married to a drug dealer ~

By slippery_wet

15.1K 461 93

violet didn't know what she was getting into at first until she saw who he really was . this 23 year old bbw... More



1.5K 45 5
By slippery_wet

Author pov.


For the whole morning violet was very strange which was in the thoughts of her friends,  she would peep out the door before heading out to take orders and also she kept staring out of space .

" did u even hear what I said " Patricia said signing heavily, violet then walks to the back of the Cafe and into the bosses office.

" what's the matter with u today ?" Her boss mrs Cole questioned, violet shrugs looking around the whole office. Mrs Cole then pushes her glass down to the bridge of her nose and starts to inspect violet.

" let me guess something caught your eye out there " immediately she blushed looking down on the floor " nope u wasn't brought into this world to have your head down,  now who is he ?" She questioned raising violet's head so they were both looking into each other's eyes .

She shrugs she didn't know the man and he was probably a rich man with a beautiful wife " um I don't know him I only saw him this morning " mrs Cole nods and told violet she may head back to work. She walks out the door and Patricia, Chloe and also Caleb were standing behind the door hearing every conversation she and her boss had .

" yall are so problematic omg " she walks pass them out to the front and sat by one of the chairs taking her phone out and text her mom asking if she was okay.  She puts her phone away once her name was called by the front desk .

" here take these down the street there u will see a big building that says Harris Corp. Go inside and ask to see Mr Harris and that's its important " she opens the big box and find there were more black coffee and also some pastry,  she took the box and walk outside and made her way down the street.

Nicholas pov .( we call him that when it's office business other than that we call him gates when we dealing with drugs and other stuff ) .

" wow am surprised u having had her number secured into your phone " my second hand Alex said as we walk towards the elevator. " maybe if u be quite I might consider " I said through gritted teeth , he always think am a man whore to get every females number just to flirt with them .

We entered the elevator and already three sluts occupied it , both dressed in short skirt while the other had a really tight fitted dress on which showed her little to no curve and 0 ass to fit the outfit . They came off at the 8th floor which was a relief to me I didn't have to see them all the way up , finally we made it to the 20th floor aka my office I like to be away from most drama .

" can u order more coffee mines all thrown on my jacket " he said pointing to the stains that showed, I made the order and went to take a seat in my chair and started to smoke a little " u need to stop not because your the high one doesn't mean u do whatever u want " I scoff I basically own this place and I can fire anybody that doesn't like what I do .

I ignored him for most of the times before my assistant came into the room , she didn't bother to knock which was always a big deal for me like I could of been fuc- nvm . " hello Mr Harris and Mr Williams  " she said making both of us nod " what's the problem " I asked fully sitting up in my chair and observing her .

" nothing the coffee girl from down the street is here " Alex was the first to react hopping out the chair and heading out my door towards the elevator,  I swear he was always just weird from the beginning.  Michelle puts her hands on my desk and starts to bite her lips giving me the fuck me eyes not that I wanted to anyways but she always considered herself mrs Harris to the former employees who worked here .

" mrs white , not to be rude or anything but I would like u to leave me at peace right now " she struggled to get herself together probably thinking we are going to have sex in here and she coming out my office looking like she had been attacked by a stray dog I think not " u-um .....yes sir am so sorry " she slowly walks out my office and close the door .

I kicked my foot up on my desk and took a big puff out of my cigar coughing due to alot of smoke but I was alright.  Again there was a knock on my door I didn't care who it was outside i needed some peace and quiet " come in " I groaned not even glancing towards the door , I needed to lock my office more often since I don't like to be bothered.

" Harris  " I looked up and saw the girl earlier from the coffee shop i smirked.

" how may I help u beautiful " she blushed and tried to hide her face which really fascinated me normally I wasn't a person  somebody. everybody blushed about it was more likely to fuck me or marry me but to be blushing and not even sexually trying to Harras me is new .

" um....sorry to bother u but I was asked to deliver these to u " she came towards the desk and handed me the paper bags which contains a 2 muffins which was only one and a large cup of coffee  and 1 bottle water and also a slice of red velvet cake mixed with some cheese cake ..

" um also your friend name Alex took some out , if your wondering where the rest is " I nodded resting everything on the desk and opening my wallet to pay her .

I took out my credit card and told her that her boss is my aunty so she knows I don't have to pay , I gave her 3 Benjamin Franklin because she walked so far just to give me these to eat which impressed me the most .

" thank u so much Mr Harris it's really nice of u " she smiled putting the money away in her purse . She turns to open the door before I stopped her , " do u enjoy working at the Cafe " she fiddle with her fingers before answering.

" not so much but i have to , my mother don't got that much and I help with the grocery money ect " hearing how heart warming and also how sad that sounds , it did something to my cold heart. 

" okay tell u what here is my business card,  come up here at 7 am we will be recruiting new employees for my job and maybe u might be working here u will be told about the jobs and stuff that happens tomorrow " she nods thanking me a whole lot before finally heading out the office.

Violet pov.

I smiled leaving the office,  I didn't think I would be getting this much money and not even a business card for the biggest company in New York it was so amazing.  I walked back to the Cafe and signed out for the night , my boss called me into her office and told me Mr Harris told her about the job and that she accepts me working there .

She told me it's her grandson and that he was a regular customer,  I guess that explains why everyone comes here to buy and eat other than the other around town its because of Mr Harris.  I called Caleb and told him am leaving he said it was okay he was going to Chloe to study and be back shortly to head home with Patricia who was his regular car ride home . I told him it was okay just stop by my house tomorrow so we can walk to work as usual,.

I stepped outside and a black BMW was outside the Cafe and a man standing next to it , he saw me and immediately opened the door then a tall figure got out brushing off this suit . "Mr Harris " I said feeling a little confident since this morning  . " yes I have come to drop u home since u have to be walking a long time " he said like it wasn't a big deal he was the king of New York and I was a simple coffee worker.

" it's fine sir u don't have to , I was heading towards the bus stop anyways "  he sighs " come on I don't bite just let me drop u off it's getting late " he was right it was starting to get dark like the rains about to fall . I accepted and went side the car making sure I didn't get anything dirty,  I didn't have any money like that to pay for an expensive car insurance or anything hell I barely have clothes to buy on a regular just most times .

The car ride was smooth and relaxing,  he offered me some champagne and pour himself a glass as well . We both took a sip and talked about random stuff which made us both laugh   I didn't know Mr Harris the well known cold heart guy around town was this soft " so u mean to tell me about your job " he smiles putting the glass down and turn towards me giving me his full attention.

" my dad owns Harris Corp and I was the one to inherit it all when he retired and got married a second time to my step mother,  my mom wasn't there at the time and she didn't do anything about it " he stated all the smile fading from his handsome face .

" my mom is sick and is in the hospital, I have been paying the medical bills for her and I didn't visit my dad for a while 3 years, yes he would call and check in on me but I didn't call him back " he said as tears slip from his face,  to which I was quick to wipe it away .

" he told me he wished she died so he didn't have to remember seeing her face the day she almost died , my mom had a stroke while he admit to sleeping around with his secretary in the same office am I now , his words brought anger to my life and hatred that the reason why am known as arrogant and cold hearted " he takes a sip from his glass starring out the window trying to calm his self down .

" okay here's my stop , see u Tomorrow and thanks for the ride " I told him . I got out the door and it was raining like hell , the next door opened and Mr Harris took off his jacket and handed me to cover over my head .

" thanks " I shouted running up my stairs towards the front door .

" anytime beautiful " he shouts before the car drives off into the darkness.

I opened the door and walked inside seeing my mom watching the news " so who the nice man outside " now how did she even know " a nice man who just wants to drop me home from work nothing more " I say knowing what's gonna come out her mouth next .

" good invite him for dinner with us tomorrow night at 7 pm I would love to meet him and ask what he does for a living" I signed only if she knew how  sexy and handsome he is .

I,head upstairs not even checking if food was prepared knowing my mom loves to cook her amazing dinners for me when I come home each day,  I went into my room and throw  my bag on the bed and my phone . I went into my closet searching for several hours before finding my night gown I guess I must have misplaced it somewhere. I strip from my wet clothes and throw them in the hamper , I thought about taking Mr Harris's jacket to the dry cleaners since I didn't trust the washing machine I had here . I stepped into my bed slippers and put my towel in my hand and headed straight for the bathroom.

I took the slippers off and step into the bath feeling the warm water and also smelling the lavender scent which was very good,  I relaxed for a moment as my mind run back to today and what took place earlier. 

25 minutes later .

I dried off and step out the tub and into my bed slippers before facing the mirror,  I brushed my teeth and wash my face before heading into my room . I slowly rub the lotion on my legs and my arms,  I put my deodorant on and then my gown . I got pretty hungry and went downstairs to eat while am eating my phone was buzzing like crazy,  I picked it up and saw a random text from someone.

I continued eating before heading back upstairs and telling my mom good night, I had plans on moving out before this but I didn't want to leave my mom behind she gon need me some how .

I head into my bed and turn the lights off before falling asleep soon. I got back up and set the alarm for 6 :45 before falling back asleep waiting on tomorrow.

I hope tomorrow will be good and no drama .

......end of chap 2 .......




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