Stark & Silver (Tony Stark x...

By smellslikehotgorlshi

66.3K 1.7K 682

Special Agent YN Silver is ordered to investigate into S.H.I.E.L.D after the events of the Battle of New York... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Books by Annabelle

Chapter Two

4.3K 120 40
By smellslikehotgorlshi

"Heard you wanted to see me." He greeted as YN watched him flaunt into the office, a large man on his tail. "Now I'm here."

"Your appointment wasn't for another hour." YN mentioned, folding her hands over her files purposefully, maintaining eye contact with the extravagant man. "I didn't expect you to be early."

"Yes, well I'm not one for appointments, shall we get started?" YN repressed an annoyed sigh, opening her file slowly, keeping an eye on the large shadow that was staring at her.

"Will your shadow be staying?" YN asked, lowering her gaze as the man's eyes narrowed at her.

"Happy is-"

"I'm his security detail." YN nodded, flicking a piece of hair from her face.

"I'm sure a man like Tony requires the highest of security, Mr...?"

"Happy Hogan." YN nodded, slyly jotting the name down. She looked over Tony's expression as the brown eyes remained fixed on her. If YN wasn't good at her job, she would have been flattered at the attention, but she knew hostility when she saw it, especially when it was glaring at her like that.

"Well, to begin with, I want to ask you something." Tony made a motion with his hand, lowering his head to look at YN over the top of his glasses. "Do you trust Director Fury, Mr. Stark? And more importantly, do you trust S.H.I.E.L.D?"

"Firstly, that was two questions, Special Agent." YN let her eyebrows raise, an unimpressed smile lifting her cheeks. "And secondly, why wouldn't I trust a spy organization?"

"One of your colleagues gave me a different impression, when they told me you hacked into their database to uncover..." She looked down to her file. "Phase 2?" YN could tell Tony was caught off guard by her knowledge, maybe unaware just how forth coming his colleagues could be when it came to doing the right thing.

"Who told you that?" Tony asked, straightening in his seat. "Was it Rogers? That son of a-"

"Now, Mr. Stark, I'll ask you again. Do you trust this organization?" Tony gritted his teeth, swapping a look with Happy.

"Hap', give us a sec' would you?" Tony asked, waving his hand dismissively.

"Tony, I don't-" Happy tried, a frown pulling his eyebrows down close to his eyes.

"Come on, Happy, look at her, what is she going to do? Pepper spray me?" YN chuckled humorlessly, licking her lips as Happy left the room. "You want to know if I kept the file."

"Did you?" YN countered, leaning back in her chair to mirror Tony's relaxed posture. Tony smiled, shaking his head as a chuckle fell from his lips. YN watched curiously, flicking the pen between her fingers expertly.

"Listen, what you're doing here? I respect it. I do." YN raised an eyebrow, a smirk quirking at the corner of her mouth that Tony definitely noticed. "You're earning your wages, doing your job. It's respectable, it is. But somethings are best left untouched."

"You think I can't handle what S.H.I.E.L.D is hiding?" YN asked, a chuckle escaping her.

"No, I don't." YN's eyes widened, her pen meeting paper again.

"So, they are hiding something?" Tony's mouth opened, before it snapped shut, his nose twitching in annoyance. "So, you think S.H.I.E.L.D is allowed to work outside of the law, just because it can get a little scary?"

"Not what I said." Tony shook his head. YN surveyed his appearance, well-kept beard, gelled hair, pretentious suit. He looked like the billionaire playboy that he was, and it suited him. YN could admit that Tony Stark was every bit the man the tabloids said he was. Attractive, wealthy, charming, but YN could see what others couldn't. He had a deep sense of mistrust, a lot like YN. She could relate to the hesitancy to provide information to someone he'd only just met.

"Listen, Mr. Stark, I know you may not believe me when I say this, but I'm going to tell you what I have told everyone today." Tony nodded, crossing his knees. "I am not here to purposefully pick at old wounds, nor am I here to make your lives hell. All I want, is to make sure that everyone here is doing the right thing, and it's all above board."

Tony sighed, lifting himself from his seat, YN following seconds later. "You may think that you've won us over, that we'll be at your beck and call, Agent Silver, but we know where our loyalties lie, and it's not with the American Government, one of which helped deploy a missile that nearly wiped New York from the map."

YN nodded, holding the door as Tony exited, turning to face her from the hallway. "Loyalty is a noble quality, Mr. Stark, but never let it make a fool of you." She said, bidding a goodbye with a head nod and letting the door fall from her grip, shutting in the billionaire's face.


"How's it all going?" Sharon asked, blowing on her warm beverage. YN sighed, shrugging her shoulders as she sipped from her own coffee.

"Honestly, I didn't think they'd care this much about it all." YN said, rolling her neck nervously. Sharon had been friendly enough for the past few weeks, helping her navigate the large building and catching up with her to make sure she didn't wallow alone like she usually would, but YN still kept the fact Sharon was an agent at the forefront of her mind. Anything she said could be detrimental to the investigation if Sharon wasn't who she said she was.

"They all have this protective nature, but I know they aren't as caring for each other as they show. Steve and Tony can barely be in a room together for more than five minutes without starting a testosterone fight, Banner has gone off grid and no one has cared to even check up on him, Clint has a family no one knows about, Natasha is the most traumatized person I've ever met, but no ones cares to ask her how she is. Don't even get me started on Thor-"

"You seem to know a lot about them?" Sharon nodded, sipping her coffee. "Why is that?"

"Fury's Avengers Initiative was passed around a few Agents, wanting their input." Sharon sighed, shaking her head. "I was asked to oversee Captain Rogers as he adjusted to the new world, make sure he was slotting back into modern society the right way."

YN licked her lips, not wanting to seem too excited about finding new information. "Anything exciting on that front?" Sharon shook her head, making YN sigh. "He did seem very... honest when he was in my office that day, I wondered if he had already started to question S.H.I.E.L.D's motives."

"You really think something going on?" YN smiled guiltily, bringing her cup to her mouth slowly. "Right, confidential." YN nodded, setting her empty cup down. She looked around S.H.I.E.L.D's cafeteria, noting the distasteful look on each agent's face. "Don't worry about them, they're just weary."

"Not worried, just curious." YN noted, meeting some eyes that quickly averted. "Hey, I have a meeting with one Alexander Pierce this afternoon, anything I should know?" Sharon stilled, her eyes going wide in shock.

"Pierce? You're questioning him?" YN nodded, not fazed by the look on the blonde's face. "One thing I can say about you, Agent Silver, you have balls of steel."

YN actually cracked a small smile at the words, much to Sharon's surprise. "Nah, the reason I am the way I am is because I don't have balls, Sharon." She winked, slipping from her seat as Sharon laughed behind her.  

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