Raising Kiara

By piscesandpizza

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Lucia; a young and beautiful woman with her whole life ahead of her was shot dead protecting the biggest secr... More

Character aesthetics


9.5K 412 61
By piscesandpizza

A/n. How do we all feel about the Lucia letters at the beginning? I've kinda revolved the whole structure of my chapters around them so I hope we all like it :)

Understandably lost a few readers after leaving you hanging for six months but i could kiss those of you who stayed, thanks huns🤍🤍🤍

Hello bump.

I'm actually quite in love with my little swell.

I now understand how mothers always seem to be holding theirs and rubbing it constantly.

It used to irritate me when I'd see it.

Like, we get it lady you're pregnant, no I'm not giving up my seat on the bus for you.

But turns out it's just an instinct.

It's more like, hey look at this pot belly I suddenly have that wasn't there a few month back, I feel the need to touch it.

Pros of this screwed up situation I'm in; I don't have to waste my time and money finding maternity clothes to fit my growing body.

I can waltz around my secluded countryside place fully embracing my naked bump in nothing but my lacey fucking thongs.

Sexy image, am I right Kian?

I mean seriously, I couldn't even tell you where any of my nonna knickers are because I haven't had a period in weeks.

First trimester sickness? I don't remember her.

Being pregnant is my calling.

Laying around watching Netflix and ordering takeaway after takeaway? Running from home to live on my own? Embracing my inner beach whale and living in cropped tops?

Knock me the fuck up.

Cons; opening the door to the pizza guy and scarring him for life forgetting your half dressed.

Needless to say I order from a different pizza place now.

As for actual productive news, my pregnancy app says the baby is around the size of an apple at 15 weeks.

Oh, and three more weeks 'til I'm scheduled to find out the gender.

Just casually dropping that in there.

Nothing to worry about. I'm totally cool and prepared.

-your favourite chillaxed beach whale.

"Oh je- fucking hell Kian, she was gorgeous. How didn't you remember banging that." Kelly gasps, practically drooling over the one photo of Lucia Kian has showed her.

The first one he'd ever seen himself.

He'd come to hold it so dear to him. It was one of the few sentimental pieces that she gave him intended for just him. Other than the little devil they called their daughter of course.

After the episode Kian had after reading the letter about Lucia's first scan, he hadn't so much as touched the chest containing them since.

He didn't want to risk his perfect relationship with his little girl by going off the deep end again.

Not until he knew he was strong enough.

So over the past months that's what he's worked on.

Kelly and Rowan saw it was still weighing on his mind after a week or so and suggested he tells his therapist about everything.

His reply was in the form of a middle finger, but during his next session he ended up giving in and spilling his heart anyways.

His therapist was one of the few people in his inner circle that he trusted fully. Another person that had helped him through the loss of his parents, even before he knew Kelly.

And from that point together they've been working through the pressures of being a single dad to a toddler, and grieving the loss of time with her and of course, the death of Lucia.

And since he's opened up to his therapist, there's been less of a need to unload all of his tangled worries on Kelly and Rowan.

And it's an understatement to say Kelly has been itching to hear more about the hilarious, witty woman that birthed her favourite little niece.

"Kelly." Kian almost growls unhappily.

"Don't talk about her like that." He adds, glaring at the blonde still closely inspecting every feature of Lucia's, just like he had.

"Damn sorry papa bear." Her eyes flit to him briefly, the best apology she can muster considering she's hardly sorry.

Lucia was a looker, it was true. Kian just wanted to paint her as more than just a drunken fuck that created Kiara.

When Kian shuts down slightly, still unhappy, she releases a breath and lowers the photo.

"I'm sorry K, I didn't mean it like that. She was beautiful, there's no wonder Kiara is already a stunner." She lays a hand on his upper arm, a warm genuine smile on her face.

Kian chuckles shaking his head.

"And what about me? Your first thought should have been 'wow she definitely gets her looks from her dad." Kian raises his brows challengingly.

Kelly gives him a deadpan look that screams 'does this man child have eyes'.

"Nah, she looks nothing like you." Kelly retorts sarcastically.

Kian rolls his eyes in response before snatching the photo back from her, having enough of stressing over wether or not she may accidentally tear it or crumple a corner.

"Well before your smart ass attitude pissed me off, I was going to apologise for that day I freaked out after reading the last letter." Kian explains, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

It wasn't easy for him to apologise on a good day but throw in some friendly teasing and sensitive Kian is easily put off.

"Apology accepted." Kelly teases, knowing that even that was suprising behaviour for him.

"Good, because I'd kinda hated you in my head for a few hours. Just like now." He flashes her the most sarcastic grin before picking his capri sun up from the coffee table and taking a long sip, draining the entire pouch.

Kelly falls into a fit of laughter at the action, soon being turned to tears.

It only worsens when she attempts to get a word out and Kian glares coldly at her.

"I-I thought th-that was Kiara's!" She chokes out, quite literally coughing through her tears.

Her face matches the colour of Kian's bright red cheeks, only his are tinged from half embarrassment half anger.

Her laughter doesn't relent and Kian stands up in defeat, heading to storm away and leave the infuriating mother.

How come she's so kind to their babies and even her husband but he gets tormented endlessly?

"Fuck this, I was gonna tell you why but now I can't remember why I wouldn't hate your childish ass." Kian grumbles, flipping her the bird.

His feet lead him to stand infront of the fridge on instinct and Kelly only follows him, taking the time to breathe in and out until her heart is at its regular speek.

"Hey, the kids may be elsewhere but you need to kill that habit before they learn to use their middle fingers too! And you know Jace would go to town with that." She warns him in her infamous mother bear tone.

He turns to scoff at her.

"Stop pissing me off then." He emphasises.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry, you make it too easy." She giggles, doing nothing to help her case.

"Tell me why you'd be mad at me because of Lucia's letter?" She finally asks, curiosity getting the best of her.

Kian swings the fridge door shut and inhales deeply in preparation.

"Well I wouldn't say mad at you it's just..." he trails off, moving back to the sofas where he feels more comfortable.

Maybe it's become a subconscious habit relating to therapy and how he's always seated on a couch during sessions.

Never the less, Kelly follows him and waits patiently for the boy to let it all out at last.

"I know now that I was being ridiculous but she saw a picture of us together, you know that horrendous one they took of us on set when you were pregnant with Grey? The one you hated so naturally I posted it straight to my feed." Kian asks, a solemn smirk on his lips at the now conflicting feelings surrounding that damn photo.

Kelly takes her turn to glare at the boy.

"How could I forget? Your fans tag me in it twenty times a day at the least." She grits out unhappily.

She despised the photo with a passion because her hair was completely windswept in the worst way, her skin was breaking out and the morning sickness was creeping up on her in full swing.

Her sleek black dress and matching heels were the only redeeming quality in her mind.

"She saw it during her first scan for Kiara and she thought you were one of my...lady friends-"

"-ew." Kelly cuts him off instantly, shaking the horrid thought from her head.

"I guess she was sort of jealous and it put a damper on the day for her thinking about things- I wasn't actually doing-during a time like that." He finishes, melting back into the soft cushions and sighing in relief now that he's been able to admit this at last.

"So you blamed us for making her sad." Kelly comes to the conclusion on her own, nodding in understanding.

"Mhm." Kian stretches his arms above his head tiredly, cracking a few bones in the process.

Running around after an energetic toddler was a full time job, Kian had come to that conclusion very quickly after meeting his daughter.

Kelly sighs and they both sit in an elongated silence, leaving the subject to die.

There's nothing they can do about it any how.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

Kian was in good spirits after successfully getting through another of Lucia's letters.

This one contained good vibes and Lucia's happiness had seemed to have spread through the page to her baby daddy.

A blessing to the other three adults spread around him on their reclined sun loungers.

Well, half reclined. They had to keep an eye on the kids to make sure they didn't trip and drown in the shallow, heated kiddy pool.

"What was in that letter brother? Did she show off a little more than just her baby bump in one of the photographs?" Rowan tries and fails to hold back his dimpled smirk.

Kian narrows his eyes and rolls them whilst Harry and Kelly laugh at his reaction.

"If she did I wouldn't tell you." He neither confirms nor denies, his own mischievous smile lighting up the mood even more.

A drastic but welcomed change from his temper tantrums and glares.

"It was just a nice update. She seemed happy and she wasn't far off finding out the gender of the baby." He shrugs, leaning back in content.

"Well that's good bro, hopefully there's more of those to come."

"Well, who wouldn't be happy after finding out they're having a baby girl." Rowan raises and eyebrow challenging anyone to argue with his solid point.

"You're happy no matter the gender, I was just happy my babies were healthy." Kelly adds, earning disbelieving looks from the three men surrounding her.

"What?! I was!" She challenges, her brows furrowing together and her shoulders tensing ready for a dispute.

"We were all there at the gender reveal Kells remember? The one you wore a neon pink dress to? Hardly subtle." Rowan chides in.

"That was just my prediction!" Kelly argues, the pitch of her voice a few octaves higher than usual gaining concerned looks from the kids in their floaties.

Kids being kids, they're back to splashing around within the next two seconds.

"Hm right but how about the fact that you called him a 'her' up until that day?" Kian questions, knowing she can't win this debate.

"Shoot me for wanting one boy and one girl. Doesn't mean I wasn't crying, remember that?" She quips back.

"Crying with sadness." Kian teases.

Kelly smacks him in the chest none too gently.

"Don't start Kelly. I promise you'll end up in the deep end of that pool over there and the heaters aren't switched on." Kian's voice is scarily calm and Kelly knows he won't hesitate.

Kelly grips her husband's hand and just as she stands to climb onto his lap for safety, Kian leaps and picks her up as though she's a ladder, heading for the big pool.

Ignoring the 'mommy's' and the 'zia's' coming from the mini humans.

"Kian Wiley I swear on my life if you don't put me down you won't see tom-" Kelly screams fully cutting herself off as Kian dumps her cotton shorts and tshirt clad self in the freezing cold water.

Mere moments later, Kian feels two damp, small hands on his back pushing him straight in after her with a surprising strength.

Rowan and Harry in the meantime haven't moved a muscle, sitting back watching the two squabble as they're used to.

Despite the oncoming hypothermia, Kelly beams at her saviour, watching as Kian resurfaces in complete shock, searching for his attacker and new enemy.

"That's my boy." Kelly swims to high five her most protective son.

I taught him right. She thinks to herself.

"Jace Sierra you little sh-" Kelly dunks Kian underwater, stopping his vulgar mouth.

"What the fuck." Kian hisses in a whisper, directed at Kelly once his head pops back up again.

"Fuck!" Jace repeats, looking all too proud of himself.

"No!" His mother and father scold, fear flooding their eyes at what Kian's just caused.

"Shit." Kelly hisses to herself, knowing there's no going back from this point.

A less than desirable trait inherited from his mother is his stubbornness. There is no way in hell he's forgetting that word.

"Shit." He repeats again, a knowing gleam in his eyes.

Shit indeed.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

A/n. Omg omg guys so I just planned out the rest of this book and I'm so so excited and mad that I have work Saturday and Sunday so I can't write more😭

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