The End of Hate

By varshaoforange

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Raghav and Pallavi's Love Story More

Chapter 1:Raghav's Final Offer
Chapter 2: A Queen's Gambit
Chapter 3: A Simple Saree and the Start of A Poisonous Journey
Chapter 4: A Wedding That No One Could Have Dreamed Of
Chapter 5: Now What?
Chapter 6: Between Two Mothers
Chapter 7: The Morning After
Chapter 8: A Mother's Love Calms All
Chapter 9: Taken for Granted
Chapter 10: Paisa for your Thoughts
Chapter 11: Joru ka Gulaam
Chapter 12: Home
Chapter 13: A Knight Enters the Challenge
Chapter 14: Curiosity Can't Kill this Cat.
Chapter 15: A Father's Rage Wins
Chapter 16: Saree ka Dukaan ka Dulha
Chapter 17: Green with Envy
Chapter 18: The Silent Treatment
Chapter 19: Doubt and Fear
Chapter 20: Determined and Unafraid
Chapter 21: An Offer She Couldn't Refuse
Chapter 22: Confusion and Jealousy
Chapter 23: The Past Haunts Everyone
Chapter 24: Dancing and Falling
Chapter 25: Closer
Chapter 26: A Dress
Chapter 27: A Night Neither of Them Could Forget
Chapter 28: After
Chapter 29: Not What It Seems
Chapter 30: Mistakes
Chapter 31: Confessions
Chapter 32: Love, Finally
Chapter 33: After Bliss?
Chapter 34: Before A Date
Chapter 35: Mr. and Mrs. Rao
Chapter 36: A Don's Wife Gets Information
Chapter 37: Reckoning
Chapter 38: Tum Akele Kaisa
Chapter 39: Tere Lambe Umar
Chapter 40: Savitri aur Satyavan
Chapter 41: Love Conquers All
Chapter 42: Life, The Universe, Everything*
Chapter 43: Tamasha Hona Hi Tha
Chapter 44: What is Family?
Chapter 45: Worry
Chapter 46: What Now?
Chapter 47: Nervous Raghav
Chapter 48: Protective Husband

Chapter 49: Breaking Bonds

1.9K 102 26
By varshaoforange

After two hours, Pallavi had managed to eat breakfast, finish three chapters of a book, and now she was bored. Luckily Amma and Keerthi were out of the house, Amma didn't try to guilt Pallavi into resting, but Pallavi knew Amma wanted to. Then her phone rang, Vikram was calling.

"Vikram, hey, what's up?" Pallavi asked.

"Pallavi, I know you messaged me to let me know you couldn't come in today, but could I ask you for a small favor, we're doing the catalogue shoot today, and one of the models is being really fussy about the sarees she's required to wear. She insists they're not being draped properly, but she has no idea how to fix it, she just wants to keep complaining. I would replace her Pallavi, but I want the shots for the catalogue done today, because for the rest of the week, I'm focused on the other pieces for the season. Listen, if you're not up to coming, maybe you could—"

"Calm down, Vikram. I was a little ill yesterday, but I'm fine today. Amma is just being overprotective and she asked me to stay home, but there's no need. I'm on my way, text me the address of the shoot again, I'll be there in twenty. In the meantime, you should just finish up the shots with the models that aren't complaining." Pallavi responded. She was excited at the option to get out of the house for a bit, she was getting really bored sitting alone.

"Thank god Pallavi. I swear I owe you big time. Anything you want, you name it—" Vikram exclaimed.

Pallavi laughed, "Acchaa ji? Anything? Mr. Vikram Singh Rathore, you should never make a promise you might not be able to keep."

Vikram smiled, even over the phone he could see Pallavi's laugh, the glimmer in her eyes when she was happy. He really did need her help on the shoot, not just with that one model, but he wanted her perspective on everything, but more than anything, he hadn't seen her for a while and he was missing her.

"Pallavi, I promise, anything you want, you can ask me for."

Pallavi smiled, "Teek hai Vikram, but now let me get ready, I'll see you in a bit."

Pallavi reached the photoshoot around twenty-five minutes later, and immediately she was overwhelmed with the scent of flowers. It was beautiful, she saw three models, wearing three of her most floral designs, getting their shots done with, and then she spotted Vikram.

"Vikram, your designer is here, what did you need me to do first?" Pallavi asked him.

Vikram smiled, he hugged Pallavi, "Thank god Pallavi, thank god. Let me take you to the model. So her name is Anita, and she's really talented, but she's a bit of a diva. I don't think she's ever worn a saree before, but she keeps claiming we've draped it incorrectly—" Vikram stopped talking as they finally approached the dressing tent for Anita, and Pallavi reassured Vikram with a glance that she'd handle everything and went inside.

"Anita?" Pallavi asked, she noticed Anita was wearing her pale blue saree design, the one with a think silver border, and halter top blouse.

Anita turned around and stood up, and looked Pallavi up and down, "Yes? Who are you? I asked Vikram for the designer to come down here to check what horrible things are being done to their work, not for some random woman who thinks she 'knows' how to drape sarees to help me."

Pallavi smielo coldly, "Anita, first of all, your saree is mostly draped correctly, I can see that the pleats are a little off, but we can fix that pretty quickly. Second of all, my name is Pallavi Rao, I am the designer."

Anita looked taken aback, perhaps it was because Pallavi had left the house with very little makeup and had worn a pretty simple turquoise saree, with no bells or whistles. Just like the sarees she used to wear before she had been married.

Without letting Anita apologize for her rudeness, because Palalvi didn't care, she had to finish the shoot quickly and get back home before Raghav could throw a fit. She had left a note on the dining table, asking Amma to cover for her if Raghav came home early, but she didn't want to risk it. Pallavi quickly fixed the pleats and told her to come outside.

Raghav did indeed come home early, because even after twenty minutes away from Pallavi, he couldn't stop worrying about her. What if she got hungry and the staff was too busy to make something for her? Or worse, what if she sent them away and decided to make the food herself? Raghav was furious with himself for not insisting to the staff that they keep watch over Pallavi this morning. Images of Pallavi falling from a stool as she tried to get something on a high shelf, Pallavi fainting because she forgot to take her medicine or because she didn't eat enough again. After two hours of meetings, in which Farhad was doing all the talking because Raghav was too distracted, Raghav decided to go home.

"Farhad, I'm leaving, any meeting you can take yourself you take, anything that I have to do, postpone it until tomorrow." Raghav said, grabbing his bag and coat and leaving the office quickly.

"But Anna," Farhad called after him, "Anna, where do you need to go now?"

"Farhad, just please do what I ask of you. I have to go home, who knows what state Pallavi is in, and honestly I have no faith in our staff. Naidu will keep saying 'Yes madam. Yes madam.' to anything Pallavi says and she will spend the day doing work, I know her."

Raghav rushed home. And after calling for Pallavi a couple times, he noticed a note on the dining table.

"Naidu!" Raghav yelled.

Naidu came into the dining room, averting his gaze, "Yes Anna?"

"You let Pallavi leave?! What the hell? I know you all pretend to keep your ears closed in this house, but you all obviously know that she's pregnant, and if you don't know that, you know that she was in hospital, YESTERDAY?! Why the hell did you let her go?" Raghav was furious. Without hearing Naidu's reply, he stormed back outside to his car and went to the address that Pallavi had noted on her note. He wasn't just furious that Pallavi had left, she had the audacity to leave a note for Amma, and on top of that ask Amma to lie to him in case he came home early. When he saw Pallavi, her puppy dog eyes weren't going to let her get away with this.

Pallavi and Vikram watched as the photographer set up the next shoot with the rest of the workers.

"So, why did you get sick? Are you sure you're okay? Should I get something for you?" Vikram asked these questions in quick succession, and then Pallavi started laughing.

"You know, you and Raghav are sometimes so different, but other times you're exactly the same! He's been following me around since yesterday. Actually no, that's wrong, if I need to go anywhere in the house, he insists on carrying me like I'm some sort of damsel in distress who can't take two steps without tripping." Pallavi smiled to herself, remembering exactly why Raghav was so concerned, her hand absently went to her stomach, but then she knew if she told Vikram, he'd tell her to go home so she added, "but I'm completely fine Vikram. Kal Vat Savitri thi, tho maine vrath raka tha, but it was too much for me, and the doctor said I can't keep fasts anymore for a while now."

"Oh my god, are you serious? What is this fast nonsense? Why did you need to keep a fast anyway? I don't understand why wives are the ones who have to stay hungry and thirsty and almost kill themselves in order to keep husbands alive. What is the logic in that? Hold on, let me get you some water." Vikram said and started to leave.

Pallavi smiled and stopped him, "I'm perfectly fine, and no I'm not thirsty. Also there's not supposed to be a 'logic' to faith, Vikram. I have faith that sometimes there are sacrifices that need to be made in order to get what you want in life, and hopefully Bappa has enough faith in me that he won't let my sacrifices go to waste. Besides, it's just a fast, main apni pati ke liye itna bhi nahi kar sakti hun kya?"

Vikram tried to control his frustration, but he had reached a breaking point today, "Pallavi, I'm not trying to insult your faith, but why keep a fast for someone who doesn't deserve even a bit of your care and support? I mean—"

"Excuse me?" Pallavi interjected, "What are you talking about?"

Vikram pulled her farther away from the photographer and the rest of the workers, "I'm saying that you deserve better. I mean it's clear that Raghav has no idea how to be a good person, forget being a good husband. I mean what modern husband in this century asks their wife to fast for them, and then when their wife gets sick because of this stupid fast, he's no where to be found. I mean does he even care that you're sick—"

"Listen up!" Pallavi was angry now, "Teri himmat kaisi hui mere pati ke baare mein aise baat karne ki? Who the hell do you think you are? Also what nonsense are you even saying? Raghav is not just a good husband, but he's a good person. He's just as deserving of love as anyone else, and I love him. Samazla?" Pallavi stormed off, and started looking for her bag near the table she left it.

Vikram followed her, "Pallavi, listen to me. I'm not trying to insult you or your choices, but I don't think you know Raghav that well. He's not worth the care you're showing him—"

Pallavi grabbed her bag and spun around to look at Vikram, her eyes revealing the rage that was bursting out of her at this moment, "Shut. Up." Her voice was deadly quiet, and she looked around to make sure none of the workers or the models had heard Vikram or her words, "Tumhe mere pati ke baare mein kuchh bhee kahane ka koee haq nahin hai. Ardhamaindha?"

Vikram tried to interrupt her, but Pallavi raised her hand to silence him, "I knew that Raghav disliked you, but I always thought he was just overreacting. Now that I know all this nonsense is filling your head, I know I shouldn't have taken Raghav's concern that lightly. Mr. Rathore, I've helped you with the shoot for my designs, I'll be back at the boutique for work tomorrow, and as long as you can keep this nonsense to yourself the next time we see each other, I don't see any reason to end our professional relationship."

Pallavi started to walk away, to the main road to catch a taxi and head back home, but Vikram followed her, "Pallavi listen to me!"

Pallavi didn't look at him nor did she say anything as she kept walking.

Vikram, frustrated now, and desperate to explain to her that she should leave Raghav forever, even if it was clear that she had no feelings for Vikram at this moment, made a split second decision, that would cost him dearly.

As Pallavi finally made it a couple steps ahead of Vikram, he grabbed her wrist, and pulled her to face him, he didn't let go of her hand.

Pallavi was shocked and she tried to free her hand, "What the hell are you doing? ye kya badatameezee hai? Tumhara dimakh toh teek hai na? Let go of my hand now."

Vikram talked fast, "Pallavi listen to me. Raghav is not a good man, he has an atrocious reputation in the business community here in Hyderabad, and across most of India. Sure he's made a lot of money, business leaders give him awards constantly, but do you know the lengths he goes to every day in his shops? Also he has a long history of working with some of the worst gangsters and smugglers to get what he needs. And from what I can tell, he clearly doesn't give a damn about you. All he sees in you is a trophy of respectability he can hold in front of society and say, 'Here's my middle class, beautiful, and intelligent wife. Respect me, you fools.' That's it. He doesn't—"

Pallavi didn't care who heard now, "SHUT UP" she screamed and wrenched her wrist from Vikram's grasp. And in that fierce movement, Pallavi lost her footing and tripped backwards, falling onto the grass.

"Pallavi!" Raghav ran from his car to her aid and lifted her up, "Tum teek ho?"

Pallavi, a little confused but then worried that Raghav would do something rash if he had heard Vikram's words, immediately responded, "Raghav? What are you doing here? And I'm fine. I just finished my work and I'm—"

"Haan, mainne abhee dekha ki ye chutiya tum se kya kaam karava raha tha." Raghav stood Pallavi up and checked her to make sure she hadn't scraped anything from falling down. Then he rounded on Vikram.

In a swift movement he grabbed Vikram's collar and almost lifted him off the ground, "How dare you manhandle my wife? I've tolerated your nonsense for a long time, but not today. Aaj ke baad agar tum phir meree patnee ke paas apana munh dikhaoge to main tumhaare tukade-tukade karake haidaraabaad ke aavaara kutton ko khila doonga. Ardhamaindha? In fact, what am I waiting for?" Raghav let go of Vikram's collar and swiftly punched him hard.

Vikram staggered back, his lip bleeding now. He stood up, wiping the blood from his mouth and retorted, "Raghav Rao. I should have known this is how you would act. I was just explaining to Pallavi that this is all that her husband is capable of. Tum aur kuchh nahin jaanate." Vikram looked at Pallavi, "Pallavi, I can't let you stay with this...this gangster. He doesn't—"

Raghav's anger bubbled up even further, and Pallavi couldn't stop him, "Tumhe Pallavi ko yeh bataane ka kya haq hai ki woh kisake saath rah sakatee hai aur kisake saath nahin? I don't like repeating myself, but it seems that you need to hear it again. Stay. Away. From. My Wife."

Raghav raised his hand again to hit Vikram, but Pallavi rushed to him, "Raghav, calm down. Hum ghar chalte hain. I don't want to stay here. I want to go home. Don't make more of a scene because of him." Pallavi looked toward Vikram, "Vikram, I said that we could keep our professional relationship, but after what you've said today, I don't think that will be possible. I don't do business with people who don't have respect for me, my husband, and my family. Raghav, let's leave, please."

Raghav held Pallavi's hand and glared at Vikram's bleeding face, "Whatever designs my wife made for your brand, those are her work. I will give you 24 hours to send her designs, and whatever mockups you've made of her work to our house. After today, Pallavi doesn't need you and your ghatiya brand to sell her work, she can build her own brand. If you don't break the contract and send what I've asked for in the next 24 hours, you will be hearing from my lawyers. And if you come near my pregnant wife ever again, my next call won't be to my lawyers, but to the police. Because as you've said many times, main ek kameena hun, aur Hyderabad ka pura police force, meri jeb mein rahatee hai. Ardhamaindha?"

Raghav looked at Pallavi and asked her again, "Tum pakka teek ho?"

Pallavi nodded, well aware that once Raghav and her got in his car, he would definitely get angry at her for leaving for work.

Raghav smiled, "Woh puppy dog eyes mere saamne mat le ayo. Main bahut gussa hun."

Raghav and Pallavi walked to his car, without a second glance at Vikram. Vikram watched them leave, dumfounded, his lip still bleeding.

END (considering an epilogue)

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