The Story of Team Hope (Pokem...

By whatishappening202

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*Will be editing someday soon* 14-year-old Skylar lives in a world full of Pokemon, where you can only catch... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
A few words...
A few more words...

Chapter 18

771 53 14
By whatishappening202

(Back to Skylar's POV)

Weavile had led me throughout the snow-covered route for the rest of the day. We were near the edge of Rt. 217 now, and tomorrow we should be able to fly the rest of the way to Snowpoint. Now, we were in a small cave with a fire lit. It was really cold.

"I don't like it here," Houndour complains. "It's cold and crap."

"It isn't cold," Weavile argues.

"Because you're an ice type!" everyone shouts in synchronization. Weavile laughs nervously, and soon everyone else joins in the laughing. My glasses nearly fall off my nose. I'm still not used to wearing them again.

"Let's all get some sleep, and start traveling again tomorrow. I bet we'll be in Snowpoint tomorrow!" I smile while everyone cheers. Our mission was almost over.

"But what would come next?"

Better not to think about stuff more than a few days ahead. For now, I'll just get some sleep with the rest of my pokemon.


The next day, after breakfast, Swellow and I started flying again. Everyone else was in their pokeball, of course. While in the chilly air, I start singing to myself.

Sometimes, it's hard to know

Which way you're supposed to go

But deep inside

You know you're strong

If you follow your heart, you can't wrong

I was startled when Swellow spoke up.

"Can you sing louder?" she asks.

"What?" I ask.

"You have such a nice voice. Why don't you sing louder?"

"Ok." I smile.

I begin to sing again, from the beginning.

Sometimes, it's hard to know

Which way you're supposed to go

But deep inside, you know you're strong

If you follow your heart, you can't wrong

Sometimes, it's hard to see

Just what's your destiny

But when you find, the path that's true

You'll know that it's the one for you...

Stand up (stand up)

For what is right

Be brave (be brave)

Get ready to fight

Hold on (Hold on)

We're friends for life

And if we come together as one

Complete the quest that we've begun

We will win the battle


The time is now, the game's begun!

Together we will fight as one!

Each of us, in our own way

Can make this world a better place!

Stand up (stand up)

For what is right

Be brave (be brave)

Get ready to fight

Hold on (Hold on)

We're friends for life

And if we come together as one

Complete the quest that we've begun

We will win the battle

Just when it seems that you are lost and all alone,

You will find the courage and strength to carry on

And if you fall along the way

Have the faith you'll be ok

'Cause your friends are there for you,

Reachin' out to pull you through

Stand up (stand up)

For what is right

Be brave (be brave)

Get ready to fight

Hold on (Hold on)

We're friends for life

And if we come together as one

Complete the quest that we've begun

We will win the battle!

Swellow and I start laughing and smiling. That described our predicament completely. Maybe that's why I started singing it.

"Hey, look," Swellow calls, "it's Acuity Lake!

"Yeah. We just have to cross this lake and we'll be in Snowpoint City!" I cheer. In less than half an hour, we touch down on the outskirts of Snowpoint City. I pat Swellow on the head and return her. We had been flying for nearly 2 hours, she must be tired.

I let Weavile out of his pokeball. He cheers once again for being in the cold. I might as well blend in with all the other ice trainers here. I've seen a lot of Glaceons and Swinubs just by walking down this path.

Snowpoint City is beautiful. The snow gives off a glistening glow to it, and many houses have smoke coming out from chimneys. I think the only reason that Snowpoint City was named that because Snowpoint Town didn't sound right. As well as the giant building with no doubt top notch security that I have to break into.

I go to a store that sells winter gear and but new clothes. Being in a sweatshirt, capris, and a T-shirt isn't the best idea in below freezing weather.

I got a gray and white sweater, a hat, gloves, to cover my fingerprints (although I told the clerk my hands get cold really easily), and a heavier jacket. I also got some boots that allow you to run in heavy snow. I decide to keep the capris on, for some reason. Maybe because all the pants they had were crappy.

Hey. I'm a girl. I'm allowed to judge clothing.

After my shopping spree, Weavile and I head over to the pokemon center. One thing I can tell, this place is in need of some major upgrading. Snowpoint City probably sends all their electricity to the government building. Most of the houses probably don't have heating installed.

The pokemon center only has one light bulb and isn't much warmer than the outside. Nurse Joy is bundled up in scarves and other winter clothing. A few trainers are sitting around the room, also bundled up. The pokemon healing machine looks like it was from 30 years ago. I really feel bad for these people.

Returning Weavile, I hand Nurse Joy my 4 pokemon. Since there isn't a monitor that shows what pokemon the person has to the entire room, I think that it's safe to heal Swellow. Nurse Joy has a shocked look on her face when she sees what pokemon I have.

"You..." she starts. I put a finger to my lip and take my pokemon back, sending her a wink. I don't think she'll tell anyone.

I let Absol of his pokeball and trot outside.

"Why did you have to let me out? It's freezing!" Absol complains. I smile and wrap a scarf around him that I bought earlier. Then, I sling a necklace around his neck. I wear a matching bracelet.

"It's a mega stone. You can mega evolve with it. I want to test out, however, before we raid the government building," I respond to his unasked question. Absol nods as we walk to the outskirts of town again.

"So, uh, do you know how this works?" I ask, feeling sheepish.

"No?" Absol responds. Great.

"Uh, mega evolve?" I say aloud. Nothing happens. I press the stone on the bracelet, which I think is the key stone, and say, "Mega Evolve!"

Although I doubted it would work, Absol started glowing a blue-ish color. I was shocked at what I saw when he stopped glowing. For one thing, I'm pretty sure that Absol isn't supposed to have wings.

Absol's fur is longer, the spikes on his heels and elbows are longer. His horn widens, while another appears on the back of his head. His tail has a more saw like shape, and the strange oval marking on his forehead is now a triangle. My eyes widen at the site of him.

"Did it work?" he asks.

"Yes...Absol, you have freaken' wings!" I shout, walking up to him and touching his wings. Absol looks shocked at the sight of them.

"This is so awesome!" Absol shouts, jumping in the air, trying to move his wings, failing miserably. I sigh.

"Absol, why don't you try using night slash on that tree over there?" I suggest, pointing to a large pine tree. Absol nods and sends a night slash at the tree.

It not only cuts through that tree, but the one behind it. My eyes widen and widen until I think that they're going to pop out.

"Dear Arceas!" I shout.

"Yeah. How is that even possible?"

"Don't know. We should practice more, however."

Absol soon got the hang of mega evolution. I returned him and then let him back out. Just like how I thought, the mega evolution was over. He looked tired, so I gave him a sitrus berry and a lemonade that I picked up from a vending machine. Absol instantly perks up.

"It's almost 8. We should eat and then head in the building," I say. Absol agrees and we walk back in town.

Apparently, we're just in time to hear a familiar voice shout, "HEY! Try to get Staraptor to put me down gentler next time!"

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