Unexpected turn

By Bighomeandawayfan

308 9 7


Unexpected turn

308 9 7
By Bighomeandawayfan

Chapter 1

Ricky's POV

I'm lying here in a hospital bed thinking of names of what to call our son knowing that it won't be long now until his here. The name Casey keeps popping into my head and I really want to call him that but I don't know if I should.

Nate walks in the room.

Nates POV

Hey ricky how you feeling today

Ricky's POV

Like I'm ready to go home.

Nate POV

Well your looking good so I'm thinking I might let you out for the day because I'm planing the c section for Thursday

Ricky's POV

But today's Tuesday Im not ready to have him in two days.

Nates POV

Well get ready ricky because your little boy will be here soon. So about getting out of here would you like that.

Ricky POV


Nates POV

So I'll get some paper work ready and them you can go.

Ricky's POV

Thanks Nate

Chapter 2

Ricky on the phone to brax

Ricky's POV

Hey brax so nates letting me out for a couple of hours so do you want to come and pick me up and we can go to the beach I want to talk

Brax POV

Ok I'll be there soon

Ricky POV

Ok see you soon love you.

Braxs POV

Love you to.

Chapter 3

At the beach

Ricky's POV

So Nate said that he could book me in for a c section on Thursday what do you think

Braxs POV

Wow that quick yeah why not.

Braxs spots a police car and gets a little nervous

Ricky's POV

Hey brax what's wrong

Braxs POV

Nothing, What time did Nate say for you to be back at the hospital

Ricky POV

4 o'clock

Brax's POV

Ok well it 3:30 so we should start going back to the hospital and maybe we could talk to Nate about when our little boy will be here.

Ricky's POV

Ok let's go (ricky says this with a big smile)

At the hospital

Brax talking to Nate

Brax POV

So doc when will I be able to meet my son

Nate POV

Well I just got off the phone and if it ok with you guys Thursday morning

Brax POV

(Brax smiles at ricky) sounds good what do you think ricky

Ricky POV

Yeah sure but we don't have everything ready

Brax POV

I'm sure I can get that done with some help from uncle Kyle and ash.

Ricky POV


Nate POV

Ok I'll book it in.

Brax and ricky walk away

Chapter 4

Braxs POV

See you later ric I have to go into the restaurant to see ash but I'll be back later I love you

Ricky's POV

See you soon I love you

(At Angelo's)

Brax's POV

Hey Ash so ricky going to have the baby on Thursday so could you look after the restaurant for awhile.

Ash's POV

Yeah sure, wow Thursday that's really close are you ready to be a daddy.

Braxs POV

I know this sounds crazy but I can't wait.

Police walk in to Angelo's

Katrina's POV

Darrell braxton your under arrest for suspicion of murder put you hands behind your back.


What, who

your wrong brax wouldn't do anything like that.

Katrina's POV

Stand back

Brax's POV

Ash tell ricky

Ash's POV

Tell her what

Braxs POV

That I have something to do and I'll be back soon but don't tell her about this.

Chapter 5

Ash goes to the hospital

Ricky's POV

Hey ash what are you doing brax was going to see you.

Ash's POV

He did and then he asked me to come and tell you that he has to do something and he probley won't be back tonight.

Ricky POV

Is something wrong I sore him looking very nervous with a police car earlier.

Ash's POV

No nothing's wrong

The next day

At the police station

Braxs POV

Can we get a move on this my girlfriends about to have a baby

Katrina's POV

Well your not getting out of here for awhile so get confutable

Braxs POV

I will make a deal just let me out of here to see my son be born.

Katrina's POV

We've got some things to talk about before any negotiating happens.

Chapter 6

Back at the hospital ricky talks to Nate.

Ricky's POV

Hey Nate how's it going with the plans for Thursday am I all booked in.

Nates POV

Yeah it's all booked, are you excited.

Ricky's POV

Yes I'm so excited but I have this feeling there something wrong with brax and I can't get him On his phone.

Nate POV

Everything will be ok ricky and tomorrow you will be holding your baby boy and Brax will be right beside you.

Ricky's POV

Ok Nate thanks

Back at Angelo's ash talks to Kyle

Ash's POV

Hey Kyle there's something I have to tell you

Kyles POV

Yeah what is it

Ash's POV

Brax was arrested yesterday

Kyles POV

What, how what charge...

Ash's POV

Exactly what I said..

Kyles POV

Does ricky know

Ash's POV

No brax told me not to tell her

Kyles POV

She needs to know

Ash's POV

Well do you want to tell her because I'm not..

Kyles POV

Ok I will

Chapter 7

At the hospital

Kyles pov

Hey ricky I have something to tell you

Ricky's POV

Is it about brax

Kyles POV

Yes, he was arrested yesterday afternoon

His at the police station..

Ricky's POV

What I have to go see him

Ricky stands up and her waters brake she falls to the floor

Kyles POV

NATE!!! Someone can I get some help in here.

Nate comes running in

Nates POV

Ricky ricky are you ok

Ricky's POV

I think I'm in labour

Nate POV

Let's get you back up on your bed and we will call the nurse in.

Ricky's POV

Kyle I need brax go and find him I don't care what you do.

Kyles POV

Ok I'll be back soon

Chapter 8

At the police station

Kyles POV

I need to speak to the person holding darril braxton NOW.

Katrina POV

That's me but darril isn't having visters right now

Kyles POV

Please he needs to go to the hospital now his girlfriend just went into labour and she's freaking out.

Katrina POV

He is arrested for suspicion of murder he isn't going anywhere..

Kyles POV

Give him 24 hrs and then I'll bring him back just please let him go..

Katrina POV

Ok you've got 24hours

Kyles POV

Thank you

Katrina POV

Brax I'm releasing you for 24 hours but if your not back I'm going to arrest you again for missing your bail time.

Braxs POV

Why am I getting released

He stops mid sentence and sees Kyle he looks anxious

Kyles POV

Brax let's go

Braxs POV

Where are we going

Kyles POV

To the hospital Ricky's in labour

Braxs POV

She's what

Kyles POV

She's in labour brax she's about to have your baby boy brax...

Chapter 9

At the hospital

Braxs POV

Nate where's ricky

Nates POV

She's up the hall way and to the left.

Braxs POV

Thanks Nate

As I'm walking down the hallway my heart is pounding and I don't know what to expect. I open the door and...

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