Collection of short stories...

Od Trooper-JJH

22.8K 353 247

This will be a collection of short stories I can't make into larger book. It will have a pretty good range of... Více

Kangaroo and her human (Part 2)
Kangaroo and her human (Part 3)
Kangaroo and her human (part 4)
Kangaroo and her human (Part 5)
Kangaroo and her human ( Part 6)
kangaroo and her human (Part 7)
Kangaroo and her human (Final)
Prey or friend (Part 1)
Prey or friend (Part 2)
Prey or Friend (Part 3)
Prey or Friend (Part 4)
Prey or friend (Finale part)
Story vote
Enemy turned friend (Part 1)
Enemy turned Friend (Part 2)
Enemy turned Friend (Part 3)

Kangaroo and her human (Part 1)

4.8K 35 13
Od Trooper-JJH

 Main characters

Name: Stella

Height: 50'

Age (earth years): 28

Gender: Female 

Rank: Corporal

Role: Combat medic 

Species: Kangaroo 

Name: Max

Height: 5'8"

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Rank: Private

Role: Rifleman 


Everything was quiet on the peaceful planet called earth. Humans went throughout their days doing what they needed to do to survive and provide for their families. Children played happily with one another while their parents talked with one another about things going on in their lives. Everything was perfect that was until they arrived. 

One day the bright blue skies were quickly filled with dozens of unknown massive ships. Over the eastern coast of the United States. At first, people were amazed to see these massive ships hovering in the earth's atmosphere.

Humans always thought they were the only intelligent life among the stars and were thrilled to meet new creatures from beyond the stars. Wanting to meet these new creatures the government sent a message saying "Welcome to earth friends. If there is anything we can do for you please let us know. But for now, just make yourself at home." They hoped their message would show they wanted peace between these visitors. But just as quickly the alien came they showed their true intentions. 

For upon taking a closer look at these ships people soon came to the horrifying truth. These were not just any regular ships. These were warships and this was an invasion fleet.

Without warning the ships bombarded the planet with a fierce barrage of missiles, torpedoes, and lasers. Countless metropolises, cities, and towns along with hundreds of thousands of people were obliterated within an hour or two of the bombardment. Then after the brutal bombardment came the ground troops. 

The alien invaders were gigantic in size standing upwards of fifty feet tall and some even taller. They resembled the animals of the earth but, with human features. The invaders seemed to be bent on the extinction of the human race. They sparred against no one in their attack, killing every human insight. Soldier, civilian, young, old, male, female it didn't matter to them. 

They slaughtered the military in seconds and no earthly weapons smaller than a twenty millimeter and higher seemed to hurt them. The aliens would crush the humans in their hands, underneath their boots, or even devoured them.  Their massive weapons that were cannon-sized to the humans vaporized whole companies of soldiers with a single blast. 

With the military unable to push back these massive invaders the government ordered any and all remaining humans to evacuate to the west coast where hundreds of ships lay docked ready to take everyone to the western hemisphere since the alien haven't reached it yet. 

The remaining soldiers were ordered to hold off the aliens if only to distract them long enough for the civilians to evacuate from the warzone. However, there was something interesting happening amongst the carnage and destruction several reports of a few of the aliens turning a blind eye to fleeing transports and people or even picking up humans to only deposit them away from the fighting were heard. Which told people that maybe not all of these monsters were that bad.  

No one's POV

The aliens were now pushing forward into America. They reached Tennessee and just like before every human that was seen was killed along with the aliens destroying every city. 

At the capitol in TN (Nashville) the army was trying desperately to evacuate as many people as possible.  The aliens have just entered the city and had already destroyed much of the once glorious city. 

They easily destroyed the defending military and, were now threatening to reach the transports that were located at the edge of the town. People quickly pilled in while soldiers did their best to distract them. 

Stella's POV 

Stella and her squadron had just finished crushing (Literally) a human unit that tried to fend them off. 

This was her third battle against the humans. At first, she was excited and fired up to join the conquest of earth. Her general told them they needed to eradicate the humans so they could colonize the earth and plunder its resources. 

She was checking on of her squamates that took a human tank round to the chest. Luckily the round didn't penetrate his armor but, still left the German Shepperd battered a little. While she did that her team leader was interrogating a human soldier on the were abouts of the remaining soldiers and civilians. 

Her team squad leader was a dragon named Scorch. He was ruthless and cruel towards everyone he came across. He loved to crush humans saying "it just shows how weak and pathetic they are." Stella saw him as nothing but, a cruel monster that loved to pray on the weak. 

Stella knew that they needed to conquer earth quickly, due to them having their last world die from too much draining of its natural resources.  And the earth was the perfect planet with plenty of natural resources to fulfill the needs of her people. The only thing that stood in their way was the humans. She was told that the humans were little parasites that refused to aid her people and, even declared war on them. 

However the more she fought the more she began to question what her generals told her. Every engagement was always the same. With the human soldiers trying to fend her people off while the civilians evacuated. She along with several other soldiers and even some higher-ups started to question the orders to exterminate the humans. Just as she was finishing checking on her comrade the sound of Scorch's voice filled her ears. 

Scorch: " Tell us where your little friends are now or, I will prolong your suffering pest." He said angrily while gripping the human soldiers tightly in his hand. 

The human was already badly injured. His left arm was broken and he had several massive cuts across his body. And with Scorch squeezing tighter and tighter. The sound of the human's bones breaking and his screams filled the ears of the four soldiers that were around Scorch. Stella noticed that every one of her teammates turned away and even had looks of sadness on his face.

Eventually, Scorch stopped and brought the human to his face. The Human looked like he was holding on to his life by a single thread. Blood soaked his uniform and his limbs were twisted and turned badly. With an evil smile on his face Scorch laughed and then said. 

Scorch: "Look at you." He said with a wicked smile. "You and your pathetic race are nothing but, bugs that will be crushed under our heels." He said while grinning. 

Human soldier: " You just slaughtered men, women, and children. You all nothing but blood-thirsty freaks." He said weakly while coughing up some blood.

Upon hearing this Stella along with the German Shepperd lowered their ears flat against their heads and Stella even let out a few quiet whimpers about how the human was being treated. However, their last teammate a male lion named Leo who was just as cruel as Scorch stepped up to the human and said. 

Leo: "  Your race started this war now you all are getting what you deserve." He said hatefully. 

Human soldier: "We didn't start this war. You fired on us first, you killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. You destroyed our homes and, decimated our planet." He said sternly. 

For some unknown reason, Stella felt her heart being torn and her mind told her that this human was right. 

Human soldier: "Go ahead kill me your demons. You will never find my people they're already long gone." He said with a small smile on his face.

Just then the German Shepperd stood up from Stella and walked over to his team lead and mate. They looked over and saw him coming and they quickly saw his face was nothing but, anger and sadness. 

Scorch: "Hound what are you doing?" He asked confused. 

Without saying a word Hound reached out and grabbed the human out of Scorch's hand while pushing him to the ground. 

Scorch: "Hey what the hell!" He said while falling to his butt. 

Hound then stepped back and glared at his squad leader.

Hound: "This is wrong, the rules of war say we can't torture a prisoner of war." He said hatefully. 

By this time Scorch stood up and was joined by Leo. The two of them just growled at Hound for stopping their fun with the human. Then the sound of the human's voice caused Hound to look down at him. 

Human soldier: "Please kill me end this pain please." He said faintly in a pleading tone. 

Hound gave the human a saddened look seeing that his injuries were too severe Hound brought his hand up and quickly broke the human's neck. He made sure to do it quickly so he wouldn't feel much pain. The human's body now lay lifeless in the giant Shepperd's hand. He then placed the body on top of a building.  But then Scorch walked up and slammed his fist right into the side of Hound's head. 

The Shepperd yelped as he was sent flying towards the ground with a loud crash. 

Scorch: "The next time you interpret my fun Hound I will cut your throat." he said angrily. 

Hound was about to say something but, their com links went off. 

General: "( Com link) Attention all soldiers the last of the human pests have been spotted in the southern quadrant of the city. I want any available unite to go and crush them immediately. No survivors."  

Scorch: "(Com link) This is the second squad en route to the target we'll get them." He said happily. He then looked at his squad: "Let's go I want to get this done so, we can move forward." He said sternly. 

Scorch and Leo just walked forward both eager to crush more humans. Stella walked over and picked up Hound who was rubbing his jaw. Once he was to his feet Stella spoke out. 

Stella: "Why Hound, why did you mercy kill that human?" She asked curiously. 

Hound: "Because if I were to be captured I would at least like my enemy to kill me quickly without any pain so, it is only fair that I give my enemy that same death." He said plainly. " Now come one we need to keep moving." He said while heading off to follow Scorch and Leo. 

Stella was about to join him but, found herself looking back at the human's body. His words still echoed in her head and, she found herself thinking. 

Stella's mind: "What if he was speaking the truth. What if we actually started this war and, have been murdering the human race this whole time." She thought to herself. 

But she quickly pushed these thoughts to the back of her head and, quickly darted off to catch up with her squad. 

Little did Stella know that what was about to transpire would change her life forever. 



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