Legends of Torn: Sword in the...

CamandCasey tarafından

131 12 0

From the remnants of a destroyed nation an ancient evil arises, by the hands of the powerful conjurer Castor... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

3 1 0
CamandCasey tarafından

For days the company continued their voyage through the icy slopes of the Mystic Mountains.  Their eyes stayed keen on the skies prepared for the creatures to return.  Randar dragged the hide wrapped body of the Norrum with hopes of giving him a proper burial.  On high ledges their steeds slowly navigated.  Tides from the seas roared and crashed through massive icebergs, until finally climbing the steep cliffs on which they traversed.  Their sight dared not to watch the waters below and stayed glued to the curved paths.  The warriors witnessed smokestacks from a nearby settlement and its smog lingered over mountain peaks.  The travelers were drained while the morning sun dawned at their backs.  However, it did little to warm them from the freezing winds.  Relief came as they drew ever closer to their destination.  Intertwining logs sharpened to points bordered the region of Ice Forge.  They toured around these walls of lumber until finally reaching a gate.  Valgards welcomed them with spears drawn, noticing the blood on Valder's tunic; unaware if it was from him or foe.  "I bring an urgent message from Frostmist.  You must let me pass."  Valder declared.                                                                                                     ​"What is with the blood?  Is it yours?"  The watchman questioned.                                                                                       ​"We were ambushed in the mountains and there are more invaders to the south!"                                                                                                                            ​The Valgards trusted Valder's words by the serious tone he spoke with.  "Escort them to the king."  The spokesman studied the highlanders and seen the body tied to their steed.  "Wait!  Whose corpse is that?  One of the Invaders?"                                                                                                   ​"No, he was in my company."  Valder answered.  "We wish to give him a proper burial."                                                                                                             ​"We cannot allow that; do you wish to scare our citizens?  You will have to bury him outside the city limits."  The guard instructed.                                                                                 ​"Go forth, Valder and relay the news.  We will handle this matter ourselves."  Nolan nodded.                                                                               ​The company divided with the highlanders turning away from the city and Valder entering.  The population of Ice Forge was independent and discarded most outsiders.  This division was the curse of Valahelm leaving most settlements to defend for themselves. It was Valder's long term goal to change that; a divided nation was an endangered one.  Through these alleyways, leather workers tanned hides and sounds of hammers hitting anvils echoed.  Metal workers shaped steel into remarkable weapons and armor.  They passed the shops and the well-built estates then entered a small valley. It was here where Valgards trained ruthlessly, testing their steel on one another.  The trail parted through the training grounds, leading to a tall keep resting on the peak of a hill.  Only the best material was used in the construction of this fortress.  A towering metal gate elevated and in the courtyard were massive stables.  In these stalls contained the great mammoths of Valahelm.  They stood boldly and fearsome with ivory tusks grazing the snow at their feet.  The mammoths did not just rule the battlefields their purpose stretched much further.  With their great strength they were used as tools and aided with the expansion of the city.  They were treated like royalty feasting only upon the freshest grain.  Valder dismounted his steed with the mother and child by his side.  They gathered around the entrance, the dark wooden doors were engraved with runic symbols and at the arch an elk's skull was mounted.                                                                                   ​In the great hall banners of silk fluttered from the walls with the wolf crest of Valahelm imprinted on them.  Beyond a long feasting table, a discussion about Frostmist was already at hand.  Valder's mother Ivy kneeled at the foot of the throne where an elderly king listened.  He had no queen beside him, but four barely clothed maidens tended to his every need.  The king known as Dag refused to lift a finger to neither eat nor drink; over time this had turned him into an obese slob who greatly abused his position of power.  He obtained the crown of Ice Forge after the war against the frost giants.  He had slain many during his campaigns, but that warrior was no more but a legend.  Taking one glance at this slob they called king, Valder realized why Oaknar disliked the people.                                                                                                                              ​"King Dag, I beg of you to please reconsider.  I wouldn't stand before you if it wasn't for the best interest of Frostmist!"  Ivy plead.                                                                                           ​Valder heard his mother's voice expressing hopelessness and this gave him the courage to speak out.  "My father died defending these lands! And still you let Castor roam freely!"   Valder shouted.                                                                                                                                              ​Ivy sprung from her knee and turned around in shock.  "Valder, you're safe!"                                                                             ​Valder nodded to his mother then stared at King Dag but he seemed to be unshaken.  "The worst is yet to come, Castor commands demons!  They ambushed me and my party in the mountains!"                                                                                                                                   ​The king fell into laughter.  "Ha, demons!  You suffer from delusions!"                                                                          ​"It is true, I saw them as well!"  Bayla declared.                                                                                  ​"You're both mad."  The king dismissed.                                                                                        ​"Did we not confront similar threats on our way here?"  Yule added.  "There must be something you can do?"                                                                                                                         ​Valder grew impatient as his requests fell on deaf ears and his tongue slipped with wrath.   "You're a worthless hump upon that throne!  I will go to Airus without your help."                                                                                                                                        ​The hall fell into an uncomfortable silence.  No one had ever spoken to Dag in such a manner, at least not to his face.  The king himself did not know how to react.  "Guards!"  He barked.                                                                                                                                              ​The Valgards came running like dogs from all directions, ready to slay if given the orders.  Steel tips from their pikes held Valder in place.                                                                       ​Dag raised his hand.  "Please lower your spears."  The pikes encircling Valder elevated and the Valgards withdrew.  "It is a long trip to Airus son of Lir, you will need a worthy vessel."   Everyone in the hall fell into confusion.  "I appoint my two finest warriors to escort you to Lodus, but no further.  And of course, you shall be properly supplied."  Dag offered the warrior his respect.  "You have great courage young Valder, but heed my words, I wouldn't care if you were the son of Oaknar, if you speak to me in that matter again, I will cage you like a wild animal."                                                                                                    "You have my word."  Valder understood.                                                                                                                 ​"And I shall hold you to it."  Dag replied.                                                                                   ​The Valgards returned to their stations while Valder veered away.  Valder could have easily said more on his thoughts about the king but would dismiss them.  Ivy wrapped her arms around the form of her son.  "I did not expect to see you here mother, but I am glad you are safe."  Valder said.                                                                                                                                   ​"I feared the worst for you."  Ivy said.  "How did you escape?"                                                                                     ​"Oaknar had sent a blizzard to blind my capturers.  It was just enough to distract Castor."  Valder explained.  "But there is bad news.  I freed the sword in the Rift and in the mountains, it was lost from my grasp.  By now it lays in Castor's hands."  Valder bowed his head.  "I don't believe I will be able to stop him."                                                                                               ​"Never doubt your greatness, Valder."  Ivy said. "Oaknar will see you through on this journey and aid you in avenging your father, I just know it."  She withdrew her head from Valder's shoulder and fresh tears ran down her face.                                                                              ​"Castor will be but a myth once I am finished."  Valder assured.  "Take care of yourself mother."                                                                                                                                  ​Making his leave, Valder bowed in the presence of the mother and child who accompanied him.  "Thank you Valder, for getting us here in one piece.  I wish to see you sit upon that throne someday, you'd be much better there."  Bayla said.                                                                                      ​"Oaknar has given us a second chance and I refuse to fail him again.  I may not return after completing this journey.  This world holds many stones to be unturned."                                                                                                                     ​Balya's eyes fell onto Axton and her hands stroke his light auburn hair.  "Oaknar is truly great."  She lifted her face to Valder.  "I wish the best for you wherever you may settle."                                                                                                                     ​Axton kept a smile on his face.  "May Oaknar be with you."  The boy added.                                                                                     ​Valder kneeled on one knee. "May he be with us all."  Valder rose to his feet.  "Farewell."                                           ​No further words were spoken and Valder turned his back on Dag's hall.  With a new sense of purpose, he treaded boldly like a lion amongst men.  The eyes of Ice Forge followed his movement as he divided the heavy doors.  The light of day filled Dag's hall, but the warmth of the sun had vanished with Valder's departure.

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