The Red Ribbon {Kaz Brekker X...

By Emkaye08

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{Kaz Brekker X reader} Six words were often exchanged throughout the Barrel. By urgent whispers or mid-day go... More

The Red Ribbon
Eye of the Storm
Wherever They May Be...
Risky Business
Four Proper Thieves
Little Reminders
A Chance At Revenge
Rough Seas Ahead
The Ice Does Not Forgive.
Saints Guide Us Home
The Deal is the Deal
A Good Investment
Crows vs. Ketterdam
I can best this.
The Grisha Triumverate
When The Church Bells Ring
Crooked Kingdom
Author's Note
Extension of Story

Seven of Crows

2.5K 57 49
By Emkaye08

~Kaz pov~

Bo Yul-Bayur is a Shu scientist with a recipe that can change the course of the world. If someone, preferably me, brings him back to the Merchant Council, trade will never be the same. Though, that really isn't what I care about. If I bring him back to Ketterdam, I get 30 million Kruge. Well, I will have to split the earnings with my crew, but I will still have plenty to not have a care in the world.

Y/N provided me with a note that she stole from Pekka's office yesterday. It is written in merchant scrawl and has the crest of the Van Eck residence on the bottom. Which means that Jan Van Eck presented the job to Pekka. So now I am on the way to make some...adjustments to his plan.

As I walk through Ketterdam, I think about last night. Y/N is a tidemaker. That will be very useful to the job. I am very glad that Pekka did not manage to get his hands on her before I did. Grisha always appear when you least expect them to.

I pass through the Exchange and take a look around what the people are selling today. Nothing much in the way of weaponry. Later today, I need to get new weapons for the new members of my crew. Might have to stop by Little Ravka in order to get some. Right now, the sun has just barely peeked over the harbor. I've got time; everyone else in the Slat is sleeping right now.

A few more minutes of walking later, I pass by the Church of Ghezen and turn onto Geldstraat. The Van Eck Mansion is close. I straighten my tie and hold my head up high. If you're going to negotiate with a businessman, might as well look like one.

As expected, Van Eck's front door is locked and secured by two guards. If Van Eck went to Pekka for this job, chances are they are on good terms with each other. Which means that these guards are on Pekka's side currently. He probably paid them to make sure no one else can speak with Van Eck about the job. I walk up to them and they immediately bar the door.

"Van Eck isn't taking visitors currently, go back to where you came from," says one guard.

"I need to talk with him about the Ice Court Heist," I state, knowing that the guards will know exactly what I am talking about.

The second guards shifts from one foot to the other, "you aren't part of Pekka's crew."

"And you're not in Pekka's pocket anymore if you don't owe him," I respond while tossing him a small bag of Kruge. He looks to his friend, who shrugs and opens the door to let me in. Greed is what makes the world go around. Every time.

The Van Eck residence is exactly how I remember it. Spacious, lavish, rich. Once, before Y/N joined my Crows, I snuck in here with Inej and stole an expensive piece of decor that Van Eck kept in the middle of the common room. It was like stealing candy from a baby. And we never got caught.

I go up the stairs and down the hallway, to Van Eck's office. The door is open, so I stride in, knocking my cane on the ground louder than usual to announce my presence. Van Eck jumps at my unexpected arrival, then smiles.

"Brekker, is it?" He starts.

"Let me on the Ice Court job. If I bring back Bo Yul-Bayur before Rollins does, I get the 30 million Kruge," I state. It is more of a demand than a question. Van Eck lets out a little laugh.

"Straight to the point, I see. Well, Mr. Brekker, I was actually hoping you would stop by."


"See, I know you stole my centerpiece from the common room a year ago. I didn't know it at the time, but over the course of a year, I've heard stories of a boy who can escape from any trap. The Bastard of the Barrel. The deadliest theif in Ketterdam. Dirtyhands, if you will. And I thought, well, what is so special about a theif? We have so many in this city. But alas, here you are. A cripple. How does a boy who needs a cane to walk break into a highly guarded residence and escape without anyone hearing him? I will admit, I still don't know."

"Get to the point. Will you give me the reward if I bring back Bo Yul-Bayur first?"

"So impatient. Manners of the Barrel, I assume. But, my point is, I was hoping you would come to me eventually. Because you have the skills for this job. You can make great escapes. You will need it for the Ice Court. Did you hear about the DeKappel that was stolen a few months ago?"

Of course I've heard. I'm the one who stole it.

"Why does this concern me?" I ask.

"A humble one, aren't you? I'll give you the money if you complete the job first. You have a more reliable chance to escape than Pekka. We both know that. I gave the offer to him first to see just how far you would go to take it. And you've impressed me. Now go. Bring back Bo Yul-Bayur. I'll be waiting."

Finally, he is done talking. All merchants do is talk in circles. Half of the time they don't know what they are saying. I thought I would need to convince him more, but he seemed to have talked himself into giving me the offer better than I could've. I'll take it. I head out of the mansion and back to the Barrel. The sun is now almost fully out. It is time to get some new Crows. We are going on a heist.


Y/N is already awake and perched on my windowsill when I get back. The morning sun bathes her silhouette in gold. I pause for a second and just take in the sight. She looks out of the window, like usual, as if willing the spring to begin.

"Plans, Brekker?" Y/N says suddenly, without turning to me. She knew I was there the whole time. I shake myself out of my little trance.

"With you Y/N? Always."

She lets out a small laugh. It is so distantly familiar, and always welcome. I would bottle it up and drink it every night if I could. But that's impossible. So instead I just say things that will make her laugh and try to remember the sound.

"You know what I mean. Did Van Eck agree to give you the money?" she asks.

"He did. Now we just need to get three people, and we can leave from the harbor tonight," I say. A simplified plan, really, but no one else needs to know that I have a decoy boat set up in case we get ambushed.

"It's all coming together. Who are we getting first?"

Y/N's question makes me think. Jesper can retrieve our demo man later, Hellgate is a bit of a journey, so that means...

"Nina Zenik. A Heartrender at the White Rose. Let Inej know that it will just be me and you retrieving her. She will get word to Jesper. Be back in five minutes ready to go," I say.

She nods once and is off to put the plan into motion. Nina is part of the Dregs. Originally from Ravka, and wants to free a Fjerdan from Hellgate. Talk about forbidden love. But, alas, her situation means that I have leverage on her. And I intend to use it.

Y/N is back in my room in five minutes, punctual as usual, though she still seems a bit tired from her fight yesterday.

"Are you sure you want to come?" I ask.

"I'm fine, Kaz. My arm is just sore, but as long as I don't strain it, I'll be okay."

I'll make sure we don't get into trouble. We head out through the Barrel and into the White Rose. Pleasure houses are always my least favorite place to visit for a job. Heavily perfumed and oddly warm. Everything about them is wrong. I stand closer to Y/N when we pass through the front doors. I can never trust anyone in the Barrel, especially in a place like this.

I lead us to Nina's room, and when I open the door, she has a patient in there. When she sees that I am here, she lets the patient go, and stands. Y/N gasps quietly. I glance at her. Her countenance is that of recognition.

"You are the brunette at the waffleshop that I see sometimes!" She exclaims. The pieces seem to click in Nina's mind.

"Oh! I remember you. You and your friends talk loud. You're the one whose heart speeds up at the mention of Ravka and a boy named K-"

"We have a job for you," Y/N interjects, not letting Nina finish her sentence. Nina blinks in surprise, then looks at me.

"Well, what do you need, Brekker? You know I won't do any big favors unless I get what I want in return," she states.

"I am aware of that fact. Which is why I am asking you to break into the Ice Court with me and the Crows-"

"Ha! Break into the Ice Court? What else do you need me to do, summon sunlight with my own hands?" She jests.

"Let me finish. In return, you and Helvar will be free to go wherever you want. With four million Kruge each," I explain. She still doesn't seem convinced.

"If we go to the Ice Court, I'll be too dead to do anything with Helvar. Who could the Fjerdans have locked up there that could possibly be worth millions of Kruge?"

"Bo Yul-Bayur. Creator of jurda parem. A variant of Jurda that is addictive to Grisha, distorts their powers, and eventually kills them. Many different countries are after him. We have to get him first," I tell her. I can see the moment when she changes her mind.

"Fine. I'll help you get Bo Yul-Bayur. The Grisha shouldn't have to suffer under the hands of the Fjerdans more than they already do. But if we somehow make it out alive, how am I going to be with Matthias? Do you plan for that, too?" She asks. Of course I have a plan for that.

"Precisely," I say and head out of Nina's room. She follows closely behind with Y/N. To Hellgate we go.

~ Y/N pov ~

Nina is a Heartrender that came here from Ravka. She must've trained at a palace, like Inej told me about. If I need any information on Ravka, I can get it from her. Though, one thing I don't have information on is Kaz's plan for acquiring the other two Crows. Where could Nina's lover possibly be that she can't get to? I fall into step with her and make conversation.

"Is it true that there is a palace in Ravka for Grisha?" I start by asking. She raises her eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes, it's called the Little Palace. Why do you ask?" She questions. We are walking through the Barrel right now.  No one needs to hear my answer to this.

"I was just wondering; a friend told me about it once," I respond.

"You're lying. Your heart is giving you away. Are you Gri-"

"Shh. We can't talk about that here. People find Grisha and sell them into indentures. We are slaves in Ketterdam," I explain in hushed tones.

"We?" Nina asks. I glance around.

"Let's just say the water is a friend of mine."

"Noted. A good friend, I assume, that can get you out of trouble?" She asks. What she is really wanting to know is whether I can use my powers well or not.

"A good enough friend to get the job done. To be completely honest, I've been considering going to Ravka to train when this job is over and I get my Kruge," I make sure to say quietly. I don't want Kaz overhearing this conversation. My heart is not fully set on Ravka, but a part of me still wants to go.

"Well, if you decide to go, tell Zoya that she is a rotten bi-"

"Welcome to the Slat, Nina," Kaz says, cutting our conversation short. I don't know who Zoya is, but by the sounds of it, Nina doesn't like her very much.

We head up the stairs and into Kaz's office, where Jesper and Inej enter shortly after.

"This is Nina Zenik. Heartrender. And one of our new Crow members for the heist," Kaz says as he briefly introduces Nina to Jesper and Inej. She waves to them confidently. Nina has a radiant glow, even for being in the Barrel.

"A lovely woman indeed. But where are the other new members, perhaps a demo man?" Jesper asks, and Inej elbows him in his side. Kaz rolls his eyes as I laugh.

"I am getting to that, Jesper. See, we need Nina here to get another member of our crew, Matthias Helvar. And after we get him, then you can get our demolitions expert from the tannery. Got it?" Kaz explains. Jesper nods in satisfaction; he certainly seems to have taken a liking to whatever demo man there is in Ketterdam.

I need to know one thing.

"Where is Matthias and why do we need Nina to get him? We aren't killing a bunch of people to get him, right?" I ask. Why would we need a whole Heartrender for this?

"Well, Helvar is currently a prisoner at Hellgate thanks to this delightful lady here," Kaz says while Nina glares at him, "so all of us plus Muzzen are going there to break him out. Nina will tailor Muzzen to look like Matthias so that we don't get caught."

Hellgate. Hellgate. The place where my father died years ago because he messed with the wrong people in the Barrel. Because he was a gambler. I never got to go inside. Never got to mourn. I guess this is one way to get closure.

When I don't respond to his plan, Kaz starts to look concerned. As he opens his mouth to speak, I clear my throat.

"Sounds like a solid plan. Lead the way, Brekker," I say, and do my best to sound confident. Even though that is probably the last thing I feel right now. Kaz's stare lingers a moment longer before turning back to the others. He explains smaller details of the plan, but the words all tumble together.

I did my best to repress the memories of my father after my family moved to Ketterdam. The late nights. The empty pockets. The bruises. The incident. The time spent saving. The disappointment when I realized it was all for nothing. I try to focus on what Kaz is saying. At least he brings some clarity into the picture. I can feel Nina's stare in my peripheral. She must hear my beating heart.

"..Komedie Brute...Hellshow...animals...
Okay. Does everyone understand this?" He finally finishes, eyes landing on me once more. I swallow once and nod my head.

"Got it. Let's go."

This is about to be a rollercoaster.


My Mister Crimson costume is a little tight, but it works. Kaz provided all of us with costumes from the Komedie Brute to wear as a disguise to Hellgate, and as we arrive to the looming black towers with the harbor surrounding me, I am glad I have this ridiculous red mask covering my face. Best not to have anyone seeing me try to pull myself together every two seconds. As our little boat reaches the shore, I mutter "no mourners." Jesper and Inej reply, "no funerals." Kaz looks at us like we are insane.

"What is that?" He asks.

"It's Zemini. For let's get rich, motherfu-," Jesper starts.

"No it's not!" I interrupt and get out of the boat. Everyone else follows suit.

We all manage to slip in safe and sound, and Jesper departs from us. I am relieved in a way. Jesper reminds me a lot of my father right now; a gambling addict who can never walk away from a game. I missed exactly what he is supposed to do as Kaz was explaining the plan. Most likely a distraction. Let's hope he is punctual; I don't want to die here. What a ghostly scene that would be.

We arrive at an ampitheatre and as soon as we enter the seating area, I can hear the cheers and screams. Was this the last thing my father heard before he faded away? Saints, I need to stop thinking about it. We reach a balcony and watch as a prisoner tries (and fails) to fight off a lion. Kaz is on one side of me, Nina on the other. I can't bear the sight of this. The blood pouring onto the ground. The savage screams of the on-lookers. All I can see is my father's corpse lying there.

Nina lays a hand over my own. Immediately, my heart rate slows down. I feel unnaturally calm, given the circumstances. Kaz glances at me, and under his mask I can tell he is giving me a look that says are you okay right now? And I nod. No one here knows what I lost. No mourners, no funerals.

After the maimed prisoner is dragged out of the arena, a new one is brought in. He is tall, blonde, and obviously Fjerdan. This must be...

"Matthias," Nina practically whispers, her voice hoarse and her hands gripping the balcony railing like a lifeline. Yep, this is our guy. Now, I place my own hand over Nina's and try to calm her down.

The moment the new animals enter the scene, the screams somehow grow louder. Wolves. Two of them. My blood runs cold. There is already blood dripping from their mouths. Could these be the same wolves that killed my father? I feel like I am about to bolt from the balcony, but Nina grabs both of my hands in terror. She needs me right now. We need each other right now.

If I know anything about Fjerda, it is that they practically worship wolves. I don't know what it is about them, but they have a special connection. I can see Matthias' struggle as he chooses between honor and survival. Nina is gripping my hands so hard that it hurts and my arm screams in protest, but I don't dare say a word. None of us do. We just look at the scene below us and ask our Saints to help him. Even Kaz seems to be willing his plan to work out. It is all we can do for him.

The fight goes on, and Matthias wins. The prison guards drag him out of the arena in chains. We all release a long-held breath. Nina finally lets go of my hands. I thank the Saints, if they can even hear me over the crowd. The wolves are dead. I should be jumping for joy. But it all still hurts. 

Kaz wastes no time.

"Let's get moving," he says quietly, then heads out of the ampitheatre. I take one last look at the bloody scene below, then leave behind him. Everyone else follows. Still no sign of Jesper. What could his plan possibly be?

Once we reach Matthias' cell, my question is answered. I hear the growls and screeches before I see what is making them. Jesper must've opened the animal cages. A very good distraction, I must say. We slip into the prison cell without interruption, where Matthias is sleeping. Nina tailors Muzzen to look exactly like the Fjerdan, then she goes to wake him up.

When he opens his eyes, he recognizes her face. Then that recognition turns to anger. He yells her name and attacks her. We are here to free him, shouldn't he be happy? My arm aches, so I stand by with Inej as Kaz and Muzzen pull him off of Nina, and with a warning (more like a threat) from Kaz, he leaves her alone reluctantly. I help Nina up from the ground with one arm and dust off her costume. I guess that's what happens when you somehow get your lover locked up in Hellgate.

"She is a witch," Matthias mutters.

"She is a Grisha," Kaz replies with a harsh tone, "and if you have a problem with that, then you can stay here. She is not the only one we have, and you will treat them with respect."

Matthias looks at me and lets out a grunt of disapproval. Kaz clears his throat to shift the attention away from me. He briefly explains the heist to Matthias, and the reward. He hesitantly agrees as we hear the screams from the audience become louder.

"We have to go now," Kaz says, opening the door to the chaos all around. Animals roar, audience members scream. It is a madhouse. We leave Muzzen behind and join the chaos. There are screams everywhere. It is like I am drowning in them, standing in the arena fighting for my life. I stay close behind Kaz and hold onto Inej's hand. I can't wait to get out of here.

We exit through a tunnel and end up back where we started. Jesper is already at the boat waiting for us. We all eagerly climb in. I call to the tides and create a current to move us along quickly, like I did with Inej yesterday. I never want to go in that rotten place again. Matthias looks at my hands in disgust, and Kaz glares at him with a deadly stare.

"So..I'd say that the plan went pretty well?" Jesper asks to break the silence.

"Shut up Jesper," Kaz, Inej, and I all say at the same time. He does so.

We made it out of Hellgate, and now we just need one more member of the crew. Then we are going to Fjerda. As deadly and risky this trip is going to be, I am looking forward to getting away from the Staves.

We reach the shore in less than ten minutes, and as soon as our feet touch the ground, Kaz is already on the move. He doesn't say a word. In a moment like this, it is better to just trust Kaz and let him do whatever. He always has a plan. We enter the Crow Club, and Kaz brings us all into a back office. He nods to Nina in a subtle way that no one seems to notice, and she slows down Matthias' heart rate. Immediately, he tries to fight back.

"Witch! I'll kill you, Zenik!" He yells, but his movements become sloppy and soon his eyes close.

"What a touching display of affection," Kaz says as he starts to chain Matthias to a chair with the help of Jesper.

"What is the plan now, Kaz?" Inej asks.

"You and Nina go to Little Ravka, get some solid weaponry if available. Y/N and I will be close behind. Jesper," he explains while looking the 6 foot Zemini in the eye, "go to the tannery. Get our demo man. No detours."

"No detours, you got it boss," Jesper affirms, then practically runs out of the office. Let's hope he is true to his word.

Nina and Inej head out together, already chatting about how beautiful Ravka is in the summer and the like. Kaz takes off his Komedie Brute mask to unveil a face of concern. I keep mine on for now. My throat is starting to ache and my eyes are becoming watery. No one is going to see you cry. You cannot show weakness in the Barrel. The sight of the arena and the blood in the wolves mouths keep flashing in my mind, however. It is hard to accept that my father lived -- and died-- there.

"Listen, Y/N, if your arm is an issue, you can just tell me. I won't take you off of the job, but at least let me know if you are hurting," Kaz starts.

Enough with the god damn arm injury.

"I told you that I am fine," I respond, harsher than intended. I swallow the ache in my throat and try to hold myself together. Kaz waits a second before responding, as if pondering what to say next.

"Not an animal person, then?" He asks, trying to be lighthearted. So much for holding back tears. I release a racking sob and just stand like an idiot, crying in front of Dirtyhands.

Not an animal person. Understatemnt of the year. I don't even think I'll see a dog the same way again. Kaz looks utterly defeated. He doesn't have a plan for this. His fingers tap the top of his cane as he debates what to say next.

"Who was it?" He finally asks, as if treading dangerous waters.

"My father. He made his way to the Barrel after my family moved here. Gambled everything away. Got thrown in Hellgate," I take a shaky breath, "the wolves got him. And seeing them tonight, it just-"

"You don't have to explain further, it's okay," he responds. I am very glad for the interruption, because I don't think I could say much more without falling completely apart again.

My Mister Crimson mask is soaked from my tears. I finally peel it off and throw it away. Kaz looks torn as to either wipe my tears away or retreat. I wipe them myself.

"I'm sorry for being a bit distracted during the whole plan, anyway. It won't happen again," I say.

"Let's hope not. Though, even if you somehow found a way to burn down Ketterdam, I'll just blame Jesper," he responds, heading out of the office and gesturing for me to follow. I smile and fall into step with him.

"Poor Jesper. Always the scapegoat."

"It is very feasible that Jesper could burn down the city, though, no?" He asks, obviously trying to cheer me up.

"Oh definitely. But imagine Jesper as an Inferni. The world would be gone in three days," I say with a laugh. Something eases in Kaz's features. We stand close as we walk to Little Ravka. Close enough to feel each other's warmth, but not enough to touch. As it always seems to be.


Little Ravka is beautiful. The decorations, the trinkets, the lights. It's a beautiful culture. I look around the vendor's stalls with Kaz as we search for sturdy weapons for any crew members that need them. That would be me and Nina. I have Inej's old knife still, but I need something new. As for Nina, having a knife wouldn't hurt in the chance that she can't expose her powers.

I find Inej at a booth that is selling all kinds of knives and daggers. This is the place. Everything is high quality -- carved bone handles with Grisha steel sharper than anything else in the world.

"Where is Nina?" I ask Inej, as I pick out two knives for myself.

"She said that there is a hidden place here for Grisha. It's safe. She must be checking it out," she explains, choosing a knife for Nina and paying with the Kruge that Kaz lent to us. I look around again at the set-up of this tiny market.

"Is this what Ravka is like?" I think out loud.

"In some parts. There are lots of vendors, supposedly selling the bones of Saints. See that booth over there? They are selling Sankta Alina's finger bones," Inej answers. I shudder. They obviously aren't Sankta Alina's bones. So whose are they?

Nina arrives with a small bottle of kvas "for the long journey", and we meet up with Kaz, who is arguing with a vendor about the authenticity of their Sankta Alina memorabilia. I tap on his shoulder to get his attention, and lead the way out of Little Ravka, back to the Crow Club. The sun is setting; we have a couple of hours before we depart from the harbor.

As we enter the back office, Jesper is chilling there already with a red-head and a still unconscious Fjerdan. By the way that Jesper looks at the new recruit, I can see why he wanted a demo man so bad. He is putting all of his charm on display right now. Simp.

Kaz nods to Nina once again, and she speeds up Matthias' heartrate. He wakes up and tries to lunge at Nina again, but the chains on his chair hold him fast.

"Easy there, Fjerdan. Save your angst for after the job is done," Kaz says with a pointed stare in his direction. Then, he turns his gaze to everyone.

"Let us get introduced, shall we? I am Kaz, that lovely girl to your left is Y/N, and the tall sharpshooter next to her is Jesper," he says, "they are Zemini. Try not to hold that against them."

Jesper and I grin at each other. We have talked countless times about the farms that we grew up on, and bear our Zemini heritage with pride. I wonder if Jesper is going to go back there once this job is over. It is tempting, I do say. Maybe I'll join him.

Kaz continues, "the knife weilding Suli standing in the corner is Inej, the one currently drinking kvas is Nina, this grumpy lump of muscle is Matthias, and this," he dramatically pauses, "is Wylan Van Eck."

Wylan's face drops, "you knew this whole time?"

Van Eck. He is the son of a merchant. What is he doing in a tannery?

"Of course I knew. You can't keep anything from me. We need you as leverage against your father, in the chance that he refuses to give us the thirty million Kruge," Kaz explains.

"Jesper said you needed a demolitions expert," Wylan states.

"Well, we can't always get what we want, can we? You are good enough for the job, but no expert. Your relationship with your father matters more for this heist."

"You can't use me as leverage. He won't care," Wylan protests.

"We'll see about that. Now, all of you are probably wondering how we are going to get into the Ice Court. The answer is simple. We are going to enter just like everyone else does: prisoners. Hringkälla is going to be happening on the night we arrive. It is a Fjerdan ceremony where they kiss trees and do whatever else Fjerdans do," Kaz elaborates. Matthias grunts in disapproval.

"Demjin," he mutters under his breath. Kaz barely spares him a glance, and his mouth quirks into a small grin of pride.

"Precisely. Now, feel free to get ready at the Slat. Do whatever you have to do; scream, pray, feed a crow, I don't care. Meet back here in an hour."

"And what about me?" Matthias says, his voice strained as he tries to break out of his restraints. Kaz doesn't look impressed now.

"You can sit here and mentally prepare to be useful for this heist until we are ready to leave. Wylan will stay here with you while you describe the layout of the Ice Court to him so he can draw a map. Got it?"

Wylan looks like he would rather die. But he swallows once and nods for the both of them. One hour to go. Then I am free of this city for a while. I look at our crew. A druskëlle that would rather me be dead, a heartrender that can tell me the secrets of Ravka, a lost merchant son with daddy issues, a flirty sharpshooter, a pious Wraith, and the human form of a rain cloud. We are full of jagged pieces, but somehow we will fit together for this heist.

Inej, Nina, and I head back to the Slat to prepare. We all pile into my room, and Inej starts to rebraid my hair into tight coils that will stay sturdy when the winds start blowing on the sea. Nina looks my arm and grimaces.

"Damn girl, what happened to you?"

"I had an altercation with Pekka Rollins yesterday."

"Yeesh. I wish I could help, but the best I can do is tailor," Nina responds, turning around to look at herself in my mirror. Inej finishes my braid and goes to Nina and starts one for her. I flex my hand and wince a bit. The wound is still a bit achey from when Nina had a death grip on me earlier, but as long as don't run into any trouble, I will be fine.

An hour goes by as we chat about waffles, Ravka, and the heist. Jesper floats in a few times, obviously fresh from the casinos. Of course that is where he would spend his last hour here. Nina seems a bit hesitant to put Bo Yul-Bayur in the hands of the Merchant Council, but I can tell that she knows that it is a much better option than keeping him in Fjerdan control. Once I look out of my window and see the moon rising from the harbor, I stand.

"It's time to go. Let's get our Kruge, ladies," I say as Inej and Nina stand and mentally prepare. The time is now. The fate of world trade rests on our shoulders. Thiry million Kruge will be waiting for us when we get back. The Ice Court awaits.

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