I Wonder If You Know - A Han...

By thisshtstpd

5.5K 115 12

How do I describe Odessa Black. Well she loves racing. Shes full of peircings and stories. Her best friend is... More

Part 0. Introduceing
Part 2. Sean Boswell
Part 3. Go Get Me My Money
Part 4. Drift 101
Part 5. My Mexico
Part 6. Yakuza Deals
Part 7. I'm ready
Part 8. Last Day
Part 9. Tokyo Drift
Update 2
Part 10. And were back

Part 1. Were leaving

690 14 0
By thisshtstpd

Flash back

I'm sitting outside at a table waiting for my food to come out. I'm reading a magazine about some new car parts I'm interested in. I have on black shorts, a black tank top, black flip flops, and white and black cat eye sunglasses. I called Han to the restaurant. I need to talk to him. I look at my phone. Where is he. I go back to my magazine when I hear the loud sound of a car engine. Its like music. I look up and see a 6'1 Japanese with black hair that's medium length walking towards me. He smiles when he sees me.

"Hey beautiful." The man says

I throw my magazine on the table.

"Took you long enough Han." I stand up and hug him

He sits down across from me when a waiter comes out and asks for his drink order. I take a sip of my coke and set it back down on the table.

"So D. Am I here for a reason. Or did you just want to see my pretty face again." Han says

"Both" I say

He smiles. I smile back at him. It drops after a few seconds.

"I called you here for something serious actually." I say with more of a blank tone

His face goes blank and I can tell he knows what I am about to get at.

"I think you know why I called you here so fast." I say

"Yeah. I know." He says looking down

."I know it sucks. Its just. Its just that its getting to dangerous here Han. With how much were both involved in. I think some of our deals are figuring more out then they need. Not only are we bringing danger to us but to the rest of the family. I mean the team knows what were doing to an extent and that we cant be here much longer safely." I say

"We need to get out of here don't we." He says

"Yeah. We both know not permanently though. We need to leave to a different country for a few years so stuff can settle down here. For the protection of everyone else and us." I say

"I agree. Where should we go. I think I have a hunch." The Japanese man says

"How many connections do you have in Japan?" I ask

"I think we would be ok there for a while. I have been talking with Takashi recently since things have started escalating fast." He replies

Me and Han both have been feeling that we might need to start fleeing for a while soon. I think everyone else knows it too. The reason he said he had a hunch is because we talked about where we want to go if something happens. I look back at him.

"Alright Han. I guess we both know where were going." I say smiling at that end.

"Yes we do Angel." He says

We clink glasses smiling. We eat lunch together and talk about when were leaving and how we are going to tell the team. We have decided to leave in a few days and we are going to talk to everyone at dinner tonight. After lunch I drive back to the Toretto house. I spend a lot of time here. Its the family house. Everyone comes here. Some of the guys are out. Some are working on cars. I see on the phone at a table outside. As I pull up a smile always comes across my face. I feel like this is my family home. I see Tej and Roman working on a car.

"Sup D. Where was you girl." Tej says

"You don't even need to ask where she was. Ill tell you right now. On a little date with her boyfriend." Roman says

I walk up the drive way smiling

"First off yes I was with Han for lunch we had to talk about something. Second hes not my boyfriend don't call him that." I say

"He might as well be with how often you two is together." Roman says

I just shake my head and keep walking. Dom walks out the door, beer in hand.

"Hey D. Letty is about to be out. How are you." He says

"Hey Dom. I'm pretty ok and you."

"Doing good. You joining us for dinner right?" He asks

"Yeah I am me and Han have something we want to tell you guys." I say

His face suddenly drops with question


"For the last time. Me and Han are not together!!" I yell

I hear Roman whisper yet under his breath. I just roll my eyes. I look back to Dom who still has the serious look on his face.

"What are you guys going to tell us." Dom says

I stay silent. He nods his head in understanding and pats me on the shoulder. He walks to the car and leans on the hood and starts talking with the boys. Letty comes out the door and hugs me. I love this girl. Shes so sweet.

Time Skip

Its dinner time and everyone has been talking amongst them self's. I decide its time to tell them. I look at Han next to me.

"I'm going to tell them." I say

He nods in ok at me.

"So everyone me and Han have something important we have to tell you.



People laugh at this. Including Han

"I was just joking." He says quietly as he looks back down at his food.

I turn my serious face on and I can tell I have everyone's serious focused attention.

"As some of you may know. Me and Han have been involved in many things over the past few years. Bad things with the wrong people. Things are escalation and escalating fast. It looks like we need to leave."

I look around and see everyone's face drop. Its sadness but understanding. Letty holds my hand.

"We all saw this coming. We knew it was going to happen soon." Letty says

Some of the team nods in agreement.

"Have you decided where you're going" Brain says

"Tokyo Japan. Me and Odessa both speak some of the language and I know a few people there. It makes sense." Han says

"When are you guys leaving." Mia asks

"We want to leave as soon as we can. Its for the safety of us and you guys most importantly. Tomorrow were hoping." I say

"Tomorrow. Wow that's soon. We are all going to miss you." Letty says

"Were both going to miss you guys all as well. I really hope you guys understand. To say were sad to leave is a big understatement. This is our home." I say

"Of course we understand. Its going to suck ass not having you both here. But safety is important to keep us all alive." Tej says

"I'm so happy you guys get it. Were only going to be gone a few years. Then we will come back. I promise." I say

End of Flashback

"Han!" I yell upstairs

"Yeah?!" I hear him yell back

"Can you come here please!" I yell

"Yeah give me a sec!" He yells

He walks down stairs and sees me sitting on a table with my laptop. He was just upstairs probably watching Tv or something.

"With all the places in the garage you could sit. We spent how much on this place so it was comfortable and you choose a table. You chose a table to sit on instead of the 600 dollar couch." He says

"Yes sir. I made a new design on my laptop for a car I want to paint and have. What do you think?" I ask

I show him a Nissan Silvia 15 that's all black with gold details.

"Were in Tokyo D maybe make a car that's you know. Not illegal here in Japan. Just a thought." He says with humor in his voice

He hops up on the table next to me and I get butterflies from how close we are.

"Oh shit yeah I forgot these are illegal here. Never mind. Me and Suki are going down to the race scene tonight for the car meet and races. You coming?" I ask

"Yeah but you're not going with Suki. You're going with me." He says leaping down from the table

"Says who. She said first." I say after him

"Says me. She said first I say now. Simple Angel." He says walking backwards at me.
At the end he turns back around and goes back up stairs. I laugh at him and text Suki I wont be going with her but I will see her. The racing scene here in Japan is great. Its not like back home though. As I think of home I go upstairs.

I grab a beer from the fridge on the way up and sit next to Han on the couch. When I start missing home I go and sit with Han. He takes California off my mind.

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