Call It What You Want (to be...

By dustychalks

9.4K 870 5.4K

8x featured | A pick your own genre / version story. Choose between a sweet ChickLit love story or a mind-ben... More

Track 1.01 | tuesday when i caught your eye
Track 1.02 | and we got bills to pay
Track 1.03 | dodged a bullet or just lost the love
Track 1.04 | conversation with the little white lies
Track 1.05 | got into the accident
Track 1.06 | cry tears of mascara in the bathroom
Track 1.07 | about how i can't sing
Track 1.08 | my reputation's never been worse
Track 1.10 | say hello to you and risk another goodbye
Track 1.11 | wish you would come back
Track 1.12 | the playful conversation starts
Vault Track 1.13 | but would you run away with me
Track 2.01 | hey, are you okay?
Track 2.02 | growing up and falling in love
Track 2.03 | you never gave a warning sign
Track 2.04 | and i'll write your name
Track 2.05 | sweet tea in the summer
Track 2.06 | watch from the dark
Track 2.07 | say my name and everything just stops
Track 2.08 | who's taylor swift anyway?
Track 2.09 | my heart knows what the truth is
Track 2.10 | my fears, my hopes and dreams
Track 2.11 | let me keep you company
Track 2.12 | could stand up and sing you a song
Vault Track 2.13 | but it's golden like daylight
you haven't met the new me yet

Track 1.09 | new to town with a made-up name

265 29 110
By dustychalks

A big thank you to all of you for over 3K reads on this story! Each vote, comment and support of yours in any way means the whole freaking world to me <3

This chapter is a small thank you to you for I haven't held back with this one, literally leaving hints scattered all over and though that might not make complete sense now, it will soon enough, after a few chapters 🤭

Enjoy and let me know what you think of this one :)


🦋 + 🐍

(Priyankha's Version)

She breathed heavily against her mask, rushing towards the coffee shop as if the darkness and fog would seep into her skin if she walked any slower. The early morning jog had left her struggling for breath and she held the edge of the counter to steady herself, wiping the beads of perspiration on her forehead once she was inside.

A quick glance at the vintage clock hanging on the opposite wall told her she was on time. Amidst mentally preparing herself for working two jobs at once and helping Grace recover, Priyankha seemed to have completely lost track of time, as if it had stopped being linear somehow. She was so stuck, adamant on avoiding that one terrifying memory from the past that her mind registered the present events way after they had actually happened. It was in this eerie silence that she realised how most of her memories had slipped away into a moment in time.

It was a usual Wednesday, nothing special and almost too early for anyone in Starlight to turn the shop lights on but Priyankha had a ton of last minute orders to complete today. And while she was at it, it wouldn't hurt to prepare in advance for the rush hour. Especially after Grace's condition and having to divide her energy between two separate jobs, she felt grateful to have Dio by her side but keeping up with a professional barista with about a year of experience in this town took more than Priyankha had estimated.

Scrubbing her hands with soap thoroughly, she made a beeline for the coffee beans container and emptied some into the grinding machine which was already cleaned the previous night. As the machine burred, a sound she knew all too well now, she took out some glass jars from the cupboard and started preparing the cakes. Finally a break from the voices in her head, she mocked and thanked the loud grinding machine.

Priyankha stirred the cake mix batter slowly, afraid to spoil the consistency but when her thoughts didn't leave her alone, she registered how therapeutic intensely and angrily mixing the batter could be. As she whisked the batter with swift moments, the flashbacks began haunting her again. One by one. And then all at once.

Her new job. She had first been to that place a while back and though it was a bit demanding, Priyankha found herself enjoying her time there. And the extra income didn't hurt as well. Though she wasn't really good at her job so she doubted how long she'd be able to keep it especially because of how music-

The state of Grace. She wasn't sure if it would be acceptable to pry into her personal life but she couldn't help the impulse to get involved. Though she kept ignoring her urge to find out and fix things for Grace, she wasn't sure for how long she'd be able to keep her distance. There was no way she could afford to get involved in someone else's mess. Not again. Not after last time-


She kept avoiding her thoughts like the escapist she was but one particular sight in the back of her mind left her stunned, the clattering sound of the whisk hitting the floor being her only connection to the present now. It was as if she was forced to live through it all over again and before she could spiral any further, she bent to pick up the whisk. Leaving the batter in the oven, she threw the whisk into the sink and decided to divert her attention.

The voice in her head was way too loud and clear this time. Think of something else. Think of a butterfly. Anything that-

That regular customer. No matter how hard she tried to convince herself she was being paranoid, she couldn't shake off the tense feeling from when he kept staring at her the first time they met. Unlike most men she had encountered, he didn't check her out or stare at her in a creepy way. It was supposed to feel plain weird but it felt different. And surprisingly, that's what scared her more.

His eyes pierced into hers, as if asking a lot of questions at once, none of which Priyankha seemed to understand. Instead of trying to picture behind her apron in a perverse manner, he never took his eyes off of her face, as if trying to imagine it behind her thin layered surgical mask. As if he knew her.

The possibility made her heart skip a beat, for hardly anyone knew her in this small town. And no one was supposed to. His eyes wandered in the lack of recognition but he seemed to be drawing her features in until she loudly cleared her throat and sternly asked for his order. And then he opened his mouth to say the silliest thing she had ever heard because no one in their sane state of mind would order the cold beverage he did in a weather like this.

She was startled when the oven dinged her back to the present and she couldn't help but wonder if he was alright. Or he would just prove her hypothesis correct when he would return to the café with a cold. If he would ever return.

It had been days since she had last seen him at the coffee shop and she wondered if she had missed him somehow and Dio had prepared his order. But she knew that wasn't the case for whenever the bells at the entrance jingled, her sights would flee up towards the door, trying to find a familiar face. In search of him.

But he never came after that day and all she could do was wonder why.

He didn't look so well the last time he was around. Did he finally catch a cold or had Priyankha managed to scare him away? She sighed at her past self that thought a free coffee - against which Dio had lectured her later - would help him forget her crying face. For a hot minute, she was convinced he was staring at her with concern when the tears streamed down her face but her logic dismissed the idea that a stranger would care so much.

But that look. It was so much like the first time he had seen her. Undoubtedly, it would be validating for most to suddenly lock a man's gaze, so intense and riveting, but not for Priyankha. For someone running away from their past, finding anyone who could recognise her here would be her biggest nightmare. Her worst fear.

She sighed loudly again as this was her life now. A carefully built castle with tons of lies that could fall apart at the slightest tug of wind. There was no way she could afford anyone finding out where she was at the moment, especially why. She took three deep breaths before holding a knife with a vice-like grip in one hand and slowly began chopping some washed strawberries. Brushing her anxious over-thinking aside, she tried to focus on the desserts she was supposed to make, even if she had clearly lost control long back. That regular customer who was merely a stranger had helped by turning into a mysterious yet easy distraction now.

After all, people like Priyankha were never good at keeping secrets anyway. It was either the way they quickly placed their trust in most people or the way they assumed everyone around to have a good and pure heart. But not anymore. Priyankha had learnt her lessons the hard way and this one particularly, wasn't one she was going to forget anytime soon. Not after what it had cost her.

She neatly pushed the cut strawberry slices towards the edge of the glass jar in a distinct pattern before picking up the roll of whipped cream. And as she poured it with a flower shaped nozzle, her mind started playing flashbacks of the time she had dared to dream and trust, of the time she dared to hope and believe. But no actions go without consequences, for here she was now, new to town with a made-up name where nobody knew her. And soon that was going to change but she wasn't ready for it.

Random Question: What do you do when random thoughts start attacking you?


This chapter is dedicated to Anne chalametslcver for reaching out in Nov 2021 and making such amazing graphics for this story. I am so touched by this gesture and your efforts. Thank you so very much, Anne <3


A/N: Hey guys! What you think of this chapter? Honestly, writing something so subtly obvious was a big leap for me. What do you think of Priyankha so far? Why is she here and what's her big secret? I'd love to hear your theories *_*

P.S. You can find me on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Spotify & Goodreads (with the same username everywhere; links in my bio) for behind the scenes or to know what I'm up to recently <3

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