Sex buddies

By Alison_Taylor

256K 3.6K 124

Mature Finchel! Sadly you have to follow me to read the 18 chapter. Rachel and Finn are totally strangers. O... More

Finding a new member |1
Sex in the choir room |2
Going down on her |3
"OMG!" |4
Made his mind |5
He still have that effect on her |6
Sex on the couch (Finchel) |7
Wet dream |8
Sex in the auditorium |9
Date? |10
First time when they are having sex as a couple |11
"Love you!" |12
Talking about future |13
"Fifty shades of grey" |14
Finn is dominator |15
Meeting his parents |16
'I think I got Rachel pregnant' |17
' I'm going to win her not him!' |18
Talking |19
Wet dream |20
Sex on the football field |22
"Naughty girl." |23
Future |24
"Will you marry me?"|25
"I'm choosing Finn!" |26
Moving in Hudson's house |27
"I miss fucking you." |28
Revenge |29
Punishment |30
Perfect wedding |31
Sex in the new house |32
Baby boy |33

Defending Rachel |21

4.5K 94 0
By Alison_Taylor

Rachel's POV

I woke up next morning and got ready for school. When I enter the school everybody was looking at me and laughing. I start walking faster until I heard.

"Oh look the slut is finally here!" I turn around and I saw David a jock.

"Say it again!" I heard another voice. I turn my head and I saw Finn.

"I said that she is a slut!" David smirked,Finn got closer to him and punch him in the jaw. I run to them.

"Finn stop!" I yell and try to break them apart. But when David tried to punch Finn he miss it but he hit me. I fall on the ground and my eyes closed.



"Will she be okay?" Finn,Finn's here but where I am? I tried to open my eyes but they didn't opened.

"Yes she will be fine,she has to wake up any minute." I feel Finn's hand on mine .

"Come on Rachel wake up,please,please,please wake up." Was-was he crying? I have to wake up. I tried to open my eyes and this time worked. I turn my head and Finn was having his head on my hand.

"Finn." I said softly. He looked at me and grin.

"You wake up." He said and hug me.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what?"

"Defending me."

"I'm not going to let a prick call going names." I smile and kiss his cheek.

"I think I'm ready to be with you again." He's smile grew wider and kiss me softly on the lips.

"I promise I'm not going to hurt you ever again." He said quietly.

"Can I get up?"

"Yes,but be careful." I get out of bed and I hug Finn.

"I'm not a slut,right?"

"Of course not! He's just fucking stupid and doesn't know what is talking about." Finn said furious.

"But why? Do you think he knows that you cheat Quinn with me?If he does,who would tell him?"

"I think all school knows."

"But who tell them?"

"I think I know. Go meet with Santana,I have to take care of something." Finn said and kiss me.

I made my way to auditorium and when I open the door I saw Santana.

"Hey Rach."


"What happened?"

"You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"That everyone knows that Finn cheat Quinn with me."

"Oh shit,did someone tell you something?" I remained silent.


"David call me slut." I said quietly.

"I'm going to kill him!"

"Finn already beat him up."

"Good,where's Finn?"

"He had something to do."

"Well if they are going to talk to you like that again,call me!"

Finn's POV

I can't believe Puck told everybody about me and Rachel! He's going to pay! I enter the gym class and I saw him laughing with a jock. I walk right next to him and push him.

"Why the hell did you tell everybody?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You told everyone that I cheat Quinn with Rachel!"

"No,I didn't!"


"Dude I didn't tell anyone about you and Rachel!"

"If it wasn't you then who the hell did it?"

"I did." I turn around and I saw Quinn.


"Why? Are you fucking serious? You left me for her, you cheat on me with her! I fucking hate you and I'm going to make sure that she's going to suffer." After she said that,I got closer to her.

"Make her cry once and I swear I'm going to kill you."

"Are you that asshole to punch a girl?"

"If you're making my princess cry not going to care what you are!"

She looked at me a little bit scared and then she walk away. I never hit a girl but if she is going to make my love cry or she will hurt her I'm not going to care about that she is a girl.


Hellooo! Sorry for not updating but I still have school and my spring break is next week. I want to thank you for voting and reading my story. Hope you enjoy this chapter and if you did vote! Love you ❤

Alison ⭐

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