New Girl - Ondreaz Lopez

By jane-anne-04

121K 2K 491

Story of a small town girl moving to a big city, moving into the hype house and falling for a boy with dreamy... More



114 3 6
By jane-anne-04

-Maddy's P.O.V-

My eyes open just barely, I see total darkness, but I know I'm not in my room. My legs are cold, I reach down to feel they're bare. My hands move up my body to find the hem of a large hoodie. My heart starts racing as I remember what underwear I chose to put on last night and I'm nervous to roll over to see who I'm in bed with. I don't remember anything past shotgunning with Bryce and Josh. I need to get out of here I'm getting so anxious.

Before I can even start to make a move out of bed, I hear a click and the room dimly lights up. The bed moves and the curtains are pulled back, engulfing the room in sunlight, blinding me. My eyes adjust and Noah appears in front of me.

"Morning" he says in a deep raspy voice. My heart jumps and I sit up pulling the covers over my legs.

"Morning, uhm, sorry Noah, I uh, I don't remember anything from last night. Did we, I mean we didn't yknow-"

"No, we didn't" he said looking down and sitting next to me leaning against the headboard.

"Oh thank god okay" I breathed out running my hands through my hair.

"Really" he scoffed. I looked sharply towards him surprised.


"No I'm sorry, I just didn't realize having sex with me would be the worst thing in the world"

"No oh my god Noah that's not what I meant" I said sitting up and turning to face him. He's shirtless and I am finding myself very distracted by his toned body. I paused thinking of what I was trying to say.

"Then what"

"I just mean if we did, yknow, sleep together, uhm-"

"You'd regret it" he interrupted me. I looked up at him through my brow, not wanting to admit it.

"I'd want to remember it" I said quietly. I looked up at him again and he had a look in his eye I'd never seen before. Like he was contemplating everything. A smile crept up on his face and he looked down to my lips and back to my eyes. "Noah I'm sorry but I-"

"It's okay, Maddy you're clearly not ready to move on and I'm not gonna push you"

"Thank you" I sighed looking at my hands in my lap. It's all I could say. It's not like I could tell him how I really feel.

"Just for the record, you were sending me some very mixed signals last night" he laughed.

"Like what!" I urged him

"Well let me start by saying, Bryce had a pretty strong influence on you after you guys shot gunned"

"Oh god" I said putting my head in my hands

"So later on Bryce had strippers come over, and you told them you were a dancer and could steal their jobs" he laughed "and Bryce really egged you on, even Addison was with you for it"

I don't wanna know where this is going

"So they were teaching you uhh" he cleared his throat and his cheeks were turning pink "how to seductively take your clothes off"

"NO" I screamed "I did not"

"You did" he giggled "that's kind of why you're not wearing anything right now"

"And why on earth didn't you stop me!!" I yelled shoving him.

"Well okay don't come at me for this I was also very drunk and super into it" he laughed shyly. "But also I couldn't move because they cuffed Bryce and I into our chairs while you two uhm, well you can assume the rest"

I am mortified!!!!!

"Don't worry you kept your bra and underwear on so nothing you wouldn't normally see if you'd been in a swim suit" he said. "But damn it was the most frustrating thing Bryce and I were so mad we had our hands cuffed we couldn't touch you guys at all, that was Addison's condition" he laughed.

I know it's all funny and embarrassing but everything he's saying, it's kind of turning me on. Something inside me some kind of like an inner demon took over my thoughts, my actions everything. And I let it.

"Where would you have touched me?" I asked looking upwards at him again.

"What?" He asked, his face dropping and cheeks turning that pink shade again.

"I said," I continued, grabbing his hand and guiding it to my leg "where would you have touched me" I stood up to my knees and looked down at him, his hand now on the back of my thigh. He followed my eyes as I stood over him and straddled his lap. He swallowed hard and brought his other hand to mirror his other on the back of my legs. He pulled me closer so his chin was just touching my ribs.

"You're not fucking with me right" he breathed. I shook my head no. "Then I'd touch you here" he said squeezing my ass with both hands. "And here" he moved his hands past the hem of the hoodie I have on and roamed up my sides, "maybe here" he reached one hand out and gripped lightly under my jaw, pulling my face centimetres from his. I placed my hands on either side of him on the headboard and lowered my hips gently to his and ground slowly into him. He let a deep breath escape his lips as I did and he moved his hand that was still under my sweater to the back of my head, gripping my hair and pulling it back so my chin shot up, revealing my neck. He moved his hands to my hips as I continued to grind on him and he kissed the base of my neck, moving upward to my jaw, then to my ear. I touched my forehead to his and our lips were so close. I held back and waited for him, slowing the movement of my hips to a stop. The one second that passed moved in slow motion, he kissed me hard, wrapped his arms around me and flipped me on my back.

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