The Amazing Wolf Boy

By RoxanneSmolen

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Cody Forester plans to become a doctor. Instead, he becomes a werewolf. The first time Cody shows fang and fu... More

Author Note
Part 1 - Christmas Dinner
Part 2 - Banished
Part 3 - Recycle America
Part 4 - Uncle Bob
Part 5 - Garage Sale
Part 6 - The Coming Dark
Part 7 - Phone Call
Part 8 - Video Stop Girl
Part 9 - Mauled
Part 10 - Dude You Got a Dell
Part 11 - Taken to School
Part 12 - Efrem Higgins
Part 13 - Bully
Part 14 - She Thinks I'm Cool
Part 15 - Werewolf Tea
Part 16 - Shh I'm Hunting Rabbit
Part 17 - Lunch Date
Part 18 - Tool
Part 19 - Nudists and Pellet Guns
Part 20 - Police Dogs
Part 21 - Moon Rise in the Everglades
Part 22 - A Dead Ostrich
Part 23 - A Casual Dinner
Part 24 - The Fairy Snowglobe
Part 25 - Beaten
Part 26 - Treed
Part 27 - Out of the Loop
Part 28 - A Small Mouse Speaks
Part 29 - Shopped
Part 30 - Snitch
Part 31 - Popcorn and Chocolate Milk
Part 32 - Losing Track
Part 33 - Valentine's Day
Part 35 - Moonlight Visits
Part 36 - Caught
Part 37 - The Other Wolf
Part 38 - Breaking the Curse
Part 39 - My Visit to the Grandmaster
Part 40 - The Killer
Part 41 - Jawbone
Part 42 - Researching the Wolf
Part 43 - Overhill's Overkill
Part 44 - The Mauler Strikes Again
Part 45 - First Kiss
Part 46 - Folklore of Shape Shifting
Part 47 - Miccosukee Indian Village
Part 48 - The Story Keepers Potion
Part 49 - Missing!
Part 50 - Alligator
Part 51 - Called Out
Part 52 - Come Saturday Morning
Part 53 - Changing
Part 54 - Killers
Part 55 - An Overdue Discussion
Part 56 - A Romantic Lunch
Part 57 - Making Plans
Part 58 - The Magic Circle (with compliments to Harry Dresden)
Part 59 - The Sunshine Motel
Part 60 - Snooping
Part 61 - On Safari
Part 62 - Trapped on the Savannah
Part 63 - A Daring Escape
Part 64 - Aunt Fanny
Part 65 - The Kid with the Notched Ear
Part 66 - A Clandestine Trip
Part 67 - In The Nick of Time
Part 68 - Magic Circles
Part 69 - Unappreciated and Misunderstood
Part 70 - A Danger Foreseen
Part 71 - Meeting Her Mother
Part 72 - The Yeti Sighting
Part 73 - The Black Mustang
Part 74 - The Potion
Part 75 - The Phone Call
Part 76 - Abduction
Part 77 - Showdown
Part 78 - Forbidden Kiss

Part 34 - Misunderstanding

1K 75 0
By RoxanneSmolen

Monday was President’s Day. No school. My alarm clock sat in silence. My pillow felt soft. Parakeets squawked outside my bedroom window. Something fell in the kitchen. Probably a lizard scurrying about. It wasn’t my uncle. His scent was gone.

My senses were in overdrive, as they always were approaching the full moon. They felt almost natural, like the wolf was part of me. In two days, I would shift. The thought sickened me, so I pushed it out of my mind. No sense in worrying. Nothing I could do to stop it.

I showered, ate, and hopped on my bike. The sky was clear, the breeze warm, and the ride into town barely tapped my new super strength. Parking outside the Video Stop, I hurried inside. Cool air smelling strongly of plastic chilled my damp skin. Brittany sat behind the counter. She smiled at me, and the room lit up.

“Hi,” I said. “How are you?”

“Glad to see you. I could use some company.”

“Quiet morning?”

“The worst.” She stretched and yawned. “Everyone’s probably sleeping in.”

Was that a dig? It was nearly noon. “Sorry I’m late.”

“I was beginning to think your uncle grabbed you for his big project.” She brought a tall stool around the counter and went back for another. “He’s running out of time.”

“Why? What’s he doing?”

“You don’t know?” She looked at me. “He’s at Jana’s house making one of those fake waterfalls with all the rocks and the koi pond and everything. He needs to get it done before the big party.”

“Whoa.” That was a big project. I remembered my parents doing that back home. The landscaper had a mini-bulldozer. “That’s a lot of work for one man. I wonder why he didn’t ask me to help.”

“He probably didn’t want to distract you from the FCAT last week.”

“They were testing the teachers, not me.”

“But you were doing the work.” She smiled. “You probably got a hundred percent.”

“You, too.”

“Not me. I don’t like to score higher than eighty. High enough to keep my mother off my back, but not so high as to draw attention.”

“You throw your grades?” A laugh threatened my better sense.

Her face darkened. “I didn’t one year. My father got mad. He said he wouldn’t have a snooty show-off for a daughter.”

I went cold. “What did he do?”

“What he always did.” She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. He lives in Georgia.”

I wanted so much to take her hand, to comfort her about what was obviously a bad memory. I wondered what kind of father would yell at a kid for being smart. Brittany and her family lived with her dad’s father after the divorce. Grandpa Earle must take the mother’s side.

The pause in conversation made me uncomfortable, so I got up to browse the sci-fi aisle.

After a moment, Brittany walked toward me. “See anything good?”

“Yeah. You have a nice selection.”

“Pick out something. We can make Thursdays our standing movie night.”

My heart sped. A movie night? We spent the last two Thursdays watching DVDs. Had she thought of them as dates? It sounded too good to be true. Nothing would make me happier than to have a standing date.

But this Thursday was the full moon. I couldn’t.

“Sorry,” I said. “I’m busy this Thursday.”

She frowned. “You said you were busy on Friday.”

“That, too.”

“All right.” Brittany sighed. “How about Wednesday?”

“I can’t,” I said, then trying to diffuse her sharp look, added, “But we can do something tomorrow night if you want to.”

She started walking way, then stopped and turned back. “You’re going out with her, aren’t you?”

I blinked. “Who?”

“Jana. I’ve seen how she looks at you. Rich girls always fall for the bad boys. It ticks off their fathers.”

I moved close, smiling and dropping my voice. “You think I’m a bad boy?”

“Cody, just go. I’ve got work to do.”

I glanced around. “I’m the only one here.”

“I’m serious.” She stomped back to the stools and dragged them out of sight.

I felt a hot surge of anger. I wanted to grab her waist, lean her back against the counter, and kiss her hard on the lips. I’d show her how a bad boy acted. I’d show them all. So, rich girl Jana had a thing for me, did she? I wondered how she’d feel when she found out my parents could buy hers.

With my fists clenched, I approached Brittany. She studied a shipping invoice and did not look up. I wanted to shake her and roar look at me.

But that was the wolf talking.

“I’m not going out with anyone,” I said.

How could she accuse me? Didn’t she know how much I loved her?

“Leave,” she said, her voice crackly.

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