Bodyguard (1D Fan Fiction)

By RickieChic

1.8M 37K 6.5K

Well this is different, I thought to myself, as I stared at the 5 boys now standing in front of me.The grins... More

Goodbye's, Airports, and Idiot Brothers
Arrivals, Taxis, and Wishful Thinking
Desperation, Aunts, and Inflatable Mattresses
Pop Tarts, CV's and Sexy Trainers
Propositions, Decisions, and Pissed Of Bosses
Shockers, Flirting and Cockiness
Explanations, Dominance and Argumentative Band Members
Ranting, Old Friends, and Unexpected Shows Of Affection
Warnings, Outbursts, And Man-Periods
Choking, Interrogations, and The Death of a Sandwich
Roomies, Cooties, and Awkward Questions
Hibernation, Imagines and Remembering The Past
Abuse, Juvie, and Lost Causes
Tacos, Accents and Daddy Direction
To Do Lists, Naps and Raspberry Syrup
Breakups, Camping and Fair Warnings
Contact Lenses, Locks and Fantasy One Night Stands
Burnt Breakfasts, Nicknames and Attempted Humor
Confusion, Facades and Uncharacteristic Giggling
Shopping, Smirking and Physical Contact
Important Message
Restaurants, Doorbells and PDA
Responsibilities, Bundles and Hurried Escapes

Ice-Cream, Arses, and Disbelief

61.6K 1.4K 177
By RickieChic

|Liams POV|

"Liam ? How much longer do you reckon ?"


"Liam, where do you think he's gone ?"


"Liam, when is he coming back ?"

I lost it then, I really did. I shouldn't have, they were all as equally worried as me, they just couldn't sit here and worry in silence. No, their idea of dealing with worry, was pestering someone with pointless questions they didn't know the answer to.



"I'm sorry guys, I just...I lost it for a bit back there" I said dropping my head in my hands.

More silence.

Nice going Liam, now you've upset them.

I heard someone sigh from beside me and lifted my head slightly to see Zayn slump back in the sofa.

"We know you don't know mate. We're just freaking out is all. You're usually the one with all the answers" Zayn said.

Right Liam Payne, Daddy Direction. I had responsibilities with these guys, and I wasn't doing very well in maintaining them right now. I was supposed to be keeping them calm, and instead I was panicking myself. It was just the week of waiting, waiting for something to happen to someone, to someone I knew or loved, or both. And it didn't exactly help that all the other boys had already been involved in some way. I was next, and I was really hoping that whatever, or whoever Simon brings back, to help keep us safe - will be efficient.

"Lou, what are you doing ?" I questioned the older boy, who was trying to stuff one of the sofa pillows up Harry's top.

"Hazza's chest isn't comfy today, I'm making it comfy"

Strange child.

"I'm offended Boo-bear"


"You've hurt my feelings*

Oh God. Cue the hug.

"I'm sorry Hazza, I didn't mean to say your chest wasn't comfy"

"It's okay Louis, I forgive you"


"Where's Niall ?" I questioned turning my head away from the hugging boys and searching for the familiar blond hair.

"Niall's upset" Zayn said putting his legs on the table "He's gone to the kitchen to find something to eat - says it helps him relax"


"Zayn, Niall's always eating"

"I know, but he's eating even more now"

I stood up, dusting down my trousers, I'll go check up on him - Niall was probably the most affected by what had happened recently, and I didn't like the idea of him being alone.

"Niall ?"


I found him sitting on one of the nearby stools, stuffing his face with crisps. He really was worried wasn't he ? the speed at which he was throwing handfuls of the stuff into his mouth was astonishing.

"Niall," I said, prying the packet away from his hands "I think that's enough for now"

Niall stared at me, looking like he was going to argue, but after thinking about it for a few seconds, he decided to leave me with the crisp packet, grabbing the tub of ice cream that was lying nearby instead. I moved back slightly as I saw him reaching for the cutlery cabinet.

One word, SPOONS. *Shudder*

"He should be back by now, you know" Niall said, in between the spoons fulls of ice-cream. His Irish accent was filled with underlying worry as he continued to eat the Ben and Jerry's. I had told the boys to put the ice-cream back in the freezer when they were finished with it.

"He's fine Niall" I stated, taking a nearby seat, but keeping a rightful amount of space between me and the spoon "He said he was going to return in time for breakfast"

"See that's what I don't understand " Niall said, chucking the now empty container into the bin behind him "Why so early ? Why couldn't he wait till the afternoon ? Not that I mind of course, I want everything to be fine as soon as possible but..."

"Everything will be fine Niall" I interrupted "Simon'll be back soon "

Niall looked at me for a moment then, trying to work out if I believed in what I was saying myself, before I stood up, dragging him up with me.

"Let's go to the Living room. All the boys are there"


"Leeyyyumm" Harry whined while pressing the buttons on the TV remote rapidly " There's nothing on TV"

"We've got over 500 channels to choose from and you can't find a single program that interests you ?"

Harry shook his head.

"He's right Li, nothing interestings on" Zayn countered, from his space on the armchair.

Niall and Louis were having a poking match behind me, which soon turned into a tickling contest. I moved away smartly, avoiding being dragged in.

"Niall, step away from my man " Louis growled hopping onto the sofa.

Niall looked scared for a moment, and rightfully so, as after a couple of seconds he found himself pinned to the floor with a triumphant looking Louis sitting on his chest. He shrieked as Louis tickled him mercilessly. Soon Louis had somehow managed to drag Zayn into the play fight, and all the boys were rolling around on the floor, laughing uncontrollably.

"Get up" I said nervously looking in the direction of the door.

The boys ignored me, and carried on attacking each other. Zayn tried to get up, seeing as he was now at the bottom of the pile, and moaning about his hair, but Niall and Harry managed to grab his ankle making him topple back down.

I crossed my arms standing over them "You promised Simon you wouldn't play up" I stated, waiting for their response.

They didn't do anything for a while, but then, one by one, they got up of the floor and flopped down on the sofa, Harry opting for sitting on my lap.

I nudged him in the back lightly, but he fell to the floor with a thud anyway. Drama Queen.

"I'm offended Lili" he said from where he was laying on the floor.

"It's not my fault your arse is so uncomfortable"

The boys missed a beat, before erupting into laughter. I couldn't help it, I was laughing too, but my cheeks were tinged a light pink.

"Liam..." Louis said from where he was now on the floor , shoulders shaking "Liam...Liam said arse !!! "

Which of course, caused them all of them to erupt into laughter again.


Even though I was trying to be at least slightly annoyed at the boys for laughing at me, I failed miserably, and soon there was a wide grin spread across my face.

And then the door opened.


Simon came in looking a little disheveled this early in the morning and stopped just inside of the open door.

All the boys were staring at him wide- eyed. I saw Harry gulp once from where he was sitting beside me.Their eyes were raking up and down Simon's body...

Wait. That didn't seem right.

I moved my head to the side to look at whoever the boys were gaping at.

Oh blimey.

I'm not surprised the boys are staring, I thought as I felt my mouth open a little.


Hello My Ninja McMuffins !!! You guys are so FREAKISHLY AWESOME for making me reach over 100 HUNDRED READERS !!!


*Throws Chocolate Muffins at you. And because you guys are amazayn, she also throw in some blueberry ones. That's how much she loves you"

Because you guys are so great and everything, I tried out a different POV . Did you like it ? Would you like it again ?? TELL ME !!! Also, I'm sorry this chapter was so short, it felt really weird to write from a different point of view, and I wanted it to comeout all right.

Again for the next chapter, I need you guys to leave me 1 comment and 2 votes ok ? kk.

It's not hard guys, and I would love for all my little Ninjas to come forward.

Rickie xx

p.s I love u all my Ninja McMuffins !

p.p.s Also check this out :

It has a good beginnig, and the writer is just starting out. Check it out peoples :)

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