Fated Queen | MiChaeng [G!P]✔

By _Myoui_Penguin_

80.6K 2K 963

⚠️: Bye innocent/sensitive people~🔞 Son Chaeyoung, the Crown Princess of the modern Kingdom of Korea. She... More

Author's Note


3.2K 87 38
By _Myoui_Penguin_

Queen Chaeyoung's POV

My wish didn't come, today's the day.

Here I am, wearing my wedding suit that was altered to a more feminine shape now, and the Royal Bond Street team is putting in some last adjustments while Designer Cha is just supervising and ordering them.

I just sighed and closed my eyes tightly, I feel like I couldn't breathe properly right now.

I was escorted now to the private room to meet my bride and we'll be there for a moment to take some pictures with the special guests that came to my wedding.

Since this was a rush wedding, not all expected guess could come because it was so sudden and they couldn't quickly go to Korea and that's the reason why the private room is filled with plenty of gifts instead as a way of congratulating us even if they couldn't come.

After a moment Mina has arrived and I was stunned as ever, there she is again in the gorgeous wedding dress, she even looks even prettier now that they added make-up on her and did her hair well.

I snapped out, she may look very beautiful at this moment but she isn't exactly smiling in happiness at this moment just like me, a worried look just filled her face.

I cleared my throat, "Please, sit, we'll be here for a while." I told her and she just bowed and did as I told her.

They gave me the shoebox now and her wedding shoes inside.

It's traditional for a royal to put on their bride's wedding shoes on her so I did it right now and kneeled before her.

After I put it on her she bowed lightly as a way to thank me and I just nodded.

I just sat beside her now and she suddenly leaned near me, "Thank you for the meal last night your highness, they told me it was from you and it was delicious." she said and I just felt good hearing that from her.

"I-it's nothing I just you haven't eaten dinner that time as well." I told her and she just nodded while smiling softly.

They gave her her wedding bouquet now and she thanked them and guests started coming in one by one to congratulate us and I introduced them to her and she managed to also keep up and greet them all.

The private room kept on flooding with gifts from guests and I could see the uncomfortable feeling in her face after hearing they are from royals in other countries and other powerful families and how precious and expensive the gifts are.

I just told them not to say the price or who the gifts are from now on so she wouldn't be that uncomfortable.

Suddenly a lady so fairly with like a tofu went in also dressed nicely guided by one of our ushers, she's not familiar or look so rich but just an ordinary girl but when she saw Mina she waved greatly and quickly rushed to Mina and hugged her.

What's weird is Momo's eyes are widening and her jaw dropped seeing the lady that went in and hugged Mina.

"Minari congratulations! Be always happy ok? Don't forget I'll be your baby's best godmother when he or she comes out, I can't believe a lot happened in just a short time." she said while continuing to hug Mina tightly.

Mina hugged back, "Thank you so much Dubu, I-I'll make sure of that." that's all she could say and they faced me and the girl named 'Dubu' gasped and bowed deeply.

Oh she must be the friend Mina invited, I did tell her to invite people she knows that she wants to come but I'm suprisedshe only asked for 1 invitation and it must be this lucky lady.

"Oh your highness! It is an honor to meet you, I am Kim Dahyun, I might be asking much but please take good care of my best friend, she always deserves the best." she said and stood straight again.-

"Oh pleasure to meet you, Kim Dahyun, I-I will don't worry." that's all I could respond.

"Well, let's take a picture! Come here you two." she said taking out here phone.

She went beside Mina so Mina was between us, I could just smile nervously and I could see Mina smile nervously as well and Dahyun just kept on clicking the button.

Mina's friend is bubbly, she's not shy and as if she's not aware that I'm the queen but just and ordinary friend.

Finally it was time and Momo told us we'll be escorted to the throne room now and even offered herself to guide Dahyun to a good seat when an usher could just do that..

Minasighed deeply and so did I.

The big doors of the throne room opened before us and the wedding march song started playing all the people in the throne room were all in awe especially in Mina as she was stunning as we walk together down the aisle.

Again, there weren't many guests unlike during my coronation since this wedding was rushed and unexpected but there are still plenty of cameras and new reporters around in and outside the throne hall.

I could also see the young women most likely the daughters of powerful families, are in jealousy of Mina but what do I care, Mina didn't seem to notice them too.

We reached the throne and Mina's family specifically her mom and sister were sitting on the left side while grandmother and Tzuyu are on the right and their eyes were all watery.

Everyone settled now and Mina and I also sat before the throne too.

The royal priest started saying all the things about marriage now and did the rituals.

It was time for the wedding vows and exchanging of rings, Mina's mom went to her, "This was your father's ring, please be happy Mina-ya, I'm sure that's what he always wanted." she said to Mina and caressed her face, Mina sniffed and hugged her mom.

Grandmother also went to me, "As you know this was your mother's. Oh Chaeyoung-ah. you're all grown up now, take good care of her okay?" grandmother said while caressing my face and we also hugged each other.

I put the ring on her finger first and started saying the vow, "I, Son Chaeyoung, take thee, Park Minari, to be my wedded w-wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer or for p-poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do u-us part." I said even if I am only saying this out of responsibility with no true feelings at all and I feel like I'm choking again.

She then looked at me with a worried face but managed to also speak, "I-I, Park Minari, take thee, Son Chaeyoung, to be my wedded wife, to h-have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for w-worse, for richer or for poorer, in s-sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do us part." as she also put the ring on my finger.

The priest asked me now, "Do you, Son Chaeyoung, take this woman to be your wife?"

A lot were attentively waiting for my answer some nodding, some smiling in excitement, and some, especially the young women are shaking their heads.

Mina's family and grandmother were in tears as well as also the other members of my royal family.

I'm under great pressure at this very moment as much as they think that it's very easy to say 'I do', it's actually very difficult especially if it's marrying someone you just met a week ago and don't know very much.

I shut my eyes tightly and took a deep breath, "I-I...I d-do." I stuttered and I felt a shiver down my spine.

Some started sighing in relief, some clapping, some started cheering, and of course, the young women are pouting and showing signs of disappointment or sadness.

The priest faced Mina now and also asked her, "Do you, Park Minari, take this woman to be your wife?"

All now put their attention to her, she looked at everyone around and stopped when she looked at me, I can see her big, sparkling eyes shaking and are getting watery but it was not out of joy but of full worry.

She faced her mom, Mrs. Park just tightened her lips and nodded lightly then Mina faced back at me.

She closed her eyes and tear rolled down from her left eye which left a sort of pang in my heart, "I do." she suddenly said and everyone clapped and cheered.

She manage to force a small smile at me so I reciprocated.

Before the priest could pronounce us as married couples, he stepped aside and grandmother went between us.

Not only is this a rush wedding but also a quick coronation for Mina because it's a given she also becomes queen when she marries me.

The servants took out 2 glass cases one with the crown I wore at my coronation and the other is for the next queen of Korea which is obviously for Mina.

They took out my crown first and wore it on me then grandmother took out now the other crown and went to Mina.

"Do you, Park Minari, promise to be a devoted wife to the Queen Son Chaeyoung, a responsible and good mother to the heir of the Kingdom of Korea in your womb at all times and do everything for the Kindom of Korea and the royal family as the other ruling queen?" grandmother questioned her.

Mina bowed down and kneeled just as I did during my coronation, "I, Park Minari, promise to do my all to be a devoted wife to the Queen Son Chaeyoung, a responsible and good mother to the heir of the Kingdom of Korea that's in my womb and be a good queen for the Kingdom of Korea and the royal family." she answered.

Grandmother smiled, "Now, I am honored to announce and crown Park Minari, as the other ruling queen of the Kingdom of Korea!" grandmother announced joyfully and everyone clapped and grandmother placed the crown on top of Mina's head.

Mina stood back up gracefully and bowed again to grandmother and grandmother hugged her so she hugged back, "You can do it, my dear, please also guide our Chaeyoung-ah." grandmother told her and she just nodded shyly while I shook my head.

They gave me an expensive case now made of quartz and its frame is made of gold and I am familiar with what is inside of it.

As I suspected, it's the traditional necklace of our family and was also worn by my mother before.

My grandmother started announcing, "This Royal Diamond Necklace is known to be passed on to the next queen of Korea and must be given by the king when he marries his queen, so now it is passed on to the Queen Park Minari and will be given by her wife, the Queen Son Chaeyoung."

Everyone clapped and I have to take out now the necklace from the case and give the case to the servant.

I carefully put the necklace on her and it fits her so well and all were in awe again.

Grandmother stepped aside now and the priest went back.

Mina's POV

"I now pronounce you, the married rulers of Korea!" the priest announced and everyone was clapping and cheering than ever.

The moment came.

Everyone was waiting for us to kiss now and we were just looking at each other with worry.

I could hear people saying under their breath, "Kiss, kiss, kiss"

I know I've been worrying ever since her highness found out that I was pregnant and that everyone told us to get married and take care of the child inside mo so how much more now that everyone wants us to kiss.

I could see small sweat starting to fall from her forehead faced the people in the throne room for a moment and wondered why they are so obsessed to see us kiss.

I suddenly felt someone lift my veil and cup my right cheek and when I look it was no other than her highness and I could see she was not ready or wanting this either.

I was about to tell her she didn't have to but she placed her thumb at the corner of my mouth that made me feel like sort of a spark and she leaned which made me close my eyes.

After a second I still didn't feel anything against my lips but I could still feel her face leaning on mine.

I opened my eyes, she was just actually kissing her thumb that's on the right corner of my mouth how brilliant, I know what to do now so I followed her lead, I went back to close my eyes and pretended to treasure the moment as well even if I'm still nervous.

The cheers and claps got even louder, I think it's working.

I honestly could do this all day even if I want to stop now but a lot are still taking pictures and everything.

Even if it wasn't real, I could still feel butterflies in my stomach.

Finally, it was over, her highness pulled away and we looked at each other awkwardly.

I inhaled and exhaled a little heavily. Plenty was still taking pictures so we had to give them a happy smile.

I followed her highness' lead again, I may just be from an outdated, poor island but I could always catch up and follow anyone's lead to blend in.

I don't why, it just feels like it's an inborn skill to be quick in picking up the situation and follow someone's lead, but I couldn't notice this from anyone else in my family.

It was time for the reception, her highness offered her arm to me and so I linked my left arm to her right one and we started going down the aisle on the way out of the throne hall waving to everyone as we walk slowly.

I'm still nervous as ever and it's strange that it calms me down when she links her arm to mine gives me a sense of security.

We went back to the private room first.

They took off my veil now but they remained the crown on my head, not to mention it's heavy as well as for the gorgeous, expensive diamond necklace I'm wearing which gives me a fear of dropping or losing them and I question myself if I deserve to wear all these.

We went to the ballroom now where everyone is waiting for us and they prepared a grand entrance for us again and we walked down the red carpet on the way to the grand stage where a sort of couch was placed for us both to seat for the whole time and the cake on the right side of the stage was so tall and elegant.

Many kept on taking pictures so we had to smile and waved.

Then everyone when to the stage one by one and took more pictures with us and introduced themselves so I also bowed to them and greeted, her majesty said this wasn't many guests compared to her coronation but for me, it's more than many so how much more people did she greet during her coronation day??

Everyone started eating and they also set a table for us at the stage where we are sitting.

She faced me, "Eat up." she said softly and just nodded. "You too." I told her and she just smiled.

Our plates have been replaced by another multiple time already, I managed to eat a little in everyone on them but I felt bad for her highness that she doesn't eat at all and doesn't have an appetite it is obvious due to this forced marriage that it doesn't make her happy at all.

"Please eat your highness, I know you don't feel good at the moment but even just a little." I told her.

She sighed, "It's ok I'm kind of full, just eat up, don't mind me." she said and smiled weakly while scratching her nape.

I would glance at Dubu at times and we would waved lightly to each other but it's strange that her highness' assistant Momo is clinging on to Dubu but I just covered my mouth to cover my giggle because Dubu blushes at time at Momo's actions.

I just nodded. It was time to cut the enormous wedding cake.

Both of us stood before the cake and they gave us a knife and a plate we both held the knife and started to carefully slice a piece and put it on the plate.

It splash a little and when her highness faced me she had icing on her nose.

I covered my mouth to hold my giggle and others were also chuckling or are saying how cute it is.

She looked at everyone and laughed awkwardly.

I got a napkin and wiped the icing off her nose and she mouthed thank you and I smile.

They gave us two forks now and we got a little part of the cake, we're supposed to feed each other so we did, it's all for a show so what choice do we have left.

I fed her and she also fed me, everyone cheered or teased, I didn't know how to react, I just kept on eating the cake, it was actually good but I was saddened when I saw her highness forcefully eat the cake I fed her.

Time skip to evening
Queen Chaeyoung's POV

"Breaking News: The sudden rush wedding of our very own Queen Son Chaeyoung has become the hottest topic of the country at present as she marries the fine, elegant woman of the name Park Minari, a daughter of a family that owns a flourishing Healthcare company that has a partnership with the Royal Healthcare Corporation and is believed and now proven to be the Queen's secret girlfriend for years. Our queen immediately took responsibility and married the beautiful lady when they found out about Ms. Park Minari's pregnancy. It is a good day for our Queen Son Chaeyoung and for all of us the Kingdom of Korea as we have now a new Queen ruling beside our Queen Chaeyoung and for sure we cannot wait to see the new heir of the Kindom of Korea to be born!"

I saw the news on the tablet. Grandmother took care of the media well I see, I'm just in my chambers for now after eating dinner with my royal family and Mina's family.

I changed into my sleepwear now covered by the traditional white royal robe that royal newlyweds wear during the night of their wedding day, they said it had a magical power on it that could strengthen the royal couples love but I didn't put deep meaning or believe in it and just wore it because it is tradition and such.

It's been a long day, it wasn't as bad and torturing as I thought it would be, I'm actually glad of Mina, she's understanding when I didn't want to eat earlier and she's quick to pick up the situation and followed my lead especially on the kissing part.

I know it's weird but just thinking of that part gives me butterflies when it's supposed to be for a show only.

I snapped out of my thoughts, I shouldn't be thinking of it that way, I don't have other feelings for her and just take responsibility for her and our incoming child that should be all.

Momo then knocked on my door, "Come in!"

She entered and bowed, "My queen, it's time to go to Daejojeon Hall." she said and I sighed.

When she stood straight I saw a smirk on her face.

I turned to a curious look, "What's with the smirk?" I asked her.

"Oh it's nothing." she said and laughed.

I frowned, "Say it or you'll be doing the horsekeeper's job agai-"

"Ok ok ok your highness, please calm down." she cut me off and a nervous look appeared on her face and I gave her a smug smile.

"So what is it?" I asked again.

"Nothing much, I know you'll be having fun this night, on your honeymoon~" she teased and I facepalmed myself.

She may be my trusted P.A. and best friend, but she could still get a little dumb at times.

"Momo you know she's not someone I truly love and wanted to marry, I just did this out of responsibility. And even if I wanted to do 'it' with her as any newlyweds do, we still can't because she's pregnant." I told her and she just smirked.

"Oh come on your highness, I know you're not the kind of person who easily backs out, you'll always find a way, and did I say anything about doing 'it'? You just thought of that on your own~" she kept on teasing which made me roll my eyes and feel frustrated.

"One more nonsense from you tonight and you'll be one of the horse keepers for the rest of the year." I told her and gave her a firm face.

Her eyes widened and she bowed, "Sorry your highness, I guess I did go a little overboard, then shall we head to Daejojeon hall now?" she just smiled nervously as she stretch out her arms to direct the way.

I massaged my forehead for a moment then sighed, I nodded now and got a few things I need while I stay there.

Mina's POV

I said goodbye to my family as they were about to be escorted back to the penthouse.

I hugged mom one last time and my sister and they kept on telling me to be happy and I just kept on nodding.

They went in the van now and went off as I waved goodbye to the moving van.

They guided me now to Daejojeon hall. 

The woman who I remembered that happened to be her majesty's temporary assistant that looks like a bunny entered with Ms. Ko.

"Good evening my queen, this is Ms. Im Nayeon, she will be your personal assistant from now on so don't hesitate to ask her for anything you need and she'll be always right beside you to escort you and remind you of your schedule."

I understood, so I look at Ms. Im, gave her a smile, and bowed to her so she bowed deeply as well.

"Good evening your highness, it is an honor serving you." she said.

"Oh th-thank you." I said, I'm still uncomfortable and I'm definitely not used to them calling me 'my queen' or 'your highness' yet.

"Well, I'll get going then, enjoy your evening your highness, congratulations again." Ms. Ko said and bowed to me.

"Oh th-thank you Ms Ko." all I could say and she smiled before leaving.

I was left with Ms. Im and she starts to clear her throat.

"Your highness, I was told to prepare you tonight for you and her majesty Queen Chaeyoung's evening so you have to wash up at the moment and I was instructed that you must wear the traditional royal white robe that is worn by the royal newlyweds." she started saying.

She gave me the robe, "Oh I see, v-very well." I just responded. I have no choice and even if I go against it I have no reason to and she might be in trouble if I didn't prepare.

"You can wear any nightgown or sleepwear of your comfort underneath." she said and ended with a gummy yet creepy smile.

I nodded thanked her once more and went to the bathroom inside of my room.

Queen Chaeyoung's POV

We arrived at Daejojeon hall, I was treated by two guards standing outside of it and they opened the grand doors for me.

We entered and I was welcomed by Ms. I'm.

She bowed, "Good evening your highness, congratulations and I hope you'll have a wonderful night with her highness Queen Mina." she said and gave her bright yet creepy smile again.

"Oh th-thank you I suppose, *I scratch my nape* I see we meet again." I awkwardly told her.

She smiled and bowed again, "I am assigned as Queen Mina's assistant from now on your highness."

I see, I eventually nodded, "We'll, I hope you'll take good care of her and provide her with all the things she needs and grant what she wants." I told her.

"Of course your highness." she answered and stood up straight now.

I looked around, "May I ask where is m-my queen now?" I questioned, I'm still new to calling her that but I have to.

"Oh she is still in the bathroom washing up your highness, she'll be finished in a minute." Ms. Nayeon replied so I just nodded.

"Well then, I guess we should leave now your highness, I hope you will have a lovely night with Queen Mina." Momo said and she and Ms. Nayeon bowed to me and they exited.

I suddenly heard the doors lock from outside, I held the doorknobs it was indeed locked and I knocked on the door, "Open up! It's an order!" I called out, no response at all, I can't believe grandmother would be this strict.

I kept on banging the door...

"Nayeon?" a soft yet angelic voice called out.

Obviously, I stopped banging the door and looked to where that voice was coming from. 

It's from Mina's room so I faced there and she standing outside of it wiping her hair and she's wearing the same white robe as I am.

My jaw dropped, she's so hot looking like that, I even gulped and my heart is beating so fast when it shouldn't be.

She noticed me and gasped, she bowed, "Oh g-good evening your highness, I did not know it was you, was there a loud banging?" she asked but I was still stunned.

I suddenly snapped out, "Oh *I look at the big doors* it so happens that we have been locked inside here." I told her as calmly as I can.

"What?" she asked with a little worried tone and went to the door to also check for herself that it is locked.

She looked like she was about to panic and a little scared, "O-oh d-don't worry nothing will happen, grandmother just wanted to make sure I stay with you tonight, I-I'm here ok?" I told her and I do even know why I said that.

She nods slowly and manages to smile sadly at me, then she looks around, "Where is Nayeon?" she asked.

"Oh, she left now including Momo." I answered and she nodded.

We just eventually sat in the living area, I was scrolling on my tablet reading the charts and eventually passed by an article about our wedding again.

"Th-that article, i-is that our wedding?" she asked so I faced her.

"Oh y-yes." I simply answered giving her a glance from the tablet.

"C-can I read it?" she asked.

"Oh ok." I said while scratching my nape and gave her the tablet.

I kept on staring at her gorgeous face as she reads the article.

After she finished reading I looked away quickly.

"Why does it say I'm a daughter of a family that owns a healthcare corporation? That's my brother-in-law's company and it doesn't concern me." she said.

"Then would you prefer if they say that an ordinary commoner, an adopted daughter of a woman that lives on a small outdated island marries the queen of the Kindom of Korea! It'll sound like a joke right?" I answered her that as I was a little irritated for some reason of her question.

She looked down and sort of sad, I realized it I slapped my mouth how shameless of me.

I held her shoulder, "I'm so sorry, I wasn't on my right mind, we just didn't want to make you look like a joke to the world if we say who you really are so we did our best to make your descriptions as positive and worthy as possible, it may sound selfish but it's also for your own benefit and for the royal family, that's just how it works." I explained to her.

She nods but she still looks sad, "I-it's ok, I-I understand now, I have more things to learn please be patient with me and I know it's for my benefit so I'll be forever grateful." she said and slightly bowed.

I nodded, how could she be this patient and understanding?  If I were in her shoes and someone told me that I would have bursted out already.

"B-but our p-picture...it looks so real." she suddenly mentioned it so I look at where she's pointing at the tablet and indeed it was a picture of the kissing part.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm glad you did well." I told her and she blushed and my face also felt hot.

The silence and awkwardness between us occurred once more but vanished when a growl from my stomach was heard.

Once again, I was embarrassed in front of her for how many times already and smiled awkwardly.

Right, I didn't eat much during the wedding reception and at dinner today.

"Oh dear your highness, see? I told you it was not good to skip eating earlier even if you don't have the appetite. I shouldn't have left you alone earlier and convinced you even if it means to feed you" she said in a worried tone.

Why is she like that? I didn't know she could be this worried about such a small thing.

We just married each other out of responsibility but she acts like a real wife, do I deserve this? I think of her coldly but she still worries a lot especially when I should be taking care of her not the other way around, I'm the one giving her weight on her shoulder when it should be her putting weight on my shoulders.

She makes me feel different things at the same time that tends to make me confused and unsure of everything, I just hope it does not affect me from my duties as the queen and CEO of the different businesses we own.

I don't know if I should be mad at her or give her as much effort as she does for me so I just stood there like a statue, I decided to control my emotions or it will lead to problems.

"Please stay there, I will get something." she said and left the tablet beside me and headed to her room.

When she went back she had a big lunch bag with her.

She had trouble carrying it, 'She should not do too much hard work especially carrying heavy objects that might stress her out.'...the doctor's words rushed through my mind so I quickly stood and went to help her.

"You should've asked for help, you know you can't stress yourself out carrying heaving things that won't be good for you and the baby." I told her with a little annoyed tone, she could just really be stubborn at times.

I'm gonna talk to Ms. Im about this. Mina shouldn't be left alone most of the time or she'll do things by herself that might stress her out if I'm not around.

I got the big lunch bag from her, it was indeed heavy what's inside this? Boulders??

I placed it at the coffee table in the living area.

She opened it and it was full of tupperwares.

"Good thing my mom gave this to me before she left, she thought I might crave her food anytime but you need it more than me right now." she said and started taking out the tupperwares.

She opened the lid and the fragrance of the food made me even more hungrier and I licked my lower lips looking at all the food without her noticing me.

After that she took out chopsticks and went to the pantry first to get some plates.

Every chamber of the royal family has a pantry obviously I also have one.

She went back and took some food from the tupperwares.

She got some kimchi and a small slice of beef from the beef stew and placed it on the spoon with the chopsticks.

"Here your highness, please eat." she said while holding up the spoon near my mouth.

As much as I want to keep my pride, this situation at the moment is telling me that 'pride can't feed you'.

I couldn't resist it, it smells so good and my stomach is so angry, I slowly opened my mouth and she gently shoved the food in.

I started chewing it, and she was staring at me attentively waiting for my reaction.

Honestly it is really good I have tried their food before but it just keeps on getting better, her mom is a good cook. Well that's why their restaurant is famous on their island and will never fail even if there are not many customers often because of Mrs. Park's amazing skills.

I actually prefer this than the palace food, yes palace food is good and expensive but I'm starting to understand ordinary people why they prefer homecooked meals, it gives you warmth and in the word, it feels like home. Also. it is made with love if your family member personally cooks it.

"I-Is it good your highness?" she askwith her eyes full of hope.

I quickly chew what's left I'm chewing and nodded to her, "Absolutely, your mother's food is good as always." I said and drank water.

She smiled softly and took a portion of the chicken soup and placed it near me again, "Please try some of this as well your highness."

I just opened my mouth again and she shoved it in.

I nodded to how good it is and she was going to take some food on the spoon again about to feed me, "I-it's alright, I...I can feed myself." I told her.

"Oh, ok. Here your highness." she responded and gave me the spoon and chopsticks.

I started to eat by myself and I would glance at her at times looking at me.

"Please, eat some too, your mother's food is delicious." I told her so she snapped out and nodded shyly.

She also got some chopsticks and also took a bite of the different foods in the tupperwares and we just ate silently.

After we were full I helped her tidy up and it was silent again between us.

"Ah!" she suddenly groaned and held her head then she was about to loose balance but I caught her and of course I became worried.

"Help!" I yeld outside but it seems that I'm not heard.

I put Mina first to her room and let her sit on her bed.

"Wait here, aish they've gone too far, I'll get some water." I told her and she nodded while she's still holding her forhead.

I went back with the water and I let her drink it.

"Are you okay now?" I asked her and she nodded.

I noticed some changes, her eyes were droopy and suddenly she suddenly showed her gummy smile, it was pretty but something's wrong.

"Son Chaeyoung"she suddenly said.

"What??" I asked dumbfounded, I'm just not used to her calling me that.

"Why? Can't I call my wife's name?" she answered and giggled which made my jaw drop.

She doesn't look sober at the moment, maybe that's the problem, but she didn't drink anything, well she can't 'cause she's pregnant obviously.

"Mina-ssi is something wrong? Why are you like this?" I asked her with a little nervous tone.

"Aish, what do you mean? I'm completely fine." she answered with her eyes closed like a sleepy person, then she was about to fall off the bed but I caught her head that gave me no choice but to carry her bridestyle and lay her on her bed.

I sat again beside her again, I got nowhere to go anyway and I can't just leave her.

She's definitely showing signs of a drunk person but I don't know what's the 'cause.

She just felt dizzy first then she's suddenly like this now? Is this natural or something to be worried about?

Suddenly I felt her moving, her eyes where have open, I was shocked by her sudden action when she kneeled on the middle of the bed and took off her white robe.

I gulped hard, she was just on her white nightie, her cleavage is exposed.

I felt hard down there, I may not have feelings for her but it's like just a natural instinct that I suddenly gone hard seeing her like this.

For a thousand times, a full definition of goddess, right before me, makes you question if I deserve her to be called mine.

She suddenly held me shoulders and caressed it, she absolutely seducing me!

What's the problem? What's the problem is I'm not stopping her! I'm like under her spell!

I felt instantly hot with her touches. "Chaeng-ah~" she suddenly moaned out.

Chaeng-ah?? No one has ever called me that and it's....turning me on.

Her face went closer to mine one wrong move and we'll kiss.

Now that she's closer I have a better vision of the her face features, sparkling eyes, kissable plump lips, her mole on her nose bridge and upper lips that are her beauty marks.

I couldn't help it, I suddenly brush my lips on hers. I tasted her cherry chapstick, it was addicting and I crave for more.

She smirked, she grab my face and crashed our lips again, I naturally kissed her torridly and she receprocated.

I fully went top on the bed and continued to kiss her intensely suddenly I licked her lower lip for entrance and her gladly opened her mouth and I invaded her.

"Uhm..." she moaned which made me turn on even more.

I laid her on her bed and hovered above her then continued kissing her.

She wrapped her arms around my neck.

Her sneaky hand untied my robe and took it off but I'm still in my pajamas.

Suddenly as I kept kissing her, unknown memories came flashing on my head. Like missing puzzles of my memory...

In a dark room, the way we kissed torridly, the way we foreplayed, how I pleasure her sweet spot and her pleasuring me down there as well, multiple rounds we had on that restless night.

Her face can't be seen as the room was dark but her scent, the way her lips feel, the feeling of her body against mine... it feels like Deja Vu on how Minari and I make out right now and in Bali.

I suddenly felt dizzy but snapped back to reality. I realized we kept on attacking each other's lips intensely, I managed to control myself and stop.

She didn't complain or show signs of disappointment, she just breathe heavily and her eyes are closed like she was so sleepy while lying on the bed.

I sighed, not sure if in relief or grief, our lips are so reddish and swollen, I didn't even wipe it off of disgust which concerns me because I don't feel such guilt or regret right now of what we just did.

"Mina-ssi?" I tried to get her attention but no response, she's sleeping soundly now.

I just nodded and understood that she was not on her right mind at that moment and that I also almost took advantage of it fully when I should've never done so.

I turned off the light of the room now but suddenly I heard her crying.

"No! No! Don't turn off the lights! Please!" she cried out with her eyes still closed so I immediately turned it on again.

She calmed down, I wiped her tears and put a blanket on her. I just turned on the lampshade of her bedside table and turned off the main light, she starts to sleep soundly and I closed the door quietly and just sat in the living area again.

I had a lot of deep thoughts to think tonight that I can't guarantee if I could sleep.

A/N: Sorry if I didn't finish 'it' please don't hate me I promise I'll write a complete 'scene' of it soon.🤭

Also sorry for the overlooked grammar and misspellings as always.

See you in the next chapter!


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