Cobra kai Hawk x Reader onesh...

By has54321

1K 10 2

Just some one shots dedicated to our favorite Hawk/Eli Moskowitz More

the breakup
Long Distance

Letters Pt. 2

176 3 2
By has54321

A/N: Here's part 2 of this prompt.

(Y/n)'s POV:

It's been a month since I ran away. Leaving Hawk behind was hard, but life on the street is much harder. Being a homeless teenager is definitely not easy or simple. In fact the simplest thing about my life is that I love him, and I miss him.

It kills me knowing that I hurt him.

I've been saving money from my new job at a diner to go and see him, just for a night. But the more I think about it, the more I worry that it's a bad idea. Interrupting his life.

However a deeper part of me yearns to see him. I want a proper goodbye, and he deserves one. 


Eli's POV

This has undoubtedly been the worst month of my life. I put on a brave face at school, but everything is different now.

At the end of the day, I know she made the right decision for herself. Her parents barely noticed she was even gone.

It was a week before they even reported her missing, and with her letter to her parents it was obvious she had run away. The cops definitely half-assed their job, but they did eventually talk to me. All I told them was I didn't know where she was, and I showed them our texts.

They weren't getting my letter. It was the last thing she gave me, and it's not like there are any clues anyway. Trust me. I've read it 100 times.

Every day since I've written her a letter, but I decided today will be my last. As much as it hurts its time to move on.

"Dear (Y/n),

This will be my last letter, even though I still have a thousand things I wish I could say. I no longer see the point in writing to a ghost.
I just wish I could tell you, that I'm not bitter anymore, because I know that what we had was real. And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives.
I'll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent the summers beneath the trees, learning from eachother and growing in love.
I still love you.



3rd person POV

It was night time and Hawk was in his room. Listening to music and laying in bed playing on his phone. He was becoming accustomed to his new normal, but Eli couldn't help imagining how things used to be.

It was a school night so they would probably either be watching a movie or doing homework together. Eli imagined (Y/n) curled up next to him under the blankets. The only light coming from the movie on his laptop.

He smiled at the thought, but was quickly interrupted by a tapping on the window. Confused he walked towards the window when he saw her. (Y/n).

Stopping in his tracks for just a moment, before flying the window open and pulling her in. Holding her so tight, afraid she would disappear if he let go.

After a moment (Y/n) finally piped up with a slight chuckle, "You do know I need to breath"

He loosened his grip and looked at her face. He really thought he would never see her face again.

"Sorry," he quietly said before taking her hands and leading her to sit on the bed with him.

They silently stared at eachother for a moment.

Hawk decided to break the silence, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too," (Y/n) said with a sad smile.

Hawk had a thousand things to say but didn't know where to start. There was another moment of silence before (Y/n) decided to break it this time, "You cut your hair."

"Yeah a lot has changed since you left," Hawk said running his hand over his new buzz cut.

"You want to tell me about it?"

"I left Cobra Kai."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened with surprise, before a small smile found her face.

"Maybe that's for the best."

"Yeah..." Hawk trailed off.

"I still love you Eli."

"I never stopped loving you (Y/n)."

There was more silence, before Hawk got up abruptly walking over to his desk. He grabbed the letters and brought it back to the bed.

"I wrote these for you."

(Y/n) looked over a month's worth of letters, and felt a tear stream down her face.

"This is so beautiful, thank you." She said breathlessly.

Hawk looked down at her lips and then back to her eyes; before leaning in and planting his lips on hers. He hadn't realized how much he missed this. They both leaned into the kiss, but (Y/n) lightly pushed away before things could get heated.

"You know I can't stay right?"

"How long do we have?"


Hawk felt his eyes well up with tears. One night? That wasn't nearly long enough.

"I'll wait for you."


"Please (Y/n) I-I can't. I thought I could move on but I can't."

(Y/n) knew this was a bad idea. If leaving the first time was hard, this felt impossible.

"I just want you to be happy."

"Then stay."

"I-I can't. You know I can't."

Hawk sat with his head down, tears flowing freely.

"Then I'll wait."

(Y/n) didn't know what to say. She just wanted him to be happy.

Hawk interrupted her thought "What time are you leaving?"

"6 am."

"Then tonight can we just pretend nothings changed."

"That would be nice."

They spent the night cuddling, catching up, and some other things...

Both wishing it could never end, but it couldn't. The time came. Time for her to go.

"Well I guess this is it,"  (Y/n) started.

Hawk sighed, "Yeah I guess..."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They were both sadly smiling at eachother through their tears.

"Don't forget me,"  Hawk said.


This time they both leaned in for a kiss. Neither of them wanting to separate. Wishing the moment would last forever.

"Goodbye Eli."

"This isn't goodbye. This is until we find a way."

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