Shame On You

By Babyshapedhearts

935 7 0

He looks at me once more for permission. "I want you to fuck me with your tongue please." I say swallow his... More

Ratched heart
Fool Me Once
Taste Test
Sharing is caring.
I pick my poison
Put me to sleep


90 1 0
By Babyshapedhearts

I sit at the dinner table batting my eyelashes fake giggling eating my dinner in the empty restaurant I convinced Keith to rent out.

The waiter comes back "enjoying your dessert?" he asks "very much
so!" I smother my words with laughter.

"Bring out some whip cream" keith orders for me like he's done this entire night which only makes this easier.

I don't like begin told what the fuck to do. Especially not by a white privilege middle aged man. Who's old enough to be my father.

He gives me a wink I smile looking away appearing to be affected by his not so charming antics.

I look behind me seeing my car in perfect hiding spot in plain sight. My head rolling my eyes almost sick of myself how do people like men like him controlling
willing to drug you for sex.

"The chef has left Mr. Martin is there anything I can get for you?" the waiter says setting down the whip cream. I pop of ths cap as I put it on my finger before seductively licking it off.

I bite my lip he slides a hundred dollar bill in the guys pocket "go take a long walk" he dismisses the waiter who looks pleased as he heads out the front door he thinks I drank the vodka I saw him put a ghb packet inside it.

So me acting a little brainless helps. I keep giggling taking a sip i then spit it out on the floor when he turns away it's dark carpet so you don't notice.

I arch my brow finally. That took forever. "I have you all alone" I mutter smiling he nods with that sickening gleam in his eyes. That he thinks he can take advantage of me."I need my purse I must have left it in the bathroom" I mutter whining after appearing drugged.

"can you go get it for me please?" I ask silly giving him puppy dog eyes "anything for you." He says kissing my hand I smile as he walks off to the bathroom.

I run my hand up the slit in my dress grabbing the bomb strapped to my thigh. I stick it to the bottom of the table pushing down on the red button. I take on last bite of my food as my black dress drags behind me. I then stand up leaving.

"Bye bye Keith thanks for dinner" I whisper grinning. "I enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy hell."

I leave out the fancy expensive restaurant walking on the marble floor by the entrance knowing I have about 40 seconds left to get gone I head straight for my car I parked here this morning my black Bugatti Chiron. He picked me up in a limo it was perfection.

The dark city appears unbothered and so do I.
I click the keys opening the doors I sit inside seeing Keith look around for me hiding my lips part the building goes up in flames I'm speeding off out down the street out or harms way.

My smile plays brightly.

I look back at my gold watch discarding it in a nearby sewer. My lips press together.

I check my phone
mission completed.
I start smirking like true sadist.

"It's you not me sorry we couldn't work out." I whisper messaging him that. With a kiss emoji:

I speed off faster gripping the steering wheel as car go off and the pink fire behind mine rumbles a loud noise the engine going a fast as possible.

Sirens blurry in the back the smoke heavy in the sky.

Next mission : Dante Vitellio

I wake up my eyes tired I shift in my white pillows looking out the large city windows I see Alessia asleep next to me sucking on her thumb. I smile taking a picture such a pretty girl. I lean down kissing her head "Your so beautiful princess." I kiss her cheek. I send the picture to Dante. I toss my head back. Very much Facebook mom.

Getting up  my body wobbles a bit tired black dots impaired my vision the cold air awakens my body making me regret getting up at all.
I slip on grey sweats. Pulling my hair up in a ponytail. I look at the at the entire city the park the grass is bright green kids are already paying so early. The pond is sealed off with a fence so no kids fall I assume. It's Alessia favorite she loves that park.

"Mama?" I hear I turn around smiling I see Alessia messy hair and soft eyes.

She blinks her hair is so messy. Curls all in her eyes and around her hair. I smile "Good Morning babygirl."
I mumble quietly knowing she'll be back to sleep within minutes. She rolls around in her diaper pampers cause she's a big kid now.

Her onsie beside her that she woke me up in the middle of the night to take off.

I open my door and I start making breakfast yogurt with fruit for her and I'll just have eggs.

I put her breakfast in the fridge I sit on the chair eating mine as I scroll threw my phone. I frown looking at the time. My phone starts buzzing Julianna "Hey." I announce "Hii! I got you a outfit it's pink but like a subtle-" I cut her off with her pitchy excited tone.

"Julianna it's 10 in the morning I love and appreciate you-"
"I also got Alessia a matching one. Ari's is matching Luciana's. His is little white pants and a tiny blue shirt with his blue eyes I bet he'll look like mini James Bond." She adds I smile just letting her enjoy her moment. "Lunch!" She screeches "lunch with you guys at Lonas tomorrow 1:00pm so get dress I haven't seen my niece in nearly a month." She sighs I can imagine her writing this down in her sparkly purple planner.

"Okay Julianna we will be ready." I give in camly she claps her hands next to the phone "alright see you lovelies then!" She taunts I hang up. It's 10 I've got errands maybe I can Alessia off at Dante's . I turn on the shower.

After getting dressing a black body con dress and black boots I pull my hair in a ponytail I step out the bathroom Alessia watching Cartoons I pick her up "we gotta get ready baby." I whisper she looks at me her lips still wet "let's go brush teeth." I whisper. Tickling her tummy she giggles. It's almost 12.

I have a couple errands to run before lunch. I've to drop of like six of these at the post office.
get Alessia new blankets
Pick up my dry cleanings and go in for a bridesmaid dress fitting. Also I need to get a new dress in the color blue for the gender reveal party for Luciana baby. It's definitely a boy she looks exactly how she did with Ari.

Wow that's a lot more than expected doubt I'll be able to get it done by 1 but I can definitely finish it by 3. I get Alessia dress. Grabbing my purse and keys I turn to head out. Seeing my mail box right beside my door I open it yellow envelope.

I walk with Alessia out the elevator she runs ahead of me to get to the car even though she can't reach the handle. In the parking garage. I slice open the envelope furrowing my brows.

I add a new note visit the corners office and Dante's.

This is an autopsy report of the senator who died from natural causes but apparently he was poisoned it's Anonymous. Who the hell would give this to me the senator is corrupted he was caught with a prostitute who died from a coke overdose. 

And why would I give a shit even if he did. I read it when I hacked into the FBI main frame. I'm not all computer tech but Glitch taught me a few things. And his filed wasn't even sealed which is shocking.

I open Alessias door helping her in I buckle her up. "We're going go see daddy." I mention kissing her head she smiles her teeth showing she rattles her plays with her doll as her eyes lighten up with pure happiness I give her an apple juice. "Daddy!" she screeches clapping her hands and feet.

"Mama open?" She asks I nod opening her juice box handing it back to her she sips on it I start driving off.

I open Dante's door Alessia runs in screaming for him "Alessia baby shh people are working." She peers at me with those vibrant green eyes "daddy said that I- ooo mama look!" she points to the tv I follow her finger "let's watch loony toons."
"What's that?" She asks I snort with laughter "Nothing go watch tv babe." She nods running with her little legs.

"Wait mommy the emote" she says with a lip pout and the confusion all over her face she climbs off the couch backwards instead of just going around.

She runs up to me with the remote I pick her up let's watch it in your room I tel her as Leopold and three men come in the house. Also Dante's assistant. Obliva

I suppress the eye roll she's like a 2 years older than me and automatically thinks that's she's more mature i am.

I have a baby and almost died giving birth I deserve the mature award.

I click my tongue thinking about things the scars along my side.
I head to the stairs holding Alessia on my hip.
she looks around her bouncy curls waving hi to everyone she sees them smile at her. I open her door putting her down she waddles around I grab her iPad putting on a movie an scoffing her canopy "movie." I spy her a spot she drops whatever toy she's holding crawling over to the bed I pick her.

"Mommy's going be in daddy office okay?" I inform her She nods giving me a kiss. I stand up straight.

I drop her bag in her room.
I grab the envelope shutting her door across the hallway is Dante's office.

Opening the door and closing it I got this envelope "Holy shit your not a mom." I furrow my brows recognizing that voice.

I lift my head up a burst of happiness I run up to Damieno jumping on him I wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts me up.

"what the hell are you doing here?"
"missed you to." He says jokingly I roll my eyes, shaking my head his jaw is sharper than before smile larger than life. He looks healthy again. His muscles thick and hard.
"of course I missed you." I resort He holds me up hugging my waist tightly I unwrap my legs as he sets me down.

It's been nearly 2 years I saw him when Alessia was born. That was it he's been gone pretty much the entire time I mean I'm sure he's here for the wedding and Luciana and Aces baby number 2. He comes around every so often but we always miss each other.

I give Dante the envelope kissing his forehead he furrows his brows hard when I kiss his head like Alessia when you tell her no. She's not use to that word. Damieno and Dante are brothers Dante took his moms last name so I had no clue they were even related.

I giggle looking back at Damiano "Are you here for baby number 2?"
He shrugs "Have you seen there baby name list?" his eyes dramatically showing how awful it is "I thought those names where cute." I reply Bumble is a bit out there.

"Where's Mila?" Dante asks

"watching American cartoons."

"Who's Mila?"i ask "the girl who's has a really thick Russian accent but dosent speak a word of Russian." Dante states flipping threw the envelope .

"ahh" I nod my head "you haven't met her yet how did you?" Leno he's town and facial expression changes "Paradise told us." I speak Dante folds his lips sighing. He shoots me a look. It's a glare. definitely a glare. I swallow furrowing my brows.
Damiano arches a brow "he did what?"

"Yeah he's been watching you for the past two years your quiet careless of a person I thought-" Dante pinched my thigh "ouch!" I yell I smack his shoulder. Jolting upwards. Oops. "My bad." I utter.

"I've been killing since I was 13 I'm sure if I was that careless I would've been caught right now." Damiano states their about to get in an argument. "You are reckless
don't- " Dante says "I-"

"Oh Dante I think Olivia was looking for you." I perch up.

"Who's Olivia?"

"Dante's hooker."
"My assistant."

Dante takes a moment before he realizes what I said "shes not." He claims his complaint face. "she's totally-" I push my tongue against my cheek back and forth making a ball with my fist jerking it back an forth against my mouth. Damiano smirks "is she good at least?"

on "come on Damiano it's perfection or it's not at all." I reply jokingly. He laughs "if she was guy would you be saying this?" He replies trying sound all righteous.

"Dante you always been incredibly anal I don't-"I burst out in laughter before Damiano can finish he sentence. I sit on the edge of Dante desk "I'm sure he'd do a great job too." I say. "Good to know you two are back to being pals. What is this?" He asks I shrug "I have a shit load of errands most of them I don't need Alessia for can you watch her until I get back." I stammer Dante looks at me "I've never-" "watched her for an entire day." I interject she's quite easy. "It's only 2 hours Dante Julianna wants to see her when we go to lunch later today."

I tap my watch.
"Alessia come here!" i say her the screen turns on with her movement she climbs off the bed running with her waddle she pushes open the door and "in here" I gestures for her to come closer I smile at her I bend down picking her up.

She doesn't know him but she doesn't really care Alessia loves begin carried.

"Hi pretty girl." Damiano says to her she smiles waving and begins telling him about butterflies I have her stand on the desk she's easily trusting it's a blessing and a curse she has no reason no not be. Nothing bad has happened to her I want it to stay that way but she doesn't understand that not all strangers are nice.

I stand beside Dante his eyes watching Alessia with pure happiness. I smile softly at Alessia and his brother interacting. Damieno lips curve with a smile. I sit on his desk I carried her inside me for nine months. That's crazy. She survived every bad thing that happened to me while I was pregnant. I breast fed her day and night when she was a newborn trying my best to make her feel comfortable and warm.

Pregnancy was a massive drain on my body though , I was tired all the time Dante certainly didn't help.

I'm wary to say that name around Dante he gets so angered about it.

I mean I get it it's his uncle who wanted me and the baby inside me dead. I look at him as if he feels my gaze on him he looks at me. I smile foolishly "We have another session on Thursday." He speaks to me quietly I nod looking at him but he keeps his eyes on Alessia. "I know."

"I was gonna ask you Alessia wants her ears pierced" I say he leans back.

"I told her everything about how it hurts I'm getting my pierced and I think it's cute are you okay with it?" I ask gazing over his face. His lips fold inwards she'll look so cute with earrings.

"I told her I'll think about it because I should ask you first." He exhales  he looks at me. "Yeah Ella." He replies back quietly.

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