loser like me ✩ sam evans

By lavxevans

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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ LOSER LIKE ME *ੈ✩‧₊˚ Sam Evans x Female OC When Kurt Hummel's younger sister Florence returns to McKin... More

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the substitute
special education
a very glee christmas
the sue sylvester shuffle
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original song
born this way (part one)
born this way (part two)
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authors note
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micheal (part two)


1.9K 35 2
By lavxevans

Kurt Hummel was walking through the hallways, his father on his left side and Carol on his right. Both adults were smiling like lunatics. Kurt had no clue what was going on, but Burt and Carol's happiness was contagious and had caused Kurt to smile brightly. 

Florence was standing by her locker, happily chatting with Sam. When the group of three passed her, she was yanked into the Hudson-Hummel chain. Even though she was unsure about what was happening, she noticed the happy faces and a smile crept onto hers. The group approached the last member of their family, Finn Hudson.

When he noticed the people before him, he grew a curious, but suspicious look. "Oh" he mumbled, "What's going on? Is this one of those interventions?" 

"If it is, it's for all three us" Kurt squealed, "they bombarded me and Flo and forced us to bring them to you" 

Burt Hummel couldn't hold his excitement in any longer. "Okay. Come on. Let's tell them!" he spoke, his loud voice turning a few curious heads in the halls. 

"You tell them!" Carol replied, her face practically glowing from excitement. Florence noticed how she hid her left hand in her sleeve, but the girl thought nothing of it. 

Burt smiled at her, a hint of stubbornness on his face "We said you would tell them!" The two adults started quibbling, none of the teens understanding what they were talking about. Eventually, the two decided on Burt sharing the news

"Alright, so you know how I drive Carol to work every Tuesday?" Burt  began, "Well, today I drove here and we snuck into that classroom where Kurt introduced us back in the day --Very romantic of me, I might add, and I-

"He proposed!" Carol yelled happily, cutting Burt off right before he got the chance to share the big news. 

He seemed surprised, but not at all bothered. "You stole the punch line!" He laughed, wrapping his arms around his soon-to-be wife. While the two continued chatting, Kurt, Finn and Florence exchanged some looks.

 In contrast to Kurt and Florence, who seemed to be happy about the news, Finn was not so sure about it quite yet. "Wow, this just happened?" He asked,  the question not really directed at one person in particular.

"We wanted the three of you to be the first to know" Carol spoke, her gaze set on her son as she waited for him to share what he thought of the announcement. 

"Yea, after the kids in that room' Burt added, moments before pulling everyone into a warm hug.

"I'm so exited! And so nervous" Carol stuttered. She was immediately comforted by her soon-to-be son and daughter, who were nothing but happy about the news. 

"Don't be!" Kurt yelled excitedly. Florence pulled out a book from his bag that looked like it was to collapse at any second. The pages of the blue notebook were filled with numerous photo's and drawings.

"This has tons of ideas in it! Take a look at it" she said, shoving the book into Carol's arms

"And I have trunk full of wedding magazines! Oh my god this is just what I needed!"Kurt

Florence was walking through the hallways, looking for Sam to tell him about her father's engagement. Remembering he had football practice, she approached the door to the locker room. A mixture of voices sounded from inside the room, piquing Florence's curiosity. 

When she entered the room, what she saw was far from what she expected. Sam was shoved into a locker by none other than David Karofsky. Mike was trying his hardest to pull the two apart, his face just as bruised as Sam's. When he noticed Florence in the doorframe, he motioned for her to stay where she was. She didn't listen. 

She stormed towards the fighting teens, pulling the two apart as soon as she could reach them. Karofsky was blinded by his own anger, and sent yet another punch Sam's way. He missed Sam's face and his fist continued soaring through the air. 

Right before Karofsky's fist came in contact with Florence's cheek, Sam reached out his hand, holding it in front of the girl's face and stopping Karofsky's balled up hand from hitting her. 

"Keep your paws away from my... from Florence" Sam spoke, his voice loud but clear as he angrily stared Karofsky in the eyes. The football player didn't seem to feel threatened. He took a step towards Sam and punched him across the left side of his face. 

Mike decided he needed to help Sam. He softly pulled Florence aside and threw himself into the fight. Artie tried to interfere but Florence pulled him away, scared he was gonna get hurt.

When Sam was roughly punched in the stomach by Karofsky, Florence stepped in. She pulled Sam away from Karofsky and took a stand in the place he stood a few seconds earlier. Karofsky got a confused look on his face and Florence smiled at him. 

"Scared to get your ass kicked by a girl?" she laughed. Karofsky took a step in her direction but the girl didn't move a muscle. 

"Forget it. I'm not hitting a girl" he protested. He turned around and was immediately smashed against the lockers by Sam and Mike. Coach Beiste stormed in, pulling the boys apart and ending the fight. 

Florence grabbed the icepack and gently pushed it onto Sam's bruised eye. Sam sent her a lopsided smile, his face painful from the many hits. 

"Dude was a wild animal!" Mike exclaimed. Tina had another icepack pressed against his bruised cheek as she whispered for him to stop talking so she could position it right. 

"I'm so turned on by you right now" Brittany told Artie a little too loud. Even though the boy in the wheelchair hadn't received any major punches, he was still slightly injured after his chair was sent to the ground with him in it. 

"How bad does it look?" Sam whispered. He had his left hand on his cheek, which felt like it was on fire, and his other hand was placed on his stomach.

"It's kinda hot" Florence smirked, "Maybe this will finally get girls to like you!" she added, her cheeks blushing because of how stupid she had sounded.

"You have no idea how hard it was for me not to jump into that beatdown" Puck raged. Since he had just gotten out of juvie, any kind of fight would look bad and could even sent him back. He had watched the scene from the distance, trying his hardest not to get involved. 

"Where were you, Finn?" Santana spat. Finn hadn't been present during the whole incident, and hadn't said anything since it had happened. 

"I was still out on the field, okay?" Finn defended himself, "I totally would have given him a beatdown if i had been there, though" he added, looking at his hands. 

"It just shouldn't have gone down without you Finn" Florence bitched. Because he wasn't there, she had been the one interfering. 

"Flo is right, she should not have been the one interfering, you should have been there leading the charge" Mercedes agreed. She smiled at the brunette a row before her, giving her a proud shoulder pat. 

"Lay off Finn, everyone. It isn't his problem. It's none of your problems, actually" Kurt whispered almost inaudibly. 

"Well excuse me for trying to help my brothers' ass " Florence mumbled. One of the reason she had interfered with the fight was so she could finally tell Karofsky to lay off Kurt, the football player had been bullying Kurt since the beginning of the year, and it was clear that it was effecting Kurt. 

"But thank you for what you did, especially Sam and Flo" Kurt vaguely smiled. Sam smiled back at him, happy to finally receive an appreciative look from the boy. 

"Seriously, an epitome of a leader" Mike spoke, smiling at his friends, making both Florence and Sam smile.

Mr. Schuester barged in, a slight look of panic on his face when he noticed Sam's black eye "What's going on? What happened to Sam's eye?" he stressed, looking around for any kind of explanation.

"He stood up to Karofsky" Florence smiled. Sam shyly looked at the floor, feeling like it was wrong to take all the credit. 

"All the guys did" Tina explained "Well, not Finn" she added a few seconds later. 

"So did Florence" Quinn added, shooting her friend a proud smile. 

"Is everyone okay? Mr. Schuester worriedly asked, "Do we need to go talk to principal Sylvester"

"No... We got in a few good licks, too, so we can just call it even. And maybe this will send a warning to Karofsky, telling him to back off Kurt" Sam smiled

Mr. Shuester ignored the last part of Sam's sentence and walked over to check on Kurt. After he had comforted the boy, Mr. Schuester tried to get back to his original planning of the day. "Alright guys, let's take our places. We got a wedding to prepare for!" 

A few weeks had passed, and the day of the wedding had arrived. The New Directions were in the hallway waiting for their que. Quinn quickly finished the little  braid she had made in Florence's hair, and Brittany tried her best to attach a white flower to it. "Can everyone please leave me and my hair alone?" Florence stressed.

Sam smiled at her from across the hallway and opened his mouth to say something. But before he got the chance to, they heard the music start and he and Florence were forcefully shoved to the front by Quinn. Hearing Rachel's last line coming from inside, Sam grabbed Florence's hand and pulled her into the isle.

They hopped from the left to the right, smiling brightly and pointing finger guns at the guests as they sang their lines. Sam spun Florence around and she couldn't help but smile as he grabbed her hand.

Mercedes and Kurt entered the venue, the four teens did a small part of the choreography together. After Kurt and Mercedes walked to the front of the room, Sam quickly lifted Florence up and spun her around as he walked the last few feet of the isle.

Florence lightly smacked his stomach once he had put her down again. "That's not what we rehearsed-

Sam placed his finger on her mouth to shut her up "Just enjoy the show, will you?" he smiled

The crowd clapped to the beat at Brittany and Artie's part, and smiled a few seconds later when the next couple, Tina and a dancing Mike appeared.

Florence and Sam stumbled back to the start of the isle for the last part of their dance. They struggled to hold in their laughter as they sang their part and were quit relieved when it ended. 

Burt ran in, doing his own version of the choreography. The crowd stopped clapping and watched in awe when Carol came on in her wedding dress. Finn finished the last few lines of the song as he stared at his mother.

Carol handed her bouquet to her soon to be stepdaughter. Florence, who was now holding two pairs of flowers, paniced and shoved one into Kurt's hands.

"We usually start with a prayer" the reverend spoke, "But two certain young wedding planners, who shall remain nameless, were afraid that some in attendance might fall asleep" he smiled

Burt gave his kids a look before focussing his gaze back to Carol. "You would look hot in a wedding dress" Sam whispered into Florence's ear. She just ignored his comment, but Kurt noticed her cheeks getting red.

"I'm not really known for having a way with words" Burt began, "When you're a kid, adults will tell you a lot of things. But one thing they neglect to mention is how sad life can be" he spoke, looking back and forth between his two children.

"I lost somebody I loved very much" Florence felt a wave of sadness come over her by the mention of her deceased mom. Kurt noticed the sudden change in her attitude and grabbed her hand, sending her a comforting smile as he lightly squeezed it. 

"We got by" Burt continued, "But looking back, I wanna apologize to the both of you. The way we were living just... wasn't living" he spoke, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"You know that saying that, when god closes a door, he opens a window? Well sometimes, outta nowhere, he'll do you one better and he'll kick a whole wall down!" Burt laughed, his eyes focussed on the beautiful woman in front of him. The crowd clapped and Carol began her vows. 

As everyone was attentively listening to Carole's speech. Sam's mind was somewhere else.

He stared at the girl next to him and tried to put his finger on how he felt about her. He wasn't really sure what he felt, but he was sure it was something other than friendship. 

The ceremony had come to an end. While the dance floor was crowded with couples and some random single people, Florence and Sam were still sitting by their table. Florence had her head on Sam's chest, and he had his arms around her as they watched the people dance.

The song ended and a new one come on. Florence recognized it immediately. "I love this song" She smiled as shut up and dance with me blasted from the stereo.

Sam doubted for a few moments before carefully pushing Florence's head of his chest and standing up. "Let's dance then" He said, reaching out his hand. His smile perfectly masked how nervous he was.

Florence jumped up, taking his hand. "I don't wanna sound cliché, but I really thought you'd never ask" 

A few days later, when the new directions were all gathered in the choir room, Kurt walked in. Florence could tell from the way he looked that something was wrong. Kurt took a stand in front of the New Directions  "First, i wanted to thank everyone for what you did at my dad's wedding. Especially Finn. It's nice to know that i have great friends here. As well as a true brother"

"Rude" Florence mumbled under her breath, not really sensing the tension in her brother's voice.

"Which is why it's so hard for me to leave. I'm transferring to Dalton Acadamy. Immediately"

Authors note

Hi :)

This is one of my favorite episodes in this season, so I really tried my best to make it special. 

I hoped you enjoyed the story so far and don't forget to tap the pretty star ⭐️

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