When She Sees Me (Book 0.0)...

By SMMarie11

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FIRST BOOK IN THE REED SERIES❤️ The Story has been on Wattpad for 4 years. Reached... More

Copyright © 2021 S.M.Marie
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Trigger Warnings
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Seven

10.4K 514 53
By SMMarie11


Since Monday, Alex has been in a great mood. She finally asked Ms. Walker out on a date. I'm glad because Alexandria hasn't been the same since that woman dropped her daughter off two years ago. Walking in on my sister attempting suicide was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. They warned her she'd have an ugly scar after the ambulance picked her up and brought her to the hospital, but I'd prefer she had a nasty scar than be dead. I'm grateful every day that I was able to help her and that she is still here for her daughter.

The newborn left on our couch got a checkup that night at the hospital and was deemed healthy for being less than a week old. They took blood tests to see if she was Alex's child. She certainly was. After a traumatic day, Alex, lying in a hospital bed, told me what the woman had told her. Let me state explicitly, if that woman ever shows her face again, I will kill her and then hire a lawyer to explain to a judge why she deserved it.

When we brought Adelaide home from her checkup, Alex was still mending from the trauma. For the first several months, she didn't know how to care for her, and the hospital was hesitant to let Alex take the baby because of her suicide attempt. But, as a lawyer in training, I persuaded them to allow me to take Addy into my custody because we were both living together at the time.

Alexandria was only 19 years old and had never before cared for a baby. But believe me when I say she never allowed the baby out of her sight, it was as if Addy was the only thing keeping my sister from falling apart again. I had to teach her how to feed and change Adelaide's diaper. Every night, she would cradle Addy to sleep and kiss her on her forehead while whispering sweet things to her.

A few days after getting the baby home, Alex took her to the store for a new milk formula because she thought the baby was allergic to the one the hospital gave us. My sister became confused in the aisle as the baby screamed endlessly, at the top of her lungs. A woman who happened to be a doctor, Dr. Kelsie Montega, stopped to assist her and ended up providing her a few formula options and the name of a pediatrician at the hospital where she works.

One month in, and we still did not have a name for her. I was convinced Alex would name her Princess because that's all she'd call the blue-eyed baby. Dr. Montega suggested Adelaide as the baby's name because it embodies nobility. It was close to the name Alexandria was already calling her daughter. We eventually agreed Adelaide Nicole was a great name. After that, I helped her get Addy's birth certificate and documents in order.

When my sister was born, they identified her as male. It wasn't until puberty that our family found out she was intersex and had ovaries as well as testicles. For half of Alex's life, we were under the impression she couldn't have children. Boy, were the doctors wrong.

She now uses the pronouns she/her and is referred to as a woman. But when Adelaide's first word was "Mama," Alex didn't feel like the name resonated with her. My sister's reasoning was that she was a masculine presenting female with a penis. It had nothing to do with her appearance, but everything to do with what was between her legs and the words of that woman. And because of that, she believed she could never offer motherly advice to her daughter. Alex believed she would never be able to explain to her the significance and gift of her period or giving birth.

I tried to explain that having a period and giving birth isn't what makes you a mother. Even being born as cis women, not all of us could have the capability to do those things. But to my sister, those were vital things she felt she needed to have experienced to teach her daughter to be a woman. I never argued with Alexandria. Instead, I listened to how she felt her daughter should address her, just as our family did years prior when she changed her pronouns to, she/her. We taught Adelaide to address Alex as daddy or as her father. To many, it's confusing, but to us, it was our norm and what we were comfortable with.

Alexandria had never had a problem with the way she was before Adelaide's Mother. While she was in high school, she encountered a few bullies, but because she was popular, she remained unconcerned. In any case, the eager teenage girls flocked at her feet, hoping to make their ex-boyfriends jealous. She was so sure of herself in every way.

Nobody had ever made her feel the way Adelaide's Mother had. And no one was ever able to convince her that she would never be loved. But when that woman said it, Alex believed her; it crushed her spirit. How is it that one person you don't even know can bring you to your knees? Why would anyone even want to harm such a compassionate person?

That is why I was adamant that Alex spoke with Ms. Walker. For the past two years, her eyes never lit up the way they do when she talks of the professor. Shacking up with a teacher is not illegal at our university. Trust me, I would know. Besides, we're all adults here. Yes, it may be frowned upon, but no one cares as long as there is no favoritism in the grading. Plus, Ms. Walker would only be her professor for 12 weeks, so there's no reason to miss out on this opportunity.

She needs to get laid because it's been a minute, and I'm tired of watching Adelaide whenever she wants to go jack off somewhere.

Do you know what it's like to wait for your sister to finish her business as her daughter constantly questions you about her whereabouts? Or shielding her from being psychologically scarred for the rest of her life from walking in on her father?

A knock on the door jolts me out of my thoughts. Today is Tuesday, and Alex and Addy went out for ice cream and shopping for a new outfit before their lunch date with Ms. Walker tomorrow, so I'm alone in the house. I walk over to the door and unlock it.

"Ben! What are you doing here?" Benjamin and I met last year when we both joined the same law firm. When he asked me to be his girlfriend, I gladly accepted. And soon, I fell in love with the stunning gentleman.

"Jay, I just wanted to see you. I miss you." I laughed as he shut the door behind him. He walked in and planted a kiss on my lips.

"You know Alex will come back with Adelaide shortly." I haven't told Alex anything about Ben. I didn't want her to feel bad about not having anyone or uncomfortable if we were too lovey-dovey in front of her. I plan to tell her about Benjamin if everything with Ms. Walker goes well, which I hope it does, because I'm sick of hiding him.

"Yes, I know. Fine, I'll go now. But promise me you'll call me tonight when you're in bed and wearing nothing but your robe, So I can tell you all the dirty things I want to do to you." He smirked and lifted an eyebrow, looking at me hungrily as if he wanted to rip my clothing off this very instance.

I grinned as I shoved him out the door. "Fine. Get out of here now." I say before he draws me back to him and kisses me passionately. I shut the door and leaned against it, staring down at the floor.

"Please be the one, Ms. Walker; I'm begging you."

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