~Love For Asmodeus~ {A Helluv...

由 Cyrilwolf

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Happy Valentines Day! Today I present to you my latest Valentines day story of a new pairing I've created, It... 更多

~Asmodeus's News~
~The Beginning Of a Plan~
~The Big Day~
~First Date~
~Any Thoughts To Come~
~Second Date~
~For Tomorrow~
~Third Date~
~Sneaked out~
~Plans For Tonight~
~Last Date~


389 9 0
由 Cyrilwolf

Filimena was asleep in her own bed, peacefully under the moonlight shining through the window, the covers were keeping her warm, and the lava lamp lit up part of the room, Filimena turns over to the side, she took a peek by slightly opening one of her eyes, seeing Asmodeus still passed out and sleeping on her sofa, his colorful made it noticeable for her to see, she still smiles and closes her eyes again, comforting herself under the warm think covers, and lays her head on the soft pillows.

The room was dark again, as Filimena slept through the quiet room, she then scents something sweet, and felt the coldness hitting in the room, she slightly opens her eyes, notices the same colorful fog around her again, turns out, she's back in her own dream world, she heard the same smooth laughter in the room, she slowly gets up, wondering what's next in store for her tonight, and hopefully no interruptions this time, she Then spots a spotlight in the center of the room, she follows it, shortly after making it, it shuts off, the fog follows as well, wrapping around her, it changes her appearance into her dress, the one she wore at Lucifer's anniversary party, and at the nightclub, but the outfit was a bit different, the dress was more sensual than how it is, she wanders around the room, trying to find something, until the laughter came back once again, the fog reveals a new area of the dream, she turns her direction to that area, and was suddenly greeted by the sight of Dream Asmodeus, he wears his tuxedo from tonight, like Filimena, his was also different, having his front part completely open, showing off his bare chest, he has on his gentle smirk, eyes filled with lust, staring down to the Love spirit, Filimena looks up as she comes to him, Asmodeus's arms were behind his back, and his feathers move in a brief motion.

"Welcome back~ All dressed I see, well, brace yourself now, we've arrived to our stop~"

He lend his hands to hers, leading her inside a small building, a fancy bar, with a neon pink sign that glows, Filimena still looks around at the atmosphere, knowing for sure, it's only a dream, but a beautiful dream, they got inside, revealing the inside, Asmodeus picks her up, and then threw her to one of the bar stools, she bounces on one, landing right in front of the bar table, Asmodeus walks over and sat down too, the drinks magically appeared as they settle in, both looked down at the steaming pink beverages upfront, they grab each of their glasses.

"Cheers for this fine, and an outstanding night~"

Asmodeus said as he held his glass to Filimena, she smiles and clanks the glasses together, and both took their sips. Filimena felt the same spicy, yet sweet after taste on the drink, Asmodeus finishes his before she could complete hers. He then looks over to the Love spirit, and suddenly for Filimena, felt something stroking onto his back, she turns around to see Asmodeus doing it.

"You look pretty tense, any reason as to why that is?"

He asked, Filimena looks up to him, blushed, she doesn't see tense or anything, she's at the moment, had something in her mind, like confusion, or even puzzled about everything, whatever if it's real or just in her imagination.

"I..I'm just...It's only the puzzles in my head, that I'm trying to figure out, I...Don't know How I can confront about this, it's only two days away before..Valentines day, and I don't know how I'm going to make it effect beforehand, I..Don't know How he's gonna respond to this, I don want this to go wrong, but I don't want to lie to him, it's all really confusing."

Filimena rubs the side of her head, until she felt Asmodeus's head travel to her chin, it then tilts her vision to him, seeing his charming smirk, she stood there in silence, always staring down deep into those hollow green eyes.

"There's never always a complicate manner you can't bare to hide, when it has something to do with me, don't let these silly thought hit ou and just let it out, like the desirable screams that's just waiting to set free, here, how about a little "refreshment" for you to clear off your head~"

He then gets up, and pulls her over to another way of the room, they paused their steps, Filimena was wondering where he's taking her, and where they are now, until a spotlight comes to life, flashes onto re both of them, and then a jukebox appearance, and Asmodeus kicks it to play. Asmodeus instantly, and slowly starts to warm up by tapping his shoes onto the ground, he bops through the catchy tunes, and then spins Filimena around, the Love spirit started to feel dizzy from that strong spin, Asmodeus continued, as he dances off, claps his hands, and tilts his hat, Filimena turns and stares at the lust lord, doing all those moves to appease her, and get her to dance with him was really making Filimena blushed even harder than how she felt it before.

Asmodeus started to sing a tune, to really set the mood, as he moves his hips, his feather swing, and his fingers snaps, along with the taps of his shoe, Filimena bops her head too, smiling to this little standoff, almost getting into the vibes Asmodeus is getting, Asmodeus's vocals were like a call of a siren, or perhaps an incubus,  luring her to come to him, and it was both sweet, and jazzy.

Filimena swings her tail, has her eyes closed, keeping her dazzling smile on her face, she floats over to the lust lord, the music goes more intense as both of them started to dance together, colorful lights flashed, and music notes were all over, the blue and pink fog surrounds them both, making the room all over cold, but fits the scenery. Filimena begins to sing as well with him, having a duet as the two were bopping and vibing over the instrumental tunes of the music.

It was the most incredible showdown Filimena had set herself into, even if this was only a dream, a wonderful dream, it still was the best she'd been in. Once the performance was over, Asmodeus grabs her, spins her, and finally dips her, the lights dim and go down, the rave colors slowly faded to black, and the fog leaves, all that's left in the room was darkness, and only one single spotlight that shines onto them, both of them open their eyes, filled with grace, and passion, Filimena smiles, she chuckles, Asmodeus lifts her back up.

"Exceptional work! Never thought you got the moves, and got the voice!"

Asmodeus said ethusitically, spins her around again, Filimena still laughs as he teases her some more.

"Hehe, It's not much, it was only for fun."

Filimena stopped spinning as she looks back up to him, his tall figure doesn't intimidate her at all, instead, she's more calm and confident around him, the dream version, Asmodeus chuckles.

"Not just for fun, but for losing yourself from all the stress and anxiety you got, now, before we settle this here for tonight, I do like to make one thing to say to you, before you wake you, can you promise on that?"

"Oh, sure, what is it?"

Asmodeus uses his finger to signal her to come closer, she did as he bends down his knees, and whispers to her ear.

"Don't be afraid to take this chance, ignore those around, and you'll get what you want."

Filimena agrees to take that request, that promise she can keep for him, Asmodeus smiles, knowing she accepted this deed, finishing off, he gently takes her by the hand for the last time, before kisses her hand, as he disappears into sparkling dusts of fog, leaving into the darkness, Filimena was the only one here in the spotlight, alone, but she wasn't scared, she's now more confident in her mind than she thought she would be, her horns and the hearts on both sides of her face lit up, glowing pink, she closed her eyes, before opening them back up, the sight around her comes back to reality.

She wakes up back into her bed, and sees the sun shining through the window, looks like she finally got the peaceful sleep for once this week after all, she's pretty happy about that, she yawns a little and turns her head to see that Asmodeus was still asleep on her sofa, Filimena gets up, stretches out her limbs before putting her slippers on, she makes her way to him, still seeing him, and his doze face, she softly shakes his shoulder to wake him up, hoping he's not totally dead asleep.

Asmodeus groans as his eyes comes back to life, lifting his eyelids, showing off once more of his glowing eyes, his vision was blurry at first, but they quickly came back, the sight was of Filimena, she was staring at him, she notices him waking up.


"Good morning sleepyhead, rest well?"

Asmodeus leans up a little, his head starts to hurt as he did so, he groans more and rubs his two fingers onto his forehead, his head spins so much, it felt that it would explode at any minute now.

"Ah...God..W-What Happened?.."

"Oh, you passed out after drinking too much, so I had to take you over to my place to rest, I couldn't let you travel home in the condition you were in, but don't fear, I did tell Fizz about it last night, he agreed to that idea, he had to stay in for the night somewhere, and he'll later pick you up. But please, don't move, you have have a headache, I'll go fix you something to drink, I'll be right back."

She leaves him alone to head out of her room to prepare something for him, Asmodeus gets up fully, sitting on the sofa he was laying, he looks around the pink room, he wasn't in all familiar to his surroundings, he sees a bunch of cutesy things like heart-related products, plushies, potions, pastel furniture, a bedroom TV with DVDs, romantic books, and also a chart board.

"Man, so much to make both my eyes bleed out."

He said to himself, wiping his eyes, Filimena came back inside the room, she held on two glasses of water, on it were mint leaves, one for her, and another for Asmodeus, she comes to him, and hands him over his cup.

"Here you go, something to refresh you day."

Asmodeus grabs the cup, and took a huge sip out of it, even catching the mint leaves.

"Thanks, so, this is really your place? There's a bunch of hearts and many cute things in here."

"Hehe, yep, I know, kinda embarrassing, but It's my style, Its not much, I still do like it."

Asmodeus get up from the sofa, he starts to wander around the room. He looks through the products of the room, Filimena wonders what he's doing, but she didn't do anything, the Lord looks around, he picks up one of the DVDs.

"Jeez, you watch this? What's this, romance, romantic comedy classics, love novels, goodness me, you have quite a lot here, all these "lovey-dovey" crap."

He felt disgusted while looking at these, Filimena felt embarrassed, she floats over and grabs one off his hand.

"Oh! Hehehe, y-yeah, it's nothing, really, just like these types of films."

"Well, maybe I'll have to get you some of those rated-X films then, just to show you what real films are."

"Oh..Ehh, hehe, you don't need to do that."

Asmodeus still looks around, looks at the plushie dolls, and also the posters.

"Now I know why you don't talk about your place that much, this place is like walking into a children's room, or maybe one of those girly shops."

"Heh, yeah, first ever time you're in my room really, and the only place I hope he won't find is the closet."

She whispers the last part, she stared back at the closet, where Asmodeus was in front, hoping for some reason he won't ask what's inside the closet, that's where she keeps her "personal" matters inside, even she won't let May in there either.

Asmodeus picks up one of the books, As Filimena cautiously watches him, she then heard some arguing from outside, it was coming from her window she floats over to see what was going on, she saw two demons, a couple, who seem to be arguing, and slurring their words at each other, they seem to be arguing about each of them not listening, or one of them very isn't always there, Filimena watched this heated fight, even Asmodeus sees what Filimena was doing, he coming over to see what she's doing.

"Hey, everything alright, what's happening?"

Filimena turned over.

"Oh, it's nothing, just a couple fighting here."

Asmodeus peeks down to see the two demons, instead of feeling worry, he just casually smirks.

"Heh, would you look at this, a typical couple about to break up over some stupid reason that's causing it, this is likely my show to see."

Filimena didn't agree to Asmodeus sarcastic statement, but then she got an idea.

"Well, not until they see the problem themselves, and they'll instantly break off the fight, and make up!"

She said as she spawns our her magic, and Then shoots some at the couple, the couple stopped and looked at each other, they smiled and held onto their hands together, apologizing, switching into more positive chatting, they happily walked away, rethinking their mistakes, Filimena feels a bit better after that, But Asmodeus was a little annoyed, he side-looks at her.

"You know, you do not always have to match up demons all the time with your matchmaking powers, even if they need it or not."

He walks off, Filimena turns around at him, confused to what he meant by that.

"Oh, what do you mean? You know it's my ability, I'm a Cupid, in the underworld, you do know it, right?"

"Yeah yeah I know, but I mean really, seeing all these sweet romantic stuff really ticks me off, like seeing all the "kisses on the cheek", and all the "hand holding" and don't even with all those pet talks, jeez! Like get a room or something."

Filimena doesn't like how Asmodeus was talking badly about couples, and things that Filimena loves, the whole point of her liking romance in the first place, was that she loves seeing demons truly in love for who they are, and not just for the looks, she believe true beauty, and even true love in the underworld, she is aware the Hell is suppose to be a place where there's no happiness, love, or kindness shared here, but in her purpose, she wanted to change that, to hopefully see for the better, she can make love, even there isn't.

It is normal for Asmodeus to make fun of love a lot, given he's the lust lord, and that, lust is way different than love, Filimena does feel a little upset when he does that sometimes, but she couldn't say anything back, and she wanted to respect his choices or opinions.

"Yeah, but I do still think it's a nice way for sinners, or any kind of demon find happiness in life, even in their love lives, it does matter we should always see the good, sometimes it hides away the bad things."

"That's something you understand, but not for me, love is only for those weak, sad, and filthy wash-ups who don't even deserve love, and yet they are cursed to get it, and it's all because of a "Cupid" is illegally giving it out."

"..That really hurt my feelings Asmodeus.."

Asmodeus saw her face, she was a little hurt by it, seems his ranting was almost putting Filimena on edge for a moment, he did feel a little guilty to bring all that up, even in front of her, sure, most of the things he said were true to him, but if it really matters to his friend, then he should've been more understanding.

"..I, No, That's not..S-Sorry, Didn't mean to take it out like that, not at you I mean, but, i can't help it, I'm a lust lord, and that's how I do, you understand what I was getting, right?"

Filimena still feels a little upset, but she understands what he meant, and nods.

"Y-Yeah, I understand."

Filimena couldn't bare to hear him talk negatively about what she loves the most, given this is Hell, she still feels it wasn't right, then, Asmodeus's made a ding, he picks it up, it was Fizzarolli, who left him a text about meeting up back at the yacht.

"Oh shoot! Fizz is already at the yacht, I bet he's already getting impatient from waiting, we might as well head over to the docks, I'll teleport ourselves over there."

Filimena uses her magic to change her clothes, and then to activate her teleportation abilities to get both of them at the city dock, she spawns out a pit of magic, and it surrounds them, teleporting them in a speed of light, both ending up at the entrance of the dock less than a second, They walked down the dock to where the Yacht is, Fizz was already there, he was at the edge of it, resting, his head turns when he heard someone coming, he peeks up to see Filimena and Asmodeus.

"OH! Finally you guys showed up! Come on Boss, We better get back to continue our work in the Lust Ring! We got so much to do!"

"Got it! Anyways, Fili, I better get going, and also, thanks for letting me stay at your place for tonight, I know we didn't get to know each other there, but if there's ever time, we'll stick around some more later."

"Okay! Sounds like a plan, you guys have fun working! I'll do the same!"

"See you!"

Asmodeus steps inside the yacht, Filimena once again waves goodbye to him and Fizz, they waved back, the yacht turns back on, and it droves away from the dock, driving down in the ocean to head north, Filimena watches as the blueish purple yacht is nowhere to be seen anymore, She sighs and heads out of the dock, and back to the sidewalk, Filimena walks down, and it was time for her to start another day, but also, as she was starting her daily routines, she once more thinks about all her past moments she had, it still hit her, and she still couldn't control what she's thinking, Filimena thinks about Asmodeus, both before, and today, the way he was today, really had her in worry, it really made her feel insecure, she didn't want to think that, since she has two days left before her big moment, this really puts her in a bad spot to try and forget about that moment, she stays strong no mater what, and that can't automatically just make today a bad day, she has to keep moving. 

~2 months Ago~

Filimena makes her way to Ozzie's, turns out she was late for her session tonight, so she had to hurry herself over, May had kept her for a while, and completely loss track in time to be there as she promised Asmodeus she would be, she feels so guilty, and worked out, she hoped if there is still time, she can get a pass, she eventually made it, appearing to the front sight of the building, but before she could get in through the doorway, someone crashes into her, almost causing her to fall, an imp was leaving the building, the look on his face was full of distress, and also misery,  he didn't stop to apologize as he kept walking away, Filimena watched as he leaves, she wonders why that imp was upset, the bouncer saw him, and rolls his eyes in annoyance, then another demon comes, a tall Owl demon, who walks out of the building, and he was following the imp too, he seems to be calling him out, his expression was worry, like something bad has happened, Filimena was confused, she asked the bouncer what had happened, but he shrugged, said something about a party crash, then, Filimena heard someone yell from the inside.


It was demonic, which the voice had her startled, it sounded like Asmodeus was yelling in there, but for What? So she goes inside the building, to see what the commotion was all about, she makes it inside, and sees the view of the restaurant, it seems normal, but she looks up at the stage, she saw Asmodeus verbally, and angrily escorting two Imps off the stage, a couple to be exact, the look of Asmodeus tells her a lot, he was enrage with them, Fizz was sitting on his shoulder, crossed his arms, and rubs the side of his head, frowning, the two Imps jumped down, they looked fearful, but also annoyed.

"You are here by banned from ever going near the house of Asmodeus, ever again! Get out you pests!"

Filimena was still puzzled to what was happening, she sees the two Imps leaving, she is quickly goes up to them.

"Wait! Excuse me, sorry, but why are you guys leaving, what happened?"

The one with white hair and freckles turns his head while holding the female Imp by the hand, probably his girlfriend, or wife.

"Oh, uhh, N-nothing, we're just getting kicked out, and if you're asking why that is, only because we just did a little performance for our anniversary, and that led to some chaotic value, and yep, that's that."

"Just a little reminder, if you think about eating here, go somewhere else, because the owner of this place is a total douchebag."

They said as they leave for an exit, Filimena watched as they leave, so that was what really happened, she turns her head to Asmodeus as he gets up from the stage, and comes to the front row as Fizz jumps off from him, and back to his stage, putting back on his smile.

"I apologize for the inconvenience ladies and gentlemen, but from what I can say right now, is that everything's taken care of, a friendly reminder, we don't tolerate such inappropriate behavior here, we're all about the nasty, so please, continue enjoying yourselves, and enjoy the night!"

He said, everyone cheered as the curtains close, Filimena was stunned to hear about this incident, and even what she saw earlier, looks like she'll have no further choice but to talk for the Lord himself, she teleported away from the restaurant,  and to the backstage room, she saw Asmodeus and Fizz leaving the stage, Asmodeus changes his form back to himself, both of them laughed and high-fived, doing their secret handshake, Filimena frowns as she sneaks up behind them.

"Man, that was a total blower, you totally kicked out those goons!"

"Yep, the only way to keep those rats off my stage, and especially the ones that DON'T belong anywhere here."

"Hehe, yeah, and did you see how we were tonight, we were so so good! And even a surprising one too, seeing that "Blitzo" here."

"Now speaking of that, what is..That fool here?"

Fizz shrugged.

"Don't know, but all we should know is that we got him running away crying!"

Both laughed, Filimena was still following them behind, without them aware of their surroundings, then, she gives out a signal to alert the lust demons.


The two paused their tracks, they turned around to see Filimena, her arms were crossed, and she stood there, she seems unfazed and pretty mad, according to her expression, Asmodeus smiles and comes to her.

"Ah! Fili, there you are! We've been waiting for you, but, the show's over for the night, and you're kinda late for your arrival."

"Asmodeus, May I talk with you, alone?"

Asmodeus wonders why, but he agrees to talk with her privately, he signals fizz to leave, Fizz applied and leaves, Asmodeus turns around to her.

"So, what's this about?"

"I'm pretty sure you know what this conversation is about Ozzie."

Asmodeus isn't all too familiar of what she's getting, he simply shook his head.

"Look, we need to talk about tonight, I hope it's not too much of a problem."

"Ah, what about it? You mean what happened tonight, oh well, it was great! Business is already booming from the performance! We're selling much more drinks than usual, and even having this joint pack up everytime! Nothing really new, but it still is a hit ride."

"That's great, but, that's not what I'm talking about, it's about..Well, My concerns about tonight, the way you were acting, and have you're behaving."

"What do you mean, there's nothing up with me, so, what are you saying?"

"The way you.."Handle" with some of your customers, so, is it true that I heard you kicked out two imps, also a couple, all for a performance?"

Asmodeus knew what she's talking about, he sighs.

"Yes, but that was a good reason to do so, those two were disturbing my place, and even giving it a bad image, they've crossed the wrong paths, and ruined tonight's show, so I had to get rid of them, so that they don't cause any more problems, Fizz even got slammed by that broad back there."

"I see, well it sounds like they won't doing any harm, I've heard they didn't do anything wrong when I came to see what was happening, they said you were unfair with them, now I'm not saying I don't believe you, but is it really necessary for you to just do such an overreacting act to them, even if there isn't a problem, you couldn't at least be a little easy with them?"

"You don't understand. That's not how it is at all, this is a bigger deal here, we can't have some random couple go on and take the spotlight, showing off and brainwashing any of our saucy customers, they'll be confused, and will ask questions about it, I prevent anything like that in my own city, and you know that."

"That's way too personal, in fact, you shouldn't just kick someone out like that, just only doing something for their loved one, doesn't it matter if you can just let someone love each other, and let them do good, watch how their love blossoms for everyone to know they are truly in love, just only for their insides and not just the outside, I feel you should think before you act."

"My Lord, enough with the lecturing, look, I'm stressed out right now, I don't need to go on about this, it's already bad enough everything I've planned now has to be ruined because of this, if only you were there, you would see how bad it is."

Asmodeus leaves, as his hand was on his brow, cooling off from the stress that's kicking in, Filimena watched as he leaves, she sighs sadly, didn't know what to do than just fight, she didn't want to start an argument or anything, she only want to reason with her friend, telling him that he must control his anger towards others, including couples, she understand about lust demon's, and how they behave, they have their interests, the pain of worry hits her heart, more concern drives inside her mind, what could she even do to even confront this sort of thing.

Filimena was at the city block, spreading her magic at every demon she comes across, making the demons fall in love, she already started, and somehow, she cast a lot today, which is a good thing to her, she also sees that the decorations on the buildings were set, and every festive thing is already set up for Valentine's day, she was happy to see that some demons do care about the holiday as she does, she smells the aroma of roses, and candy in the air. It always makes her day with the sweet scents in each of the areas, hearts, flowers, everything filled with kindness is all for her, almost completing her Cupid job, she heads down the sidewalk, near an alleyway.

Passing by the walls, she then heard something that stopped her skipping, she heard whimpering, and sobbing, coming from one of the alleyway areas, turning around, she heads back inside to see where those sad noises were coming from, she found someone here, there was a girl, who's features tell she's a succubus, and has a bag over her head, her tail was wrapping around, and her wings were closed, she sobs, and weeps, Filimena slowly goes to see the succubus, to see why she's crying.

"Um..E-Excuse me?"

Filimena said quietly, trying to get attention, the succubus reacts quickly.

"Huh? Who's here!? Leave me alone! Don't look at me!"

She scowled, Filimena almost stood back.

"Hey, easy, calm down, I-I'm not here to hurt you, I..Heard you..Crying, and I was just wondering why you were, are you okay?"

"Am I!? NO! I'm not okay, just please, stay away, I'm not in the mood to look at anyone."

Filimena saw the perturbation, and even despondent, it all tells in her body language, and the tone of her voice, she even saw mascara dripping down her cheeks, the back wasn't fully covering her bottom half of her head, she does feel uneasy, and still wanted to look further.

"Look, I can help, please, remove the bag, and let me solve whatever problem you have, everything's okay."

The succubus sobs more, this time, until fight back or yell out more to scare her away, she slowly lifts off the bag from her head, revealing her face, this shocked Filimena as she sees the succubus, she wasn't any other succubus she sees, perhaps, the one she knows, it's Kira.


Kira looks up to see Filimena, surprised to know it was her who was talking to her, Filimena notices her face, it was dirty, like bruises were there, her nose was bleeding, and there was even has a hideous black eye on her left eye, tears were streaming down her cheeks still, even if she tried to stop crying.

"..Fili? I-It's you, ah crap...I should've known, I-I'm sorry about earlier, I..Didn't know who you were, I..."

She sniffles, Filimena was horrified by her beaten face, it was only a few days since she last saw her, she wasn't like this before, so something must be happened Filimena didn't know about.

"Oh my god, K-Kira, what happened to your face?"

Kira was silent, and she didn't respond to that question, she slowly moves her head away, tears fall on the ground.

"I...I don't wanna talk about it.."

She said softly, Filimena however, still wanted to know, and slowly has her hand onto her arm.

"Hey, You can't hide the problem, and I'm here to make things better for you, and also for anyone else, you need to tell me what happened, it's only going get worse if you don't answer."

Kira looks at her more, she thinks about it, and decided to accept the fact she can't hide forever.

"Alright...It's...Well...Remember that time I told you about my new boyfriend I got recently, a few days ago?.."

Filimena nods.

"It's...About him...I..I was visiting the Pride Ring, heading down to see him, and want to surprise him..with a little gift I wanted to give him, but..As I was walking inside his place...I..I saw he was with another woman. I couldn't..Bring myself to think about this..so, after seeing what I saw, I confronted him, and this..Only got worse, he...He..He then physically assaulted me, and then hit me, so, I ran away from him, without even trying to fight back, turns out he's another jerk I almost got stuck with. After that horrible moment, I...I didn't bother to walk, I didn't bother to go back to work, I..Just...God! I faked out being sick, just to go see someone that only uses me for my body! I..I know I'm a succubus, and I don't usually care what others think, but I have feelings too! I...Nn!..

She sobs more, and she covers her eyes with both of her hands, weeping uncontrollably, Filimena tilts her head over to her.

"Listen to me, it wasn't your fault, you just didn't know, I understand how hard it is to find out about this, and I know there's a lot of people that's dying to meet you, somewhere in the underworld, but, I think the only thing you must focus on is your surroundings, you have a sister, and a good job, don't let these abusive ways take you down, and come into your life, you know better."

Kira still looks at her with her glossy eyes, with a final sniff, she slightly cracks a smile.

"Y-You Think..There may be someone out there who would like to go out with me?"

"Of course, It just takes time, for now, you must focus on yourself first, how about this, let's go clean you up and take you back to Ozzie's, I'll tell Asmodeus everything about your absence."

"Oh..I don't know, I don't think I'm feeling alright about going to work right now, after what happened, I'm not certain I'll get it out of my head, I think It's best to just go, I can handle it easily on my own."

"No no, I insist, Please, just for the sake of your own good, you need to move on from this, come on, there's a nearby bathroom somewhere in this town."

Filimena helps her up, the girls leave the alleyway to find the nearest bathroom to clean Kira's face, Filimena comforted her, trying her best to calm her, and prevent her to keep sobbing, she feels her pain, and how much this event gutted her, she didn't think she'd see Kira like this, and it's good for her to see her now, so that she can be more helpful with both friends here in the Pride Ring, and in the Lust Ring.


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