I Am Cannibal - Ziall

By CrystalHelix

520K 14.1K 5.3K

Niall Horan was visiting the States from Ireland on a school field trip. It's summer, so they decided to visi... More

I Am Cannibal (Ziall)
Bus Incident
Roaring Springs
Secrets and Narry
Nouis and Niam
Messages from X
The Surprising Sitter
A Night With Louis
Zayn Returns
Hunger Part 2
Hunger Part 3
The Abandoned House
The Plot and Plan
Welcome to the Pack

X Revealed

13K 381 147
By CrystalHelix


How could this be happening, who would of thought Alice would be stalking Liam and Niall? If only Louis was there to help out, but Niall remembered he got him angry and left him for dead. And now Alice was pointing her crossbow in Niall's direction, was this Niall's last few seconds of life? 

"Get away from him!" Liam bellowed, he was still determined to keep Niall safe. He couldn't break his promise of protecting him, and he most certainly couldn't fail Zayn. He would be devastated, and in return he might end up killing Liam for letting the love of his life die.

"Oh? And what are you going to do about it?" She challenged, taking a step forward. 

"What do you want from us!?" Liam hollered. 

Alice laughs sadistically, "Isn't it obvious?" Her face goes down into a serious expression, "I want the Irish bitch dead." She said, as she fired her arrow, cutting through Liam's thigh. Just like how it happened in his Niall's dream. 

Liam screamed in agony, but even though it hurt him so much; he got the strength and charged at her. Knocking her down, and the crossbow from her hand. They both bit each other's flesh, ripping off chunks of skin, blood gushing down both of their bodies. Niall thought of this more of a dog fight, considering they were both only using their teeth to kill each other. He stood there frozen, tears falling down, what was he suppose to do? Help?No, Niall couldn't do that, he'd just get eaten alive by Alice!

"Run you idiot!" Somebody shouted at Niall, but the thing is, who said that to Niall? It sounded like it came from the woods, but he couldn't be sure. Niall didn't have to be told twice, he shot off running away from the trail. Away from the blood bath that Liam and Alice have started, he felt like a coward. Why did he have to be so weak, he told himself. If only he was stronger, than he would have helped his best friend out. Niall wouldn't be able to live with himself if Liam ends up dying do to his cowardliness.

Niall's phone buzzes again, he didn't have to guess who it was.

Saved your life leprechaun. ;) Now let's play a game of hide-n-kill. - X

Niall began to panic, looking in all directions, who could be after Niall? He took off once again into the forest, this was absurd, he was running into the woods. But he didn't know in which direction he was taking off in, was going towards the cabin site, or away? However this didn't stop him from running away from his pursuer, he just had to go away. He heard branches snap from behind him, and without looking back he ran faster. As fast as those legs could take him, tears springing from his eyes in fear. 

He suddenly reached a familiar open field, now he knew where to take off. He turned in the direction he was suppose to run to, but he was suddenly pushed down into the ground. His head buried into the dirt, and a hand grabbed a hand full of his hair, making sure he couldn't get up. Niall struggled underneath the killers grip, fighting back to gasp for air; but he was too weak. This could be it for Niall, he won't make it pass today, and he won't be able to say those "I love you's" to Zayn anymore..

"Get off of him!" A voice suddenly rang, and pushed the pursuer off of Niall. He gasped for air and looked to see it was Louis who had came back to save Niall. When Niall turned around he saw...

"M-Misa?" His eyes widened, and tears were welling up in his eyes. How could Misa almost kill him? Wasn't she dead? Why would she do this to me? A million questions surge through Niall's brain, but the main question would be. How did she live, and what is she doing now?

"That's right beautiful." Misa winks, standing up from where Louis pushed her over. 

"Why would you try to kill me?" Niall said hoarsely. He was confused, angered, sad, weren't they best friends? "I thought we were best friends."

"We WERE. Best friends." Misa corrected. Ever since Niall started hanging out with those cannibals, Misa felt envious and angered. So she wanted revenge, and thankfully, she had a plot to get rid of Niall and his friends. However, Alice got in the way, so it was a bit more complicated then she imagined.

"Why would you do this to me!" Niall shouted at her. 

"Can you shut up already!" Another voice calls from behind Misa. Misa shifts out the way, and Niall's heart beat speeds up. Now he was really confused, and he felt almost betrayed.

"C-ciel?" Niall stuttered, shaking his head furiously, wanting it to be another dream. Unfortunately, this was the cruel reality for Niall.

"The one and only." Ciel answers with a shrug. "Like the messages from X?" He holds up a phone, and both Niall and Louis gasp. Ciel was X the entire time, it was all part of Misa's and Ciel's plan.

"What have I ever done to deserve this?!" Niall questions with wrath.

"You left us." Ciel and Misa say in unison. "And you let Zayn to try and kill me, and now he's looking for Scarlett. Isn't he?" Misa asked coldly.

Niall gulped, how could they have known all of this? The only way they could have known is if they had cameras inside his cabin. "I'm sorry okay! I didn't want you to be dead, but it was the only-"

"So you were so selfish that you wanted your own best friends dead!" Ciel cut off Niall's explanation with a shriek.

Niall shook his head again, how could he be so stupid? Why did he want his friends to die, at what cost would it take? They were their for him through it all, through the bullying, the sleep overs, the movies, and he wanted them dead? "I said I was sorry..." Niall apologized softly, clearly crying.

Ciel shook his head in disbelief, "A simple 'I'm sorry" won't do Niall. I'm sorry, but you know what he have to do." Ciel took a step forward pulling out a two daggers from his belt, Misa did the same as well. 

Louis spread out his arms in front of Niall, protecting him with his own life. If Louis were to die, at least he did so trying to protect his best friend. He knows he shouldn't have blown up on Niall so suddenly, he was being immature about the whole thing. If he were in Niall's shoes, he would have done the same thing. Ciel came forward, but an arrow stopped him, landing right in front of his feet. 

"Don't have all the fun sweet cheeks." Alice's malicious voice called. Alice was watching from a distant, she was waiting for someone to take the first move then she'd intervene. The fight she had with Liam was tough to say the least, but she shot him with a drowsy arrow, so she simply walked away from the fight and went in search of Niall. And to her luck, she found him, except now she had to deal with two groups; which are in fact her enemies.

"Fuck off whore, this isn't any of your business." Misa snarled, taking a stance towards her direction. For precautions, Alice loaded her crossbow. Misa might seem weak, but she's quick on her feet and can kill you if you don't stop her in time.

"Oh but it is, you see.... I want to be the one to kill Niall. You can have the left overs, once I'm finished with him." She laughs, and points the crossbow at Niall. But then she remembered Misa was targeting her, so he pointed it at the middle, for now she'd have to play it cool.

Niall hid behind Louis with his dear life, so Ciel and Misa were X the entire time? Ciel helped him with Alice though, why were they suddenly trying to kill him? Because you wanted them dead first remember. Niall reminded himself, Niall was such a terrible friend. How could he betray his only friends, Niall deserved to be killed. He only makes the ones who he cares about get hurt, it isn't worth it...

Niall finally realizing this is his fault, he turned around and took off running away from them. Away from Louis, Ciel, Misa, and Alice. Away from Zayn... He wouldn't cause the people he loves to hurt anymore, he just made things worse by living. They screamed at him, foot steps chasing after him, Louis screamed in agony but he couldn't look back. Arrows shot in his direction, nearly missing head and body. Daggers hit the sides of trees as he ran a bit faster.

Niall would end his life, end it all. He didn't want to anymore fights, he just wanted to end this all now.... and fast.


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