Tied by Destiny (Completed)

By Bepannah_love

518K 25K 5.6K

Karthik Reddy, a well known and one of the best cardiologist of Birmingham running his own hospital 'Reddys'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Prologue - Our Bond.. Unnamed & Unknown
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Bonus Chapter (50k Love❤️)
100k Love💖

Chapter 51

7.8K 378 117
By Bepannah_love

Aadhira's sleep breaks after a few hours, she tries to switch position but feels something heavy on her holding her down not letting her move. She opens her eyes slowly to see what is it that is holding her down. She was shocked to see Karthik sleeping on the bed along with her, she tries to get out of his hold but he just pulls her back closer, still in his sleep.

She again tries to move away, this time he pulls her completely over him and opens his eyes. She was shocked, her eyes were wide open, he smiles looking at her and tucks a strand of her hair falling on her face behind her ears "Atleast in my dream don't push me away my fairy princess.. be my fairy princess in my dream.. not a fire breathing dragon".

She looks at him even more shocked "Ka.. Ka.. Karthik th.. this isn't a dream..", he chuckles "Yeah right.. as if you would let me hold you like this in real.. or even let me sit with you in your room..". Aadhira didn't know what to do to make him understand that this isn't a dream "Ka.. Karthik", he keeps looking at her caressing her cheek with one hand and holding her waist with the other.

She pinches his arm to make him understand that he isn't dreaming. He looks at her shocked "Ouchh.. wait I'm not dreaming.. this is real..", she looks at him "Yes that's what I was trying to make you understand". He leaves her hand shocked, she immediately moves away from him, he looks elsewhere and gets up from her bed muttering to herself "When did I end up sleeping.. Godd!!".

Aadhira glares at him "When did you come inside..", Karthik looks elsewhere "Umm.. I.. didn't.. you..". He keeps fidgeting with his hands and keeps looking everywhere but her, just like a student does when teacher asks them a homework which they didn't complete "Umm.. I.. you.. slept.. so I came inside". She continues to shoot daggers at him "Why did you come inside.. I told you not to enter my room right".

He looks up at her "I wanted to check if you were fine.. I wanted to take care of you Aadhira.. that's why". She gets down from the bed and goes to stand in front of him, her eyes blazing "I'm fine.. I was fine without you also.. I can take care of myself Dr.Karthik Reddy.. I don't want you to take care of me.. I don't want your fake concern.. One day you will be concerned and the next you will tell that I'm taking advantage of you..

No!!.. I don't want to hear that again.. I don't need you to take care of me.. I'm well enough to take care of myself.. just stay away from me.. you cannot do everything according to you Karthik.. you don't want me.. you push me away.. you want me.. you come close to me.. No!! That's not how this works.. that's not how marriage works!!.. It cannot be about you always!!.. and I'm not a puppet whose emotions you can keep manipulating and changing..

So please let me be.. I don't want to fall for a man who does not value my emotions.. who does not have stable state of mind.. there was a time when I wanted to put my 200% into this relationship.. into this marriage.. for you.. but you didn't value them.. I don't even know what I did for which you spoke so rudely to me.. and if you still love your so called ex-girlfriend who ran away.. why did you even take a positive step towards this relationship..

One step you take forward and the next moment you take us both 10 steps back.. I cannot keep going back and forth like this.. My feelings get hurt.. my heart breaks when you push me away.. I don't even know why.. I don't want my heart to break again.. so let's just stay away from eachother.. you do your work I do mine.. that's it.. we don't interfere in eachother's life just like we decided.. there doesn't need to be an 'us'.. and most importantly.. you don't have to take take care of me.."

He keeps looking at her as her eyes start to flow without even her notice, his eyes too well up but he does not let them flow. He steps closer to her and wipes her tears "No Aadhu.. I will not stay away from you.. I will wait for you to forgive me.. there was a reason why I was fighting with myself.. I didn't know if I wanted to be with you or not.. but now I'm clear.. it's only you!!.. no one else!!.. you can take how much ever time you want..

But in the end.. there will be an 'us'.. even now I would rather have you in front of me fighting with me than not have you at all.. I had my insecurities.. I had my jealousy but I had a reason for all of that Aadhu.. I spat things that I shouldn't have due to my jealousy and insecurity.. there is so much you don't know.. so much you need to know about me and us.. I will tell you everything.. but you need to calm your anger down.. calm yourself down.. before you hear me out..

I know I hurt you a lot.. and I have no justification for that.. I can never justify my stupid actions.. but what I can do is let you in on my emotions.. why I did what I did..". He looks into her golden brown deer like eyes which were looking at him intently "I.. I.. no let it be for now.. I will not step into the boundary you set for us princess.. but let me take care of you.. else I won't be at peace.. my heart won't be at peace..".

She keeps looking at him, into his eyes which keep looking at her with utter truth and sincerity "Why do want me to listen to you.. why do you want to take care of me.. what is there is the past about us.. I have never seen you before this whole marriage affair". He smiles cupping her cheeks, he had decided to let her know everything as hiding it would lead her to getting hurt again "I told you right.. there is so much you don't know my little fairy princess.. and there is so much you don't remember which I remember❤️.. so till you are ready completely to listen to me.. you can throw how much ever tantrums you want.. I'll take it all.. that doesn't mean you cannot throw tantrums at other times..".

She looks at him and shoots glares his way "I don't throw tantrums.. you only throw tantrums.. your mood swings at times made me wonder if you are pregnant by chance". He chuckles "Seriously Aadhu.. firstly it's not biologically possible.. you can ask Abhi.. and secondly, to be pregnant we have to do something.. and we have not done anything..". Her eyes widen in shock, she removes his hand from her cheeks and tries to push him out of the room as her cheeks turn red "Out.. out of my room..

You will get nice punches if you enter the room.. I'm now good enough to punch and kick you.. so unless you don't want to see a trial don't enter inside". He laughs "Okay okay.. but if I don't enter how will I take care of you..", she looks elsewhere "I don't care.. out now.. idiot..". She pushes him out and locks the door, she turns her back to the door, Godd!! Such an Idiot he is.. doesn't know when to put filters over his mouth.. oh right as if you know Aadhu..

I don't need reminders.. shut up!!.. she touches her cheeks which were flaming due to his last words, Aadhu don't be so happy now itself.. he can flip anytime.. he always does that.. so don't be so happy.. and don't let your heart jump so much Aadhu.. you don't know what is running in his mind.. what past could we possibly have when we have not even met eachother probably after I was maybe 4 years old.. don't fall again so quickly and get hurt Aadhira..

Aadhira didn't know what to do, she kept thinking whether she should listen to him or not for 2 weeks. In this 2 weeks, Karthik had been constantly trying to get Aadhira to forgive him. He kept his promise of not stepping into the boundary she set for him, he did not enter her room again after that day, every morning he would slide a note down her door wishing her 'Good morning'.

He would make coffee for her everyday even if she didn't drink it. He would maintain his distance from her, yet would not back off from showing her what importance she holds in his life. He would drop her to the hotel, while leaving she wouldn't call him yet he would come pick her up at the right time. She had even tried changing the time of her leaving, still he would be there at the right time when she would ask how he came to know, he would just smile and say it's a secret.

He would bring things for her which reminded him of their childhood like chocolates, at times chocolate ice-cream, flowers with which he would write a memory of their childhood and leave it in the kitchen which she would read while making dinner. Her smile was enough for him which he would see hiding behind the kitchen wall because when he would be in front of her she would keep shooting glares at him.

He was helping her look for places to setup her shop which she would start post the completion of her work in WholeMagic. He had seen her stressing over where and how to set it up, so he decided to help her. This step of his brought a smile on her face but still she was skeptical to take help from him remembering what he had told her before the beginning of their relationship. He felt sad when she had pointed it out to him but then he convinced her that he is just trying to help her and not using his influence.

After all this, she was finally ready to listen to what he had to say. It was a Sunday evening, so they both were at home, Aadhira makes hot chocolate for both of them. Karthik was checking something related to the hospital in his laptop sitting in the living room, Aadhira goes near him and puts the cup of hot chocolate in front of him. Karthik looks up at her, she keeps looking at him.

He stands up looking at her and smiles understanding what she wants to do. He picks up his cup "Come Aadhu.. let's talk", she smiles looking at him. They both were about to go towards the patio when the door bell rings. Aadhira turn towards the door "I'll go check who it is", she puts her hot chocolate cup down and goes towards the door.

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