His Dark Secrets

By mamajay423

1.1K 108 17

This is about a young man in college name Nicholas he decides to start dating but his lack of sexual experien... More

Chapter 1: college
Chapter 2: English teacher
chapter 4: Study time
chapter 5: Find a girlfriend!
chapter 6: the dark secret
chapter 7: Taste me
Chapter 8: seduce me
chapter 9: your virginity is mine
chapter 10: you're finally mine
chapter 11: Taken
chapter 12: climax
Chapter 13: No regret!
Chapter 14: Jeon
Chapter 15: Toxic submissive
chapter 16: Angry Dom
chapter 17: The L word
chapter 18: Yes Daddy
chapter 19: strawberry lips
chapter 20: Don't Play
chapter 21: Minho Don't Play
chapter 22: Minho fights back
chapter 23: fight or love
chapter 24: crazy Jeon
chapter 25 : our love language

Chapter 3: the tutor

42 4 0
By mamajay423

Nicholas couldn't process how handsome the tutor is. Sam with his hand out to eat them was standing there for a good minute.

Minho: annyeonghaseyo! (Hello!)

Sam shook Minho's hand then extended his hand towards Nicholas but Nicholas was still an otter shock.

Minho: Nick! Nick! Damnit Nicholas!!

Nicholas: ah! What!

Minho: he's trying to say hello to us!
You all spaced out! What the hell is the matter with you!

Sam: haha it's ok hello Nicki I hope you don't mind I call you that!

Nicholas: umm Hi uh no you can! You can call me whatever you want! I mean! Yes you can call me Nicki!

Minho: huh! You don't let me call you Nicki!

Nicholas then slaps Minho on this side of the head and saids.

Nicholas: Shut up!

Sam: haha Cute!

Nicholas then automatically turn red he realizes and quickly said he had to go to the bathroom. Minho followed behind asking him questions.

Minho: hey are you ok? Why are you Red!? You look sweaty you sure you're okay? Why were you not saying hi back? Nick are you sure you're okay? Why are you letting him call you Nicki?!

Nicholas: ugh! Shut up already! I'm fine! Let's go back to the class!

Coach: finally you're back is everything all right!

Minho & Nicholas: yes!

Coach: all right then I'll leave you two with Sam I have talked to your other classes you will stay here for 2 hours to study for the English test. Now don't goof around put in your part if you want to play in the game this year!

The coach then left and then the boys set in their chairs Sam got all the materials he need to teach the boys. Then he simply said two packets in front of them and explain that these two packets are broken down information that they need to remember for their future test. He also explained if they had any issue to call him for help. He's doing this to test how far the boys are in their English so he can start working with them. Minho then smiles at Sam boldly says.

Minho: hey teach! Has anyone tell you you're very handsome man!?

Nicholas: what!

Minho: yeah! All the other teachers including coach look their age meaning they all look old and crummy?!

Nicholas: Shut up! You going to get in trouble!

Minho: we already in trouble that's why we're here!

Sam: haha calm down you too!
And I appreciate it Minho!

Then suddenly Sam gets close to Nicholas and points his finger towards the paper and says.

Sam: let's start with these problems first and then work on our way down together!

Nicholas for some reason could not focus and take his eyes off the tutor.
Causing for Sam to snap his fingers to get his attention back to his work.

Sam: snap! Hey pay attention!

Nicholas: yes sir!

That response from Nicholas made Sam smile but he realized it and caught himself his smile went from unsincere smirk to a nearly visible smile. Nicholas notice and for some reason this make Nicholas hearts skip a beat. So he decided to plant his face down onto his work and continue doing what he was told.

2 hours later...

The tutoring class was over And it was time for them to go home. But before they can go home Sam gave them his work number just in case they needed any help in their homework. They finally went on their way home. Nicholas decided to go home instead of Minho's how's he needed time alone but unfortunately he wasn't going to get it soon as he arrived home his mom was in the living room waiting for him with a pissed off look on her face.

Eomma: coach gave me a call!

Nicholas: eomma!(mom!) What are you doing home!

Eomma: don't you Eomma me!! I'm in my own house I pay the bills I put food in your stomach and a roof over your head so don't you come here and eomma me!!

Nicholas: yes ma'am..

Nicholas bowed out of respect to her.
She will obviously angry. But didn't say much only thing she warned him is if he doesn't pass this test she's going to ship him over seize so he can study business so he can work her hotels. Nicholas walked away all pissed off wishing that he didn't have a mom like her. He decided to get out his English books so he can study just like his tutor said and also do the homework that he has given them. Nicholas was really upset he couldn't focus and assumed he got every answer wrong he tried calling Minho to see if he will answer but his phone went to voicemail like always. Then he reached to his back pocket and took out the Tudor's cell phone number and said to himself.

Nicholas: should I call him at this time?! What if he doesn't answer! Emma look like an idiot calling him! Wait!! WTF! Why am I so worried for a teacher to answer my call?! Here goes nothing!!

Then he decides to call him and little did he expected a deep rough but sexual voice came through

Sam: annyeong! (Hi) annyeong!? (Hi)

Nicholas choked and did not know what to say he felt a tingling feeling all over his bodies from head to toe but it didn't make him feel uncomfortable he actually liked the feeling.

Nicholas: umm annyeong! It's Nicholas one of the students you tutor you told us to call if we needed your help!

Sam: haha yes! Nicki!

Nicholas: my name is Nicholas you can call me Nicholas or Nick

Sam: no.. I like Nicki better..I mean if that's fine with you I don't want you to feel uncomfortable with me after I am your teacher.

Nicholas: no you can call me Nicki that's fine you're just going to be the only one who calls me that.

Sam: Good! So what can I help you with Nicki!

As soon as Nicholas was going to answer Minho barges in being so dramatic.

Minho: I've been trying to call you! Why haven't you been answering! I am dying I don't know none of these words! My English sucks!! Wait! You're studying without me!?! Who's on the phone!? Is that your new girlfriend!!

Nicholas: shhh!! Shut up!

Nicholas whisper trying to cover the phone so Sam can't hear them talking.

Sam: haha cute!

Nicholas: huh! I'm sorry sir Minho is here are you willing to help us!

Sam: sure Nicki... Let's get started!!

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