By yi______zhaan

7.6K 399 72

Twins who are going to reunite their parents. Author's note- I will update one chapter in 4 days. More



1.2K 58 13
By yi______zhaan


The office hours have begun, and in the tallest skyscraper of Beijing, everyone is seen heading toward the conference room, as today is the General Meeting for the new product of the Lan Corporation. The employees are all settled down in the conference room discussing among themselves just when the PA enters and informs
"Today's meeting will be headed by Vice CEO since CEO and Chairman are overseas." With this PA left the meeting room.

The room fell into silence when they heard the name of the person who is going to head today's meeting, the person was none other than LAN WANGJI, the second son of Mr. Lan Qiren and the Vice CEO of Lan empire. The person is the live definition of what people call "PERFECT". A shiver ran down their spine knowing that the one they avoided the most will be the one in front of whom they needed to present their presentation.

After a few minutes, the said person is seen entering the conference room with his ever cold, stoic, and expressionless face, as lan wangji entered people stood to bow their heads in respect for him. He reached his seat looked at everyone and asked them to settle down. From his face, no one can tell what his mood is, as everyone felt the so-called person gaze at them everyone felt conscious of themselves and lowered their heads.

Wangji after finding everyone settled down spoke, with his ever cold voice,
" You have one hour to present your ideas to me, and make sure you make me like them."

Everyone gulped in fear as they knew how choosy their vice ceo can be. They were cursing their luck today because its the first time Wangji was heading their department conference and from the rumors, they have heard about the second lan and watching it themselves, a lot of the people in the meeting room realized that they are screwed today.

The meeting started with the presentation of previous six-month sales which showed the rise in sales as the presentation ended. Wangji was looking at the presentation with utmost concentration and as it ended everyone looked at him with fear, because no one was able to make whether the VICE CEO is impressed or not.

Wangji after a few minutes spoke,
"Good Work, I appreciate it"

Everyone took a breath of relief but after a few minutes, he again continued "why it's only a 15% increase when the target Mr. Lan Huan set was 25%?." Asking this he raises his eyebrows.
The room fell into silence and beads of sweat appeared on the person's forehead who was presenting it. All of them were not able to answer this question because they know, no answer will satisfy Mr. Lan Wangji.
"Better do hard work, next time" wangji sneered.
"Now, proceed to the next part"

The next part was the presentation of new ideas for the new project, as the meeting progressed, the fears that the employee was having came true as Wangji didn't like a single idea. After half an hour, he stood from his seat and lashed on all of them.
"Is this what your mind has, damn it even my son can present me with better ideas than you" with this he stormed out of the conference room followed by his PA, and everyone took a breath of relief.

Wangji entered his office and slumped down on his seat. He loosens his tie as he massages his temples to calm down his nerves. He was getting frustrated and annoyed because of the meeting. Not a single idea matched his expectations. He fished out his phone, as he was about to dial the number of his brother, a faint and nervous knock was heard on the office door.
"Come in," said Wangji as he settles himself down with his cold look.

As the door opened a boy of 10 years was revealed carrying his bag and his favorite flute. As Wangji saw the boy, his lips curve into a faint smile and he feels all his worries and anger fading away and a sense of warmth spreading in his heart.

Behind the boy enters the head butler of the lan family, Mr. Han.
"Sorry, second master lan, but the young master was asking his nanny about you, as he didn't see you for last three days. He wanted to meet you that's why I bought him here," informed Mr. Han.
"It's fine, Mr. Han," said Wangji.

The boy was none other than the son of the second jade of lan corporation, LAN SHIZUI, Wangji looked at his son and opens his arms, and the said boy runs into his father's arms, as Wangji engulfs him in his warmth a sense of satisfaction spread within him.
"Good Morning, dad," said the boy in his sweet voice.
"Morning son" Wangji greeted back.
Shizui passed Wangji a smile, then after a pause continued "I missed you, dad"
"Missed you too my son" replied Wangji with a faint smile.

Wangji then took the boy to the sofa in his office and made him sit down. As the boy settles himself.
Wangji looks at him and asks "Have you done your breakfast?"
The boy gulps in fear as he shakes his head meaning no. He knew his father hates when he skips his breakfast. Wangji though a dotting father is a very strict and disciplined man. He is a little bit strict with the boy about his meals and health.
"And why so?" Asked Wangji raising his brows.
Mr. Han who guessed the boy's hesitation and fear said, "Second Master Lan, he wanted to have his breakfast with you today, as you were not present for the last three days."

Sudden guilt spread in Wangji's heart when he heard this. He realized that it was his fault for not giving time to the boy for the past three days since his dad and brother were not here, so his workload has increased and he was not able to make time for the boy. He immediately decided to make up for his mistake and pressed the buzzer of his office.

After a few minutes, entered his PA, Bowen. Bowen had been Wangji's pa for the last 10 years, as well he is a very good friend of his as both of them have studied together.
When Shizui saw him, he just runs in his direction and hugs him. Bowen hugs him back and after a few minutes,
"Good morning, Wen boss," said shizui with playfulness.
"Morning, my boy," said Bowen.
Wangji was watching all this with a faint smile on his face, after a few minutes he cleared his throat, as Bowen was busy with his son.
"Bowen, I want you to clear my schedules of the morning, as I am going out with my son," said Wangji.

Shizui who heard this jumped in excitement as Wangji looked at the boy with warm eyes. Bowen nodded his head in understanding.

With this Wangji holding, Shizui's hand left his office, followed by Mr. Han.


That's for chapter one.

Did you like Lan Wangji's nature.
I will wait for your suggestions.

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