When You're Young

Por CleoLemon

265K 8.5K 855

Fred Weasley X Aurora Granger (OC) X George Weasley "When you're young, they assume you know nothing... But I... Más

The Troubling-Making Trio
Aurora Granger
The Marauder's Map
New Normal
Running Wild, Running Free
It's Only Just Beginning
A little Situation
One Of Many
One Of Those Days
Grangers Will Be Grangers
Young and Beautiful
Quarter Past Midnight
A Prophecy Gone Wrong
Trying To Find A Rabbit Hole
I Said No
Any Other Girl
The Bait
A Mother Always Knows
All Too Well
Look After You
The Fallen Four
Full Of Great Ideas
The First Impossible Spell
The Second Impossible Spell
Call It What You Want
Girls Will be Girls
Breaking A Friend's Heart
A Knight In Shining Armor
The Third Impossible Spell
That's Our Girl
You Did What?!
The Return Of Voldemort
Rare Predicament
Summer Time Loving
Filthy Little Liar
Held Hostage Ever Since
Adorable, But Ridiculous
Falling Souls
Expecto Patronum!
Us Strays Need To Stick Together
You Know I Love You
Tell Me How It Works Then
I Want You
Still Don't Know My Name
That's What Matters
Beds Empty! No Note!
I Can Already See It Now
We Never Do, Princess
A Complete Mess
Oh, Please Do
She Knows
Smoking Darts, Breaking Hearts
Wine and Dine
More Than Good. Brilliant.
I Love It and Hate It

Oh, How Things Can Change

5K 165 55
Por CleoLemon

Remus Lupin's P.O.V.

"Welcome, everyone. Take a seat." I announce to the fourth-year students coming into the classroom as I write my name on the blackboard. "I'm Professor Remus Lupin."

I hear them chatter to one another and seats moving from behind me. It's my first day teaching this year of students. I'm nervous about teaching, but not in the way a normal professor would be. Turning around, I smile at the class and scanning the students while continuing to say.

"For are first lesson, I'd like to begin with..."

I feel the words caught in my throat at the sight of a student in the center of my class. She's sitting beside a Gryffindor watching me curiously. The feeling I've gone back in time crosses my mind as I stare at her.

Her dark curly hair surrounds her face with one hanging over her forehead. Her face has familiar sharp edges, and a defined smile. Yet, her eyes are different, but still familiar. The student looks just like Bellatrix Lestrange when she went to this school with me, besides her eyes and clothing.

Coughing awkwardly, I glance around and turn to write on the chalkboard today's subject. While writing, I can't help but shake my head and get the thoughts of the student out of my head. Once I'm finished, I turn back around and stumble to get out the words.

"Today... We'll be reviewing what a Boggart is and how to defend... From it..."

My words die on my tongue as a memory as old as time reveals itself to me. Staring at the familiar student, I abruptly remember what Bellatrix's Boggart was. When I went to this school as a student, we went through the same activity I'm teaching.

I feel my mind pull at the old memory as I remember what happened during that lesson. Everyone had ridiculous fears shown by the Boggart until it was Bellatrix's turn. Hers turned into a cloth-wrapped baby who was weeping and slowly dying.

The memory twists in my mind while watching younger version of Bellatrix's in front of me. Rubbing my forehead, I know I have to ask or my mind will speculate all class. Waving to the student, smiling embarrassedly, I ask in a light tone.

"I'm sorry, but I have to ask. What is your name, dear?"

"Aurora Granger."

"Aurora... Granger." Letting out a breath and relaxing from her last name. "Welcome. You must be Hermione's sister."

"Yes." She smiles and nods, but now watching me strangely from how I signaled her out. Laughing lightly, I point at her and lie to take the tension out of the room. "I had a feeling you were. You look just like her."

Glancing around the class, I find myself wanting to laugh at what I was thinking before. How could I even think of such a thing? Aurora's obviously not Bellatrix's daughter and for me to even have thought that is ridiculous. Shaking off my thoughts, I'm finally able to continue class how I planned.

"Why don't you all turn to page 52 and we'll do a few practice exercises."

Aurora's P.O.V.

"Come on, put me down!" I groan while flopping my legs around. "I don't want to go today!"

"You're going and that's final." Fred declares whole holding my legs still. Smacking his butt, I snap in frustration. "What are you, my bloody father?"

"Don't you mean your daddy?"

Angelina jokes in a teasing voice. I lift my head and glare at her just as Cedric nudges her to stop. I'm hanging over Fred's shoulder as he and George walk down a hall towards the front door to Hogwarts. Angelina, Cedric and Cho Chang follow behind us.

Angelina has a shit-eating grin and Cho Chang glances at me, smiling embarrassedly. Cedric gives me a sorry expression as I try to get out of Fred's grasp. The group wants to go to Hogsmeade for the afternoon.

We all finished our assignments today and by that, I mean Fred, me and George got tired of working on them. Angelina, Cedric, and Cho Chang are actually finished with their studying, though. However, they all want to go while I want to stay here.

I don't feel like walking all the way there and spending money. Which led to George saying he'll pay for me this time and Fred tossing me over his shoulder. Yet, I still didn't want to go since I knew what we'll end up doing. George and Fred entertain the girls while I just sit there and watch. Though, I'm not telling them that or they'll just tease me about it.

"I pinky promise you'll have fun, love." George speaks up and lifts his pinky to mine. Rolling my eyes, I whack his hand away and turn to Cedric pleading. "Please, help me."

"Sorry, I already promised them I'd come to keep you company." Cedric confesses with an expression that says my hands are tied. "Which means you have to be there so I can do my job."

I raise my eyebrows, slightly surprised he's coming to keep me entertain. Glancing at who's holding me and George, I feel my lips curl up. They have noticed I've gotten bored that last few times we went and went as far as trying to fix it.

"I guess..." I sigh while relaxing in Fred's arm and turning to Cedric. "I'll go-"

"And what do you think you're doing?" A familiar furious voice enters our ears. "Put her down this instant."

I feel myself sliding off of Fred to stand on my own two feet. When I turn around, I find Professor Snape glaring at Fred with his arms on his hips. I glance between Fred and George and find them both smiling awkwardly.

"Manhandling a young woman is unacceptable." Snape declares still utterly upset. "If I ever catch you doing so again, to Ms. Granger. It will cost points off for Gryffindor and a detention. Are we clear?"

"Yes, Professor."

"Excellent." Snape calms his tone before facing me and adding. "If you are ever in this predicament and a Professor is not present, you have my permission to turn them to stone."

My eyebrows raise and I nod my head quickly at him. He scans our group once more before spinning around and storming away. It's only when he's out of sight that I hear everyone let out their breaths they've been holding.

"You really are a Slytherin." Angelina blurts out in the silence. "Aren't you?"

"We've been trying to tell you." Fred states dramatically from knowing him and George been saying it for years. "Why does no one ever believe us?"

"Oh, please." I shove them both and point out the obvious. "Snape enjoys finding a reason to give you two hell."

"Well, yeah because you, a should be Slytherin, are with us."

"I'm literally always with you two!"

"Come on, lovebirds." Cho Chang chuckles when noticing an argument stirring. "Let's just hurry and get to Hogsmeade."

Glaring at Fred and George, I walk beside them to the front doors. Angelina and Cho Chang walk on either side of Cedric behind us. I still feel like the arguments not over as we walk together, but I keep my mouth shut until proven right. Right when we all reach the doors, I hear mumbling from beside me.

"I bet he wouldn't get mad if we pick up Angelina..."

"Really, Fred... REALLY."

~ Three Broomsticks Inn ~

"Here you are, my duchess, another on me. Just like I promised."

"Thanks, I- And you're gone again."

I snort and I watch George stride back to the bar. He stands beside Fred, talking to Angelina, Cho, Katie and Elora. Fred and George are pretty loud and I can hear them telling jokes. The girls are giggling as they sip their drinks, watching them.

"Of course..."

I chuckle while watch my best friends while grabbing my beer. Somehow, Fred and George are the only students I know who can talk their way into getting beers underage at Three Broomsticks. I suspect it's from their long line of family member coming here and knowing the owner. Nudging Cedric who's sitting beside me, I think out loud.

"What has gotten into them this year?"

"Ah, they just finally noticed feminine attention around them." Cedric teases while clinking his mug to mine. "It only took them four years to see it."

"Um, hello." I mock while waving at myself. "I'm right here."

"Besides you, sweetheart."

Cedric sends me a knowing expression and I snort. We're sitting by the fireplace with four chairs free for the rest of the group. If they ever decide to join us.

"I half expected you to join them when I sat down and they ran to the counter." I comment while sipping my beer and raising an eyebrow. Cedric turns to peer at me and grins with ease. "Why would I when I have your feminine attention?"

"Okay, you got me." I match his grin before looking down at the bubbles on my beer. "So, tell my why-"

"How did you get those?" We hear a voice interrupt us and find Ron coming up to us with Hermione. They sit down in front of us as Ron points out, obviously. "You're underage."

"Ask your brothers."

Cedric speaks up and nods to them across the room. Hermione takes off her jacket and waves to a server for a drink. Ron takes off his scarf while glancing behind him to his brothers. When a server comes with two drinks for them, Hermione speaks up.

"Harry's uncle and aunt wouldn't sign his papers to come to Hogsmeade. I feel terrible for leaving him alone."

"He told us to go without him." Ron points out while grabbing his cup, "He'll be fine, Hermione."

"I know it's just... Upsetting to me." Hermione mumbles while glancing around the table and asking dramatically confused about something. "Are Fred and George ever going to come back to sit with you? I've never seen them away from you for over two minutes outside of class."

I watch her turn her head and find the scene at the bar. My eyes have been darting there every few seconds, but I haven't minded it since Cedric's beside me. When my little sister turns her head back around, her eyes are wide disapproving.

"Wow." She takes a sip of her drink and sets it on the table. "Unbelievable."

I glance at Cedric and we both smirk at one another. We both knock back our drinks and set them down on the table. It's not our first time seeing Fred and George amusing a group of girls. Apparently, it's Hermione's first time and isn't exactly enjoying it.

"How is it unbelievable?" Ron frowns at Hermione and glance at his brothers. "You wouldn't believe how many girls have asked me what they spend their time doing over the years."

"What do you tell them?"

Cedric asks genuinely curious while leaning back in his chair. Ron only shrugs while darting his eyes anxiously at me. "That they're usually up to something with Aurora." He then completely faces me, tilts his head with a little attitude. "Thanks a lot, by the way. I spent half of last year afraid to open my sock drawer. You know, they're the reason I hate spiders."

I begin slowly laughing as I recall the night they found a spider. Hermione and Cedric frown at me and I just shrug my shoulders. Trying to cover my laugh, I finish my beer and call over a server. When she takes my mug, I point to George and inform.

"Can we all have another round? Put it on their tabs."

Hermione makes a surprised expression while watching the server leave. She glances once more at the twins and the girls before facing us again. I watch her expression get a little annoyed before finishing her drink and babbling.

"How could Fred and George still be over there?"

"Give it a rest, Moine." I groan, rolling my eyes and slumping in my seat. Cedric wraps an arm around my shoulders before saying, trying to cheer me up. "Why don't we request a song?"

~ Hours Later ~

"Last call! Everyone last call!"

The bartender shouts while ringing a bell from behind the counter. I watch Fred order another before waving goodbye to a few girls. Sitting at a booth, I can't help but grin when I hear George ask him to play one more song.

Most of our friends have already left for the night. Cedric and Cho Chang left about half an hour ago. Ron and Hermione left two hours ago. The girls George and Fred have been hanging out with are just now leaving.

It's about to be past curfew, but George, me and Fed aren't worried like the rest. Not when we have a cheat sheet of the school in my pocket. Oliver Wood actually kept me company for half an hour, but ten minutes ago, he left to go to bed.

Watching the girls leave the pub, I turn and find Fred holding two mugs and George holding one. They turn around from the bar and scan the room until we lock eyes with one another. With grins on their faces, they head over to my booth.

"Duchess, I have to admit." George speaks up when sliding into the seat across from me. "You sure dented our wallet tonight."

"At least you had fun, though." Fred adds while giving me a pint and sitting beside George in front of me. "Right?"

"I did." I chuckle while taking a gulp of my beer. Glancing around the place, I find no one besides the servers and bartender left. Moving my eyes to Fred and George, I blurt out. "Did you two have fun?"

"Yes, we did..." Fred answers with a smirk I don't even want to ask about. George gives me a look before taking a sip of his drink and commenting. "Why didn't you come hang out with us at the bar? The girls asked about you."

"I'm sure they did." I chuckle softly before taking a big gulp of my beer. "And I'll have you know I waiting for you too-"

"Oh, darling." Fred interrupts me while lifting his hand toward my face. "You have a beer bubble mustache." Slowly moving his thumb over my top lip, he adds teasingly. "Only you would make a mustache look hot."

Rolling my eyes, I wait for him to pull his hand away to take another sip. We sit there for a moment, drinking our mugs quietly. I watch them make eyes at one another and I become suspicious.

I open my mouth to as them what the looks are for until I hear the next song on the record player. Shaking my head, grinning ear to ear, I watch the guys chuckle and begin dancing in their seats.

"I see the crystal raindrops fall and the beauty of it all is when the sun comes shining through to make those rainbows in my mind. When I think of you sometime and I wanna spend some time with you."

"Guys, come on."

I lean my head back, trying to hide my smile, but the next thing I know, Fred and George jump up to their feet. They each grab one of my hands to stand up with them. Just as Fred lets my hand go, George spins me around as I hear.

"Just the two of us."

I stop spinning when Fred catches me, and he waves our arms to the beat of the song. Shaking my head, I cave in a dance with them. I watch Fred's smile widen as I dance in front of him to the tune.

One day I was in the shower during a summer break at the Weasley's house with the radio on. This song was playing, and I was singing to it while washing my hair. Instead of singing "just the two of us" I sang "just the three of us".

When I got out of the shower, Fred and George were belting out the song the way I sang it. They were making fun of me at the time, but whenever they put it on now, it's like they expect me to dance and sing to it with the song. Tonight apparently is no exception by the way they have giddy, drunk smiles.

"Just the two of us." I hear as Fred spins me to George. "We can make it if we try."

"Just the three of us!" George shouts out while grabbing my waist and swinging our hips to the music. "Just the three of us!"

"Just the three of us." I giggle out while taking George's hands and moving us to the beat. I then feel Fred wrap an arm around my neck as he yells as loud as he can. "Just the three of us."

Laughing at his dramatic singing, I feel George pulling me into a hug and shouting it just as loud. Suddenly I feel squished between them as they sing from being held between them. Groaning, I grin in George's chest, knowing tonight was worth coming out here.

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