Red Carpet

By guavawine

282 12 0

'You did it! You got the role Locke!' Locke had almost given up when he finally found his break into the indu... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9 (Final)

11 2 0
By guavawine

'You've done enough damage already. You can leave for the night,'

Locke stood outside Sera and Sarah Ent, Elle's words ringing in his head.

'We'll talk this out with Royal Entertainment and find a middle ground to settle this. Leave already, I can't stand the sight of you,'

Locke felt like shit. Every single action he had taken on that fateful day led to major consequences. He had jeopardized everything he had worked so far. His career, his agency's reputation and the worst of all, the entire situation ended up blowing on Keeye, who had nothing to do with any of these events. Defeated and filled with utter shame and guilt, he tapped his phone.

Of course...there's no way he'd want to respond to me. After all, I'm the one who got him tangled in this mess. I've made his life hell ever since he met me.

'Hey,' Silver called out softly. He pressed Locke's shoulder, trying his best to comfort him.

It took every ounce of Locke's will to hold himself back from breaking down.

'I...' he started but couldn't say anything beyond that.

Silver stayed silent. He knew that, right now, Locke blamed himself for every single thing and it didn't matter how much Silver tried to convince him otherwise.

'I...' Locke's voice cracked. 'If there was a way to turn back time, I'd set everything back in the right place...'

Silver waited, he knew Locke was struggling to get the words out.

'But I can't,' His voice dropped to a whisper, 'I can't...'

He turned to Silver. His eyes were red, his lips were quivering...the question was evident on his face. What should I do?

'Apologize if you can,' Silver advised softly. 'The rest is up to him. You may not believe me now but this'll pass. You'll get better,'

Locke nodded. He pulled out his phone and dropped another text to Keeye, an apology. Delivered, but unread again.

He looked at his smiling self in the lock screen background. A memory that felt like games ago. They were at the beach in the outskirts of the city, shooting Dawn's beach resort scenes. The group selfie was taken by Pam. They were all standing at the shore, the cool waves washing their feet while they goofed around. Happy faces all around.

Locke bit his trembling lip. He wanted to do something. At the very least, get down on his knees and apologize to Keeye for denting his career.

A vague memory surfaced as he glanced at the lock screen again. There was that bar they shot the party scenes at...the Kelp bar! And Keeye had mentioned something about the pub...a compliment. And that he had a beach house closeby!

Locke ran to the edge of the street and called out for a cab. A surprised Silver followed him, asking him what was wrong.

'I have to try at least. I may not be right but I still have to try!' He rambled.

Silver was trying his best to understand Locke's words but they were too vague. But he didn't press for more.

'Book a cab through the app, it'll be faster,' he advised a frantic looking Locke.

Locke nodded and did as told. He entered the destination as 'Kelp bar' not having any clue how he'd go searching for Keeye once he reached it. But that didn't stop him from getting into the cab.


There were too many inner roads leading to the beach than Locke had expected. And along each road, huge mansions towered, taking up a good amount of the area, undoubtedly owned by the wealthier lot of the country. Their walls were high and the security outside scrutinized Locke as he passed by, ready to apprehend any suspicious looking passer by.

And given the odd time of the night he was strolling by at, Locke wasn't surprised by their alarmed faces. But he had one goal. And that was to find Keeye.

Locke turned to his right, slipping into another inner road. He could hear the faint sound of the waves. The night sky was clear, dotted with millions of stars and a beautiful clear, crescent moon.

The mansion getting into view on his left was huge, just like the others he had passed by. The wall was built high making only the top floor and the terrace visible. He paused in front of the huge gate.

He lingered for a minute longer than required, causing the guard to walk up to him.

'Sir, Can I help you with something?'

Locke sighed. 'Is this Mr. Keeye's residence?'

'I'm sorry sir, I can't provide you that information,'

'If it is, please let him know that Locke is here to see him,'

'Will do,' the guard replied, an obvious lie. 'The owner's not home anyway,'

Another lie to ensure the suspicious guest didn't cause a scene. Locke took that as his cue, wished the guard a good night and walked away.

This was the tenth house he had requested. He was sure it was all futile. He already realized that when the cab dropped him off at the bar. And now, he no longer had any hope to cling to. But instead of walking back to the bar, he walked towards the sea. For what he needed right now was not a drink but some ocean air to clear his mind.

The inner road he was walking on soon joined the main road next to the beach. Locke crossed it and finally felt the sand under his feet. The growing sound of the waves somehow comforted him. He didn't expect anyone at the beach at this hour but surprisingly he did find few.

A group of friends were having a bonfire party. Locke didn't need to go closer to them to know they were drunk and high.

He walked away from them and found a spot. Not too close to the waves but close enough to feel the rising ocean tide. He slumped into the ground.

As he sat there cross legged, listening to the waves, his head in his hands, he couldn't help but think of the ending scene from Falling for Dawn.

Dawn and Hunter defy all odds, fight through and end up together. The perfect happy ending.

The irony of it. In real life, he was going to lose Keeye. Even as a friend. His worst nightmare was now a reality.

The waves got louder and stronger, eating up more of the shore with every attempt. It was only when they reached up to Locke's feet did he realize that he'd been sitting in this isolation for longer than he had intended to.

He slowly got to his feet and walked back, barely bothering to dust off the sand from his clothes.

He passed by the dying bonfire, the party-ers long gone. He was almost at the main road when he heard a voice call out from behind him, to his right.

'Locke? Locke!'

Locke responded, turning to the source. Even under the faint moonlight, he could recognize the silhouette.


The man was trying his best to jog up to him in the sand.

It was Keeye alright. He had a navy blue hoodie on and black tracks. His dark hair with blonde highlights, the color he had retained even after shooting and promotions ended and grown out, looked darker under the light, the highlights barely visible. As he got closer, the street light from the main road illuminated his face.

He was...smiling? He was amused and confused but was definitely smiling.

'It is you!' he exclaimed.

Keeye almost hugged Locke but stopped himself. He was beyond happy to see him. After his discussion with the agency in the morning, he had switched off his phone. And when he got home from having dinner with a bunch of old friends, his security informed him that a certain person named Locke had dropped by looking for him. Keeye almost didn't believe him and switched on his phone only to find missed calls and multiple texts from Locke. He hadn't thought that Locke would've been so worried about him.

'I...' Locke began and his voice trailed off, threatening to break. But he composed himself and continued, 'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry,'


'For everything.' That was it. His breaking point. He could no longer hold in the pain and broke down.

Keeye calmly took a few steps closer and hugged Locke, supporting both his weight and grief. It didn't take him long to grasp the situation.

'It's alright... it's not your fault. None of it is,' he assured Locke.

Locke broke from his grasp, confused, looking questioningly at Keeye.

'In fact I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you were too drunk that day and probably didn't remember any of the incidents that took place,' Keeye explained, 'Those pictures. You don't have to worry. They were all a misunderstanding,'

'But I tried to kiss you-'

'No, you didn't. It was dark in the parking lot and you believed you needed to whisper into my ear saying you couldn't find your phone and also that you felt pukish,'


'So I took you back to the building's restroom,'

Locke blinked, the story was too incredulous to believe.

'And those idiots from Patched It! decided it'd be fun to twist the events.'

Locke still kept blinking blankly.

'If anything, I should be apologizing to you on behalf of my agency. The only reason Patched It! decided to plot such a scandal was because my boss had gotten into an argument with their CEO yesterday. They're actually cousins. So now everything is sorted. You don't have to worry,' Keeye further explained.

When he didn't get any response from Locke, he held his shoulder. 'Locke? You don't have to worry alright? I'm fine. We're all fine,'

It took a few more seconds for Locke to respond. He slowly nodded, still confused. Knowing Locke, he had probably blamed everything on himself. Keeye silently cursed himself again for not having thought about how the news would've affected Locke. Locke wasn't used to the way the industry worked yet.

But despite it all, Keeye couldn't deny the fact that seeing Locke in the flesh, right in front of him, made him both relieved and happy. For him to have somehow figured out to come all the way here without a backup, his resolve to own all his mistakes and his attempts at setting everything right...all this was the Locke he had fallen for.

With Locke still trying to figure out what to make of the situation, Keeye pulled him into a hug again, this time more firmer and longer.

Locke's body tensed, his head was finally organizing the pieces of information into place and accepting them. He was also very aware of the fact that he was in Keeye's arms. He really shouldn't be if he wanted to get over him.

'Keeye, I'm okay now...' Locke assured.

'But I still need a moment,' Keeye spoke, his voice was softer in Locke's ears.

Locke waited, wondering what was going on inside the man's head.

'I...I think I'm too late, aren't I?' Keeye asked. But it was more of a question to himself.

'I should've realized it sooner...' He continued, 'I convinced myself that it was just admiration, respect and friendship...' His voice a whisper now, 'But it wasn't,'

Locke slowly pulled Keeye away. Holding him by his shoulders, he searched for Keeye's eyes.

'I'm sorry for realizing it too late...I'm sorry for not coming to you first,' Keeye confessed, unable to meet Locke's gaze.

At first, Locke was just plain shocked. Everything that happened till now, the battles of doubt that he fought with himself, the guilt and shame towards Keeye, it all felt unreal. Keeye's words echoed inside his head and every time it replayed, he tried to piece the meaning behind those words until it all made sense. Until it all fell in place. And at the end of it all, a huge smile broke on his face.

'It's okay, you were worth the wait,'

It was Keeye's turn to have been caught off-guard. But once he registered Locke's words, he broke into a goofy smile as well. He was in the clouds. A huge, huge weight had come off his chest and now replaced with something much more warmer.

Locke suggested they walk away from the beach as it was getting too cold but at this point, Keeye wasn't sure if his cheeks were red from the cold or from being flustered.

They walked in silence for a few minutes, neither of them knowing how to start the conversation.

Locke finally broke the awkwardness, 'So your boss and the Patched It! CEO are cousins eh? Who would've thought!'

'Yeah, they must've had a pretty ugly argument for this to blow up to this extent. George was super embarrassed today morning when I spoke to him, I ought to have him apologize to you personally for stressing you out,'

'Nah I'm cool now. But I think my boss Elle would like that apology...I wouldn't have been surprised if she shot laser beams out of her eye at me today,'

Keeye chuckled. They were nearing his beach house now.

'Ah, here's my humble abode,' He gestured.

Locke looked up, 'Wow, you don't disappoint. Hmm, maybe this was the sixth house I knocked on,'

'I'm surprised you didn't give up...or even the fact that you came all the way here,'

'I dunno if that's my flaw or strength to be honest,'

'Well, it brought you here,' Keeye grinned.

'But how did you know to look for me at the beach?'

'Well, I tried calling you but it said you were out of network. Then I asked security if they remembered which way you went. Thankfully they did and it was towards the beach. And then well, I just hoped you'd be there as the network in the beach in this area pretty much sucks,'

'Sounds like fate,' Locke joked.

'Maybe it was. Everything from the beginning. From the moment I saw you in that audition room,'


'Mr. Keeye,' acknowledged the guard as they stopped in front of the gate.

Their walk felt too short. Locke wished they had taken a detour instead. But sadly it was now time to leave.

'Is this your guest sir?' the guard asked, doing a double take at Locke. Maybe he recognized Locke from a little while ago. Or maybe not. Locke couldn't tell.

'Yes,' Keeye replied.

'Will he be staying?'

Keeye looked at Locke and smiled.



And cut! We've officially wrapped up the Red Carpet!

I honestly cannot thank you all enough, my lovely readers, for your continued support and interest. I hope you loved the journey for I definitely had a great time writing it. But unfortunately, we part ways now.

Leave behind a comment or feedback or just share your thoughts. It would be highly appreciated <3

Much love, 


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