Will it sail? UnO ships

Autorstwa KittCat20

817 36 20

Just some UnO ships. There will be many pairings and more to come. Hope you all enjoy! ^-^ Note-cover photo i... Więcej

Author's Note/Rules
Swing (Jam)
Ever Heard of Privacy? (Jera)

And we were Roommates (Reiyo)

149 6 3
Autorstwa KittCat20

A/N: A Rei x Kuyo one shot for some very special people I know. ;3 You know who you are. 

Anywho! Here's a one shot involving some roommates with a side of angst. Enjoy!

Love ya guys! ^-^


The second his alarm clock started blaring, Kuyo was ready to commit a murder. Or maybe a slightly less violent crime. 

He wasn't sure yet. All he knew was that he didn't want to wake up for class today and just remain tucked under the blankets like he was doing now.

But alas, his grades depended on it. He had an organic chemistry project due on Thursday and his group mates were meeting up one last time to put the finishing touches on it today.

Unfortunately, they picked the most ungodly hours to do so. And it was right before his Chemistry lecture too...

God, why did he decide going into the medical field was a good idea? He could've been a lumberjack or taken up some other random *ss job. Yet here he was, trying to make it in a field that tried to drive all potential prospects mad before they even saw their first patient.

Kuyo groaned, burying his head under the blankets as his alarm continued to scream at him. He eventually reached a hand out and fumbled for the button, smacking his hand down the moment he found it.

Blissful silence wrapped itself around him once more as he sunk back into his sheets, letting his eyes drift close. It wouldn't hurt to sleep in for a few more minutes, right?

However, he wasn't allowed to fall back asleep. For a body flopped down right on top of him, strong arms coming to wrap around him, even through the sheets.

The man yelped, quickly trying to peak out from the cocoon he had nestled himself into. "What the-?! Rei! Get off!"

His eyes landed on that stupidly bright smile, those tangerine eyes of his glittering with mischief. "Morning sleepy head!" He either didn't listen to the annoyance in Kuyo's voice or he did and just didn't care. Though if he were to bet, Kuyo would guess it was the latter of the two.

He should've known his partner (both in crime and in life) would've come to wake him up. Rei was never one to let him sleep in on important days. That and Kuyo had the feeling Rei took a guilty pleasure out of tackling him while he was still in bed in the mornings.

He'd never admit it to anyone but himself, but he secretly enjoyed the action. He wasn't one for physical affection yet he constantly craved it from him. There was just something about the green haired lightning rod that made him feel safe and cared for.

But it was also what scared him into having his reserves on this. He feared losing this strange and sacred thing they had started. He feared attachment only to lose him in the end.

They were still trying to figure things out and take things slow, but he could easily get used to this.

Still, Kuyo played along and rolled his eyes. "Why do you insist on doing this to me?"

The other man rested his chin on his shoulder, a smirk playing on his lips. "Would you rather I let you sleep in and miss your group session?"

Kuyo tried not to pout, he really did. But Rei was already starting to snicker to himself and he was too tired to care. "...no."

"That's what I thought." He rolled off of him, pulling off the sheets and exposing him to the cold air. "Come on. Get up."

That little-!

Kuyo made a noise of protest as he was sat up, long hair sticking out in all directions. "How do you always have so much energy in the mornings?!"

They both knew why given Rei liked to do yoga to help wake himself up. And the lucky bastard didn't have any classes till noon. 

Rei had offered for him to join, but Kuyo didn't think he'd be able to handle trying to bend and stretch himself while still half asleep. That and one other...reason. He wasn't sure he'd be able to handle such a sight so early in the morning.

While he was now up on his feet, Rei was having to practically drag his *ss up. "Alright, fiiine!" Kuyo eventually slumped forward, rubbing the sleep from his eyes while Rei smiled to himself, walking out of the room as if nothing happened. "Hurry up and get ready!" he called as he walked into the hallway.

Sighing to himself, Kuyo got his clothes together and a hair tie for his long locks.

By the time he was done showering and tying his hair up, he could already smell eggs and bacon coming from the kitchen. He was already starting to drool.

Out of the two of them, Rei was the one who knew how to cook. Kuyo knew the basics but...he wasn't exactly the most patient of cooks. Of course he still helped out and clean up afterwards. But truly, Rei's cooking was heavenly.

By the time they both sat down, they were chatting away over classes and everything else under the sun as they sat at the table basking in the sun by the window.

It was kinda funny in a way. He used to hate Rei's guts back when he was being an *sshole himself. Now he couldn't imagine a life without him in it. Even when he was being an annoying pest, Rei still found it in himself to give him another chance, to even team up with him when they both saw the harsh truths of the world.

Honestly, Kuyo never even dreamt about changing the world. He just wanted to find something to do with his life. But without a doubt, he knew that this was exactly where he wanted to be. If there was anyone he wanted to fight alongside, he only had one option in mind.

And he was sitting across from him trying not to choke on his eggs from talking and eating at the same time.

Kuyo was snapped from his thoughts when his phone buzzed, reminding him he had to get a move on unless he wanted to be late.

"Crap, I gotta get going."

He quickly chugged down the rest of his coffee before grabbing his plate. Rei smiled as he rushed around. "Don't forget your keys again. I don't want to see you moping outside like last time because you were too stubborn to ask for help."

That was not-! ...ok maybe it was partially true, but still!

He rolled his eyes. "You still won't let that go, will you?"

Rei grinned, shrugging his shoulders as he went over to the sink. "What can I say? It's hard to forget."

Kuyo huffed to himself but couldn't hide his grin. "Then hopefully you don't forget movie night. I'd hate to have to run out and buy popcorn at 8 pm because you forgot." He snickered to himself as Rei deadpanned at him. "Jerk."

The two stared at each other for a second before busting out laughing.

"Alright, I'll see you later then?"

"You know it."

Kuyo grabbed his bag and was about to head out the door before he realized he forgot something.

Walking back into the kitchen, he wrapped his arms around Rei's waist, planting a kiss on his cheek from over his shoulder. "Thank you for everything Rei." He knows he didn't always show the man enough love. But he was working on it. And Rei appreciated it all the same.

He mentally patted himself on the back when Rei turned bright pink, a loopy smile crossing his face. "S-Sure. No problem." With a small smirk on his lips, Kuyo ruffled that messy green hair of his before grabbing his bag and heading out.

Rei however, stood at the counter, face still flushed as he stared into the sink. "God I love that idiot..."




Kuyo had been right.

Losing Rei hurt far more than he could've ever imagined.

Even on days like today where he'd stare out the window by the table like they always did, the lingering sense of loss followed him like a shadow.

And even though Rei was no longer here, he still made a second cup of coffee, placing it in Rei's spot until it no longer steamed with warmth.

It was a waste but he couldn't bring himself to stop doing it. 

It didn't taste the same though. Rei's coffee was always a little too sweet and had a dash of milk in it. Kuyo could never get it right. 

While Rei's coffee would nearly give him cavities, he would gladly drink it over his plain and bitter brew he gulped down now.

It was even later on when he went to go visit his grave. He hadn't seen him since he was lowered in and...he hadn't been able to face him until now at Remi's insistence.

It was painful walking up to it. But it didn't hurt nearly as much when he finally stood before it-before him.

There weren't any words he could find to help him get across what he wanted to say, so many words that had been left unspoken.

So instead, he sat beside the smooth stone, a gentle hand tracing the edge as he looked back out into the open field.

"It's...it's been awhile, huh?" The only answer he received was from the wind brushing over his face. "Sorry I didn't come sooner. But what can I say? I didn't have you to drag me out of bed." 

The noise he made could barely be considered a laugh. As much as he relied on his sarcasm and humor to deflect, he didn't realize just how much truth there was in his words.

For days after, he couldn't bring himself to get out of bed. He would stare at the door and wait for Rei to charge in, jumping over and tackling him. Just once, he wanted Rei to find him and drag him to his feet. Or for him to stay longer and just rest with him. 

He knew it was impossible; had even seen it with his own eyes.

But just once, he wanted it to be possible.

Just one more time...

He quickly wiped at his eyes, trying to ignore how they stung. He had already cried enough, he wasn't about to do it again. "It still hurts you know...? You may not have realized it Rei, but you mean a lot to so many people..."

Because whether he knew or not, he always put everyone else over him. He always had a knack for being the hero they all needed in that moment.

And stupidly, Kuyo could only watch Rei give his life for him. It wasn't even for a greater cause like they always talked about. It was for him and him alone.

His heart twisted, memories of that night still stitched into his mind in sharp, burning patterns. 

"Sometimes...I wonder what would've happened had it been me instead. If things would've been better. Then I remember you'd probably shock me and call me a dumb*ss for thinking such a thing." He knew Rei would do it in a heartbeat before squeezing the life out of him.

Kuyo pulled his hand back into his lap, his other hand having now started to comb through the grass at his side. 

He found it rather strange. All his life, he had to deal with being alone, at home, in school. He's become so used to having no one actually see him. So then why? Why couldn't he get used to this again when he's dealt with it for most of his life already?

Though, he knew why. Because it hurt to feel like you were alone. And he had finally gotten a taste of a life where he wasn't.

But as of late, he found himself more alone than ever.

His other friends refused to talk about it in front of him. But there were others who had the balls to say Rei deserved it. Kuyo had nearly taken someones head off for such a comment before the offender had been dragged away by his friends.

He couldn't talk to anyone about it because they wouldn't understand or they wouldn't care. The teachers only saw it as a loss of potential and talent while other students who seemed to like him now talked trash about him behind his back.

There was always Rei's family, but for one thing, they had yet to tell them they were dating and didn't know how they would take the news now. For another, he felt like he couldn't go to them because he'd end up burdening them with his pain when they were suffering even worse than he was. 

Kayden could probably understand...he seemed like an alright guy. But would he understand? Could he look past that Rei had given his life as a vigilante and see the pain his death had left behind?

He didn't know. And by this point, he was too tired to try and ask.

Kuyo looked to the gravestone, eyes passing over each letter. "...I miss you...you stubborn, selfless, idiot...and while I hate you for leaving me alone like this, I also love you."

He rested his head on his knees now pulled up to his chest. "I know I should've said it more, but I was scared to say it. Because I didn't want to get attached like this only for you to leave me someday."

He took a deep breath staring back out over the field once more. "But...I'd rather love you like this than have never loved you at all. I just wish..." He sighed to himself. "I wished I had more time with you. I wished we had enough to do everything we said we'd do together. You gave me so much to look forward to and now I don't have you to share it with."

He was cut from his thoughts as he heard the grass rustle a bit away from him. Standing there was Remi, dressed in a white T-shirt and denim. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and in her hands, she held a bouquet of flowers: hyacinths and forget-me-nots. Behind her was Arlo in dress pants with the long sleeves of his shirt rolled up. 

Kuyo looked away, quickly wiping his eyes. Sh*t, he hoped they didn't notice him in this state. "Hey guys! I wasn't expecting you to be here! You here to-?"

Unexpectedly, she dropped the bouquet of flowers and knelt beside him. 

Arms wrapped around his torso and a head of long pink locks was now buried in his shoulder. It felt like the air got sucked out of him from the force in which she hugged him, her fingers digging into the fabric of his jacket.


"It's ok Kuyo...we miss him too..."

Kuyo never liked to show his emotions to others. He always made sure to keep his heart away from his sleeve at all costs.

But if he hugged her back as they all mourned the loss of someone they loved, that was just for them to know.


-Dedicated to ghostilies. 

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