Cunning and Evil

Da yejinhandlands

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Yoon Seri and Ri Jeong Hyeok are taking the Republic of Korea's National Assembly by storm. Lies, deceit, and... Altro



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Da yejinhandlands

As the title of the position would suggest, being the Speaker of the National Assembly entails the requirement of eloquence, not just in the manner of speaking one's decisions but that of the whole Congress as well.

Yoon Seri has always been eloquent. The Speaker can fluently speak in English and switch to Hangeul flawlessly.

And as Seri was called by the emcees and she took the stage for the Daegu Colorful Festival,  her constituents could be seen smiling ear to ear as they heard their elected assemblywoman speak in Daegu Satoori.

This talent of hers was highlighted when she took the mic and greeted the tourists in English, the local travelers in Hangeul, and thanked them all in her Satoori. The booming drums halted, the noisy bystanders fell silent, and everybody listened to the Mugunghwa of the National Assembly, Speaker Yoon Seri.

"May the colors of Daegu be a respite, and inspire everybody to hope for a brighter future despite the dark realities we are currently facing." She finished her welcoming address by wishing everyone to enjoy every activity that Daegu has prepared for them. A deafening applause followed as the lovely Speaker blew an air kiss to a little child in the frontline of the audience.

The assemblywoman was wearing a bright lavender dress today for the festival, foregoing her usual monochromatic fashion choices for the celebration of the most colorful festival in Korea.

Assemblywoman Yoon walked backstage, the roaring cheers behind her still lingering in her ear when she was suddenly pulled by a strong hand towards a dark makeshift room.

"Fucking son of a bitch!" She cursed in her local dialect, having half a mind to look for her mobile to dial the number of her bodyguards, and cursing once more when she remembered that it was with her executive assistant.

The man snickered, pulling down the hood covering half of his face. It was dark in that makeshift backstage room, but she knew every nook and crevice of that face. It took her one second to realize that it was the man that she woke up to yesterday morning.

"You scared me!" Seoul accent. She then slapped his chest, forcefully, and cursed at him once again in Daegu Satoori. "Asshole!"

Jeong Hyeok pulled her in closer to his chest for a half-hug. "Is it weird that I get turned on when you're cursing at me at your Satoori?"

"What are you doing here? I thought you were busy today?"

He decided that she didn't have to know that he canceled two days' worth of work and meetings to be with her in Daegu.

"Never too busy for you." Seri was about to utter some teasing for he was being too cheesy, but the spokeswoman, who always had something to say, lost her words when he complimented her, "That was a great speech— even if I only understood half of it. I was too busy picturing how beautiful the Assemblywoman of Daegu is."

Even in the dark of the room, he can sense her smiling. He took her arm and gently pulled her towards the exit of the makeshift backroom, the bright sunlight blinded them, and the booming speakers and colorful banners welcomed them. "Now will you tour me around here?"

"You're really asking the assemblywoman of Daegu to play tour guide?" she asked incredulously.

"No, I'm asking the love of my life to fulfill her promise to tour me around her hometown!" She remembers now-- a promise she committed several years ago when it was Jeong Hyeok's turn to show the beautiful city of Seoul to her younger self.

She lit up with the memory, "Do I have a choice or you're holding me hostage against my will?"

"Hostage. Better call your Chief of Staff."  Jeong Hyeok offered his phone to Seri, which she immediately took to call Hong Chan Sik to let him know where she'll be - or she won't be, at the festival's VIP Section.

"Ransom?" Seri asked, playing along as the call was still ringing in her ear.

"Nah," The assemblywoman laughed at that, and god it was the sweetest thing he has ever heard. Jeong Hyeok couldn't help himself, "I'm not letting you go."


Jeong Hyeok diligently adjusted the hat that he put on Seri's head. "Tsk. You're still standing out." Jeong Hyeok uttered.

Seri stared at the frown lines on his forehead, an indication of two things:

One, his frustration with not being able to successfully hide her; and two, an indication of how he aged over the years. She almost forgot that they have spent too long apart, building their own and separate worlds - burning its bridges to each other's. Now Seri realized how he was still that attractive man that held her heart in his hands.

Only older, and admittedly, more handsome.

"You're the one standing out." She countered with concealed amusement, popping her own thought bubble. She leered at him from head to toe with feined judgment. "You're the one wearing a black hoodie and cap in the sea of rainbow colors, mister."

He smirked and let her comment go, there was no way he was gonna wear that bright green hoodie that belonged to Seri's bodyguard anyway.

"Tsk tsk." Jeong Hyeok took a good look at Seri and wrapped her in the scarf they bought from a boutique they passed by. "You're still recognizable."

"I topped the election polls here, Ri Jeong Hyeok. They put me in Congress. Of course I'm recognizable here." She commented. Jeong Hyeok pulled out another bag from his backpack, revealing two sunglasses that she could only guess were convenience store-bought.

It was a hot humid day, and they were both covered up to avoid attention, but there's no place they would rather be but here, where they look forward to experiencing even a tiny bit of

For once, they both felt the need to get away— get away from the world where he's the assemblyman of Seoul and she's the assemblywoman of Daegu, where he's the Majority Floor Leader and she's the speaker, where they are both responsible for the welfare of their constituents.

They needed to be just Ri Jeong Hyeok and Yoon Seri.

"So where are you taking me?" He asked.

Seri thought to herself, perhaps the people of Daegu are far too busy to care about their assemblywoman's love life, are they not? Perhaps she can let loose a little.

"Let's eat?"

With that, she held Ri Jeong Hyeok's arm and dragged him towards the nearest food cart of Hodu Gwaja.

Both of them stood in front of the cart, surrounded by people who were none the wiser.

Hundreds of walnut treats were in front of them, with blue, red, pink, and violet coloring specifically for the festival. Seri ordered five per color, amused by its vibrance, and it was as if it was her first time in a long time to eat street foods, she ordered more: Teokbokki, Fishcake, Soondae, Gimbap...

There's no way they could finish half of it.

It was a miracle that the pair was able to secure a table in the middle of the park amidst the hundreds of people looking for one.

"So, you rejected me when I invited you to dinner at Myomi.." Jeong Hyeok laid all the food they ordered on the shaky foldable table in front of them, "But now you couldn't wait to munch right here, in the middle of a very packed park? You know Myomi has 2 Michelin Stars, right?"

"Aigoo, how's that silver spoon in your mouth doing?" She jested, well aware of Ri Jeong Hyeok's affluence and status as a member of a very influential clan in Seoul. There's no way he has ever experienced eating street foods. Seri figured there was no harm in teasing him more... "This is the date that you've been asking me for weeks now. Enjoy it."

Jeong Hyeok choked as Seri smiled sheepishly, her cheeks bulging with Hodu Gwaja.

"Did you see the High School that we passed by before we went here?" Seri asked, to which he nodded. "I studied there.. So every day I go to school with my bike, always racing with my classmates on the way to class. There was that one time when a boy was so pissed off because I had beaten him to the race. I was with my friends when he tried to run us over with his bike the next day... and I got so angry that I got on my bike, chased him off, and ran him over."    

He smirked and whispered, "That's my girl."

She almost didn't hear it. "What did you say?" She teased, swirling her spoon in the air to make fun of him.

"Nothing, Aein." His face was smug-- and she blushed.

"Anyway!!" She continued, "My father went to the Principal's Office and acted all angry at me, but right after we left that room he gave me a high five. I will never forget what he said to me that day, Never be afraid to stand up for yourself and for the people who deserve it."

Jeong Hyeok thought it was impossible to fall for her more. Afterall, he knows how strong her hold on to him was. But hearing her right now, he couldn't be more wrong.

It's possible to fall for her more.

"Do you see that condominium?" Seri pointed at a high rise across the park that housed a convenience store in its lobby, distracting him from his daze. Residents, especially families, went in and out of the building. "That was the old site of the Court of Daegu. They moved the new one somewhere in the city center, but back when I was 12, I would always go to the courthouse, and Appa would take me here to eat after his hearings."

Seri smiled, a multitude of memories coming down at her all at once. Jeong Hyeok took her hand - He knew that this is a sensitive topic for Seri.

"Was he kind? Your Appa?"

"Very." They both smiled. "He always had a minute to listen to everybody's problems — and he always had a solution. Appa, God bless his soul, was very close to the fishermen and farmers. He crushed every corporation that took advantage of them. Everyone in Daegu loved that man."

Jeong Hyeok offered a genuine smile. "I wish I could have gotten to know him."

"That would have been nice," Seri replied, and Jeong Hyeok felt she held his hand back.

Five minutes ago, he was about to make a litany about how their first date after a long time should be different, should be at the restaurant that would require a reservation, and should be special. But seeing Yoon Seri, the very powerful speaker of the Congress who has all kinds of power at her very fingertips, get excited about a simple Teokbokki being eaten out of a stick and a paper cup because it reminded her of a beautiful memory, Jeong Hyeok realized that it's not the place, nor the time, nor the food, that makes their "date" special.

..It's Seri.

She makes everything in his life special.

He playfully grabbed her other hand with a chopstick and redirected it toward his mouth, tasting the  Soondae (blood sausage) she was about to bite into. "Hey!"


As much as Jeong Hyeok and Seri were enjoying the trip down memory lane, it was becoming very unpleasant for what they can tolerate. Groups of people flocked to the park to get something to eat after they have witnessed the dance presentations.

It was noisy. It was jam-packed.
They had to get out of there.

After minutes of walking, they arrived at Daegu Arboretum, where hundreds of species of flowers were located. Contrary to its usual state where people would flock to see its vibrance, today only a few people came, mostly tourists. The pair figured everybody else is in the city center for the festival.

Seri and Jeong Hyeok stood a half meter away from each other while they walked. Above all, they are still public officials and someone could recognize who they were beneath the poorly constructed disguises.

"I like it here." Jeong Hyeok says, "It's calm and quiet."

And just like a sick cosmic joke, his phone rang at full volume. He initially didn't want to pick it up knowing that it is work, but Seri encouraged her. Afterall, she made a call to Hong Chan Sik for 15 minutes while he patiently waited.

So Jeong Hyeok picked up his phone from his pocket.

Ri Cheong Ryul.

He declined it, but not before Seri was able to peek.

Their eyes met, and they both understood.

They reveled in the unwelcomed silence. In his mind, he knew why he was calling. His father probably knew about him taking a leave of absence on the same dates as the festival in Daegu where their Assemblywoman is definitely present. His father will tell her to leave Seri— that she's just manipulating him, and any other accusations he preferred to hear never.

In her mind, she still wonders why his father called.

They were walking along the flower path, and Seri was so distracted that she wasn't able to appreciate the flowers she loves so much. They were in full bloom - but she barely noticed.

"Representative Yoon?" A faint voice asked witb hesitance. Seri turned and saw a grandmother carrying a little toddler in her arms. Removing her sunglasses and hat, she smiled to the Ahjumma and to the girl.

"Hello, Ahjumma." Seri greeted her. Ri Jeong Hyeok moved with nonchalance, moving away and taking his phone to take pictures of the flowers, hoping that Ahjumma doesnt recognized his face from the newspaper.

"Oh, it's really you!" The Ahjumma gushed with delight. The little girl beamed at Seri, and raised her chubby little arms, wanting the assemblywoman to take her. Ahjumma continued, "I want to personally thank you, Rep. Yoon. My family is a beneficiary of your H.O.P.E program. Her father, my son, was able to get a job too because of that."

This is the reason why she do this. Seri's heart swelled— all the more when the little girl faintly cried when Seri didn't take her the first time.

"Omo, don't cry, baby girl!" Seri took the little little girl in her arms, gently comforting the little girl by rocking her.

Seri and Ahjumma  continued with their little chitchat, more so when she shared that they lived in the same district in Daegu. While they talked, the little girl in Seri's arm kept laughing adorably, and Jeong Hyeok noticed that at one point the little girl even try to bite Seri's cheek.

When it was time for Ahjumma to go, she glanced and took one good look at Ri Jeong Hyeok, probably trying to remember where she saw that face. Dismissing the thought, the grandma and the little girl went ahead with their little stroll, paying little mind to Jeong Hyeok— much to his relief.

He closed the distance between them and wiped Seri's cheek from when the baby tried to bite her cheek. "She's adorable, wasn't she?"

"Very much," he agreed. There was a thought that popped inside her head, one that he tried to bury many years ago for his pride's sake. He buried it further, in the guise of asking her what did she and ahjumma talked about.

"You know," she started, "she told me about how she knew my halmeoni—"

Her words muted— all he saw was the image of Yoon Seri carrying a little girl in her arms. The thoughts he tried so hard to bury resurfaced almost instantaneously when he saw that one particular smile of hers. "And that little girl, Ae-rin! Goodness. She's such an angel. I—"

"Do you still want one?" He asked out of nowhere, surprising the Speaker of the National Assembly.

"Want... what?"

"A kid," Jeong Hyeok stared at her, his manly features highlighted his eyes that showed tenderness. He corrected, "..Kids."


"Yes, I think." Seri replied. She hasn't really thought about it. Afterall, she was so busy building her name and career during the past years she didn't even notice that so much time went by. With a quick second thought, she added, "Yes. Eventually."


"How about you?"

"Yeah, of course. Two.. or twins." He replied almost instantly, but stopping for a moment to think about what to say next, "Eventually."

"I.." It was the first time Jeong Hyeok heard Seri mumble, "I never thought you'd want one after being...."

"After being what?"

Seri smiled, bitterly. "..After being Representative Ri Jeong Hyeok."

Unsurprisingly Jeong Hyeok knew what she meant.

"Apparently people's perception of what they see in their future change whenever a life-altering moment happens to them." He looked at her with utmost sincerity, the depths of his stares luring her to jump into the abyss of the unknown, "whenever there's hope."

Unsurprisingly Seri knew what he meant.

She looked away, opting to sit on the shore and feel the waves on her feet slowly instead of jumping into the deep waters. She remembered the thrill, she remembered the feeling of triumph once she jumped— but she also remembered the feeling of being washed away by the crashing waves of the shore, unable to breathe.

Seri smiled weakly, and he knew.

She's terrified of drowning again.

Jeong Hyeok decided, then and there, that he will never stop showing Seri that he's in it for the long run.

No more lies. No more running away.
He's not letting her go this time around.


Where are you? A beep of his phone and his gut told him it was her.

Seri had to be at the City Center for the ceremonies of the festival, so they immediately went back after spending a considerable amount of time in the Arboretum. She didn't want to leave him alone, but he assured her it was fine. He's a grown man — afterall, he didn't want to be spending some time talking to her Chief of Staff.

Back in my hotel, beautiful. He replied. Jeong Hyeok had taken a nap after waiting for her to finish her duty as a judge in the parade presentations.

He opened his television to watch the livecast of the festival, and there she was, with a white dress that made her stood out not just in the crowd but in the whole republic of Korea.

She sat behind a table with her co-judges as she tallied her scores, and Jeong Hyeok saw the exact moment her lips turned into a shy smile when she read the text he had sent her, not knowing he can see her realtime.

Moments later they announced the winner, and after a few photo sessions she was free to go.

Send me an update on your plans. Jeong Hyeok couldn't help but giggle on her text message. Did she forget she's not talking to her staff? She's so bossy it's sexy, he thought to himself.

When he wasn't able to reply instantly, he received another text. Nevermind. What's your room number? I'm coming up.

Damn, she's gonna be the death of him.


When Jeong Hyeok opened the door for Seri, the first thing she saw was the bottle of wine on top of the table, ordered through room service.

Seri chuckled as she made her way to the table to
pick up the corkscrew, "I'm not sleeping with you tonight, Ri Jeong Hyeok."

"I wasn't expecting anything," he slowly replied in a smug tone, and it sent shivers down her spine.

What she didn't expect was that he was behind her, a strong and masculine presence towering over her. He gently grabbed her hand holding the cork and made her turn it, their arms brushing against each other almost zapping her with electricity.

"God you're beautiful." Jeong Hyeok whispers to her ear. He stared at their reflection on the window— stared at Seri, all in her glory.

"You tell me that everyday I'm starting to think you don't know any pick-up lines." 

"I'm only speaking the truth, Aein."

Corkscrew turned.

He made her pour into the wine glass and he turned her to face him, taking her hand that was holding the wineglass to his lips to drink from it.

"Stop looking at me like that," Seri commanded. Her knees weakened as she realized he was also drinking her presence in.

"Or what, Madame Speaker?"

Seri smirked, two can play at the game. "Or I will cite you for contempt, Assemblyman Ri."

"Why would you even do that? You know you can get me to do anything you want."

It was her turn to drink from the glass while maintaining his gaze. She is the epitome of beauty and class, red wine staining her beautiful plump lips as she stared at him with her alluring eyes.

"..But there's only one thing i wanna do right now, Seri, I —"

Their lips met, eager for each other's. He held her in his arms, tight. So tight.  Seri wrapped her arms on his neck, drawing sweet nothings on his skin as he kissed her. His tongue caressed her lip with gentle ease, as if telling her he'll take good care of her. He took his time to savor the sweetness of her lips, ever so patient, ever so tender. He held her cheek lovingly, angling her to shower her with feather lite kisses on her face, making her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

He looked at her in question, and she nodded.
Acquiescing to what she truly wanted.

If there's one thing that Yoon Seri learned in the cutthroat world of the National Assembly, it's that never completely trust anyone.

Never completely trust your mentor.
Never completely trust your ally.
Never completely trust your leader.

Heck, don't even completely trust the man kissing you on the lips.

She opened herself once again, but god forbid she let down all her walls and gave him 100%.

But as much as Yoon Seri is a force to be reckoned with in all aspects, she couldn't resist her heart's calls of his name.

The smart ones are usually the stupid ones, she recalled referring to herself as she waited for Ri Jeong Hyeok that one night he met his ex-fiancee.

That night, when he came back, he didn't say anything. He took her in his arms and held her. Tight.

..and every hour she woke up from slumber, hoping he was beside her when she opens her eyes. Relief overcame her, every hour, whenever she felt strong arms enveloping her in an embrace, never letting her go.

That morning, she was awakened not by the fear of not seeing him there, but his featherlight kisses on her neck, telling her everything she needed to know. That moment, she wondered how her life will be if she give everything to this man— to trust him, completely. With all of her.

She still didn't know the answer then.

But now, as his lips brush over hers with tenderness, she's willing herself to try.

Jeong Hyeok kissed her with renewed vigor when he felt how passionate she was kissing her back. His kisses slowly traveled to her ear, whispering how he's going to take care of her.. and how he's never going to let her go.

He carried her towards the bed, not breaking the kiss, and Jeong Hyeok laid Seri on the bed with care, like a rare jewel that she was.

Seri tasted like Pinot Noir and euphoria.

He never stopped kissing her. Her moans filled his ear as he held her in places she wanted to be held, in places she wanted to be touched. The white dress that made her look like a goddess now laid on the floor, forgotten.

Jeong Hyeok's lips took turns with ravishing and worshipping Yoon Seri. Each curve and each crevice was revered, each kiss sealed with a promise that he will always protect her.

And when she uttered the words telling him that every part of her ached for more of his touch, Jeong Hyeok made Seri his.


"Jeong Hyeok?" She called. He grabbed a bottle of water and made her drink from it, wiping her lip with his thumb after. He laid again by her side, pulling her to face him, wrapping her in a warm embrace she never wanted to get out of. Jeong Hyeok's arms provided a safe haven for her. She inhaling his scent, his chest becoming her home.

"Rest now, my Aein." He planted a kiss on her forehead. A full and tiring day awaits her tomorrow, her schedule packed with events.

Jeong Hyeok stared at her and all he saw was future. He realized, earlier today, that he didn't want any future without her in it.

He found himself whispering promises and declarations in her ear, found himself swirling deeper into the vortex of his love that he realized he never once left.

"I love you, Yoon Seri." Jeong Hyeok whispered, and she was so at peace, so comfortable in his presence that she had fallen into slumber easily, instantly, "I never stopped."


(Damnnn i missed writing "A/N" LOL)

I'm here again after two years! Would you believeeee?!

I missed all of you so much! How are you?

A little back story: I found myself opening Wattpad and reading all comments I weren't able to read since I left writing back in 2021. And further down the rabbit hole I allowed myself to read, in a reader perspective, the favorite story I wrote — Cunning and Evil.

How evil of me to leave this story hanging.

So as promised, here's another chapter!

—still finding my footing tho. I haven't been able to write (except for concept notes and reports) for two years so bear with me!

Hope you enjoy (despite the numerous typo errors— which im working on😉)!


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