It's the way everything goes

By hideyourwife

471 0 0

Alex goes through the hard parts of life before most others would but soon meets people who make things much... More

6 (Grayson)


14 0 0
By hideyourwife

It was the day we were supposed to be leaving for Italy. I asked Belle to check on my dogs every time she could. I got an Uber to drive me to the airport we were meeting at, a little anxious so I put on sunglasses and let my hair down. I played music through my AirPods, not too loudly though cause I was a girl in an Uber by herself.

I was wearing a brown tennis skirt, a white hoodie, and matching Jordan 1s to look cute in the airport, it wasn't functional but I didn't care. When we got there I got out of the Uber, took my stuff, and walked inside. I sat down by the waiting area and played games on my phone. I felt someone take out my airpod and sit next to me. I smiled immediately knowing who it was, the only person who dared to do that. 

"Grayson" I looked up at him with a small smile on my face

"Alex," he said, we've been texting and calling every day ever since he left my house so we were closer and more comfortable with each other. he slid next to me not leaving any space between us 

"Gimme some" I pointed at his monster

"No, buy your own" he took a long sip and I watched as he downed half of it

"Can you buy one for me then?" I asked him

"What's in it for me" he negotiated 

"I'll stop asking for your monster," he thought about it then stood  which surprised me cause I thought he was going to laugh in my face and tell me to try again 

"Fine" he left and went into a store. I forgot to ask him where everyone else was.

William: who's at the airport

William sent on the group we had called family affairs

Wattpad boy <3: I'm here

Me: so am I

Babe: me too ✌

Taylor's here. I for him and I saw him walking towards me with a huge smile on his face

"Morning baby" he hugged me and sat down where Grayson was sitting before he left, hopefully, he doesn't get touched by that

"Morning babe" I saw he dyed his hair a white silver color, it looked cool, especially against his  blue eyes

"Where's Grayson" he asked looking around 

"He went to go buy me a monster," I told him pointing in the direction he left 

"Grayson?? Like Grayson Grayson?" He said shocked, does Grayson not do it for them? 

"Yeah?" I said confused by his shock

"He won't even buy me a lollipop" Taylor smirked when Grayson came back.

"Here" he handed me a monster, water, a bar of chocolate, a packet of chips, and the sweets he didn't want to give me the day we met

"Thank you" I smiled ahhhhh my heart

"Mhm, hey Hudson" Grayson waved at Taylor

"Yo Grayson" Taylor waved back. I opened the energy drink and took a big sip, relieved by the taste, I loved anything with acid, as bad as that was, any acidic drinks just found a way to make me happy, probably all the sugar

"I'm going to the bathroom" Taylor got up, and I saw a pretty girl walk inside which led me to roll my eyes and cringe in disgust

"Isn't it too early for him to be flirting/ fucking girls?" I asked Grayson turning towards him but he was looking down at his phone not even caring 

"It's never too early for him" Grayson shook his head. I saw Riley and William walking towards us

"Fuck" I cursed and chugged down the monster, as much as it burnt my throat, I was used to it from all those times I used to hide the monster away from my parents

"Slow down Alex" Grayson told me, I finished it consecutively burping quietly and shoved the can inside my bag

"William banned me from drinking energy drinks and I don't want to hear him have a fit about it" I whispered to Grayson even though they weren't close enough to ear

"Oh, why did you ask me to buy it for you then" he whisper-shouted

"I asked to have a sip first of all and I didn't know he would be here so soon" I ate a strip of mint bubblegum to disguise the scent knowing that I'd feel and regret it later 

"Ew that must taste bad" Grayson cringed

"I have to get the smell out somehow" I shrugged

"You could've kissed me" he smirked

"You also had an energy drink idiot and nope" I fake smiled when they reached us

"Hey William, hey Riley" I got up then hugged them both

"Heyy, how are you" Riley asked, I was more comfortable with Riley now.....kinda

"I'm good, you?" I asked back

"I've been great" I saw him looking at William and I noticed a hickey on his neck

"Oh I can see, you didn't even try covering it up" I pointed out stifling a laugh. William told me that he was gay and that he and Riley were fuck buddies when we went out for lunch during the week, I suspected that he was lying because the way he spoke about Riley was way different from how someone spoke about a fuck buddy 

"Shit William you forgot something" he turned red quickly trying to cover the spot with his hand 

"You're welcome Riley," I said winking

"Thanks, Alex, I owe you something" he walked to the bathroom with William fast 

"You sure do" I actually smiled this time

"What was that?" Grayson looked confused

"William had a hickey on his neck," I told him

"Those two are the most reckless when comes to hiding their relationship" Grayson exposed them

"I fucking knew they were in a relationship," I said not shocked at all but just glad that I was right 

"Yup" He took a sip of his water

"How'd you find them?"

"I left something downstairs at Will's house and when I went to go fetch it, I saw them fucking" he sounded traumatized

"Ooof, is that why Riley always shouts at you" I asked

"Not really but does it contribute to the whole thing"

"Damn........Kendrick Lamar" I said

"You're a fucking idiot" he laughed.

William and Riley came back and behind them were Phoenix, Dante, Kai, and Noah, we had 20 minutes until we had to board the plane so William and Riley walked to the front desk lady.

"You still have my other airpod," I asked him and he nodded taking it out

"Yeah" he handed to me

"Keep it," I said, playing my 'favorite songs' playlist.


When the others came I greeted everyone and we talked and joked. Taylor came back with his hair messy and hickeys all over his neck, I handed him a comb and sprayed sanitizer all over him, which we ended up choking on and dying of laughter from. William and Riley came back with our tickets and we boarded the plane. Everyone found their seat, I was sitting next to a middle-aged man and an old man who fell asleep was sitting by the window.

We started lifting off and I played with the ring I secretly stole from Grayson.
When we were fully in the sky I relaxed a bit but was still tense just by the fact that I was sitting in between two random men 

"Hey," the man said making me look up from my phone and at him, he had scrawny brown hair and eyes that told me that this would not be a good trip.

"Hi" I waved back then turned back to my phone

"You're really pretty," he said and I cringed as I felt him shift over bringing my attention back to him

"Thank you" I responded with a tight smile, hoping that would end the conversation but it didn't

"How old are you" he asked me

"I'm 17," I told him now disgusted

"Okay gorgeous," he said and I shifted a little bit, I went back on my phone trying to discard the whole thing sitting next to me

15 minutes later I felt his hand on my thigh stroking it up and down causing me to stand up immediately, I went over to the air hostess who was sitting in front of the plane

"Excuse me, hi umm can I please move seats, a man is sitting next to me and he's touching me inappropriately," I told her. She looked at me up and down lingering on my skirt then went back up to my face as if silently telling me that I deserved it for wearing for wearing a skirt

"Sorry ma'am I can do anything about that, all the seats are full, have you tried telling him to stop," she said judging me openly 

"Yes actually I have," I said through my gritted teeth 

"I'm sorry then" she went back to flirting with one of her co-workers. I went back to my seat, and he put his hands back on my thigh and went higher this time, I knew I should've fucking worn shorts today but god forbid wanting to look cute at the airport 

"Why are you trying to resist me, I know you like it" he whispered in my ear, his stank hot breath trailing down my neck grossing me out further 

"Get your fucking hands off me or  I'll do it myself," I told him trying to push his hands off which only made him tighten his grip

"I like the feisty ones, they turn me on the most" he traced his hand over my underwear, I pulled out his hand, took out the razor I always keep in my sock cut his palm pretty deep, and then took the lemon out of the water he ordered spilling it in the process and squeezed it on his cut, he shouted in pain and the air hostess ran towards us. I let go of his hand, cut my upper thigh quickly, and screamed louder than he did

"He cut me" I faked crying and the hostess took me to the front to get me bandaged up, I saw the security guards take him to wherever they did 

"YOU FUCKING SLUT" he shouted at me and the security guards shut him up, I flipped him off when the hostess wasn't looking and wiped my fake tears when she helped me walk into a room and told me to sit down, she started to put something to clean the wound and put bandages on it

"I am so sorry" the hostess apologized profusely like that would help then one of the pilots came in checking as to what the fuss was

"Hello, I'm Jerry one of the pilots, we heard screaming so I just wanted to ask what happened" He smiled, he was kinda fine I won't lie like dammnn something about his dark brown eyes that pierced straight through me, and his black hair messy hair.

"One of the guys-" the hostess tried explaining but Jerry cut her off looking straight at me, WAS I NOT FOLDING ON THE SPOT

"From the passenger" he smiled winking at me as if he knew what he was doing but I'm sure he was just trying to be nice  

"A guy sitting next to me started touching me inappropriately so I came to ask the hostess if I could move seats and she told me that there were not enough seats and told me that I had to deal with it, I went back to went back to my seat and he continued so I told him to stop once again and he told me to shut up and cut my thigh and in the process cut himself so I spilled his water on him to distract him and screamed" I explained twisting the story cause I know that if I told the story as it was they wouldn't have done anything to him which shows how unfair the world is 

"I am so sorry ma'am, would you like a seat in the first class range? We will try everything to make sure he is faced with assault " he offered 

"No thank you" I declined, he apologized profusely again and went back. I limped back to my seat. The old man sitting by the window was still fast asleep. Well, that was something, I should've cut his wrist and his webs thingie in between his disgusting fingers but that will do I guess.

"What happened" I heard Grayson ask softly scaring me cause I didn't see him get here, he tried sitting in the seat that man was sitting

"Don't fucking touch that seat Grayson" I gritted my teeth as anger filled me and bubbled in my chest 

"Okay but I want to talk to you, and I can't do that standing now can I" he stated pointing at the other air hostess getting ready to shoo him away 

"Grayson," I said bitterly 

"Fine" he got up

"We'll talk later," I told him still not looking at him, I just needed to process all that happened on my own

"Okay," he said kinda upset, and left

What a great way to start the trip, fuck men. Was I too mean to Grayson, I'll apologize later but as soon as I get into my hotel room I'm showering, I feel gross and sticky and just like cow shit

"A woman goes through stuff not even good would put his son through, I'm sorry child but don't live in the anger just remember that everyone gets their fair share of karma" The old man I'm kinda done with men right now so he's timing is just horrendous

"You're saying this like you know how it feels," I said annoyed by the fact that he was speaking to me now, can I not get silence

"I may not know how it exactly feels but I've had my fair share of pain with it, my 7 years old daughter got raped and passed away, and the police told me that they couldn't do anything since there was no proper evidence, I was so angry to the point where I didn't acknowledge my wife and her feelings, she fell sick and later died and I was left alone and angry but I slowly moved on because that's what I knew my wife would want for me, I later found out that the man who did it whole family died from a shooting and he killed himself because he couldn't handle the pain but before he killed himself he found me and apologized crying, I forgave him and that anger disappeared and now I'm living my life traveling the world with my wife and daughter" he showed me a picture of them from

"They're beautiful, I'm sorry all that happened to you sir" I looked up at him feeling bad for being a bitch and he smiled

"You have nothing to apologize for child," he said causing me to smile as well

"But I am sorry that happened to you, you seem like a great man and no one ever deserves to go through that. ever," I told him 

"I've done my fair share of bad things in life, just don't make the same mistake I did when these stuff happen," he told me

"Yes sir, I promise" I promised genuinely 

"I respect your defense skills and how you made a quick plan" he pointed at my cut and I was surprised that he saw that, I thought he slept through the whole thing

"Thank you but it's always good to be prepared for anything," I told him

"What's your name," he asked

"Alex sir," I said honestly

"You don't have to call me sir, I'm not that old, my name is Peter," he said

"Okay Peter"

"I have a son named Alex, he lives in Britain and rarely comes and sees me, I have 3 grandkids and a daughter-in-law," he told me showing me pictures on his phone


For the rest of the flight Peter told me about his family and stories about when he was younger, he made me completely forget about the earlier situation



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