
By XxSaikoOtakuxX

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BlOoD LusT


23 0 0
By XxSaikoOtakuxX

Blood, so much blood... Watching my mother and father hit the ground in one blow. The blood spilling across the floor to the tips of my trembling feet... What the hell is going on. I can't.... my head.... I'm feeling so dizzy, the smell of blood hurts my head but, the look on their faces... how amazing... so amazing. This is iNsAnitY? What the hell... As I slowly walk to their lifeless bodies... sucking the rest of the blood out of them...


It wasn't a normal day at all, it was to sunny for her skin. She wasn't allowed in the sun but, walked around in a umbrella all day. She was so pale, her skin was to fragile for the sun to shine on. She was very quiet and spoke to nobody unless had to. She walked across the town, she hated to stay in the lonely dark house all day. She had to wear all black and keep cover. People would say she was a freak because of the way she looked, her pitch black hair, emo look, and her eyes. Ah... yes... her eyes... when you stared into them it's like a nightmare, you end up screaming for her to go away or.... faint and be in pain when you awoke. She didn't seem mean, she was just taken for granted. Her name was Hazel A. Cross, the was the student body president and so called what you called a "teachers pet". Some people say she a natural born killer, she won't care who you are, she'll send you to intenive care if she has to. Nobody know who she really is only her name. Hazel slowly walked outside the back door of the school, pacing herself down the steps.

"The sun is so bright, don't you think Kai," She smiled clutching her umbrella in her hands. She sighed feeling a bit disapointed at the moment.

"Hey freak!" A guy yelled pinning her to the ground. She hissed, she teeth becoming sharp and showed.

"Hey guys lets mess around a bit," The man laughed brushing up against her. She kicked him away and tried to run but was grabbed by her wrists and pulled close to him. He laughed in her ear.

"Your skin smells wonderful... how would it taste," He chuckled. She growled and it soon turned into a laugh.

"Your a sorry disgrace for a human..." She hissed disapering behind him, she wrapped her arms around him, her teeth sinking into his neck quickly. The other guys ran as fast as the could but, she caught them before they had a chance.....


She stood infront of the mirror, blood splated all over her face. She wipped the blood off with her sleeve. She couldn't touch water that was not pure. She looked at her eyes in the mirror, all she saw was darkness. She hated it, she just wanted to be a person. She walked out of the bathroom, people stared as she passed by.  She glared at one of them and the girl quickly looked away making sure their eye's didn't meet. She took a deep breath and walked into the classroom, suddenly bumping into a boy.

"Oh, i'm sorry miss," He smiled rubbing the back of his head. There were gasps behind him, people were shocked to see someone talking to her. She stared at him and nodded.

"It's quiet alright," She insisted, her british accent making him blush a little. He chuckled as she walked passed him.

"Oh i'm Derek by the way," He introduced himself. She stopped looking over her shoulder as he held his hand out to her. She closed her eyes, the looked foward.

"Hazel..." She mumbled not shaking his hand.

"I don't go for human contact," She hissed glaring at him. He froze then smiled.

"I understand, sorry," He apologised putting his hand down as she walked away. He sighed hitting himself in the head.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot..." He repeated hitting himself in his head. She sat quietly in her seat. A guy walked over to Derek and whispered in his ear.

"You're so lucky, if you would have grabbed her hand or even poke her she would have surely killed you," He explained shaking his head. Derek laughed to that and walked out of the room. The guy stood the blank thinking he was an idiot. The day slowly passed by, she sat in front of the school drinking a can of tomato juice. Her guitar next to her, the case was extremely clean and properly polished. She flipped her hair, licking her lips from the drink.

"Haha the students here can be so cruel," She chuckled. She looked down to the ground her smile faded.

"Demons are more resonable than humans," She sighed throwing the can into the trash can in one shot without looking.

"Whoa, you got some talent miss," Derek smiled sitting next to her. She stopped and stared at him a bit surprized.

"Why are you here?" She asked tilting her head to the side. He looked at her and pouted.

"What you don't like me or something?" He shrugged standing up. She looked to the ground.

"No, most people run when they see me," She explained standing up and walking away. She watched her walk away with her guitar behind her. He wanted to follow her, there was something different about her, it wasn't her look or her britsh accent... it was something else. He started to follow her, she looked over her shoulder and smirked.

"You shouldn't follow me, things can happen," She smirked evily. he ignored her comment and walked closer to her. He tried to reach for her but, she suddenly disapeard. he freaked looking around for her but, she was no where in sight.

Who the hell was she... He thought to himself, wondering if this is a dream or not.

(Part one all done, wanted to make a gory and insane type of story plus I like vampires. Got the idea from a UsXUk comic, it was super cute. X33333 Part 2 coming soon)

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