/~BNHA short stories~\

By SillyPan_cake

296 2 1

Basically just some drabbles, oneshots, shorter stories and possibly headcanons from the world of 'My Hero Ac... More

Only know you're in love when you let them go
Kaminari's magic bulb (1)
Rich girl
Kaminari's magic bulb (2)
Kaminari's magic bulb (3)
Kaminari's magic bulb (4)
That boy from art class
In another life, or maybe in this one?
The flower curse
MHA girls headcanons
class 1-A as the lgbtqia+ (headcanons)
Beautiful to me -request
Even if everyone loves me, I only want you
Chaotic groupchat
Met him online
Denki Kaminari headcannons
Could have been all different (1)
Could have been all different (2-end)
Kaminari's magic bulb (5)
A/N, because i have something to say
Big vampire cliché
My safe place
Dirty little secret (1)
Vampire cliché, another story
Kaminari's magic bulb (6)
roommates, pt.2
roommates, pt. 3
wrong soulmates
A/N - so, I'm sorry

Some old idea of mine, but upgraded

5 0 0
By SillyPan_cake

why hello there again, so its me again, anyway

i had this idea a while ago, like even before i started writing this book(?), but ofc i forgot about it and today my head was just like "wait a sec..." and recalled it and im like "lets write this when i get back to the dorms", and so here i am doing this instead of crying bcs theres always someone around and tbh idrc if my str8 roommate sees me write fanfics on wattpad, but i dont wanna cry cuz it makes too much noise, anyway, no one cares about that

so this is like a version from when they're older, like their twenties to thirties, somewhere there i guess, but anyways, they're all pros now

i just realized its gonna main Kaminari again, oh well, might as well call this book "if Kaminari was the MC" am i right? no but srsly tho, ill try to write something without maining Kami next time, for now you're getting his pov bcs i said so

!TW: implied cheating, drinking, mentions of s3x

ships included: ShinKami, SeroKami (its the plot, you'll get it hehe), UraMina, Tsukoyami (is that what the ship is called?), TodoDeku, Poprocks, Meiida, MomoJirou (I love KoudaJirou too, but... lesbians)


It was a while since we all went to UA, having no troubles, getting all red over holding hands, dating, flirting and stuff, but now, most of us are married and some have kids.

I can't say I really miss the UA days, but I sure do miss the 'good old days'. Life was like a hollywood movie, Asui and Tokoyami got married and already were expecting a second kid, Iida and Mei got married and were now expecting their first kid, to all the class A disbelief, Iida was able to do the thing with someone, for some reason it made no sense to the girls. Ashido was already on her and Uraraka's fourth cat and second dog, also seventh frog that were mostly Uraraka's. Todoroki and Midoriya were considering adoption. Jirou kept on refusing to get a kid, even if Yaoyorozu aka her wife wanted one so bad, in the end they got one, but that's for later. Kirishima and Bakugou kept on being oblivious to the fact they're in love, it was the time we all still lived together, me Bakugou and Kirishima. The night we were going to a class reunion, something moved in their relationship and the two almost kissed, in the end they didn't and during the next month I moved out and the two started dating soon after.

But to start from the beggining, we got to the reunion, I talked with Ashido about Kirishima and Bakugou, she said something about Iida having a kid, we talked about Mineta's funeral and why did all the girls from class were there if they hated him so much, to which she said they needed to make sure the work was done before paying, still don't know what she meant to this day.

At one point during the night, my back then boyfriend Hitoshi Shinsou asked me to marry him, being the meme I was, I completely killed the vibe but who cares. It went well, the wedding was amazing, Ashido and Aoyama fighting over who gets to prepare the wedding and it ended in chaos at first, but somehow they managed to work together in the end. For a couple years after we got married, life was great, like a fairytail, however we had work, we tried to match our duties to be together as much as we could, but then I had an incident and Hitoshi refused to let me get back to the hero work and as for everyone else, their duties doubbled and it didn't stop by that for 'Toshi, since he was one of the 'secret agent' heroes or whatever I barely saw him, and even if he came home for a few hours in a week, he mostly spent this time sleeping, I don't really blame him, but I got lonely. I mean, I was still hanging out with my friend, Ashido, Kirishima, Sero, Bakugou, Jirou even. But it was just not it, you know what I mean, I just wanted someone to hold me and give me kisses, maybe something more...

Somehow, more people kept getting more duties, except me since I wasn't really working anymore and Sero for some reason, I mean he works for Todoroki who got his agency after his father, so he can just tell Roki he wants to go home and Todoroki lets him, dunno, somehow that works for the two, so whatever. And since It's usually me and Sero who are free mostly all the time, we hang out together, and don't get me wrong, I was fine with that, like I was, I mean we're friends since high school, so where's the problem? There isn't, well wasn't until there was.

It was winter, I believe, me and Sero were hanging out in his family's cabin, just the two of us, we were drinking some wine his family had there, Sero said they wouldn't mind, and I believe I never found out if they did, story for a different time. We were drinking and I guess we got too comfortable with each other, and honestly and don't think I can recall who did it first, but at some point we kissed, like I said, can't remember who went for it first, it just happened and since we were both a bit, maybe more, tipsy, we somehow ended in bed, doing stuff. It was the next morning that everything clicked in my brain, we agreed to call it a drunken moment and pretend it never happened. But few weeks passed by and we did it again, I could probably blame my need for affection and the lack of it I've been getting from my husband, I mean it still doesn't exuse my actions, but hey I used to have a crush on my best friend back in highschool, so maybe those feelings came back at some point. For some reason it felt right, even if I knew It's wrong, and keeping it from Toshi should be hard for me, but I didn't even feel bad about it, which scared me the most, that I felt no guilt for doing this, let alone keeping it from him, it seemed so easy to do. But of course secrets can't last forever, can they? It would be way too easy if they did. One time I was over at Sero's family's cabin, we were doing typical friend stuff, like baking cupcakes while listening to Taylor Swift and at some point Sero confessed he liked me for a while now, exactly he said "I've been meaning to tell you this since we were at UA, but when I finally picked all my courage to say it, Shinsou did it first. Back at your wedding I was so close to yelling 'I object' but I didn't, maybe I was too scared to lose you completely if I did, I dunno, I never thought of the possibility of you liking me back, I guess. What I'm trying to say is, I really, really like you" with that he looked into my eyes and I guess I wasn't thinking because I blurted out "We could have been dating since high school" and somehow told him how I had a huge crush on him, but then the whole thing with Hitoshi happened and how I thought Sero liked someone else and could never like me. You can imagine how it ended.

It feels like years since I woke up in Sero's bed and he brought me coffee with a soft "Love you". We cuddled for a while, then I went back home, cleaned the house, made lunch and watched TV. At some point Hitoshi came back and we greeted, and curled up on a couch, finally I got some affection from him as well. It would be fine if Sero didn't leave any hickeys, but of course he did and of course Hitoshi noticed, so we got into a fight. It feels so long ago, while it only was today.. well yesterday, what time is it even? I've been driving away since Hitoshi told me to get out of his house, even if I payed for half the apartment. I was crying, a lot but at this point no tears came out anymore, I'm just so tired. It's not too much after midnight, and I don't even know where I want to go, I can't go to any of my friends, they would be mad about what I did, and I can't go to Sero either, I'm sure if I went to him, everything would be even worse, at this point I don't even know where am I or where I'm going. I guess I'll know when I get there, it's not much people out here, why would they be? In the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night, everyone has better places to be right now, only idiots drive in swan is this? Probably. Just me and... oh, hey another car behind me, wonder where this person's going so fast... Wait dude, we won't fit both on this rode! If you don't slow tf down right now-

changing to Uraraka's pov (because I wanna write it so bad)

It was late, I supposed around ten pm, I was just feeding our cats as the phone started ringing, who on Earth can be calling so late? is what I thought to myself as my bootiful wifey picked it up with a smile that faded withing seconds as she listened to the other person speak before saying "No, I haven't seen him since like a week ago, we'll be right there, tho" then she hung up and told me there was an emergency, so we quickly changed into our hero suits. On the was she explained everything, that Kaminari and Shinsou had a fight and now Shinsou can't find Kami anywhere, and he left his phone home.

And so, hours later, it's around three in the morning now, we stand here, in the living room of ShinKami's apartment, most people having coffee as Sero and Shinsou keep on yelling at each other who knows what for. Most of us just agreed Kami will come back when he calms down, but Shinsou refuses to admit that, saying something must have gone wrong.

"I bet he'll come back eventually" Mina says, taking a sip of her coffee.

"No, he won't" Shinsou repies.

"Why wouldn't he? I mean, he'll come back and you can apologize or whatever" Jirou says as she continues to chew on her iced coffee straw.

"Because, one he's the one who messed up and-"

"Okay, listen, you have no right to come at him, wasn't it you who left him lonely"

"What? You're acusing me? It's your fault anyways"

And we're back at Shin and Sero knows what's up and will fight about it instead of telling us.

"Then how 'bout you guys tell us what happened?" Mina says as she earns a growl from Bakugou leaning on Kirishima's shoulder, still half asleep.

"Alright, you want to know what he did" Shinsou turns to her, I feel my blood boil, but I stay silent, for now.

"What he did? What you did, don't you mean" Sero says simply.

"And how do you dare speak to me so casually" Shinsou turns to Sero again as the fight begins yet again.

"Enough, say what happened and quit this, it ain't helping anyone" Bakugou says, sleepy as Deku lets out a soft "Awww, sleepy Kacchan" after which he recieves a look from both Todoroki and Kirishima.

"Fine, Denki cheated on me, with him" Shinsou says, pointing at Sero.

"Maybe if you payed more attention to him, this wouldn't have happened" Sero fights right back.

"Still, he's the one to blame" Shinsou says simply. And just as Sero is about to say something, the phone rings, and Shinsou picks it up with "Hitoshi Shinsou".

We all stare at him as he speaks "Yes, that would be my car" a moment of silence "No, it wasn't stolen... wait, I think my husband may have it" another moment of silence "W-what do you mean? N-no last I saw him a couple hours ago" another moment of very painful silence "An incident? I-is he okay?" Shinsou voice was basically breaking, and I can't help but wonder "Where?" another moment of silence "Yes, thank you, be right there" and then he hangs up and we all look at him for explanation.

"Denki's in hospital, he had an incident, the other driver didn't make it" is all that Shinsou said before running off and we all follow him.

"You're not going" Shinsou turns to Sero.

"Despite what happened, Denks is still my friend" Sero says.

"Guys there's no place for a fight like this now, it's pointless at this point, let's just go" I say as I drag Shinsou towards mine and Mina's car, I'm so sick of these two fighting like this.

The whole drive went by in silence, we parked by the hospital entrance. We all walked in, wanting to know what's with Kaminari, the nurse told us they can only tell family members, which is only Shinsou, but even then, they told him Kaminari is having a surgery this very moment.

And so as we all waited for some news, Shinsou called to work, excusing himself, eventually the others left at some point, so it is now just me, Shinsou, Sero and Iida, but he'll have to go in a while as well, everyone has been silent since we got here, except for talking with the staff.

After Iida left, I went to grab a cup of water, coming back to the two yelling at each other, blaming each other and themselves for what happened, I come closer, but keep my distance as I sit down. Eventually they both break down, sitting next to each other in what one could call a hug.

So, we went through the stages of: we're mad at each other because we don't know what happened, we're blaming each other for what happened, we blame ourselves for what happened, we too tired to scream anymore, we calm each other. Typical enemies to lovers, but anyways.

So we sit there like that in silence, Shinsou eventually falling asleep and just then Sero poped up the questions.

"Was this my fault?" he asks.

"Why would it be? I know, you and Kami had an affair and that caused this whole mess, but still, if someone is to blame, it's probably him, I mean you didn't force him to do it, did you?" I say, raising a brow slightly.

"No, no. The point is, it's my fault for liking him, I mean, he might have just been touch starved and it somehow happened" Sero sighs.

"Sero, listen to me now, okay. It's not your fault for having feelings, for being a human. Things like this happens, and sometimes we can't stop it. People come and go-" but just as I got to the part I immidieatly regreted it.

"So, you think?" Sero asks, his voice breaking.

"No, I mean I don't know, but it seemed pretty serious, I mean, I wish he will be fine just as much as you" I started panicking, I didn't even want to think such a thing, let alone say it.

At some point later, I had to leave for my job as well, leaving the two, now both of them sleeping, alone, hoping they would be fine. I couldn't concentrate at my job at all, I still tried tho.

switching back to Kaminari's pov

Everything hurts. Everything seems so bright, I don't even know what happened I open my eyes slowly to be met with white ceiling. "Hospital?" I let out, looking around as my whole body hurts.

"Oh, you're awake. Your husband is waiting outside, want me to call him in?" this nurse asks softly.

"He's here?" I ask, attempting to sit up.

"You should stay laying" she suggests.

"Why would he come? How did he even know I was here? Where even is here?" I ask, looking around in confusion as the nurse simply laughs.

"We called him, because you had his car. And you had a nasty car incident" she explains.

"Oh, I remember that, this guy was driving so dang fast and then he crushed into me and that's all I know" I say, recalling the bright lights of the car behind me.

"Well, the other driver was dead on spot, before someone even could find you two, you were lucky, tho" she says and I feel bad, that guy was probably used to driving there and wasn't expecting me to be there, and if I didn't get into that fight with Toshi I wouldn't be there, I caused someone's death and also managed to cheat on Toshi, who came to see me, even after what happened. I am such a terrible person, I'm not sure if I should be seeing him now, or ever again, he doesn't deserve someone like me.

"Hey, you okay?" the nurse asks, bringing me back to reality.

"Y-yeah, can I please talk to my husband?" I ask, tears still in my eyes as I try to wipe them away.

"Of course, I feel like one of your friends stayed as well, should I call him in too?" the nurse asks.

"Sure" I say, it's definetly Kiri.

But to my surprise, it's the two people I would expect the least to see together. Hitoshi and Sero, walking in together, both of them looking like they had been crying and didn't sleep much.

"Oh my gosh, Denki, I'm so sorry" Hitoshi says as he hugs me tightly.

"W-what are you sorry for? I was the one cheating, and taking your car and killing a random citizen" I say as tears start rolling down my face again, "it's all my fault, I did all of this, I should have been the one dying in that crash" I say as Toshi hugs me closer.

"Don't say that" Toshi lets out as he tries to hold in tears.

"Listen Denks, it's not your fault, it's no one's fault, sometimes things just happen and you can't do anything about it" Sero says, placing his hand on my shoulder softly.

"I'm so sorry I made you all worried, I didn't mean for any of this to happen" I say with tears still in my eyes as Toshi simply adds Sero to the hug, and we just stay like that, in absolute confusion.

"I promise I'll make more time for you now, okay" Hitoshi says.

"And I promise I'll tell you if something happens" I say.

"And I promise that I'll leave you two alone" Sero says, getting up.

"Who said you can, you're staying right here, sir" Hitoshi says, pointing at Sero to sit back down, and so surprised Sero does.

And we talk for a while, apologies, unsaid feelings and basically it's just really emotional.


yes, imma leave it like this, pretty sure that i changed what i had originally in mind since the pov switch to Uraraka, i feel like it was meant to be way longer and more angsty and mysterious originally, but for my own sake i decided to shorten it, also open ending, yay

you can tell i cant choose my fav ship just by the way i am, also i just now realized that shinsou and sero have the same initials (H.S.) so, at some point i might write a story with this implied in the plot, not soon bcs i need to write something without Kami for a while now

i swear, i mean yeah sure Denki is one of my kins and my fav character, but i rlly need to write other characters as well

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