I promised my girlfriend that I'd never do that ever again."

  "Aww, teen romance. Get over it, you're here now and I don't have the strength to send you back, so you're gonna have to pretend she won't ever know."

  "I'm sorry-" Tony stepped forward, "Why did you bring a random teenager here? What's the relationship here, your ward?"

  Stephen rolled his eyes, "This is Percy Jackson. Greek demigod, son of... who was it again?"

  Percy's eyes darted between Stephen and Peter, he sighed, "Poseidon."

  "Right. Son of Poseidon. He's infamous among the Greeks, fought in several wars and survived the depths of Tartarus. I spoke with him recently after hearing of his endeavors, made sure I was able to keep him in check so he wouldn't be a problem later on. I figured that if you got to bring your random teenager, I could too."

  "Demigod?!" Peter's eyes were wide as he stared at Percy.

  "I told you I was Greek," Percy shrugged.

  "So, Greek mythology really is real?!?!" Peter grinned, "I was right, Mr Stark! Man, can't believe I met a Greek demigod before I could even meet Thor!"

  "Okay, stop with your fangirling and listen," Stephen made sure all three of them were watching him, "this ship is on autopilot. We need to figure out where it's going."

  Percy looked over at him, he walked up to Stephen and whispered, "Dude, I literally am no help here unless I can get a new sword or something. Demigods usually aren't, y'know, stuck in space."

  "Well, if you'd like then we can go out to the nearest alien planet in search of a blacksmith. Or, you can try to find water." Stephen looked away, focusing on the controls, "I brought you here for a reason, don't think I brought you here just because I had no better options."

  Percy frowned, Stephen didn't want to know what was going on in that kids head. He just hoped his whim was right.


Boom. Infinity war :)
I don't know if I ever specified that this would cover the events of infinity war or not? Anyways, I feel like I really ruined the pacing, but I wanted everything to just suddenly descend into chaos.
I didn't proofread yet, as this is a super long chapter and I'm tired, so I'll probably do that tomorrow haha.

See you all soon <3



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