Don't know what to do without...

By Tw1st0fF4te

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Jennie was deeply in love with her friend and bandmate Rosé. The pain of to having suppress her feelings almo... More

Chapter 1 - Life is not fair
Chapter 2 - Contact
Chapter 3 - Date night
Chapter 4 - Affection
Chapter 5 - You think you know me?
Chapter 6 - What is the point?
Chapter 8 - Cuts
Chapter 9 - Honesty

Chapter 7 - Scars

619 24 7
By Tw1st0fF4te

As much as Jennie would've liked to drown herself in self-pity, she quickly had to clean up the mess she caused in the bathroom and the bedroom if she wanted to avoid any questions. Even though she was well aware that there would be questions from her friends, the bandage around her right forearm stood out like a Slipknot fan at a Justin Bieber concert. But the fewer reasons she gave the other girls to be concerned or suspecting, the better. She quickly picked up the shards from the ground, wrapped them in lots of toilet paper and threw them in the trash bin before putting the first aid kit back in its place and cleaning the bathtub of any remaining blood. After being convinced that the bathroom looked normal again, Jennie hurriedly made her way back to her room to get rid of the shards there as well and much more importantly, cleaning the stains of blood from the pink carpet in front of her bed. It was then she realized she should've taken care of that problem first, since by that point the blood on the carpet was already dried and the bucket of water and sponge she brought with her from the bathroom didn't do much to erase the traces of her little "accident".

Jennie flinched slightly when that word rushed through her mind, but quickly shook the thought out of her head. Lisa and Jisoo have been out for quite some hours by that point, which meant they could come back basically anytime. Maybe, if she would've been more calm and collected, she would've thought of texting them to see when they will come home. But she was as far away from being calm as possible, causing her to desperately try to scrub the blood out of her carpet, with very little success. She quickly googled what she could try to get rid of the blood, but all the suggestions that appeared were cleaning supplies Jennie had no idea of where to find them, if they even had them at home. Frustrated, she threw her phone on the bed and picked up the carpet, quickly making her way to the washing machine. She hastily pushed the carpet into the machine and added an extra load of laundry detergent before turning the machine on. Once the machine was on, Jennie took a deep breath and leaned against it, bringing her hand to her forehead. She started too feel a bit dizzy, and she had no idea whether it was caused by the stress or if she lost more blood than she thought. I have to get to my bed she thought to herself and quickly left the room. But just when she rushed around the corner, she bumped into Lisa and Jisoo, who apparently just came home.

"Whoah Jennie, why in such hurry? WHAT THE FUCK?" Lisa suddenly yelled when she saw Jennies forearm.

Well, that didn't took long. Jennie thought to herself while mentally facepalming herself for not putting on something with long sleeves. At least it would've given her a bit more time before someone could notice something.

"Jennie, what happened to your arm? Are you okay?" Jisoo asked her while both girls looked at her with very concerned looks on their faces.

Jennie nervously stumbled a few steps backwards while holding her hands up in defence. "I.. I'm okay I just.. fell.. I slipped and fell into a mirror and it broke and I..." She quickly blurted out her lame excuse, well aware of how unconvincing it sounded. Lisa and Jisoo didn't look convinced either, adding up to the stress Jennie was already under on, the dizziness in her head increasing. Her eyes even had problems focusing, making the two girls in front of her appear blurry.

Jisoo also noticed that Jennie had problems standing upright, so she took a step towards her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Jennie, are you okay? You are pale."

Afraid of being exposed, Jennie abruptly pulled away from Jisoo's touch, which turned out to be a dumb idea. The sudden movement of Jennie's body was the final nail in the coffin for her weakened body, who was unable to hold his balance and the last thing Jennie could see was Jisoo and Lisa rushing towards her in an attempt to catch her before her head would crash on the wooden floor.

"Here Babe, take another." Rosé whispered into Jennie's hear while holding a strawberry up in front of Jennie's face.

"Mhh no.. it'd rather stay like this." Jennie replied with a chuckle while nuzzling herself closer to Rosé. She was laying on top of Rosé and reaching for that strawberry would require her to lift her head off of Rosé's comfortable chest.

Rosé rolled her eyes in response and brought the strawberry closer to Jennie's lips, so that she was able to reach it without having to lift her head. "I can't believe you sometimes." She said with a chuckle. But the tone in her voice showed nothing but affection.

With a victorious smile, Jennie took a bite off the strawberry and ate it, but not without placing a small kiss on Rosé's fingertips, who replied with another soft chuckle. "It's too hot to move right now." She tried to defend herself. Indeed, the sun was shining down onto the two girls who were lying on a beach in the middle of nowhere, wearing bikinis, drinking cocktails, not a single soul being with them.

Again, Rosé let out a small chuckle. "But you know we can't stay like this forever, right?"

Jennie let out a sigh while her thumb gently stroke the back of Rosé's hand she was holding right now. "Why do you always have to ruin it?"

"Because this..." with her unoccupied hand she pointed at her surroundings, the sea, the beach, the sun, the intimacy between the two "is not real. And it will never be if you don't make a move. Locking yourself up in your dreams won't get you anywhere. Play with open cards."

Jennie let out another sigh and held a tighter grip on Rosé's hand, afraid that it will disappear soon. "Easier said than done.. you don't really exist. You can't be hurt. But when I open up to Rosé, I will expose my everything. My heart, my feelings, my very soul. This will be when I'm the most vulnerable.. and... what if-"

"Hey hey hey. Stop it." Rosé interrupted her. ""What if" has never led to any success. Do you want me to tell you what you can do to safely confess your feelings to Rosé?"

Jennie nodded slowly.

"Wake up"

Jennie groaned. The voice of Dream-Rosé echoed in her head, slowly faded away and got slowly replaced with the soft, clear and very real sound of Rosé's voice, repeating these words like a mantra over and over again, her voice deeply filled with concern. Since Jennie just woke up, it took her some time to notice the switch between the two Rosés talking to her. When Jennie started to make soft, barely noticeable sounds, Rosé's mantra went silent.


Her words were nothing but a soft whisper, not sure if Jennie really was awake.

Jennie used all the strength she could bring up to slowly open her eyes. Her vision was still blurry, but she could see that it was Rosé who was hovering about her bed. After a short period of time, her eyes were able to focus again, being able to recognize the deep concern in Rosé's eyes and yes, even a few tears. She tried to speak, but the word came out as nothing but a raspy whisper.


When Jennie finally opened her mouth and started to speak, Rosé couldn't hold her relief anymore and hugged Jennie tightly. "You're awake...I'm so glad.." she whispered quietly. Jennie had no idea what this meant, but she enjoyed the sweet embrace regardless. Her brain still hasn't completely booted up yet. But she could feel something wet running down her neck.

Is she crying?

Jennie tried to get some distance between herself and Rosé so she could take a look at her, but her body was still too weak. When Rosé noticed that Jennie tried to move, she let her go and quickly looked away. "Sorry, I shouldn't have ambushed you like that. I was just.. very concerned." Jennie took a look at her surroundings. She was not familiar with the room. It was pure white, every single wall, as well as the ceiling. The light from the ceiling was bright cool white, the effect even more enhanced by the walls.

Am I in a hospital?

And then the memories came back to her. About her smashing the mirror, how she hastily tried to hide the traces of her mess and how Jisoo and Lisa confronted her suddenly. But then something else came to her mind.

Was Rosé waiting for me this entire time?

"Rosie.." Jennie whispered softly, immediately drawing the younger girls gaze towards her again. "Where.. am I?"

Rosé took a deep breath before she replied, she must have been very anxious about Jennie's condition. "You are in a hospital. Jisoo and Lisa said that you collapsed... and then that bandage around your arm... the smashed mirror.." Rosé's voice failed her, but it was clear what she was trying to say. She took Jennie's hand as if she was afraid Jennie would disappear if she didn't hold closely onto her.

So I did a really bad job at hiding it huh?

Jennie didn't even had the energy to be annoyed about her own incompetence. "I'm sorry... for making you worry.." she whispered while holding onto Rosé's hand has hard as she could, which wasn't very hard at all at the moment. Still, the feel of Rosé's skin gave her a sense of security, the way Rosé's thumb drew small circles on the back of Jennie's hand made her feel so loved.

"Don't be sorry Jen.. I'm just glad that you woke up. If you wouldn't have... I don't know what to do without you." These words caught Jennie's attention. She looked at Rosé, but she was still looking in another direction. What does she mean by that? Jennie was contemplating whether she interpreted too much into these words. Rosé was concerned and relieved, she probably didn't mean it the way it sounded to Jennie's ears. But when Rosé finally looked at Jennie again, Rosé's eyes looked exactly the way her words sounded to Jennie's ears.


"Mh? What is it Rosie?"

Rosé was biting her lower lip, as if she was thinking about something. Considering the best choice of words, the best course of action. She seemed so lost in her thoughts that when she slowly leaned closer to Jennie, it caught Jennie totally by surprise. Suddenly Jennie's throat became dry and her heartbeat increased. She was curious what Rosé was trying to do or to say. It was always hard for her to read her behaviour correctly. She wouldn't.. would she?

"Jennie, I-"

But in that moment, the door to Jennie's room has been opened, causing Rosé to quickly sit back onto her chair properly, just in time for Jisoo and Lisa to enter the room quietly. "How is she?" Lisa asked with an unusual low voice, not wanting to make any noise in a hospital. But before Rosé could answer her question, Lisa's eyes already fell onto Jennie and both her and Jisoo's expressions immediately lit up. "Heyyy you're awake." Lisa tried to keep her voice low, even though her happiness clearly showed. Her and Jisoo made her way to Jennie to embrace her in a warm hug, which Jennie gladly returned.

"I'm sorry for making you all worried."

Jisoo sat down on the bed next to Jennie and held her hand. Jennie knew that this doesn't mean a good thing. This is her "we-need-to-talk" expression.

"It's okay Jennie." she started. "But you have to talk to us. The boss will want to hear from you as well. He already had talks with the three of us, asked us if we noticed any weird behaviour or if you told any of us anything... We said that we don't know either because... well, we don't. Listen, Jennie, I told you that you don't have to talk about what's bothering you, but.. how do I put this?"

"You're scaring the fuck out of us." Lisa then intervened. Everyone looked at her in surprise, as they were not expecting this choice of words.

Jisoo cleared her throat before she took the word again. "Not they way I would have phrased it, but yes. Your condition is really concerning to all of us. Jennie," Jisoo shifted herself closer towards Jennie and looked directly into her eyes. "do you swear that what happened with the mirror was really just an accident? Because if it wasn't, we have to get you help."

The room went silent as everyone was expecting Jennie's answer, nothing but the soft hum of the monitors and other machines you would find in a hospital was to hear. Jennie did her best to hold Jisoo's gaze, if she were to look away now she would lose her last bit of credibility. However, it was really difficult for her, for Jisoo's words hurt her deeply. Or rather, the fact that she worried her friends so much hurt her. She could feel tears building up inside her again, swallowed hart to keep them down. After Jennie took another deep breath, she spoke again while putting on her best pokerface.

"I am sorry that you were worried because of me. I know, my behaviour was really concerning over the past couple of weeks or even months. And I truly appreciate the fact that you all want to help me. The truth is, I don't know what is wrong with me either. But I'm sure that it's only temporary. I promise that there is no need for you to be concerned about me. I really just stumbled and hit the mirror in the process." Towards the end of her speech she even managed to force a reassuring smile onto her lips. The seconds passed while the girls were thinking about Jennie's words, communicating amongst each other with looks. To Jennie it felt like an eternity before Jisoo audibly breathed out.

"Okay Jennie, we believe you. But still, our boss will want to talk to you so you better prepare for that as well."

Jennie lowered her gaze and nodded slowly. Somehow she wasn't relieved by the fact they believed her lie. Okay, it wasn't a complete lie. Smashing the mirror was nothing she did on purpose. Her body acted autonomous. "I understand... Then I better get ready to meet him." It was then when she felt a soft pair of hands on her shoulders, gently pushing her back into the pillows. The hands belonged to Rosé who smiled at her. "He can wait. We just tell him that you're not awake yet." They both chuckled and Jennie nodded. "Okay, you convinced me." And after a short pause "Thanks. To all of you."

The next morning, Jennie was sitting in the boss' office, nervously clicking her heels on the dark wooden floor while waiting for the boss to come see her. They actually dragged out Jennie's pause throughout the whole day, they've spent the entirety of the day in her room, playing various games and talking about god and the world. They did a pretty good job at distracting Jennie from the unpleasant talk she would have with their boss the next morning, meaning now. The clicking of her heels on the floor was in synch with the ticking of the clock on the wall and Jennie couldn't decide whether it was relaxing or annoying. But to be fair, there was nothing that could relax her right now. When after a few minutes the office door opened, Jennie hastily stood up and greeted her boss with a nervous smile and a slight bow. "Good morning." He returned her smile and gestured towards the chair Jennie just sat on. "Good morning Jennie, sit down." He said while taking seat behind his desk and Jennie sat down as well. Seconds passed during which he scanned her face, her expression, her eyes. He was very good at interpreting other peoples behaviour, a trait that brought him far in his career. It always made Jennie nervous when he did that, she preferred to keep her emotions to herself. She didn't like being an open book to anyone else, but especially not to the man who could make or break her career.

The knot in her stomach only tightened when he finally started speaking. "So, Jennie, how is your arm?"

Jennie needed a moment to react to the question, in her nervousness she completely forgot about the bandage wrapped around her forearm. When her brain finally caught up with the conversation, she gently shook her head. "It will be fine, thank you. The stitches can be removed in a couple of days and it won't have any lasting effects on my physical condition. Although, a few scars will probably remain. I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience I caused." At the end of her sentence, she lowered her head to add emphasis to her apology.

Again, he took a few seconds to think through her words, observing her closely. "I do appreciate your apology Jennie. And there is no doubt in my mind that you will do your best to get into top condition as soon as possible. But we also do care about your mental health as well. Many people would be very sad if something were to happen to you. I'm asking you: Was it really an accident, or not? I guarantee you, you have no repercussions to fear."

Jennie was definitely surprised by that. To be clear, she never thought of her boss as a bad person. But hearing such warm words from his mouth calmed her down, knowing that she was not in trouble. So much so, that she actually considered opening up to him. About anything. About her feelings towards Rosé and the emotional struggle she had over the past two years because of it. And the fact that their little girlfriend game was almost too much for Jennie to handle. Almost. But she couldn't do it. She couldn't bring the words out. Instead, she gave him a reassuring smile. "It was really an accident. A rather stupid one, I admit. But no, you don't have anything to worry about."

An uncomfortable silence was lying upon them while she was waiting for his response, praying that he wouldn't ask any more questions because she was not sure how far she could stretch this out before her nerves would give up on her.

Eventually, he let out a sigh and seemed to relax. "Okay, I believe you." Jennie felt like a massive rock was taken off of her heart. "But." But? "A word of advice. Get someone to talk to. We all have times where we need someone we can tell anything that is on our minds and this may not be the ones who are closest to us all the time. If you can't talk to your bandmates about it, find someone who you can talk to about it. Otherwise, it will eat you up from the inside. You're free to go.

You can't practice properly in this state, so just post a few pictures on Instagram to keep the fans happy and we'll be good."

Jennie thanked him one more time before stepping out of his office and immediately leaving the YG building. She checked her phone, 9 am. She was kind of hoping for a message from a certain australian girl, but received none. They were all at practice at the moment, Jennie was sad that she couldn't be with them right now. Her thoughts were still occupied by the advice the boss just gave to her. Get someone other then my friends to talk to...? A metaphorical lightbulb then appeared above Jennie's head. She told the driver, who was supposed to take her home, that she'd rather go by foot. She assured him that she would be fine and then started walking. It was a beautiful day, so Jennie didn't mind walking for a bit. It was actually a nice change in her environment, since recently she preferred locking herself up in her room. But breathing some fresh air under the summer sun while walking through the city and watching all kinds of people really made her feel better. Happy couples, playing children, lonely people like herself, everyone seemed to be outside this morning. She had to walk for quite some time, but when she got close to Halmeoni's bakery, the tiredness in her legs faded away immediately. She jogged the last few meters towards it and opened the door with a smile on her face.

"Good morning Halmeoni"

"Jennie, dear, what a surprise." Halmeoni was visibly happy to see her. "Where are you friends? Are you alone here?"

Jennie took a quick look around the store, no other customers were present at the moment. Good, it seems I can talk freely.

She cleared her throat before she spoke again. "Can we talk for a minute? I think.. I have to tell you something."

Immediately Halmeoni stepped around the corner and guided Jennie towards a table. "Of course dear, do you need something to drink? You look exhausted."

Minutes later, the two sat on a table with cups of coffee in front of them, Jennie absent-minded stirring around in it with a spoon. Halmeoni was sitting next to her, sipping her coffee while patiently waiting for Jennie to start.

"Okay, so..." Jennie finally started, drawing Halmeoni's attention back to her. "I think.. no, I am in love. But you probably knew this already, hm?" Jennie remembered their last encounter, after which Jennie was almost convinced that Halmeoni already figured it out.

Halmeoni nodded. "Yes, sweet little Chaeyoung. She is such a pretty girl, isn't she?"

"She is wonderful. She is everything I could ask for in a human being. But, when and how did you figured it out?"

Halmeoni let out a soft chuckle. "I watched you girls whenever you were here. There was something unique about the way you interact with Chaeyoung. And even when she talks, you seem to be spellbound by her. If that isn't a sign of love, I don't know."

Jennie nodded understanding. "It was really that obvious huh?" She giggled and placed her forehead on the palm of her hand. "How come that they never noticed anything?"

"If I were you, I wouldn't be so convinced about that. Maybe they did, but don't want to run you over. Maybe they wanted to wait for you to be ready to tell them."

Jennie went completely silent for a minute. Could that really be true? If that'd be the case, she'd have to re-evaluate everyone's behaviour completely. She let out an exhausted sigh. "What do I do? Should I really confess my feelings to her? Even though I don't know how she feels and what would happen afterwards? One wrong word could destroy everything we have."

Halmeoni took another sip from her cup before she spoke again. "Child, you are asking the wrong questions. You should ask yourself this: How long are you willing to play this game? Is it your plan to go on forever like this? And if not, what do you think would happen if you cant hold that mask up anymore. You have to be aware that this state can only be temporary. The sooner you find the courage to take the first step, the easier it will be for all of you. Regardless of how it goes down, you will get your answers." She then put down her empty cup as an exclamation mark. Jennie remained completely silent to let her words sink in.

A few hours later, Jennie was at home in her bed, thinking about what she would tell Rosé. They were right, everyone was right. The boss was right, Halmeoni was right, even Dream-Rosé was right. If she wouldn't do anything, she couldn't expect things to change. So she played various scenarios in her head, imagined how Rosé would react to Jennie's confession. Quiet music played in the background, Jennie hoped to gain some inspiration from some of her favourite singers. But it actually made it worse.

I guess that is nothing you can plan. I just have to say what I gotta say and hope for the best.

When she heard the door being slammed shut, she practically jumped out of her bed and ran downstairs.

"Whoah, someone missed us bad huh?" Lisa laughed as she saw the very quickly approaching Jennie.

Jennie could feel her cheeks turn read at the comment and tried to calm herself down. The moment she saw Rosé's smiling face however, it all went out of the window.

"Y..yeah of course. I was alone this whole day and neither of you deemed it necessary to text me or something." Jennie hastily tried to defend herself.

"Well, we're sorry that we had to practice while you had the house to yourself the entire day." Lisa shot back at her in a joking manner.

"By the way, how did your talk with the boss go?" Rosé then intervened.

Jennie took a deep breath before responding. "Actually, this is what I wanted to talk to you about. Just the two of us, if possible?" And added a "Please?" after Rosé looked at her with a curious expression on her face.

"Uhm, sure, why not? Lead the way" Rosé finally answered, earning a relieved sigh from Jennie. Okay, first step is done. Jennie then led Rosé outside into the garden while Jisoo and Lisa made themselves something to eat. You don't have to be able to read minds to guess what Jisoo and Lisa were talking about.

The two of them were now standing in the middle of the multiple flower beds in complete silence. The sun was starting to set, drowning the garden in a soft orange light. The light made Rosé's hair shine in a beautiful colour, which took Jennie's breath when she finally turned around to look at Rosé.

Okay, this is it. It's all or nothing.

"Rosé, I have to tell you something and if I don't do it now, I will probably never do it."

"Then don't do it."

Jennie blinked a few times, staring dumbfounded at Rosé. Did she hear correctly?

"Excuse me?"

"Some things better remain unspoken, Jennie."

With every sentence, Jennie became more and more confused.

"I don't understand... you don't even know what I want to tell you yet."

"I don't? Jennie, I was already wondering when you were going to drop the L-bomb."

Jennie's mouth stood wide open. Again, she was not expecting that.

"You really think I wouldn't notice? Jennie, no human being can be that oblivious. I was kind of happy that you managed to keep it to yourself for so long. Can't we keep it that way, please?" Rosé asked her with a weak smile. Something about her facial expression looked forced and tortured. Jennie's face on the other hand showed nothing but confusion and curiosity. But when realization started to hit her, she felt the tight know around her heart being closed even further and she almost choked on her words.

"So.. you knew.. this entire time? But then why didn't you say anything? If you really noticed my feelings, why did you never approach me? Why did you never.. I don't know.. brought up the topic?" The more Jennie got lost in her burst of emotions, the more tears fought their way out of her eyes. "What about our kiss? If you knew exactly how I feel, why did you just described it as "an accident"? And now that I finally bring up the courage to tell you that I l-"

"BECAUSE IF YOU SAY IT OUT LOUD, IT BECOMES REAL!!" Rosé yelled at her, interrupting her mid-sentence with tears in her eyes of her own. Jennie's wet eyes widened in shock at the sudden outburst of emotion.

"You're making no sense Rosé. My feelings for you are already real."

Rosé weakly shook her head. "They might be to you. But to me, I was able to convince myself for the longest time that it was nothing but my imagination..." Rosé wasn't able to hold her tears back anymore, letting them stream down her face. "But when you say it out loud, they become reality and if they are, I don't know if I will be able to suppress my own feelings. And what happens then? Do we risk the whole group's future for a little bit of romance and fun? We can't do that Jennie." Rosé turned her back towards Jennie, wanting to head back inside but Jennie grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her back until they were standing close to each other. They deeply looked into each others eyes, both crying uncontrollably.

It took Jennie a few moments before she was able to speak again. "A little bit of fun? This is what you think I'm after? If you really think that way, you have no fucking idea about my feelings for you. And still, you 0won't at least let me say what I have to say? After all the years of suffering by myself, you won't even give that bit of closure?" The tone in Jennie's voice became more and more desperate the more she lost herself. At the end, she was barely understandable because she had to cry too hard.

Rosé roughly pulled her wrist out of Jennie's tight grip and looked to the side, avoiding eye contact. "You think you are the only one who suffers? Do you really think it was so easy for me? Don't you think I suffer as much as you do? But I see the whole thing, Jennie. I can see the consequences that it would have on everyone if we were to confess our feelings now. A relationship like this could never work, it has been tried so many times and look how many people it cost their dreams. Going on like we did previously is the only thing we can do now."

Jennie shook her head in disbelieve. "I can't believe you right now Rosé. You say that so easily. How do you think this is supposed to work? We already crossed a line when we developed feelings for each other-"

"That's why we have to act like nothing has happened between us." Rosé interrupted her again. As their debate carried on, Jennie got more and more emotional while Rosé tried to end it as fast as possible, the stress and pressure they were under clearly having an effect.

"I can't Rosé. Especially not after the kiss we shared. Even if we were drunk, it was a special moment but of course you had to ruin that too with your cold-hearted manner. Gosh, I never thought you'd be such an ice queen, Roseanne Park. You think I can settle for our only kiss being labelled an accident and move on as if we're just friends again?-"

Jennie was about to carry on with her rant, but got abruptly silenced by Rosé's lips smashing onto her own. Jennie got frozen in place, but was quickly able to catch herself and embraced the kiss, moving her own lips onto Rosé's. It was a passionate kiss, for the both of them poured all their feelings into this kiss. The love they felt to each other, the pain they felt over the years and everything in between got released in these sweet, few seconds before Rosé pulled back. Jennie was about to follow her, not wanting to break the kiss but Rosé placed her hands on Jennie's shoulders, keeping her in place.

When they looked into each others eyes again, Rosé was smiling at Jennie, but it was a smile filled with sadness. "I hope this will suffice as our last kiss. Because this was not an accident."

Jennie was at loss for words, all she could do was stand there and watch Rosé as she watched the sunset coming to an end and the first stars appearing on the early night sky. "Did you know, Jennie, that I never saw a shooting star in my life? It's a shame, because if I were to see one, I would've wished that we would've met under different circumstances. Such, that allow us to actually be honest about our feelings." Rosé turned her back towards Jennie and slowly started walking back into the house. "Now, let us pretend that none of that ever happened, yeah?" With that, Rosé wiped her tears away and entered the house, closing the door behind her.

Jennie was left behind, sinking onto her knees while desperately trying to wrap her head around what just happened. Completely overwhelmed with everything, she started to cry again, uncontrollably. She let it all out, not caring about if someone in the neighbour gardens might hear her. It was all too much for her. She crawled to tree that stood in their garden and leaned her back against it, knees pulled up to her chest she furiously started scratching and clawing her head, being on the edge of a mental breakdown.

She couldn't believe that Rosé knew about it all this time and purposefully choose to ignore it. Meaning that it wouldn't matter what Jennie would do, she would never be able to be with Rosé.

She let out a final scream, but got no response. Nobody but the echo of her own scream in the dark night was present. Exhausted she let herself fall onto the side and blankly stared into the night sky. As she observed the stars, for just a second she could something shining and wasn't sure if it was a tear in her eye or a shooting star.

A/N: Phew, that was quite the chapter, wasn't it? I'm always looking for a good spot to end the chapter on, so sometimes be end up being a bit longer than I planned. As for the story itself, that confession did not turn out they way Jennie expected it. But what about all of you? Did any of you see that coming? I received some very nice comments, which made me extremely happy, especially since this is my first proper fanfiction. Hopefully you look forward to the next chapter as well and as always, stay safe <3

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