Not Who You Think (inspired b...

By MightBeMarinette

147 3 4

Ladybug finds Cat Noir's miraculous on the roof along with a letter tied in red string. Furious that her par... More

Not Who You Think

147 3 4
By MightBeMarinette

Author's Note: For the sake of this story, Shadowmoth is very dumb and therefore doesn't realize things that should be completely obvious to him.

(Then again, isn't he always?)

Not Who You Think

By: Christina Cheng

Cat Noir landed on a small spire overlooking the glass rooftop where Ladybug and the other heroes had gathered below, one hand leaning against the pole while the other clutched something closely behind his back.

He waited, keeping out of sight, until all the heroes had jumped off in different directions before making his way to the place where they had just been.

His hand trembled slightly as he looked down at the rolled sheet of paper in his hand, then announced, "Claws in."

His transformation faded, and a small black kwami burst out of his ring.

"Adrien, please, you don't have to do this!"

Adrien avoided his gaze as he tucked the letter under a nearby pipe to keep it from blowing away. "We already talked about this, Plagg. It's the best thing for Ladybug...and for me."

Adrien held up his hand and carefully began sliding off his ring.

Plagg flew in front of him, his eyes pleading. "But what about me, Adrien? Please reconsider."

Adrien hesitated for a moment, as the ache in his heart grew deeper, and he once again realized the consequences of what he was about to do.

"I'm sorry, my friend. But I have to give up on everything. Including you."

Squeezing his eyes shut, Adrien tore off the ring, and winced as he heard Plagg's desperate cries be suddenly cut off. Adrien tightened his fist around the miraculous, and stood still for a moment - a small figure alone on the roof, the silence echoing in his ears - before gently placing it beside the letter and heading towards the stairs.


Ladybug felt her yo-yo buzz against her hip as she finished collecting the last of the miraculouses she had given out. She gave a quick wave to Max before pulling herself onto a nearby rooftop and swinging in the direction of the building where she had met all of the other heroes earlier.

She already knew what the message said, since Cat Noir must've set it to automatically repeat every few minutes, and it had been going off ever since she had de-akumatized the recent villain. She felt a little bad about leaving him out this time, but there were already so many heroes she had to keep track of, and it didn't seem necessary to wait for another to show was his own fault for not being there.

She landed on the roof, half expecting him to start apologizing for his absence, but instead found the roof to be empty. She was about to leave, figuring he had given up on her coming, when something caught her eye.

A small piece of paper, tied with a strand of red thread, fluttered gently in the wind, and next to it something black glimmered in the light of the afternoon sun.

She walked cautiously over to it, then felt the breath catch in her throat as she noticed the green paw print on the side of the ring.

She hastily pulled the letter from its place and unrolled it, as if in a dream.

Dear Ladybug,

I'm sorry I can't be the partner you want me to be.

Furious, Ladybug crumpled up the letter and squeezed it tightly into her fist.

What was he thinking? Any time things got rough he decided to just give up his miraculous? Without even telling her before he was gone forever?

Her heart froze at that last thought, but she quickly brushed it off and threw her yo-yo angrily in the direction of home.


She slammed open the trap door to her bedroom, and didn't bother to detransform, knowing that her parents had gone out for the day.

Throwing the ring and paper onto her bed, she jumped down and began pacing back and forth in frustration. "How could he do this to me again? How could he be so - so selfish! With all these other heroes I have to take care of and Shadowmoth growing stronger every day I need to rely on him more than ever and then he just...quits? I'm the guardian, I should decide who gets to keep or lose their miraculous - not him!" she swung her leg out sending papers flying as she kicked a pile of boxes that cluttered her bedroom floor. She knew it was childish but kicked it again halfheartedly.

The other kwamis swarmed over, and a chorus of voices asked her what had happened.

"What happened is that Cat Noir decided to give up his miraculous without ever consulting me."

The kwamis gasped in shock and Wayzz flew hurriedly beside her. "Perhaps there has simply been a misunderstanding. Why not activate the cat miraculous and ask Plagg?"

Just then Ladybug's suit disappeared, and Marinette absently dug in her pocket for a cookie before handing it to the worn out red kwami.

Tikki took a bite, then turned to Marinette with concern. "What are you going to do, Marinette?"

Marinette glanced at Wayzz then replied firmly, "I'm going to get some answers."

She climbed up onto her bed and slipped the black ring onto her finger, immediately summoning the kwami of destruction.

"Plagg, tell me what happened. Why did Cat Noir give up his miraculous? Doesn't he care about how much this hurts me and understand the position he just put me in?"

Plagg's head shot up. "How much this hurts you? Do you have any idea how crushed he was when he made this decision? But no, all you care about is what makes things easier for you Ladybug, how things affect you."

The small kwami began to tremble with fury. "You want to know what happened, Ladybug? What happened is you made him feel worthless by always leaving him out, to the point that he thought you didn't need him anymore! You stopped treating him like a partner and treated him more like a puppet to simply carry out your masterful plans. You're - you're as bad as Shadowmoth!"

Marinette gasped, her face having grown paler with every word, and Tikki darted up in front of Plagg. "Plagg you know you're not being fair to Marinette. She has no way of knowing how Cat Noir is feeling and since he didn't tell her there was nothing she could change."

Plagg glared at her. "If she didn't treat him so terribly in the first place nothing would need to be changed."

He turned back to face Marinette. "You want to talk about bad positions to be in, Marinette? Can you imagine being trapped in your own house, every aspect of your life controlled by a father who doesn't have the decency to spend time with his only son? To lose the only person who ever loved you and make you constantly wonder if you will ever be loved again?" his voice rose and the room itself began to shake as a current of repressed frustration radiated from the destructive energy surrounding the black kwami.

"Being Cat Noir was his one chance of freedom - his one chance to be someone without worrying about what his father thinks, and now even that is taken from him! You were one of the only people who he felt actually cared about him, and now you pushed him away too, making him give up his miraculous leaving him all alone, without me to help him." Plagg's voice broke, and the tears that had been building in his eyes spilled over, as the great kwami of destruction sobbed in despair.

Tikki moved silently beside him and leaned her head against his.

Marinette struggled to think as every breath felt like it was choking her, and her mind spun as she tried to process all of the information. She always suspected Cat Noir had a hard homelife, but she had no idea that he had been so isolated.

Her eyes fell to the crumpled paper that lay beside her knee, and she picked it up, smoothing it out carefully as she began to read the words.

Dear Ladybug,

I'm sorry I can't be the partner you want me to be.

If I could change my feelings for you I would, but I can't and no matter how hard I try I will never be able to stop loving you, Ladybug.

I used to be happy just to have you as my friend, but now even that seems to have changed. It seems like you don't want me around anymore, and honestly I don't blame you. I just wish things could go back to the way it used to be - just the two of us.

You never tell me your plans anymore and it seems like I'm always the last one to know when you make an important decision.

I know you have a lot of responsibilities being the new guardian, and I'm sure it's not easy to carry all of that weight on your shoulders, but we're supposed to be a team, remember? If you would just tell me what's going on I could help, or at least not get in your way. It's probably my own fault that you don't depend on me anymore, and I realized that for you to succeed you need a partner who is able to support you in ways I cannot. I'm sorry for all the times I've disappointed you, Ladybug, and I hope you can find a new partner who is worthy of your trust.

Goodbye Ladybug, stay safe.

- The former cat noir

Marinette stared down at the paper in front of her, dimly aware of the tears that were joining the small stains that were already there.

How could he think she didn't care about him? How could he think he wasn't important to her anymore?

Her heart was flooded with feelings of pain and regret, followed by an indescribable sense of loss. She could feel herself spiraling out of control and instead clung to a feeling of defensive anger.

Cat Noir had made his choice. If he wanted to give up his miraculous there was nothing more she could do. She didn't need him.

Her mind trembled as she thought those words, but she merely tightened her fists and repeated them all the more fiercely. She didn't need him.

Her teary eyes caught sight of a picture of Adrien, and she breathed in shakily.

She still had Adrien. She still had Tikki. She wasn't alone.

The sound of screaming from outside caused the kwamis to flock to the window, and Marinette looked up with sudden determination.

"Cat Noir may have abandoned his duty to the city, but I still plan to do mine. Tikki-"

"Marinette, wait!" Tikki exclaimed, pulling her head away from Plagg.

"You can't just go out there by yourself. Ladybug needs someone to protect her and watch her back while she comes up with a plan. You'll be very vulnerable without Cat Noir."

Bark spoke up. "Why not ask Alya for help?"

Marinette shook her head. "Rena Furtive is supposed to remain a secret - our one advantage is that Shadowmoth doesn't know about her yet."

She looked thoughtfully down at the ring in her hands, her face tightening with resolve. "You're right though, Tikki. I would be very vulnerable without Cat Noir.

So I'll have to choose another one."

Plagg rushed up in front of her. "There's no way I'm letting you do that! No one can replace blegblee!" Green bubbles floated from his mouth as he tried to say his owner's name.

Marinette frowned at him. "He didn't exactly give me a choice, now did he? As the Guardian and as Ladybug I have to do what's best for the city - and if that means getting a new Cat Noir then that's what I have to do."

Tikki watched her sorrowfully, then asked gently, "Who will you pick, Marinette?"

Marinette hesitated, her vision still clouded from the tears she was trying so desperately to keep in. Who could possibly replace Cat Noir? She needed someone who would act without hesitation, and protect her at all costs.

Someone trustworthy that would make her feel safe.

Her eyes halfheartedly scanned the room, hoping to find some sort of answer, when a comforting face stood out against the gloom. Of course - if there was anyone who could fill this gaping hole in her heart, it had to be Adrien.

He had already proven his dedication over twenty-five thousand times - thoughtful, compassionate, brave - there was no one else she would rather have by her side. No one else.

"I'll give it to Adrien Agreste."

Plagg's mouth hung open in surprise before a quick look from Tikki made him close it.

"But what if he doesn't want to accept such a big responsibility?" Tikki asked cautiously.

Marinette looked confused. "Of course he will, Tikki. I mean, sure, it's a lot, but he's accepted a miraculous before, and it's not like Adrien to turn down a request for help. He'll take it - I know he will."

Plagg shrugged and said defeatedly, "You're the Guardian. What you say goes." But he looked a little more hopeful than before.

"It's settled then. Tikki spots on!"

A red suit flashed over her body as Ladybug jumped out onto the balcony and pulled herself in the direction she knew by heart.


Ladybug peeked in the window to make sure he was alone before landing softly on the floor of the wide room.

A boy with blond hair and a striped shirt sat hunched over a desk and appeared to be digging through some papers.

"Hello Adrien." Ladybug said, trying to be as casual as possible.

He turned and stood in surprise, thrusting the papers down behind him.

"Ladybug? What are you doing here?"

She walked closer to him, her hand folded around the ring.

"I know this is a lot to ask, but I really need your help Adrien."

His eyes widened as he saw the miraculous she stretched out before him.

"Adrien Agreste. Here is the miraculous of the black cat which grants you the power of destruction. You will use it for the greater good and to stand by my side against all forces of evil. Can I -" she felt her voice tightening, but not for the usual reason. "Can I trust you to remain loyal no matter how hard things get?"

He didn't meet her eyes but continued to stare at the ring.

"What do I say to activate it's powers?"

She looked at him, surprised he had avoided her question, but obligingly complied. "All you have to say is "Plagg Claws out" to transform, "claws in" to detransform, and "cataclysm" to use your power. But remember." she added, "once you use your power you only have five minutes before you transform back."

He nodded in understanding as he took the ring from her, and smiled confidently. "Don't worry, Ladybug. I'm going to be the best partner you could hope for."

She glanced away, then said, "Thanks Adrien. I'll meet you out on the roof once you've transformed. And hurry - we have an akuma victim to fight."


Ladybug paced the roof, her mind going a thousand directions at once as she looked through the telescope on her yo-yo and surveyed the area below, trying to to plan out the best course of action.

A dark shape blocked her view as someone landed directly in front of her.

She looked up to see a gray suit trimmed with black, and accented with several rows of buttons. A thick mask covered his face and his hair was swept into an unkempt low ponytail.

"Still waiting around, Ladybug? I had time to check things out twice already." he said with a slight smirk.

She closed her yo-yo and stared at him questioningly. "But I told you to come meet me up here first. I was only waiting for you."

"I know, but I figured I'd take the initiative and scout things out for you a bit before coming up here." He studied her face for a moment before adding meekly, " I mean, I didn't want to risk you running into some sort of trap out there, and I thought the best way to protect you was to be prepared for anything that might be coming."

Ladybug smiled. "That was very thoughtful of you, uh..."

"Catwalker." he supplied immediately.

She nodded, "...Catwalker, but from now on let's stick with my plans so I know what to expect, okay?"

He bowed politely. "Of course, Ladybug."


Ladybug sighed as she noticed another villain roaming the streets.

Shadowmoth seemed to have an abundance of time today - that or everyone in Paris was in a particularly bad mood - since as soon as Ladybug and Catwalker defeated one villain they were soon faced with another. It was as if Shadowmoth was making one last desperate attempt to seize their miraculous before finally giving up. She doubted that was likely, but a girl could hope.

She told herself this was a good thing as it gave her a chance to focus on the missions, but her thoughts kept straying back to Cat Noir. It wasn't the same without him.

Catwalker on the other hand, seemed to have been doing this his whole life. He raced back and forth, fighting with a vigor that was almost ruthless, ending fights nearly as quickly as they started.

Ladybug turned her thoughts back to the villain, replaying the recent scenes in her head as she tried to decipher which object held the akuma.

Suddenly an idea came to her. "Hey Catwalker," she called from where she stood off to the side, "I think the akuma is in-"

"Too easy." Catwalker said as he slid out from under the former villain, a blackened object crumbled in his fist.

Ladybug blinked before snatching up the dark butterfly that had emerged from it.

"You're getting really good at this." she said as she watched the purified creature drift off into the afternoon sky.

"Not much can stand in my way when I put my mind to something, Ladybug."

He paused, staring at the former akuma then added, "So why do you have to do that anyway? What happens if you don't catch the butterfly?"

She glanced back at him, then up to the sky as she replied, "If I don't purify the akuma it will multiply and anytime that person's emotions flare up it will trigger them - like what happened with Stoneheart. You remember that, don't you?"

"Of course, just checking if there were any details I missed."

They split up to recharge their kwamis, but soon retransformed as a bitter laugh echoed from another side of the city where a girl dressed in yellow and black flew around in a hovering car, turning people into bananas.

"You all thought you got the better of me, planning a sequel behind my back," she was saying to a group of kids as they tried to run away from her, "I'm the one who deserves to be the star, I'm the one who should play the queen!"

She angrily fired in their direction, but Catwalker leapt in front of her, deflecting the blast, before leaning casually on his stick. "Chloe, Chloe, Chloe. You never change, do you. So desperate for attention that you don't mind making a complete fool of yourself to get it."

Queen Banana stood on top of her car, banana gun pointed warningly in Catwalker's direction. "How dare you, you ridiculous fleabag! What are you supposed to be anyway, some sad imitation of a prince?"

Catwalker dodged carelessly between her blasts. "Have you looked at what you're wearing, Banana Queen? But who am I kidding - with your fashion sense this is probably an upgrade."

Queen Banana chased him back and forth with her car as Ladybug helped lead the teens to safety. Once everyone had cleared the area Ladybug hurried back to rejoin Catwalker, who was still taunting Chloe relentlessly.

"Just you wait Cat-whatever-you-are," Queen Banana declared furiously, "I'll show you what a real queen can do, and I'll turn you and everyone else into nothing but bananas!"

"You talk too much Chloe. If you kept your mouth shut people could at least think you're smart."

Queen Banana's eyes twitched as she sent a fresh torrent in his direction.

Ladybug swung to the other side, trying to get a good angle to grab the akuma from off the akumatized victim's hat.

As she did so, she couldn't help glancing at Catwalker in surprise as each new remark seemed harsher than the last. He was keeping the villain distracted, and she of all people understood how despicable Chloe could be, but she had never known Adrien to say anything mean about anyone, especially not his childhood friend Chloe. Cat Noir often teased the villains, but it was always good natured and he never insulted them personally.

Her heart sank as she thought of her pun-loving partner, and she felt an ache swell up in her chest.

All of a sudden a hand grabbed onto hers and jerked her out of the way as a banana whistled past her head.

"Getting sloppy, Ladybug. You're lucky I pay attention enough for the both of us."

Catwalker said with a contemptuous air.

Ladybug felt her cheeks burn as she avoided his eyes. "Sorry, I was...distracted."

"Well, I guess that's why you need a partner, Ladybug." He twirled his stick then added nonchalantly, "Why do the two miraculous holders have to work together anyway? Couldn't the cat miraculous holder work on his own? Why not just cataclysm the akumas and take care of the villain himself?"

Ladybug raised an eyebrow before replying slowly, "Well, he could destroy the akuma but without my miraculous ladybug power nothing would be fixed back to normal, and besides the cataclysm is often needed to be used before the akuma is released anyways."

They split up to dodge around a few cars as Queen Banana hurled more shots at them, but Catwalker quickly made his way back to Ladybug.

"What about the butterfly miraculous? It's powers seem to be independent from that of anyone else."

Ladybug ducked as a banana flew over her head, then responded, "Shadowmoth isn't completely alone - we know that the holder of the peacock miraculous also worked with him, though why he has both now I'm not sure. But yes, he is able to use his powers without relying on anyone to balance it."

Catwalker looked over at her curiously as they continued to run away. "So someone can use two miraculouses at the same time?"

"Yes, but it's very dangerous." She whipped out her yo-yo and turned back to face the banana queen. "What's with all these questions anyway, aren't you the one who said we should be focusing on the mission?"

"Leave this to me, Ladybug."

Catwalker turned and charged at the hovering car, feigned left, then vaulted himself over Queen Banana's head and snatched the pin out of her hair. "Cataclysm!"

Ladybug purified the akuma and nodded to Catwalker. "Let's recharge our kwamis and see if Shadowmoth has anything left to throw at us."

She quickly turned and ran into a darkened alleyway, once again secretly avoiding the chance for a pound it, despite the job well done.


It had been several hours since the last akuma attack, and things finally had begun to settle down.

Ladybug led Catwalker over the rooftops as they continued to make their rounds, checking to be sure there were no new attacks, but it seemed as though Shadowmoth had finally decided to go back to his normal life...or whatever it was he did all day.

Ladybug was about to suggest they go home, when a sudden cry could be heard from the nearby stadium.

Without hesitation they swung themselves over the walls and onto the open field, searching for the source of the cry.

Ladybug tucked her yo-yo cautiously back into her belt as she surveyed the empty stadium. "That's strange, there doesn't seem to be anyone here."

"I don't believe this." Catwalker said, rolling his eyes as he directed Ladybug's eyes up to a nearby billboard.

A small child in a black hoodie seemed to have climbed off the higher rows of seats onto the giant sign and was now clinging fearfully to the top of the billboard. "Ladybug, Cat Noir, help!"

Catwalker briskly shot himself up next to the boy and effortlessly pulled him back down to the ground below, but his face was lined with disdain.

"What's the matter with you? Don't you know better than to climb on things that high up?"

The boy looked down tearfully, and Ladybug was surprised by the harshness in his tone, though she assumed it was out of concern for the child's safety.

"I was trying to help Mr. Whiskers."

Ladybug looked back up at the sign and realized another small creature was still trapped up on it. "Aww, don't worry little friend, I'll get him down for you."

She swung nimbly up to the billboard and held out her hands coaxingly. "Here Mr. Whiskers, good kitty."

The cat was stiff with fear making it easier for her to pry it off the metal bars, and she carefully brought him back over to the little boy.

"Here you go. That was very brave of you to try to rescue him."

"More like stupid."

Ladybug shot an angry glance at Catwalker who merely shrugged. "What? He could've broken his neck up there and no one would've known."

Ladybug hesitated as he did have a fair point. She turned back to the kid. "Next time though you should ask someone else for help instead of trying to do it yourself. You have to be careful, okay?"

The boy nodded solemnly. "Okay Ladybug." Then he looked curiously over at Catwalker. "Hey, wait a minute. You're not Cat Noir."

Ladybug shifted uncomfortably as she realized there were a few things she would have to explain to the city. Turning back to the boy she tried to smile as she said, "You're right, this is Catwalker. He's the one helping me for right now."

The boy stared at him suspiciously, then his eyes widened as he saw the ring on Cat Walker's finger. "That's Cat Noir's ring! What are you doing with his miraculous?"

"Cat Noir doesn't want it anymore, so it belongs to me now."

The boy gasped and tears quickly filled his eyes. "Cat Noir doesn't want to be a superhero anymore?" he rushed over to Ladybug and tugged on her arm anxiously. "What happened to Cat Noir? Is he gone forever?"

Ladybug stared at him helplessly, trying to think of an answer but her mind turned up blank.

Without getting a response from Ladybug the boy turned back to Catwalker and sniffled as he pointed to the cat-like ears sticking up from his hoodie. "Cat Noir was my favorite superhero and I even got this sweatshirt to look like him."

Catwalker rolled his eyes. "Nobody cares, just go home already. Don't you have parents or something?"

The boy's face twisted and he began to cry. "You're nothing like the real Cat Noir. The real Cat Noir was nice to people, but you're just mean!"

Catwalker pulled out his stick carelessly. "Whatever kid, I'm the one who saved you." Without a second glance he launched himself up unto the curved wall top of the stadium.

Ladybug watched him go, and narrowed her eyes. "Alright, that's it."

She swung herself up and landed directly behind him. "Give me back the ring." she demanded.

Catwalker turned to her in surprise. "What? Why? I've done all you asked, and fought even better than that usual cat holder does."

Ladybug glared at him. "You don't deserve Cat Noir's miraculous, and you are definitely not Adrien. He would never treat a kid like that."

And neither would Cat Noir for that matter. The thought stung, but she quickly refocused on the task at hand.

Catwalker smirked. "Of course I'm Adrien. Maybe I'm just not as perfect as you pretend I am."

Ladybug flinched. "You don't have to be perfect to treat a small child with decency. Give me back your miraculous."

Catwalker moved his hand protectively over his ring with a malicious glimmer in his eyes. "Why don't you try to come and take it from me."

Ladybug struck at him with her yo-yo but he easily dodged it, knocking it away with his stick. Furious, she recoiled her string and tried again but he continued to avoid her attacks.

"Not so good without someone to defend you, huh Ladybug?"

Ladybug glared at him as she redirected her yo-yo and hit him squarely in the knee, causing his leg to buckle in pain. "I can defend myself just fine on my own, thank you very much."

He grunted in frustration and lunged to the side, then swung out his stick and caught her sharply in the stomach. He swung at her again but this time she blocked it and tore it out of his hands before quickly tossing it down into the stadium below.

She then tangled him into her yo-yo and pushed him forcefully to the ground.

He wriggled out his hand and shouted, "Cata-"

Before he could finish she ripped off his ring, and he watched helplessly as his transformation wore off and was replaced by regular clothes once again.

"Felix." She spat out his name with disgust.

He glared at her then quickly smoothed it over with a mocking smile. "Took you long enough. I thought I would've had more trouble pretending to be someone you should know so well."

"Where is the real Adrien?"

"Exactly where he wants to be."

Ladybug hoisted him to a standing position and pushed her foot off his chest, causing him to lean at a dangerous angle over the edge of the roof with nothing but the leverage between her foot and her yo-yo keeping him upright.

Felix just smirked. "Come on Ladybug, you think I believe you'd actually kill me by dropping me off a building?"

Ladybug jerked him close with only a few inches between his eyes and her cold, hard stare. "I'm willing to bet you're a bad enough villain for me to activate my lucky charm, which might repair any damage caused during your several hundred foot drop, but even if I choose to use it to bring you back, that doesn't mean you won't feel the pain of smashing against the ground if I don't call it out in time."

She shoved him back, causing him to tip precariously over the edge, his body held up only by the taunt string of her yo-yo.

A flash of fear broke through his calm demeanor, and he said angrily, "Look, my uncle asked me to stand in for Adrien at some event while they secretly head off to some meeting outside of France. If you pull me back I'll tell you where he is."

Ladybug yanked him back onto the roof and released him curtly.

Felix brushed himself off with a condescending sneer. "Can't accept the fact that your partner abandoned you, ey, Ladybug?"

Her eyebrows furrowed in suspicion. "What are you talking about?"

"What, you don't know? I figured it out pretty quickly, but then again, I wouldn't expect someone as dense as you to put it together on your own."

Her heart caught in her chest. She knew she shouldn't listen to him, but she had already heard enough.

Felix began taking deliberate steps around her. "The same day Cat Noir gives up his miraculous is the same day that Adrien Agreste has a mental breakdown concerning enough to pull his psycho father out of the house, granting him his wish of leaving Paris? What did you do to him anyway?"

He dropped his mocking tone, and turned to glare defiantly at her.

"My cousin is the most genuine, kindhearted person I know, and the fact that even he couldn't stand you is really saying something." He cocked his head. "Or was it that you couldn't stand him? You took him for granted and now you don't know what to do with yourself. You're pathetic Ladybug. If anyone doesn't deserve a miraculous it's you."

Ladybug grasped her chest, her head swirling, as she tried to think between unsteady chokes of air.

Adrien was Cat Noir. Cat Noir was leaving Paris. Cat Noir gave up his miraculous and was going to disappear for good. He was hurt and leaving and it was because of her.

She looked down at the black ring she had taken from Felix and without a second thought, she leapt off the building and raced across the rooftops, tears stinging her eyes as she made her way toward the large mansion. A single thought echoed in her mind.

I can't be too late. Please don't be too late. I can't lose him again.

Ignoring the beeping from her earrings, she anchored her yo-yo to the roof and swung herself down to his bedroom window, only to find it sealed from the inside. She tried the one to his bathroom and breathed a sigh of relief when she found it to be unlocked.

She hurried inside, hoping and fearing to catch sight of Adrien, but instead found the room to be empty - not only of Adrien, but she noticed several other things that were important to him were also missing, including the picture of his mother she had always seen on his desk.

Footsteps could be heard from outside the room, and she quickly ducked herself into the bathroom before pressing her ear against the door.

"It's what's best for Adrien, sir." She could hear Nathalie saying. "Some time away from a place so filled with memory will give him some time to recover, and you will still be able to continue your work here."

Gabriel sighed. "If only it were so simple, Nathalie. I of all people know how hard it is to let go of someone I care about. We leave now if we want to meet Adrien on his train before heading to the airport. We will all stay away as long as he needs."

The voices faded as they left the room, and Ladybug turned away from the door in despair. Too late. Adrien - Cat Noir was already on a train, leaving Paris perhaps forever. She would never have a chance to say how sorry she was for the distance that had grown between them, and to assure him of just how much he meant to her. Never have the chance to tell Cat Noir that she had never lost trust in him and that he was the best partner she could ever imagine. Never have the chance to tell her Kitty that she realized just how much she loved him.

She was too late. He was gone.

She clutched her fist to her chest as she crumpled to the ground, just as her transformation wore off.

With gut-wrenching sobs she pulled herself tightly against her knees and sat curled up on the cold bathroom floor.

Tikki was trying to say something to her, but she couldn't listen. All she could think about was how she had unconsciously pushed away her beloved partner and dearest friend. She was losing him and there was nothing she could do.

Tikki's words were growing increasingly urgent, and Marinette felt herself slowly look up as her tearfilled vision cleared, causing her to recognize the dark shape that was slipping through the opening in the window.

She gasped in alarm as the akuma made its way in her direction. Her heart pounded with fear and pain, as she scrambled up and leaned against the closed door.

"You have to fight it, Marinette." Tikki was saying, her voice pleading and filled with worry. "There's always a solution."

Marinette shook her head, her voice rising in panic. "I can't do it, Tikki, I can't! Cat Noir..." Her voice choked with sobs, and despite her desperate attempts to calm herself, she felt the panic in her body growing with every jolting breath, tears streaming down her face, and her eyes grew wide in terror as the dark butterfly darted towards her.

With a final act of will, she pulled off her earrings and threw them desperately out the window. "Find him Tikki." She pleaded softly, before the shadowy being made its way against her clenched fingers and merged into the ring she still held in her hand.

An overpowering force flooded her mind, and a voice echoed powerfully within her head.

"Kuro Neko. That Pretender wasted your time and caused you to be too late in reaching the one you need and love. I will give you the power to give that liar exactly what he deserves, and once he tells you where to find the one you seek, you will be able to make things right between you and your partner - never to be separated again. All I ask is that when the time comes, you will do something for me in return."

"Yes Shadowmoth."


Kuro Neko stood on top of the flat rooftop, waiting for Felix to make his move.

Her dark hair was woven into a long slim braid that brushed lightly against the ground, fist curled protectively over the ring on her finger, as her bright blue eyes peered out intently from beneath a black mask.

Her catlike ears twitched at the sound of footsteps below, and she crouched down as they grew closer, getting ready to pounce.

With an angry cry she launched herself off of the rooftop and down onto the street just as Felix neared the corner.

He looked back at her in fear and surprise before quickly recovering and tearing off in a different direction.

Kuro Neko followed him, the long braid streaming out behind her as she ran.

It wasn't long before she caught up to him. She swung her hair towards him, using it as a whip, the end attached to a spiked weight that responded readily to her commands. Felix tried to avoid her blows but she swiftly overpowered him, and he fell to the ground.

She stood over him threateningly. "Where is Adrien? What else did he say before he left?"

"He's on a train to London, that's all I know!"

Kuro Neko dug her foot into his ribcage. "There has to be more, there has to be something you aren't telling me!"

Felix pushed his hands against her foot in a feeble attempt to remove the pressure.

"Trust me, there's nothing more to tell."

Her heart sank and she turned away from him, a feeling of hopelessness filling her soul.

Felix slowly got up and tried to edge away when Kuro Neko whirled around to face him, her eyes blazing with fury. "You."

His eyes widened and he began full out running, with Kuro Neko following closely on his heels. He raced between abandoned cars and zig zagged across the empty streets, but Kuro Neko was steadily gaining on him.

"This is all your fault!" She shouted furiously, catching his foot with her braid and yanking him back to the ground. He fell hard against the cobbled street and struggled to get back up. "You pretended to be Adrien, you wasted my time, and now it's too late to change anything!"

She raised a gloved hand as she stepped closer to him. "You're going to get what you deserve, Felix." Her face twisted in anger as she exclaimed, "Cataclysm!"

Felix stopped cowering and stared her straight in the eye. "You want to blame someone, Ladybug?"

The challenge in his voice caused her to stop, and the name flooded her mind with memories.

"If you're looking for someone to blame, the only one you should be looking at is yourself. None of this would've happened if it wasn't for you. The only reason Cat Noir gave up his miraculous is because you pushed him away. The only reason Adrien is leaving Paris is because it's too hard to be around you. And after being your partner for just one miserable day I would probably do the same thing. So pin the blame on me if you want, Ladybug, but the only one you're fooling is yourself."

Kuro Neko felt her arm drop numbly to her side.

He was right. Cat Noir was gone because of her. Adrien was hurt because of her.

Nothing would ever be right again and it was all her fault.

She stood frozen in shock, and Felix quickly seized the opportunity to scramble to his feet and disappear from view.

Her eyes fell to the pulsing swirl of destructive energy that swirled around her fist, and slowly, almost subconsciously, she began raising it to her heart.

She just wanted this to end. No more pain, no more sadness, just a darkness that would engulf her and free her from having to think, free her from feeling the guilt and loss brought upon herself by her own actions.

She needed to do this. She deserved to feel this pain.

She felt herself be suddenly grabbed from behind, her back pressed tightly against someone, as a strong arm wrapped itself securely under her shoulder, and a hand caught her by the wrist.

"Let me go! Let me go!" she screamed, struggling violently to tear away, twisting and thrashing wildly as she continued to scream and grunt in desperation.

She tried to reach him with her cataclysm, but instead the person holding her used their momentum to spin towards a nearby street sign, causing her hand to brush against the side of it, dispensing of the cataclysm.

Her cries weakened but she still wriggled furiously from within his steady hold.

This wasn't fair. Why couldn't she just be left alone to grieve in peace?

Quickly her feelings of hopelessness changed to a cold hard fury. If she couldn't punish herself she would punish everyone around her.

"You'll never get away with this! I'll destroy you, I'll destroy everything!"

She tugged viciously at the red clad arms wrapped tightly around her, but then a familiar voice spoke softly beside her ear.

"M'lady, it's me."

She stopped struggling, and felt the breath catch in her chest.

"Cat Noir?"

He cautiously loosened his arms as she turned to face him, half frozen in disbelief.

"Actually, it's Misterbug at the moment." He said, sending her a slight smile.

She stared at him, then rushed forward and threw her arms around him, sobbing as if her heart would break.

Her legs gave out on her and they sank slowly together to the ground, her head buried against his shoulder.

He held her gently as she wept, and the two sat alone on the empty Paris streets.

After her weeping subsided, Kuro Neko pulled herself away from Misterbug's shoulder.

He smiled reassuringly at her, and let his arms fall to his sides. "Feline better M'lady?"

She tried to laugh but it came out more as a cry. She sniffled, then quickly lifted her hands over her nose in embarrassment as she felt the light trickle of snot slipping down the top of her lip.

Misterbug looked at her with a twinkle in his eye before pulling out his yo-yo and saying "Lucky Charm!"

A small stream of ladybugs circled around them, before dropping a little box into Misterbug's hand.

"Tissue?" he offered softly, holding out the small piece of dotted red paper.

This time the former Ladybug laughed as she accepted the tissue and daintily dabbed at her nose.

"You always could get it to do whatever you wanted." She said, shaking her head with a fond smile.

Misterbug shrugged with a grin. "Nah, it just knows it has to go easier on a simple guy like me."

They sat comfortably for a moment, soaking in each other's presence, then his face grew serious as he said, "M'lady, I'm so-"

A blue violet frame lit up in front of Kuro Neko's face, and a voice echoed powerfully in her mind. "Now Kuro Neko! You're within arms reach of him - seize his miraculous!"

"Aah!" She grimaced as her hands flew to her head, trying to shake off the evil force that had suddenly enveloped her. The voice in her head grew more urgent and she found her eyes wandering in the direction of her partner's miraculous.

Misterbug looked at her in concern, cautiously resting a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to steady her.

"You don't have to do this, Ladybug. You can break free from Shadowmoth's power. I'm here now, we can figure things out - together."

Her body trembled as a cold panic washed over her at the mention of fighting against Shadowmoth's influence, her fingers pressed tightly against her head as she struggled to gain control of her thoughts.

"Please Ladybug, for me."

The sound of her partner's voice, so full of tenderness and concern, broke through the cloudiness in her brain and made her decision finally clear. She frowned in concentration as she pulled every tattered strand of willpower into one large cluster as the voice in her head faded and was replaced by a fierce love and loyalty towards the person she could never betray.

She was about to summon all of her strength to resist the powerful will that had engulfed her, when a sudden thought came to her attention and she turned to Misterbug in alarm.

"If I break free from his akumatization it will reveal my identity - I don't have my miraculous and I wasn't wearing one when I was akumatized."

She looked nervously at the houses lining the empty streets, knowing full well that everyone's eyes remained on them.

"What are you doing, Kuro Neko!" a voice yelled from inside her head. "You are supposed to get me his miraculous, not help him defeat you."

She felt her breathing quicken as the pain in her head grew stronger.

"Don't worry, M'lady, I got you."

With one swift motion, Misterbug scooped her up and she clung tightly to his neck as he carried her in the direction of a nearby alleyway.

Once they were concealed in the shadows, he set her down and squeezed her shoulders gently. "Don't be afraid, Little Bug. You can do this, I know you can."

He closed his eyes but stayed by her side as she once again focused all of her energy into resisting the power trying so desperately to maintain its hold on her.

A fierce current of commanding force thrust down upon her, while a voice commanded her to obey. "Give me your miraculous."


She gasped as a blast of power exploded above her head, severing the link between her and Shadowmoth, and would have fallen to her knees had it not been for the steady arms keeping her up.

The dark outfit and long braid disappeared and were replaced by a simple black jacket and two small pigtails.

Marinette noticed the ring still on her finger and murmured, "Claws out."

She breathed in as the soft leather surrounded her and she became Lady Noire once more, but this time her hair was shorter, and her eyes remained their normal blue.

"You can open your eyes, now Misterbug...and thanks."

He did so, and looked over her new outfit with a smile. "I knew you could do it, M'lady."

Then his face fell and he looked sorrowfully into her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Ladybug, I should never have left you like that."

"No, I'm sorry Cat Noir. I never meant for you to feel like I didn't need you anymore." Her voice trembled as tears filled her eyes and she went on, "I'm sorry I didn't let you in on my plans more often, I'm sorry I made decisions without telling you - I thought I had my reasons, but really I was just scared. So scared of something happening because of it, because of us, that I began keeping you at a distance and fell into the same outcome myself."

Misterbug looked at her in surprise. "What do you mean, M'lady?"

She took a deep breath, then smiled slightly, her voice growing stronger and more confident.

"I'll tell you about it, soon I promise, but right now the important thing is I want you to know that I never lost trust in you Cat Noir, and there's no one in the entire world who could ever take your place."

She stared up at him earnestly, blue eyes searching his as she said quietly, "I need you Cat Noir. I...I love you."

"Do you, do you really mean that, M'lady?"

She leaned her head against his shoulder as she hugged him close before saying softly, "Yes. I do."


They held each other for a long moment, then Lady Noire reluctantly pulled away and said, "Everyone probably thinks I killed you over here."

Misterbug grinned, "They'd be right. I'm pretty sure I just died of happiness." '

She shook her head with a smile, then said, "All the same, I think we should go make a public appearance and let the people of Paris know that everything is back to the way it should be. Or almost anyway," she gestured to the spotted red box that was still tucked into her partner's belt. "Don't forget about that."

He nodded, then said, "There's something else we forgot too."

She tilted her head in confusion before her eyes landed on his outstretched fist.

"Pound it?"

"Pound it."

Lady Noire felt like her heart could explode from happiness and relief. Cat Noir was back and they were partners once more. Her mind spun as she remembered that he was also Adrien, and she felt the color rising in her cheeks. To think Adiren had been her charming pun-loving partner all this time.

She knew she would have to have a long discussion with him later that night, as she needed to tell him that Felix had discovered his identity and that he had told it to her as well. They would have to come up with a plan together as to what to do next, but for now she wanted to just enjoy this moment, standing by his side, free from the guilt and fear that had plagued her for so long.

As they stepped out into the sunlight together, she caught a good glimpse of Misterbug's face, and for the first time she saw her partner as he truly was.

His caring green eyes sparkled in the sunshine, with the same thoughtfulness and warmth she found so captivating in Adrien, yet beneath them Cat Noir's reassuring grin teased across his face, and she knew that no matter what happened she would be okay.

Her kitty, her love, her friend, all wrapped up in one amazing person.

She loved him, all of him, and they would never have to be separated again.

P.s. After Misterbug used his ladybug power he and Marinette switched back their miraculouses and Plagg was happily reunited with Adrien, who promised to never remove his miraculous again...again.


Thanks for Reading! :)

(Sorry if the pacing and transitions are a little rough...I was up past 6:00 am writing this and my brain started wandering all over the place...hope it still made sense!) 

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