Rebirth 70: After I remarried...

By krudo10

455K 9.6K 139

In the last life, Xia Taozhi tied all her heart to her fiance in order to repay her kindness, but who knew sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11-12
Chapter 13-14
Chapter 15-16
Chapter 17-18
Chapter 19-20
Chapter 21-22
Chapter 23-24
Chapter 25-26
Chapter 27-28
Chapter 29-30
Chapter 31-32
Chapter 33-34
Chapter 35-36
Chapter 37-38
Chapter 39-40
Chapter 41-42
Chapter 43-44
Chapter 45-46
Chapter 47-48
Chapter 51-52
Chapter 53-54
Chapter 55-56
Chapter 57-58
Chapter 59-60
Chapter 61-62
Chapter 63-64
Chapter 65-66
Chapter 67-68
Chapter 69-70
Chapter 71-72
Chapter 73-74
Chapter 75-76
Chapter 77-78
Chapter 79-80
Chapter 81-82
Chapter 83-84
Chapter 85-86
Chapter 87-88
Chapter 89-90
Chapter 91-92
Chapter 93-94
Chapter 95-96
Chapter 97-98
Chapter 99-100
Chapter 101-102
Chapter 103-104
Chapter 105-106
Chapter 107-108
Chapter 109-110
Chapter 111-112
Chapter 113-114
Chapter 115-116
Chapter 117-118
Chapter 119-120
Chapter 121-122
Chapter 123-124
Chapter 125-126
Chapter 127-128
Chapter 129-130
Chapter 131-132
Chapter 133-134
Chapter 135-136
Chapter 137-138
Chapter 139-140
Chapter 141-142
Chapter 143-144
Chapter 145-146
Chapter 147-148
Chapter 149-150
Chapter 151-152
Chapter 153-154
Chapter 155-156
Chapter 157-158
Chapter 159-160
Chapter 161-162
Chapter 163-164
Chapter 165-166
Chapter 167-168
Chapter 169-170
Chapter 171-172
Chapter 173-174
Chapter 175-176
Chapter 177-178
Chapter 179-180
Chapter 181-182
Chapter 183-184
Chapter 185-186
Chapter 187-188
Chapter 189-190
Chapter 191-192
Chapter 193-194
Chapter 195-196
Chapter 197-198
Chapter 199-200
Chapter 201-202
Chapter 203-204
Chapter 205-206
Chapter 207-208
Chapter 209-210
Chapter 211-212
Chapter 213-214
Chapter 215-216
Chapter 217-218
Chapter 219-220
Chapter 221-222
Chapter 223-224
Chapter 225-226
Chapter 227-228
Chapter 229-230
Chapter 231-232
Chapter 233-234
Chapter 235-236
Chapter 237-238
Chapter 239-240
Chapter 241-242
Chapter 243-244
Chapter 245-246
Chapter 247-248
Chapter 249-250
Chapter 251-252
Chapter 253-254
Chapter 255-256
Chapter 257-258
Chapter 259-260
Chapter 261-262
Chapter 263-264
Chapter 265-266
Chapter 267-268
Chapter 269-270
Chapter 271-272
Chapter 273-274
Chapter 275-276
Chapter 277-278
Chapter 279-280
Chapter 281-282
Chapter 283-284
Chapter 285-286
Chapter 287-288
Chapter 289-290
Chapter 291
Chapter 292
Chapter 293
Chapter 294
Chapter 295
Chapter 296
Chapter 297
Chapter 298
Chapter 299
Final Chapter

Chapter 49-50

3.9K 81 2
By krudo10


Taozhi talked and laughed with the people in the village and walked back to the village.

Everyone is enthusiastic about building roads, although the party secretary said that there is no work point for this.

This is self-organized by everyone. For the future of the children, it is enough to send one person from each family.

Every family in this village has children, and they are all school-age children. The population is prosperous, and everyone does not care about sending a person to repair the road.

"Taozhi, you have to work harder in the exam. The secretary said that, all the women's representatives in the county must have gone. You have to fight for our village."

"Yeah Taozhi, your little girl is smart. The new tractor, you are the hero of our village."

"That's right, I got back the grain last time, and this time I got the tractor, and the peach branches are really like a fairy."


You are so funny. "Xie Yan listened to their words, and said in a mocking tone: "My peach branch has to get you a tractor? You have the ability to take it yourself."

Liu Bamei was laughed at by Xie Yan, and she smiled: "Xie Yan, you just said this. It's wrong, we are not women's representatives."

Others also echoed: "Yes."

Taozhi tugged at Xie Yan, how could he scold these wives, she stood in front of Xie Yan and smiled: "My aunts, I'm going to study, not a competition. That's the reward given above, and it's the people above who have the final say. If you want to go, you can also apply to Party Secretary Chen. Maybe you have the strength to get the tractor back."

Their faces are not good-looking. After all, they want to be this women's representative, and they have no chance.

Chen Zhishu said that he must be able to write.

They also said before that this Xia Taozhi was with Luo Cuilian, where did he go to school, and how could he possibly write.

But after writing the slogan, she wrote it like the one printed in the pictorial, and they were speechless.

Later, the secretary said that she learned from the ghost old man Feng Qi.

Everyone knows Feng Qi that the book writer in the village wrote some bad remarks outside and ran into the village to hide.

Everyone was afraid of contamination, so Xia Taozhi went to hoe the ground for him, but he did not expect to learn to write because of this.

No matter what they guessed, Taozhi pushed her bicycle away.

Xie Yan glanced at the group of people and walked back to his own home.

Liu Bamei spat: "I really can't afford to offend you."

"Don't talk about Bamei, are you dissatisfied with Cuilian?" After all, Liu Bamei has the best relationship with Luo Cuilian.

Everyone has it in mind.

Liu Bamei looked at Taozhi's retreating back with disgust on her face: "Her mother is still lying in the hospital, and she is about to marry a hooligan."

"Shh!" Wang Guihua, who was next to her, tugged at her clothes: "You're not afraid that Xie Yan will hear it."

Liu Bamei's face turned dark: "What am I afraid of? Could it be that he Xie Yan dared to burn my house down?"

Wang Guihua stopped talking, and she and a few others hurried away.

This Liu Bamei has just returned to her parents' home, she doesn't know the power of Xie Yan.

Liu Bamei watched as they all left, and she also walked towards the house, thinking about going to see Cuilian in the city tomorrow.

This man is also poor.

Taozhi returned to the village office, she pushed the bicycle into the room, and then put it into the space.

There are too many people trying to do bad things, and it's too dangerous to leave her bike outside.

So put it directly into the room, no one will come anyway and don't know she put it into the space.

Peach branch cooked food, put it in a basket, and covered it with a cloth to find Xie Yan.

The two came back late and had no food to eat.

When he came to Xie Yan's house, he was not at home. Taozhi was surprised. This guy should know that he was coming.

She put just now on the table at home, waiting for Xie Yan to come back.

Xie Yan came over after a while. He saw Taozhi and smiled: "It's so early today? Dabai ran around, I caught it."

The geese in his family were all arranged in order. Dabai, Erbai, Sanbai...

"Isn't Dabai very good? Why did he run around?" Taozhi saw that the goose in the goose coop was missing just now.

She was doing her best and didn't notice the problem.

"Who knows it, maybe it's boring. Today's food is really delicious, we have changed people in the cafeteria?" He quickly sat down and changed the subject.

Taozhi smiled and said, "Yeah, it's me."

Xie Yan looked surprised: "No wonder it tastes better, so you fried it."

Taozhi snorted and looked at him mysteriously: " It's a secret between us."

Xie Yan saw her like this, and smiled dotingly: "Okay."

Taozhi smiled and said, "Eat, I'll go back to pack after eating, and I'll leave tomorrow."

Xie Yan With a stiff face, he slowly picked up the rice, almost picking it up one grain at a time.

Taozhi: "..."

This is really Xie Xiaoyan! !

Xie Yan swallowed a mouthful of food, and then said slowly: "You are leaving tomorrow. If you don't teach me to learn division, I will forget you when you come back."

Taozhi couldn't help laughing: "Do you still need me to teach you division? ?"

Xie Yan said confidently: "I haven't learned how to divide three digits with three digits."

Taozhi said helplessly: "..."

"Okay, I'll accompany you to learn how to divide three digits with three digits."

Xie Yan was satisfied and quickly eating.

Taozhi looked at him like this and couldn't imagine that if he really had a child, it wouldn't be like Xie Yan.

She quickly put away this idea, after all, it was still far away.

After dinner, the two studied for a while. Although Xie Yan was very reluctant to be separated from her, he was not willful, and sent her back to the brigade office early today.

Taozhi really wants to go to bed early, and has a good spirit.

Although I stayed in the same place when I was selling things today, I was still very tired when I was highly concentrated.

Xie Yan followed her back. When he arrived at the door of the cafeteria, he saw the locked door. He could imagine how hard she was, she must be sneaking.

"When can we cook by ourselves?" He wanted to see if he could cook her a meal.

Although his roasted rabbits and wild boars are very fragrant, he has never cooked vegetables himself.

Taozhi followed his line of sight: "Come on, after all, there is no other place to eat together, and we are almost over here."

It won't be long, and it should be announced before the autumn harvest.

Xie Yan looked at her, Taozhi was wearing a blue thin shirt with diagonal buttons today, he could imagine how much she liked blue.

It was this color every time, even the pen given to him was blue.

He also likes blue very much, because his childhood dream was to be able to fly.

So, blue, is the color of the sky.

Taozhi stopped: "Okay, Xie Yan, go back."

When Xie Yan thought about it, he had already reached the door of her room.

Xie Yan looked at her dark thick long braids, which were placed on her shoulders and swayed with the master's movements.

Her smile was contagious and made him feel happy too.


he won't see her for several days.

Xie Yan stretched out his hand, Taozhi blinked, and handed over to hold him: "what's the matter?"

Although at this time, the relationship between men and women is strict, and it is easy to be seen in the brigade, but she does not want to reject him.

Xie Yan's thin lips pursed slightly: "I'll wait for you to come back at home."

Taozhi clenched his hand: "Tomorrow I will tell the secretary that when I was building a house for me, I knocked on the wall next to you, and we are the same family. It's connected."

Xie Yan was delighted when he heard this: "Okay."

Taozhi patted his hand: "Then I'm going back to bed, you go to bed earlier."

Xie Yan didn't let her go, he secretly looked at her Taking a look around, the originally arrogant, domineering and stern face was a little sneaky.

Before Taozhi could react, he suddenly bent down and kissed her on the forehead, then ran away: "Kiss you proudly!"

His back was like a dog was chasing him, he staggered when he ran, and the surrounding dogs Because of the sound of his running, they all barked, and then one barked, only one bark, and all the dogs in the village barked for a while, not to mention how funny in this dark night.

Taozhi covered her mouth and laughed, how could this person be so stupid.

And what he said at the end: "Kiss you proudly."

This should mean "good evening".

No, where did this guy learn English?

And doesn't this English mean good evening?


Taozhi couldn't help laughing, Xie Yan was really... cute.

She pushed the door into the room, took out the money in a dime of the space, and counted it on the bed.

This is the money she made by selling bowls today.

A total of 73 bowls were sold today.

A total of 21 dollars.

Taozhi was shocked, the black market is really good for making money!

Yes, many people have money and can't find a place to spend it. The black market is the only place in the county where you can buy and sell things!

Taozhi clenched her hands tightly, and when she came back from her studies, she continued to sell bowls!

She feels that porcelain and industrial products are currently the best sellers.

Tickets for these things are not easy to get, and they are limited. You can buy them here...

Taozhi can't imagine that before the autumn harvest, they, the most backward county in the country, will soon get rid of the big pot of rice.

At that time, she has all the pots and pans that many people lack!

She has calculations in her eyes, this time is enough, she will find someone to sell it with her when she sees it.

She said that she got the goods from other places—

by that time, she, the village women's representative, will quit her job and concentrate on selling her things.

But this partner needs to be looked for.

She thought about Xie Yan, but Xie Yan never liked doing business.

He likes to fiddle with strange things, like an inventor, and if the conditions allow, she suspects that he can invent a mobile phone.

That mobile phone is really amazing. It was invented by a foreigner in 1973. She has seen it abroad.

Unfortunately, it has not yet arrived in the country.

She read some newspapers of later generations, that thing arrived in her own country in 1987.

And some people are very rare, the price is high, they are called big brothers.

Taozhi put away the money, she felt that Xie Yan should be given a chance to let go.

Just like he perfected himself, he didn't do business at the beginning, let alone force him now.

Taozhi decided to find someone to do it herself, but she would discuss it with Xie Yan and would not hide it from him.

About space, maybe wait, she will tell him after his bracelet is found.

Now Xie Yan, let's continue to be this innocent little cutie.

Taozhi washed and slept. Tomorrow, we will go to Anshi.

The next day...

Taozhi knew the meeting time, so he took the tractor to the city with Uncle Liu early in the morning.

Uncle Liu's face was full of spring breeze: "Xiao Taozhi, your Aunt Bai told me yesterday that you are going to learn to drive a tractor."

"Yes." Aunt Bai is Uncle Liu's wife, and she is not very fond of participating in disputes in the village. people.

Her impression of Aunt Bai was that she was honest.

Uncle Liu said with a smile: "Hahaha, come on, it's still easy to drive, don't be nervous, don't be stressed, those women in the village have broken mouths, they don't know how powerful it is, it's a good thing to get this tractor back, It doesn't matter if you can't get it back."

Taozhi: "Thank you, Uncle."

He tried to teach Taozhi to learn first: "Look, here is the brake, you step on it and it will stop, here is..."

He said quite energetically, Taozhi listened with a look of learning.

At the door of the Women's Federation, Uncle Liu was still cheering her on: "Don't be afraid! Be brave little girl!! Don't be nervous !


Uncle Liu looked at her with a smile.

After Taozhi went in, he whistled. It was really good. They could have one more tractor driver in their village.

He is not worried about losing his job, but thinks that when he talks about tractors in the future, no one will say that he is showing off, but he can find someone to talk about this car. Although she is a little girl, she and her daughter Like, that doesn't matter.

Taozhi gathered in the backyard and boarded a bus.

Many people took this car for the first time and looked around in novelty.

"This cushion is very soft."

"It won't be blown by the wind. It would be nice if we had this in our village." "

It's so beautiful, the fabric is better than what I'm wearing.


, to see him happy."


said excitedly, the children in the car didn't make any noise, and they all looked at this big guy with novelty.

Taozhi sat at the window, propped her head up and looked out the window.

Soon people will arrive.

After the statistician finished, the last person got in the car, a woman in her thirties, with a smile on her face; "I'm the person in charge of your trip to the city this time, you can just call me Sister Yue, You can come to me with anything."

"Okay, Sister Yue."

Someone asked, "Sister Yue, how long will it take us to take this bus to the city?"

Zhao Yue said, "About two and a half hours, you have to go to the toilet on the way. Just tell me, I'll let the driver stop."

"Okay, more than Chengyue sister."

After confirming that there was no problem, the driver drove.

The children in the car looked novel and were very curious about this big guy who could fit a person in his stomach.

The driver's driving skills are good, and the transfer from the parking lot in the backyard of the Women's Federation was smooth.

Taozhi looked out the window. The weather was fine today, and the fog dissipated quickly. It must be a sunny day.

But she didn't know why her heart was empty...

Suddenly, when the car arrived at the gate, she saw a person standing under the tree and waving at her.

Taozhi thought for a moment that she had read it wrong, but the man was wearing his army green clothes, Jun's face was full of smiles, and he said a lip-text to her: "Daughter-in-law, I'll wait for you at home."

Taozhi understood, her nose was slightly sour, and she thanked Yan stupidly.


The car gradually moved away, but Xie Yan's waving did not stop. Taozhi looked back, and he was already hidden in the gradually dissipating fog.

Her empty heart was also filled. In Xie Yan's opinion, this is the first time he has gone far.

Although he didn't say it last night, and he didn't say that he would send her off today, but now he saw him when he was about to leave.

Even if he didn't say anything, he seemed to have said a thousand words.

Taozhi held the book in her arms, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised. It turned out that this was the feeling of liking each other.

It feels so good.

Xie Yan watched the car go away and disappeared completely. He put his hands in his pockets and sighed, still reluctant to let her go.

For so many years, although she didn't know it, she knew that he saw her almost every day.

He thought... he was going to hide for the rest of his life.

I didn't expect that we don't have to hide, we can always be together in the future.

It's just that he can see that she has become less cowardly. So, he wants to let her go and see the world.

After being bullied by Luo Cuilian for many years in the village, the outside world can be beautiful.

Xie Yan turned around, he was going back to the village to repair the road.

Xie Yan walked back to the village. He didn't buy a bicycle for himself. He was a big man. He walked around the small road and got home faster than the road.

Never bought a bike.

And it's not easy to buy bicycles in the city. If it wasn't for Taozhi not having to work so hard, he wouldn't take the initiative to ask Ah Xiao to help get it.

Although Ah Xiao wouldn't have any complaints, he didn't want to owe him anything.

There must also be a balance between brothers in order to live together for a long time.

When Xie Yan arrived in the village, they had already started to build the road.

Occupy a little field, double the road, the kind that can pass two cars at the same time.

The washboard-like potholes were bumpy and bumpy, and everyone dug it out.

They all used hoes, but everyone was smiling and talking.

It's easy to work while chatting.

When Xie Yan was eating at noon, he went to the people who repaired the house next door and asked them to connect the two houses.

If it can be completed within ten days, then you can get married from the side.


When the car drove into the city, everyone in the car sighed.

"This building is so high, I'm afraid it has five or six floors."

"What kind of soil are they painted? It looks so good."

Taozhi looked outside, this is what it really looked like in the 1970s.

There are a lot of backpacks sitting on the side of the road. They are responsible for carrying things for people. There is no land in the city, so they can only rely on strength.

On the road there are ox-drawn carts, horse-drawn carts, and workers who push wooden horses to deliver things.

There are also people who pull popsicles to sell, and those who sell cigarettes put cigarettes in boxes and squat on the side of the road.

"Old popsicles, three cents!"

"Candied gourds, candied gourds from other provinces."


Everyone looked novel, after all, it was the first time for everyone to leave the county to come to this place.

Taozhi looked at this era, and the road was a bit bumpy, but it was much better than the countryside.

The streets are full of red and blue clothes, and most men wear army green jackets and black hats.

Zhao Yue stood up and said loudly: "Comrades, we are about to go to the place, everyone take their own things, because some comrades bring children, so if we arrange dormitory, we will arrange comrades with children in one room, other unmarried comrades will be arranged in one room. notice, and arrange it together."


No one has any opinion. It is better to live in a house in the city than in the country.

After a while, the car turned round and round into a compound.

Parked at the gate of the yard.

Zhao Yue instructed them; "You live in a courtyard like this, with a total of 16 people, four rooms, four people in each room, and a total of four unmarried comrades. You just live in one room, and the left side of the door is "

The comrades with children live on the right side."

"The other comrades live in the room facing us. There are two doors, and entering is a different room. Everyone put down their things. I will now take everyone to the place where they learned tractors. Practice."


Taozhi followed the crowd into the threshold, it was cleaned very cleanly, and the yard was wide enough for children to play.

The kids immediately started playing in the yard.

She walked into the room, there were four beds in total, she found a seat by the window and put down her burden.

The girl who came in was lying on the bed beside the peach branch with a tired face: "I'm going to learn to drive this afternoon, and I don't know if I can do it."

The woman next to me said, "Lu Qian, you are so smart, you can definitely learn it."

"Qin Fangfang You can brag." Lu Qian smiled, and she looked at Taozhi: "Comrade Taozhi, are you nervous?"

Taozhi shook her head: "Not nervous."

Lu Qian looked at Wu Wenyi on the bed on the far left: "Wenyi , what about you?"

Wu Wenyi looked desperate; "Me? Anyway, I'm here to make up the numbers. My father insisted that I come out to see the world. In fact, I'm a road idiot. I'm afraid that I'll drive the tractor away. Go, I have to ask my father to call some uncles to push the cart."

Lu Qian couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, you are exaggerating."

"Okay, hurry up and pack up, it's time to go." Qin Fangfang took the notebook: "I have memorized a lot of things in the notebook that Sister Xiaojuan gave me last time."

"Me too, I have meetings every day, and I am raised by our Women's Federation. I'm fat." "I can't get fat. I walk fifteen kilometers every day, and I have to write slogans when I get home, or I

go to visit people in the village. It's hard to get fat. " Called the voice of the assembly. The four of them went out one after another. "Come with me." Zhao Yue took them out the door. Everyone thought they were going to take a car, but they didn't expect to arrive soon, so they walked through an alley and walked for five or six minutes, and they reached the foot of the mountain, and there was a Built tractor shed. There are four or five tractors, and everyone learns in turn. Zhao Yue took them into the venue: "Everyone has 20 minutes, take turns, the master will teach you how to drive, and he will also sit next to you to guide. The normal study time is three days. If you don't make any progress, then you can go home and prove that you have no talent." "Sister Yue, if you go back, will there be a car for you?" He Huaying asked. Everyone also wants to ask, after all, this is too far, and it is the first time I come to the city, and I don't know how to get home. Zhao Yue smiled: "Yes, don't worry." "That's good." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. "Everyone, don't think about going back as soon as you arrive." Zhao Yue couldn't help laughing and crying: "Okay, everyone arranges it by yourself, four cars, line up and take turns to study . " When she went to study, she took care of her children, and when she went, she also helped her take care of it. Everyone was also divided according to the sleeping room, Taozhi learned a car from the girl in her room. Lu Qian looked at the car and took two steps back: "I don't dare, Qin Fangfang, you go first."

"I don't want it, I'm more afraid." Qin Fangfang was not ready yet.

Wu Wenyi also took two steps back, and the three looked at Taozhi with a flat face: "Comrade Taozhi, come here."

Taozhi put down the notebook: "Okay." The

three looked at her in admiration. This comrade was too brave.

Taozhi stepped on the tractor, and the master next to her was a woman in her thirties who looked serious.

"First time driving?" she asked.

Taozhi nodded: "Yes."

She asked again, "Can you ride a bicycle?"

Taozhi nodded: "Yes."

"Actually, driving is similar to cycling, and it is the most important thing to control the direction. This is the steering wheel, you step on it with your feet. It's the forward accelerator..."

Taozhi listened to her words and observed the general situation of the car.

"Now I'll show you how to get on the road." After speaking for about five minutes, she came forward, Taozhi stepped back to the side, and watched her start the car and drive forward.

"Come on." She stopped and made room for her.

Taozhi quickly sat in the seat, in fact she would—

she just drove straight away according to what she taught.

Zheng Yu was stunned. Looking at the operation of this little girl, she questioned her own strength...

Is she really that powerful?

Teaching for the first time?

Taozhi drove the tractor for a turn, and Zheng Yu sat in the car and followed her around.

The venue is very large, and the two of them turned back, exactly twenty minutes.

Lu Qian and the others were still nervous at first, but when they suddenly saw her coming over with a booming tractor, they were instantly relieved.

"Wow! Comrade Taozhi, you are amazing! This will do?!"

"Comrade Taozhi, is it difficult?" "It looks

so difficult, Comrade Taozhi, you are really amazing."


"It's alright, just pay attention to what the teacher says, and there's nothing to be afraid of when she's beside her." The

three nodded again and again, writing down this precious experience.

Taozhi got out of the car, and the three of them guessed who would get on first. In the end, Lu Qian won.

She happily went up: "Teacher, you said, I will remember."

Zheng Yu never thought that she could become a teacher, she looked at those people not far away, they were also teaching other comrades, but none of them were able to successfully open On the road, it clicked twice and stopped.

"You know how to ride a bicycle, right?"

Lu Qian nodded: "Yes!"


The two were talking in the car, Taozhi sat on the steps and waited for the next turn.

The children over there are all arranged in a safe place, and they are worried that they will run around, and it is very dangerous to enter the venue.

"Comrade Taozhi, do you think it's difficult?" Qin Fangfang sat next to her: "You see how easy it is for you to learn, but I think He Huaying and the others over there are almost crying."

Everyone is from the country, and the first The first time I touched a tractor, and the teacher looked serious, it was still very nervous.

Taozhi glanced at Lu Qian, who was studying: "It's a bit difficult, but it's okay to listen carefully."

Qin Fangfang and Wu Wenyi: "..."

Comrade, what you said is too simple.

Sure enough, when Lu Qian tried to start the car, her expression immediately collapsed, and the direction was swaying, suddenly fast and slow.

Fortunately, Zheng Yu experienced the first talented student, and she was a little prepared. If she taught it well, it should be fine.

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