Multi/fandom One-Shots <3

De romantisizeStupidity

492 10 35

Hello all! This is all my requested one shots. If u want to req a one shot or multiple go to my conversations... Mais

🍇 + 𝙄𝙉𝙏𝙍𝙊 +🌞
TOM RIDDLE - You're mine, you know that right?
A/N :D
YELENA BELOVA - Macking cheese
REGULUS BLACK (and kinda Sirius?) - The journal
REGINA MILLS - The women with the lion tattoo
EDDIE MUNSON - two of us riding nowhere
𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗤𝗨𝗘𝗘𝗡 [ ᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ ᴍᴜɴꜱᴏɴ ]
𝗠𝗬 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 [ ꜱᴛᴇᴠᴇ ʜᴀʀʀɪɴɢᴛᴏɴ ]
𝗠𝗬 𝗙𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗗 𝗕𝗘𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗡 [ ꜱᴘᴀʀʀᴏᴡ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍʏ ʙᴇɴ ]

FRED WEASLEY : Maybe I did maybe I didn't, what's it to you?

23 1 7
De romantisizeStupidity

              Walking down the hall, I stop in my tracks "Morning Freddie" I smile to myself.

I heard a whispered 'damnit' behind be "You really have surpassed the master, haven't you grasshopper?" Fred mocked in a wavy old man voice. He poked his face over my shoulder, leaned down, hands in his pockets.

I look over to see him face to face with me. At this point I'd expect to look over to the other side and see George. But no? "No George today? What, you wanted to be alone pretty boy?" I leered.

"Maybe I did maybe I didn't, what's it to you?" Fred narrowed his eyes smiling, walking to be on my side. Fred was the more confident twin. George was an absolute menace too but Fred? Man he actually meant all this stuff. He was more definite in his skin.

I continue to walk down the hall, Fred following,,

"What's that mean?" I questioned. "I don't know I couldn't think of anything cool enough in time" He laughed "I think that just makes me sound mysterious, like Edward Cullen" He aspired

"The hell you know about Edward Cullen" Furrow my eyebrows smiling over at him "I've been doing my research little miss" He bragged

"Hmm" I think looking up "you're more a Jasper" I joke, Fred's eyes widened In surprise

"How could you say that to me?" He wiped a fake tear away. "Oh but George wanted us to meet at the spot" He added.

Suddenly a boy from my class strode up to me and Fred, I sigh rolling my eyes. It was Marcus Belby. God that idiot this man couldn't take a hint if he was held at gunpoint, well wand-point? No that sounds weird.

"Heya, [y/n]" He smiled, then looked up at Fred. His smile dropped. He was one of those guys that thought he could fight someone but in actuality he was like 5'5.

But anyone is short compared to Fred, goddamned skyscraper.

Fred looked down at almost fuming me. He quickly picked up that this was the guy I constantly complained about.

Marcus cleared his throat "Can me and [y/n] have some time alone?" He puffed out his chest, adding two more clicks to the second hand embarrassment dile.

Fred looked at me, eyebrows raised to see what I wanted, "I'll deal with him today I guess" I muttered.

Fred nodded, "I'll be over there" He pointed, going behind a wall to spy. Nosy nosy man.

"[y/n]... I want you to give us a chance" He said

US? WHO IS US?? "I'm sorry, what?" I remark.

"I want you to go out with me. Just once! If you don't like it you don't have to go on another one" He pleaded

"Hey, look man but I can't go out with you. It would be unfair to give you false hope" I tried to explain, I was so tired of being nice, I didn't owe anyone nicety's

"I don't care if it is false hope, maybe that will change" Marcus urged.

"Marcus. No. Ive gotta go" I sighed, going to walk away. Marcus grabbed my wrist "Get your hand off my wrist asshole" I repulsed

Before Marcus could say anything more Fred storms out from behind the wall, his pace hastened. I could easily kick this wimps ass but none the less, here comes Fred, pushing up his sleeves.

Grabbing Marcus's shoulder and turning him around. He nearly threw him to the ground.

"Jesus Fred, I could have handled that" I rub my wrist where it had been grabbed.

"I'm sorry, no I'm not. I heard you saying 'get off me' so I sprung into action" He tried to explain, still obviously adrenalized.

Marcus was long gone by now, he ran the moment he got thrown. Like I said, I could have easily taken him but it was nice knowing Fred was there. He obviously would have helped any person in that situation but still.

"Should have never let him be alone with you" He scoffed. "You alright?" He muttered.

"I'm fine Fred, honestly. Let's go, George is probably waiting for us" I nudge him,

"Hm? Yeah" He snapped back to reality "Alright gorgeous, let's embark" He smiled grabbing my hand and pulling me down the hallway...

☀️ ☀️ ☀️

After much laugh filled running down the halls, we made it to a secluded courtyard behind the greenhouse.

"Where the hell is he?" I fretted "Maybe he was eaten" Fred suggested "The zombie apocalypse finally came" He added on.

Fred suddenly he grabbed waist, spinning me around and locking me in a choker hold "BAA" He yelled. I had never been startled more in my life. "Annnddd Im a zombie and you're now eaten" He let me go.

I immediately punched him in the side "You ass! Scared the shit outa me" I whined, "OW, I'm just training you for when we meet Negan" He rebutdtaled.

first twilight and now walking dead, Jesus he DID do his research. I felt it charming though. That he had taken time out of his life to learn my references and where they're from.

I smiled to myself as we kept walking, there was a lot of silence and then "Did I charm you so much that you went speechless?" He teased, leaning over my shoulder again.

"Hm?" I look up from the ground "Maybe you did maybe you didn't, what's it to you?" I remark. Fred gasps

"Hey that's my line! You stole my line!" He said, catching up with me. "You pay attention" I stated.

"I gotta, you say the most interesting stuff" He explains. "Really? Like what?" I smile, looking up at him.

"That time you said my hair was pretty, when you called me pretty boy, OH that day when you complemented my outfit" He continued

"That's that stuff about you" I roll my eyes "What can I say, I'm just so cool people have to talk about me a lot" Fred bragged

"That's not what I me- annt.." I Trail off, my eyes landing on a folded piece of on the rock with my first initial big, in a spray pained sweater. We tagged it a few days ago after I complained about not having a famous Weasley sweater from Molly.

I picked it up and opened it, my eyes widened. It read:

"Stupid Fred will probably not find this before you [y/n] so I'm addressing this to you. I'm trying to win a bet so I'm leaving you guys alone. I tricked you HEHEHE. Anyways, make a move on my lonely brother please and thank you


I quietly fold up the paper and slip it in my pocket "You weren't going to show me?" Fred questioned in my ear


"BHA" I yelp, jumping. "Stop scaring me!!" I scold. Fred snatched the paper out of my pocket. "OI DONT READ THAT" I exclaim, trying my damned hardest to reach his hand, high in the air

"Oh I already read it over your shoulder, I just want it so I can frame it to give George my respect for ref'ing for me" He teased "Although calling me stupid and lonely kinda stung buut it got the point across" He continued, with his hand still high in the air.

I desperately jumped trying to get the paper back "Dumbass" I huff. I jumped again, aiming toward his arm but he suddenly jerked his arm back, throwing my aim way too forward leading me to trip over my ambition and fall forward

Fred caught me by me quite literally running right into his chest "Calm down, don't hurt yourself" He taunted.

I stand there, face stuffed into his sweater and bright red. "Ihmaphyoe" I say muffled.

"Hm?" He said raising his eyebrows. He was literally beaming down at me. I lean my head back, now looking at him

"I hate you" I say, smiling uncontrollably. "Really?" Fred asked "really" I repeated. "It sure doesn't seem like it" He smiled

Fred looking down at me, he took an opportunity and leaned his head down kissing my forehead.

..What WHAT WH A T

I stared up at him, eyes so wide it was as if I was 5 and he just told me Mickey Mouse wasn't real. "Thank you" I managed to squeak out.

"HUZZAH!" Fred threw his hands up "You dont hate me!!" He jokingly jumped up and down.


"Can't take it back now, you said thank you for the kiss. You can't take back a thank you" Fred said reciting his imaginary rule book.

I scoff. A crisp wind blew past me, leading a shudder down my spine. "Cold?" Fred guessed.

I nodded "No shit" I laughed. Fred slid off his sweater. "Arms up" He requested. Confused, I Lift my arms.

Fred delicately puts the sweater on me. Oh I'm dumb
"Warm" I state. The sweater smelled of what ever dust these idiots used to make their fireworks.

"Now I'm cold" Fred complained "I'm not giving it back" I let out a little laugh "Here" I say.

I sit down on a bench and pat the space next to it. Hesitantly, Fred takes a seat and I readjust where I was facing, swinging my legs over the bench arm and leaning my head back onto his lap.

"Oh thank you I'm so much more warmer" He said sarcastically "I can get up" I threatened.

"No wait I'm fine" Fred interjected quickly. I gave the shit eater smile™ up at him. He dropped one of his hands down to my face and started playing with my hair.


The afternoon consisted of horrible braids being put in my hair, and discussions of what ways to get out of Snape's class and literally anything and everything.


HEHEHE honestly I really loved writing for Fred even tho Im down DOOBIUSLY for George

I might do more since this was really fun 👁👁

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