By yi______zhaan

1.5K 78 23

A one-shot about Lan Zhan, Wei Ying, and Yuan. More

My Two Proposals

1.5K 78 23
By yi______zhaan

The sun has set on the horizon and the blanket of dusk has engulfed the sky. The clock has strikes 6:00 pm which means the office hours have already ended and with this everyone was seen heading towards their homes out of the tallest building of Shanghai. As time passes by the crowd settles downs and the building becomes empty and all the lights started to get off as all the cubicles fall into the darkness except one cubicle where the light is still on and a young man of around 30 years of age is seen working diligently. The man has porcelain white and smooth skin which is shining when the light from the single source falls on him, making him look like a god of beauty. The man is busy with his work which he was not able to complete due to his family issues.

As he was busy with his work, he suddenly felt the presence of someone beside him. He got scared and started to imagine every sort of weird scenario that can happen to him as he is alone here, and according to him being alone at the office, at this time means to call for trouble. He is not a fan of overtime, but his boss has assigned him extra work today which has made him work till late hours.

He was just thinking about all this when he felt a tap on his shoulder which got him a hell lot scared. As a reflex, he just jumped from his seat, and just started crawling away and started blabbering non-sense things like
"Don't touch me, I am pure."
"I am not even good to eat, you will get a bad stomach."
" I am an idiot...."
And so on.

The other person who saw this attitude of the young man sighed and called his name "Wei Wuxian"
Wei Wuxian who heard his name being called by the other man now got frightened, "The ghost knows my name," thought Wuxian and he got terrified, he just buried his head in his arms and again said,
"I am not Wei Wuxian, you are mistaken..... I.... I... Am a.... Yes,
potato..... I am a potato."
The other person sighed again and said "Wei Ying, it's me, Lan Zhan"

Wei Ying now got double terrified as the said man was now sounding even like Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan when saw the younger have no intention to open his eyes, took a step toward him and with a force made Wei Ying open his eyes.

As Wei Ying, open his eyes and saw Lan Zhan he release a breath of relief he didn't know he was holding. He composes himself and looks at Lan Zhan and passes him his prettiest smile. Lan Zhan who see the smile felt a warmth spreading in his heart. He was just staring at the most beautiful person of his life and admiring his every feature. He was bought into reality when Wei Ying shook him by his shoulder.
"Lan Zhan, What are you doing here?" Asked Wei Ying.
Lan Zhan who was bought back into reality answered in a monotone "What are you doing, here"
"Aiyaah... I was the first one to ask, so tell me"
"Looking for you!" Came the indifferent reply.

Wei Ying who heard this felt happy that someone knows that he was missing. After a few minutes, Lan Zhan again asks " Wei Ying, what are you doing here?"
"I was doing the work which was assigned to me by my department head, He Peng" Explained Wei Wuxian.

Lan Zhan who heard this frowned as he knew the department in which Wei Wuxian worked was up to date with all the work. There were no pending files that required immediate attention, so this means that He Peng just wanted to make Wei Ying work more as he had a personnel grudge towards him. This made Lan Zhan's hands turn into a fist with anger.

After a few minutes, Lan Zhan spoke, "just leave it"
"No, I need to complete it" retorted Wei Ying.
"I said come with me," Lan Zhan again supplied.
"But I need to---" Wei Ying was cut off by Lan Zhan " Who am I?" Asked Lan Zhan.
Wei Ying got shocked by this silly question of the elder, but he replied "My boyfriend" said Wei Ying with a smile, which made Lan Zhan's ear tip turn red.
"Other than that," said Lan Zhan again.
This time Wei Wuxian got confused "I don't know"
"I am CEO of this company, technically am your bosses bosses boss" supplied Lan Zhan with an indifferent look.
"So what, I need to do work."
This time Lan Zhan mentally face palmed himself. He didn't know how someone can be this adorable and dumb at the same time.

He cleared his throat and said, "the ceo is telling you to leave your work and go home, and right now you are disagreeing with him." And after a pause with a smirk on his face said, "Do you want a Punishment?"

Wei Ying now understood but the last word made him blush furiously and to hide it he said "just wait for me, I am coming in 10 minutes" and left immediately to hide his blush, but it didn't miss Lan Zhan's eyes and he smiled in satisfaction.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying had been boyfriends from college. Though in his early college days, Lan Zhan used to ignore Wei Wuxian, as time passed, Lan Zhan started feeling attracted toward him. He started finding solace in his company. Though he remained indifferent to him until one day when he heard that Wei Ying met with an accident. As he heard the news, he froze on his spot and after a few minutes when he regained his composure just ran to the hospital to which he was admitted. He took a breath of relief when he saw him smiling with Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng who was scolding him for his carelessness. When Lan Zhan entered he looked at him and Wei Wuxian passed him his prettiest smile and when he saw that smile he felt something different which he didn't want to name at that time. As he inquired further, he got to know that Wei Ying was trying to save a cat who was stuck on a tree. As he was rescuing her, he slipped and fell from the tree and fractured his right arm. Lan Zhan wanted to scold him but the face in front of him didn't give him the heart to scold him. When it came to the person who will be volunteering to take care of Wei Ying, Lan Zhan without any hesitation agreed. That was the first step of them toward each other and after that, there was no turning back, they grew close and didn't realize when they fell in love it was the last year of college when Lan Zhan took a step to propose him and Wei Wuxian immediately agreed and from that day they are together. After completing college, Lan Zhan joined as the CEO of his father's company, and Wei Wuxian after great persuasion from Lan Zhan joined as a web designer in his company only.

As Lan Wangji was reminiscing their past he saw Wei Wuxian coming,
"let's go," said Lan Wangji
Wei Wuxian nodded and started following him. They entered the car and left for their destination. Today, the destination was not the same it was a new destination as today Wangji was a man on a mission. Today, he wanted to give this relationship a new step, from the title of boyfriends to that of husbands. He turned his car toward the beach. He reached the beach at 7:00 pm.

Wei Wuxian didn't realize it as he was tired from work and immediately dozed off after entering the car. Wangji turns toward his side and found his bunny sleeping, a smile swept his face. A part of him didn't want to wake him up but he needed his man awake, so he shook him lightly,
"Wei Ying, get up"
"Lan er gege, let me sleep" mumbled Wei Ying.
He again shook him, but the said man was indifferent, therefore he kissed him. When Wuxian opened his eyes, he immediately pulled away.
"Wuxian looks in front," said Lan Zhan.
Wei Ying after a few persuasion wakes up and his eyes widen when he saw the scene in front of him.

He immediately opened the door of the car and ran towards the beach with Lan Zhan following him. Wei Ying reached the water and started playing with it, as Lan Zhan admires him. After a few minutes, he realized the place he is in, so he immediately turns toward Wangji and asks,
"Why are we here, Lan Zhan?"

Lan Zhan took a deep breath and then fishes something out of his pocket, Wei Wuxian who was watching all this with curiosity gasped when Lan Zhan sits on one knee.

He cleared his throat "Wei Wuxian, my better half, my soul mate, my everything, it had been 5 years of our togetherness. I may not be perfect, may get angered very easily though that person will never be you, I rarely express myself, rarely speaks, there are many things about me which You may not like, but with all the imperfectness of mine, you have accepted me. You are the person which makes me perfect. So I want this person to be with me the whole of my life. I want to spend every moment of my life with you, whether it's happiness or sadness. I want to grow old with you. So this Lan Zhan wants to ask his Wei Ying that will you marry me?"
With this Lan Zhan, produces a ring.

Wei Ying was looking at all this with amazement and when he saw the ring his eyes widen. As he didn't what to speak therefore he immediately nods in agreement. Lan Zhan stood up and took his left ring finger and slides the ring in his hand. After that, Lan Zhan joins their forehead together, after a few minutes brings their lips together, and kisses him passionately for a few minutes. When he saw Wuxian finding difficulty in breathing he stops and engulfs him in his warmth. After a few minutes, Wei Ying looks into Lan Zhan eyes, "Lan zhan"
"You are really great lan zhan, I like you. In other words, I fancy you, I love you, I want you, I can't leave you, I whatever you" he releases himself from his warmth and drops a peck on Lan Zhan's lips and then stands side by side with him holding their hands.
After a moment Wei Ying looks at Lan Zhan and says "you need to talk with Yuan" and Lan Zhan nods.
With this, they proceed toward the car.

They reached their apartment at 8:00 pm. As Wei Ying, opens the door, he finds his bundle of joy running toward him, followed by Wen Ning.
"Welcome back, Papa!" Chirped Yuan.
As he sees the boy running toward him, he kneels and engulfs the boy in his warmth. After a few minutes, the boy breaks the hug, and with a cute smile on his face says "missed you pa"
"Missed you too, my bunny" replied Wei Ying.

"Evening Wei-er-gongzi and second master lan" greeted Wen Ning.
"Evening Wen Ning" greeted Wei Ying and Lan Zhan nods.
Then with a pause, Wei Ying asks, "Did he trouble you?"
Wen Ning was about to reply when Yuan chirped " No papa, I have been a good boy, I also did my homework are my lunch and didn't demand chocolates too " earning him a cute laugh from all the elders present there.

Wei Ying cooed at his son and looks at Wen Ning for confirmation. Wen Ning nods his head and says
"yes wei-er-gongzi, a-yuan had been a good boy, today"
"I am proud of you son," says Wei Ying earning him a cute laugh from his boy.
"Wei Gongzi, can I leave as my sister is waiting for me," said Wen Ning.
"Thanks, Wen Ning," said Wei Ying. With this Wen Ning leaves.

As he left, Yuan notices the presence of his favorite gege, he frees himself from Wei Ying and runs toward Lan Zhan.
"Rich Gege, you came," asked Yuan
Lan Zhan hummed in response and took the boy in his arm and proceeds toward the sofa, whereas Wei Ying proceeds toward Kitchen.

Yuan is a 6-year-old adopted son of Wei Wuxian. Wei Ying found him in the orphan where he used to volunteer for service every weekend, the moment his eyes fell on the boy he felt a connection with him so he decided to adopt him. Yuan was 2 years old when Wei Ying adopted him. It has been 4 years since Yuan has been living with Wei Ying.

As Lan Zhan settles himself on the sofa, he looks at the boy, Lan Zhan is the CEO of lan corporation known for his cold and straightforwardness but today he is finding difficulty in speaking with a 6-year-old boy. Wei Ying who was noticing this from the kitchen was controlling his laugh.

Lan Zhan took a deep breath and motivated himself.
"Yuan" he calls for the boy.
Yuan who watching his cartoon looks at his rich Gege.
"Yes, rich gege"
Lan Zhan took a deep breath and asks
"Yuan would you like to have another parent"
Yuan gets confused and tilts his head and asks "another parent?"

Wei Wuxian came out of the kitchen, settles beside Lan Zhan, and squeezed his hand for support. Lan Zhan when felt his hand being squeezed looks at his side and found Wei Ying there looking at him with a smile. He nods his head in assurance and lan Zhan continued
"Like a mom or a dad"
"You mean like Jin Ling, who has a mom and dad" chirped Yuan excitedly as he understood now.
"Yes," said Lan Zhan.

Yuan giggles and then jumps excitedly but after a few minutes he stops then look in the elder direction and again asks "But who will be my other dad"

Lan Zhan gulps and ask
"Will you like me to be your other dad"

With this, he looks at the boy who fells silent, making both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan gulps in fear.

This time Wei Wuxian spoke
"Yuan, will you like handsome gege to be your dad?"
Yuan was still quiet making the elders gulps in nervousness but suddenly a smile appeared on the boy's face. He jumps and says
"If Handsome gege is going to be my dad, I am ready"
Lan Zhan and Wei Ying when heard this took a breath of relief and passed a smile to the boy. The boy who got excited suddenly hugged them clinging his arms on both of the elders.

"I love you, papa," said yuan looking at Wei Ying.

"I love you Dad" looking at Lan Zhan

"We too, love you son." Said both of them together and then looks at each other as they mouths love you to each other.

The End


This is the first one-shot I wrote.
I was scrolling my Pinterest when I found this picture and it made me itch to write a one-shot about it so here it is

Hope you will like it....
Please ignore my mistakes.

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