Last Dance (B.A)

By prettymuchdelight

334 0 3

"𝑺𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒕" More

🕊Ch. 5🕊


19 0 0
By prettymuchdelight


"Damn it Brielynn" I set my phone down on the dining room table "why ain't she answering me" I question "maybe she's dancing or something Brandon" Nick says "I've called for the last hour" I tell them "it's probably loud in there , maybe she can't hear the phone ring" Zion adds on "she knows I want to talk to her through out the night" I say

"Brandon , she's grown and she can handle herself" Edwin says "maybe she doesn't want you calling every hour" Austin looks at me and says "I just wanna make sure shes okay" I mumble "and she's not answering which makes me think something is wrong" I say as my phone rings and I pick it up hoping it's Brie but it's Ansley.

"Hello" I answer "umm Brandon" she says and my heart speeds up from the way her voice sounds "what" I ask "is Brie there?" She ask "is Brie here? No" I answer in confusion "she's not with you?" I ask "I haven't seen her in like a hour and I can't find her" she says "where the fuck is she" I ask

"I don't know , we were dancing then she said she was gonna go get a drink or something and then I didn't see her again" she explains "she didn't tell you if she was leaving or something" I ask "no I thought she was coming back and she never did" she tells me "I'm gonna go to her house"

I grab my keys "okay keep me updated" she says before hanging up "so?" Edwin ask "she's fuckin gone" I say "what do you mean she's gone?" Zion ask "she said that Brie went to go get a drink and it's been a whole hour and she's no where to be found at that party" I put my jacket on "I'm going to her house to see if she's there" I tell them "want us to come" Nick says "no it's fine"

I quickly walk out the door and get into my car. I start the car and take off automatically not even putting my seatbelt. Where could she possibly have gone beside her house. Why wouldn't she tell Ansley she was at least leaving. It's 2:30am. Dark as fuck outside. She probably walked home in the middle of the night , alone.

Yes she lives not even 5 minutes away but you never know what could happen. I hate to think about all the bad things that could possibly happen but I can't help but think that.

I arrive and see no lights on at all. I get out my car and walk up to her door. If she's sleeping I feel bad but I need to know she's in here so I knock as hard and loud as I can on this damn door. "BRIE!" I yell. Fuck the neighbors, I could care less if they're sleeping. "BRIELYNN" I knock and knock. I call for her again and again but nothing.

"What the fuck" I yell in frustration. Almost like a light bulb goes off and I remember I have a fuckin key. That's the dumbass in me forgetting simple shit like this. I race back to my car and grab the spare key from the middle console. I grab it and go back to her door before unlocking it. I walk in and it's dark. I reach for the nearest light and turn it out.

It lights the living room and some of the kitchen up but I don't see her. "Brie" I call out but not so loud. Maybe she's in one deep ass fuckin sleep. I know I was loud as hell outside. I walk upstairs and into her room. I hear light cries I'm pretty sure. "Brie" I whisper. Just like downstairs it's dark as hell and the light is by her bed. "babe turn the light on" I tell her but I just hear her cry.

I make my way to her light and turn it on. Then I look her way to see her sitting next to her bed on the floor "Brie" I go over to her and crouch down to her "hey, what's wrong?" I ask as she cries "baby" I say but she just has her hands over her face. "Talk to me please" I beg "what happened" I try and get something out of her but nothing.

I sit next to her and pull her close but she pushes me away "Brielynn , come on" I say "leave" she finally says something but not what I wanna hear "leave? Why are you crying" I ask her "let's get up and sit on the bed" I grab her hands and she snatches them back "did I do something?" She shakes her head no slowly.

"Well then what is it , please tell me" I beg her again. "I was calling you , you didn't answer then I was banging on your door and I know you heard me down there" I start "I was worried , I still am" I add "Tell me what the problem is" I ask. She then looks up at me. Eyes are bloodshot red, Mascara is running ,Tears coming down her face , and some dried up.

"Leave" she says again and I sigh "why won't you tell me?" I ask "why won't you listen to me" she cries "because you're my girlfriend and I love you , I need to know what happened" I explain "please" she ask "please just leave" she complains "Brie" I take a deep breath "Brandon go" she says. I don't think I'm gonna get her to tell me. I don't even think she's gonna let me stay.

I stand up and sigh "you really want me to leave?" I ask her "are you sure?" I ask another question "I can stay and I'll hold you or whatever you want me to do" I tell her "you don't have to tell me what happened right away but I can stay and be here with and for you Brie" I add "you can leave" is all she says. I bend down and plant a kiss on her head.

"I love you Brielynn" I say "I love you , now go" she demands and there's nothing I can really do now. I slowly walk out hoping she'll change her mind but she doesn't. She lets me walk out and leave her house

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