//Punishing Gray Raven\\

Autorstwa KochoTurin

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My First PGR fanfic The Punishing Virus has managed to destroy most of Mankind durings its first eruption in... Więcej

Chapter 1 : Commandant Raiden
Chapter 2 : Field Test Completed
Chapter 3 : Skoll And Hati
Chapter 4 : Vast
Chapter 4.5 : White Red And Gray
Chapter 5 : Crimson Abyss
Chapter 6 : Babylonia
Chapter 7 : Frozen Darkness
Chapter 8 : Cyberangel
Chapter 9 : Arts Sand
Christmas Special
Chapter 10 : Strike Of The Hawk
Chapter 11 : Golden Star
Author Note
Chapter 12 : Roseleaf
Chapter 13 : Fallen Stars
Chapter 14 : Eternal Engine
Chapter 15 : The Nighter
Chapter 17 : Kowloong
Chapter 18 : Vermillion
Chapter 19 : Lucia
EX Chapter 20 : Ocean Tides
EX Chapter 21 : Venus Vacation
Ex Chapter 22 : Firn
EX Chapter 23 : Firm Grasp
Ex Chapter 24 : Qu
Ex Chapter 25 : Luna
Chapter 26 - Ascension
Chapter 27 - La Luna Sangre
Chapter 28 : Frontiers
Chapter 28.5 : Scarlet
Chapter 29 : Gateway to Sight
Chapter 30 : Imprisoned
Chapter 31 : Mother
Chapter 32 : Previous Era
Chapter 33 : Rising

Chater 16 : Ouroboros

898 25 3
Autorstwa KochoTurin




After all the merchandises have been left out and have been shown... Everyone of the Merchandise lined up
A Spotlight dancing around as Kemuri Constructs kept a close eye of the Merchandise

Amongst the Merchandise the spotlight was pointed at two figures... Lucia and another female who had long blond hair aswell as white dress and blueish like flower designs on the skirt area... She also had a white bandaged part on her back

???:"Psst Lucia? What are you guys doing here? Did you get the same mission aswell?"

Lucia just looks at the girl unaware of what to say or think

Raiden looked around and saw a Blonde haired individual amongst the crowd
The Male tilted his head down slightly while the two looked at each other


Raiden then looked at the Center stage
His eyes laid upon the elegant western european like individual... The "Female" noticed his gaze and winked before saying something

Kamui:"Hello... Com~man~dant~"

The "Female" worded out before blowing a kiss towards him... Raiden looks back at the blonde haired individual

Chrome:"[Commandant of gray ravens its a pleasure to meet you... Listen I'm contacting you through a special network]"

The Crowd eyes the two Merchandises as Qu also looks at them with contempt and seems to be thinking something

Chrome:"[Me and Kamui will hold off the guards while you guys get to Qu]"

Raiden slightly nodded he then did a hand sign to Liv and Lee to prepare... The two nodded

Chrome got out his Scythe and the people near him immediately screamed and ran away from him... The Guards are immediately alerted

Kamui pulled his sword from his back and blocked at attack of a Kemuri Construct

Kamui:"I'm your Dance Partner~"

Lucia then jumped prompting The other three to jump and land towards Qu the leader along with Pulao

Qu:"What the!? Who are you?"

Liv:"We are the Gray Ravens"

Raiden has his gloves ready evident by the purple glow it suddenly had and disappeared the same time... He looked at Qu in suspicion to which the latter didn't notice

Pulao:"Leader Qu. Today's the day we will finally be free from Huaxu's control"

Qu:"Pulao...your the one who got them?"

Pulao nodded

Pulao:"Huaxu has taken control of us for a long time... Everyone including you suffered"

Pulao the began talking and persuading her to take them towards Huaxu so they can destroy them once and for all

Liv:"My data suggests that Lady Qu... Is Unhealthy and fatigued..."

Liv said towards Raiden... He nodded but there are more pressing matters at hand

Qu:"Very well... Please follow me"

Qu then began leading the towards the building... The Gray Ravens followed closely

*Electric sparkle*

Kamui and Chrome had just disposed Of the guards and began heading towards the Building aswell

Kamui:"You think they can do itby themselves?"

Chrome:"Probably not Kamui... We need to group up with them"

Kamui nodded
Qu had taken Gray Ravens towards a huge like room decorated with Oriental and chinese like style with its symbols and flags hanging from the ceiling

Qu:"Here we are... Inside Huaxu"

Pulao was confused


Qu the smirked before smiling and laughing

Qu:"Oh Pulao! I must thank you for bringing the perfect vessel for Huaxu!"

Qu shouted
Pulao was shooked at the shouting Qu did... The Gray Ravens then took a stance

Pulao:"Lady Qu... I don't understand"

Qu:"Such easy puppets... Huaxu wasn't the one controlling you... It was me all along!"

Raiden:"So you lured us into a trap"

Qu nodded

Qu:"For years I've been controlling everyone in the shadows! Waiting for the day i give Huaxu the body it deserves! Making it the ultimate and perfect being to ever walk this earth! And you!"

Qu pointed at Lucia

Qu:"I thank Pulao for bringing me the perfect Vessel for Huaxu! Lucia of Gray Raven!"

Then an Unseen force got ahold of Lucia prompting everyone to take a stance as Lucia quickly went into Qu's side

Qu:"Huaxu! Take control of this Construct!"

Qu shouted at the air but... Noone answered her
Everyone became confused

Chrome:"We're here!"

Gray Ravens looked back and saw Kamui and Chrome came to a stop infront of Pulao and looking at Qu and pointing their weapons at her
Qu then got ahold of her spear

Qu:"I know you hear me Huaxu! Obey my command!"

Qu shouted

Huaxu:"Enough... Please let them go"

Huaxu gently says at Qu

Qu:"No Huaxu! I command you! To take hold of this Construct and finally be free!"

Qu ordered

Raiden:"Huaxu will not take Lucia's body"

Qu:"You dare challenge me!?"

Qu then forced Huaxu to start the mind controlling process and merge with Lucia's consciousness
Then everyone got teleported away from each other


Liv tried to reach out her hand towards Raiden but She didn't make it and Raiden teleported away from Liv, Pulao and Lee
Kamui and Chrome got teleported aswell out from the group

Liv the focused her levi-guns at Qu and fired... Qu dodged it and charged at Liv
Qu then attempted to slash at Liv but Pulao blocked it... Lee then kicked Qu out of them forcing her to back down and stumble a few feet away

Liv:"Give Commandant! Back!"

Liv shouted firing her levi-guns furiously not even recoiling a bit... Lee was rather curious about this but went on and with Pulao charged at The Distraught Qu
Chrome:"Report Kamui..."

Kamui did a thumbs up while looking around him... Chrome tried to establish communication with the others to no avail

Then a green figure showed itself to them... The two took their stance


Huaxu:"Yes... It is i"

Kamui:"Are you here to stop us?"

Huaxu:"Something... Like that"

A moment of silence filled the three people before

Huaxu:"I need you to destroy me..."


Huaxu:"... Because its my choice and free will"

Chrome nodded

Huaxu:"I'm currently being powered and if you destroy me... You'll get out of this place and even manage to power down the entire ship"

Kamui:"Why so?"

Huaxu:"...Because i made this choice... Without orders"

Chrome pointed his Scythe towards Huaxu

Chrome:"As you wish... Let's fight... Honorably... With all you got"

Huaxu smiled before manifesting a spear
Chrome smirked a little
Then the two sprinted towards each other and began slashing and exchanging blow after blow
We can see Raiden was standing still and mot even moving a single inch... He just stood there waiting with arms crossed

Then a figure appeared... It was Huaxu in the form of Qu
Raiden looked at Huaxu without emotion


Huaxu stayed silent... Something is wrong with the person infront of it

Huaxu:"...Your not fully human... Are you?"

Raiden sighed himself

Raiden:"I know"


Raiden was in a secret lab with a pink haired girl

Ismael:"As i expected...the blood type simply isn't something i have come accross"

Raiden:"I see"

Ismael:"There's no indication of it being Punishing Virus related..."

Ismael said before putting the sample of blood in a test tube

Ismael:"Its something completely new and completely old..."

Ismael then darted towards the collection of book section she keeps hidden from everyone and began scrolling pages

Ismael:"... Oh here it is"

Ismael showed him


End of Flashback

Huaxu:"Why do you seem awfully calm after being separated from your teammates and friends?"

Raiden nudged his shoulders and then a mech behind him appeared... 16-C appeared behind him shocking Huaxu

Huaxu:"I can sense... Its old... Very old"

Raiden:"Are we gonna fight?"

Huaxu stayed neutral before sighing

Huaxu:"No...But we can talk"

Huaxu said
Raiden then nodded before walking towards Huaxu

*Sound of Slashing*



Liv fired and huts Huaxu's chest sending her towards the pillar crashing and breaking it
Lee then fired shot after shot
Qu dodged and parried a strike from Pulao


Liv didn't anwer as she kept firing her
Levi-Guns... Lee saw as heat began building up inside the gun
Pulao once again struck Qu
Lee went towards Liv and puts a hand on her shoulder calming her down

Lee:"We can worry about Raiden later... Right now you need to stop the Consciousness merging"

Liv looked at Lucia and her head clicked before looking back at Lee... He was right saving Raiden can come later... They need to save Lucia first

Liv then went to rush towards Lucia... Qu noticed this and began charging at Liv... Before a Gunshot shot her through the waist and Pulao kicking her in the chest sending her towards the wall


Qu then stood up again and looked at Lee

Lee:"Deal with us first"

Lee prepared his guns

Qu:"You will not get in the way of Huaxu's Freedom!"

Qu charged at Lee but Pulao blocked her slash

Qu:"Why defy me Pulao!?"

Pulao:"If Lady Qu is the one to blame... I will gladly fight you to free the people of the Ship"

Pulao and Qu exchanged blow after Blow as Lee provided fire support towards them
Huaxu:"So that is why you do what you do? To fulfill a promise?"

Raiden nodded

Huaxu then placed its hand forward and a golden like leaf sprung out he then motioned it towards Him

Huaxu:"This leaf contains something very old... Even i can't decode its meaning and what its purpose is"

Raiden gently took the Leaf out of Huaxu's hand with curiousity

Huaxu:"I hope... That helps you"

Huaxu said... Raiden nodded wholeheartedly with a smile...Raiden got the leaf thanks to Huaxu maybe he can be one step closer to finding that place

Raiden:"Thank you... Huaxu"

Huaxu was shocked for a moment before a smile appeared on the Face and a tear fell from one of the eyes

Huaxu:"You're... Welcome"

Raiden looked around him and knew the reason as to why his still stuck here... He then looked at Huaxu in Qu's form


Huaxu nodded and dropped the spear she held... Raiden walked closer to Huaxu

Huaxu:"I understand... But before that.. Let me give you something... You might need in the future"

Raiden nodded... As a purple light enveloped both him and Huaxu
Raiden:"I see..."

Raiden smiled slightly before he made Huaxu lay down... He then grabbed the spear and positioned it to strike at Huaxu's chest

Raiden:"Close your eyes..."

He gently said... Huaxu closed its eyes
Raiden then swiftly stabbed Huaxu straight to the heart area


He was silent as Huaxu disappeared into data like fashion...he then looked around and saw the surrounding which began to shake a bit before dissappearing slowly




Chrome blocked a Incoming strike from Huaxu before responding with a swift vertical slash from below which hits Huaxu

Chrome then slashed Huaxu againin the back before Using his scythe and pulled Huaxu towards him where he kicked Huaxu upwards

Chrome:"Its over"

Chrome's scythe glowed with lighting before doing a heavy upwards Slash which produced a lighting wave and hits Huaxu mid air before crashing to the ground unable to move

Kamui:"You did it Leader"

Chrome nodded as Huaxu disappeared into data like fashion
Kamui sighed but was immediately alerted at the shaking
Both constructs stabbed their weapons to the ground and stabled themselves




Pulao clashed with Qu as Lee provided fire support
Liv meanwhile was busy trying to save Lucia

Liv:"Almost there"

Pulao slashed at Qu but Qu managed to avoid it and strike back... Qu parried the strike before grabbing Pulao's leg making her yelp in shock

Qu then threw Pulao towards Lee who didn't manage to react quickly before getting hit by Pulao

Qu:"That should do it"

Qu then began charging towards Liv who was busy until Lee pulled Pulao out and charged towards Qu

Qu looked back and saw Lee gunning her down

Qu:"What the!?"

Lee shot after shot hits Qu...Qu then fell towards the ground before standing up again

Qu:"Why you-"

She was cut off when Pulao kicked her in the shoulder out of nowhere... Lee soon followed by his gun again and continued to fire


Lucia groaned

Lucia:"Li? Liv?"

Lucia said while still struggling

Liv:"Just hang in there Lucia I'm almost finished!"

Liv said... Lucia struggling meanwhile nodded at her teammate
Qu:"Darn it..."

Qu said obviously struggling to even get ahold of ground as the barrage of attacks tried to connect with her

Pulao blocked a slash and then Qu dodged a bullet before getting hit with a slash towards her waist area


Qu kicked Pulao in the face and threw Lee towards the ground before jumping a few feet away... A hand in waist

Qu:"How the..."

Lee fired his shot with quick succession towards Qu's legs


Qu fell down to her knees and dropped her spear...she tried forcing herself to stand up


Lucia fell towards Liv who caught her Liv was overjoyed by the success she managed to do

Lucia:"Liv... I'm... I'm fine"

Liv:"Shhhhhh...its ok"

Lucia then looked around and saw that one member wasn't with them

Lucia:"Where's Commandant?"

Liv sadly didn't answer which puts Lucia in a state of fear and concern

Liv:"We don't know... But we will find him"

Lucia nodded before standing up with the help of Liv
Qu then sighed and tried to stand up but she didn't pick up her spear... It appears she lost her will to fight

Qu:"I've failed... It seems its time... For one last command Huaxu"

The Place then began to shake slightly for sometime

Qu:"Come... Huaxu... I'll give you half my world"

Qu said stretching her hand upwards trying to grasp something

Qu:"I command you..."

Qu then forced Huaxu to take control of her Mind... Qu allowed it without any resistance
The two merged in order to became one

Qu then took the spear and pointed it upwards... Before stabbing it towards herself

Huaxu:"Free will... Is to act upon once self"

Qu:"I see... I tried everything i could to give you the perfect body... I commanded you everytime... Even now... How ironic... I wanted to set you free... But in the end... I was the one who prevented you from having it"

Qu then falls to the ground and going limp and lifeless
Raiden:"There you guys are"

Raiden then walked towards Lee... Who then looked towards him

Lee:"Good to see your safe Commandant"


Raiden nodded before going towards Lucia and Liv

Raiden:"How are you Lucia?"

Lucia slightly smiled

Lucia:"I'm fine Commandant... I'm fine"

Liv:"Good to see you Commandant"

Liv said... Raiden pats her head
The Gray Ravens are currently in the Nighters open area as the people aboard celebrated their own freedom

Liv:"I guess that's that"

Raiden:"We still have many mysteries to solve"

Lucia:"Yes... The two prints displayed only two things... This ship is the KCC and a place called Kowloong Metropolis"

Liv:"Yes... The Blueprints only had that there for some reason as if they abandoned it"

Raiden nodded

Lee:"I suggest we stay off on missions like this Commandant"

Raiden chuckled a bit

Chrome:"Greetings Commandant of Gray Raven"

Chrome arrived towards the group

Raiden:"Did you engage battle in Huaxu's mind?"

Chrome nodded

Raiden:"Where is Kamui?"

Chrome:"He'll be here shortly something about slowing him down"

Raiden:"Did you find anything?"

Chrome:"Apparently we found out something akin to an Ascendant trace..."

Raiden:"I see"

Lee:"Got any theories?"

Chrome:"A Few actually"

Kamui:"Oi! Over here!"

Kamui was running onwards towards them with a big smile... Lucia stepped infront of Raiden
Liv went behind Raiden sneakily

Kamui then failed to notice the bump which made him slip and jumped towards the group

Chrome was the first one to dodge

Kamui:"Lee! Catch me bro!"

Lee with a light blush

Lee:"I'm not your Bro!"

Lee delivered a kick towards Kamui which sent him back... Kamui managed to land without fail but he chuckled and scratches the back of his head

Raiden:"You ok?"

Kamui:"I'm okay Com~man~dant"

Raiden just dot eyed looked at him
Chrome and the others went towards the ships main control center for a meeting with the rest of the Kowloong Krew in order to acquire some information about Kowloong

Meanwhile Raiden was on the deck on one of the shops looking towards the sea... The endless ocean like expanse

Raiden remembered the surge of information he received from the leaf Huaxu gave him

Raiden:"Arc City? St.Fountain? False Shore Bay? Freya School? What are those places?"

Raiden wondered

???:"[Hello does this work?]"

Raiden felt a surge of energy as he recognised this voice


Alpha:"[Good it still works]"

Raiden:"[How have you been?]"

Alpha:"[Doing good... What about you?]"

Raiden:"[Doing fine]"

Alpha:"[The signal... Is cra... Cracking... King... For... Or.. Me]"

The Transmission ended

Raiden:"Guess she's too far for the signal to reach"

Raiden said and began looking at the sea once again
Meanwhile in Babylonia


Ayla said as she got ahold of the now fixed Selena... The construct looked at her with a curious gaze


Ismael:"I've done all i can... However"

Selena:"I can't remember... Much"

Ismael sighed towards herself
Ayla however smiled towards Selena

Ayla:"Its ok at least your alive"

Selena then looked at her hands and the two persons infront of her

Selena:"I only remember... Music... You two and this... Male?"

Selena tried to remember who that male was... Ayla puts a hand towards her shoulder which made Selena look at her with confused and desperate eyes

Ayla:"I'll tell you... Everything about who you are and every question you might have"

Ismael steered clear of the two and silently left the lab

Ayla:"But first... Can you walk?"

Selena nodded and stepped out of the pod that encased her... She took a couple of steps before falling
However Ayla managed to catch her and help her up

Selena:"Ow... Sorry about that"

Ayla:"It's ok... Try again"

Ayla helped Selena out with her difficulties
Meanwhile with the Ascendants

Alpha:"...I haven't seenherever since i got here"

Roland:"Oi! Lamia get in here! Or I'll blow this place up!"

Lamia:"Wait are you the devil or something!?"

Roland:"No I'm an Ascendant"

A Female then joined the group of people... She appears to be much taller than the two

Luna:"How goes the mission i gave you?"

Lamia:"... Yeah i got in that Disgusting train and Ship"

Roland:"So what's the result?"

Lamia:"i think i failed... Kowloong refused to our deal and they also refused any help from Babylonia... They said they'd rather hold the fate of the world with their own hands than accept help from other foreign organisations"

Alpha:"How! Utterly foolishness"

Roland:"So Gabriel and My Plan didn't quite work"

Gabriel remained silent as he remembered the memories of the person he met at the space station... However instead of being mad or anything he simply mentally smiled

Gabriel:"You've grown... Raiden... I'm very proud of you"

Roland:"Yo Gabriel!"

Gabriel was snapped out of his mind by Roland

Gabriel:"Yes... We indeed failed"

Luna sighed

Gabriel:"What's the plan now Ms.Luna"

Luna:"We still have the power of the virus with us... We'll go to Kowloong itself and take it"

Luna says

Luna:"Like what Kowloong said... We will decide the fate of this world"

The Ascendants have gathered
After a few hours
Everyone was looking forwards on the ship


Raiden:"We're arriving"

Lucia nodded

Liv:"So this is Kowloong?"

Everyone looked upon the great looking pillar that stood up higher towards the white clouds

Raiden:"What a beautiful place indeed"

Chrome:"We're really going towards it huh"

Everyone nodded
With Ismael and Celica

The Two are seen walking towards the halls of Babylonia

Celica:"You think Raiden's gonna accomplish that mission?"

Ismael:"I mean... He managed to go toe to toe with an Ascendant... Ofcourse he will"

Celica:"You do like him huh?"

The pink haired scientist faintly blushed

Ismael:"Well... I wouldn't say it like that"

Celica chuckled as the two continued walking around the Babylonian halls
??? Location

???:"Are you going now?"

???:"I need to... And ofcourse it was forseen correct?"

??? Nodded towards the other completely understanding what the other said

???:"Becareful then"

??? Smiled sweetly before packing her things and heading out

???:"May the Phoenix guide you"
Back with the Crew

Raiden sensed something... He unconsciously grabbed his necklace

Raiden:"Why does... This sense sound familiar"

He looked around and saw the Gray Ravens along with Strike Hawk members

Raiden:"Something tells me... That something good is gonna happen soon"

He smiled mentally before looking onwards towards the Kowloong Corp
Vera is coming to Global soon
Wow great

See ya in the next chapter

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