Not a Slayer (Blind!Reader x...

By Nobody_Too_Important

19.2K 631 157

In which a blind blacksmith accidentally joins the adventures of a beastly boy, a wannabe womanizer, and a pa... More

Part One
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17

Part 4

1.4K 44 8
By Nobody_Too_Important

My breath caught in my throat, if I scream again, I'll be out of air. I need to get this demon off of me; I need air.

The pair of hands seemed to roam my body, grasping my kimono and feeling my arms. The water around me was thick, vibrations moving sluggishly through it. There's too much movement for there to only be one demon. I hate how proud of himself he is, I feel his satisfaction every time he brushes over my skin. It's making me sick.

I shove the demon away only to have my theory confirmed, another set of arms pull me against another demon's chest. It's odd, this one feels the same self-satisfaction that the first did. I'm not that great of a catch, so it's not like they should be feeling so smug. I shake my head and continue struggling against the demon's grip. I don't know where up or down is yet, but I know there's a lot of bubbles coming from above me to my left. A third demon is moving around a lot up there, maybe it's my way out.

I feel the demons begin to start pulling my haori off, causing me to panic. Trashing against my attackers I manage to knock one in its nose, the other I end up grabbing an arm and biting it. Their shock gives me enough time to try swim towards the trashing above me. I never properly learned how to swim, but mom always wanted to make sure I could keep my head above water in case something happened.

Who knew how right she'd be, silently thanking her as I find myself gripping the edge of something; my fingers touching the cool night air. I start to pull myself up, gasping as my head breaches the surface, only to begin a match of tug of war with my body against a demon.

I can barely catch my breath while struggling like this. I have to get out. I sputter between breaths, hearing another struggle to my right.

"Tanjiro-" his name dies on my lips as I'm pulled back under. I don't have time to keep getting pulled around like this. Flailing and kicking, I finally manage to kick my assailant. His hands are still on me, but his grip loosened giving me my chance to pull myself up again.

"Three! There's three of them! Ones got m-" my sentence is cut off again. My fingers lose purchase on the edge, but before I'm dragged down again a hand grasps my own. I kick and struggle against the demon. While this hand holding my own isn't Tanjiro or Nezuko, they're trying to help. The thought gives me the strength to knock the demon off once more, pulling myself up with the strangers help. I cough the water from my throat the second my head breached the surface. The stranger is pulling me from the water, and away from the hole.

"Nice grab, Kazumi! Nezuko! Protect them while I go after the demon!" Tanjiros voice is followed by a sharp growl and a splash. I can't hear Tanjiro anymore, but Nezuko's grunts and growls are enough to reassure me that I'm in good hands. I pull myself up on my hands and knees, catching my breath which comes out in spurts and gargles. I throw up some of the murky water I accidentally swallowed in my struggle and moan. Spitting the acidic taste out of my mouth.

"Gods I hate throwing up."

"Are you okay? Who are you?" The stranger finally speaks to me, his hands have let go of my own and are rubbing my back reassuringly. I shrug his hand off and pull my haori tight.

"I travel with the Kamado's, I'm fine." I use my forearm to wipe my face, my other hand brushing against my bag. I don't know how it stayed with me, but I thank whatever god may be responsible for it. I tug my bag over my head and hand it to the stranger, I can feel his eyes questioning me. "Can you tell me what's in it, please? I'm blind."

Tanjiro resurfaces in his own time, demanding answers from the demon. I want to help him but, considering I'm unarmed and don't want to walk into a swamp hole, I stay where I'm at.

Listening to the stranger softly rummage through my bag makes me nervous. The bag itself stayed with me but, what if I lost something? There's nothing important per say but, my mom wanted me to be prepared.

"An extra outer kimono, some soggy onigiri, some stuff for sandal repairs, sound like everything?"

I nod, holding my hand out to take my bag back. Our hands brush and I grab his hand in my own, actually getting a feel for him this time.

"I'm sorry for your loss, it feels like you lost the love of your life. On top of that you feel like you're the one to blame for it. Which if tonight has been anything, let it be proof that it wasn't your fault."

I'm brought from my stupor by a new hand on my shoulder. Tanjiro. I hear Nezuko's soft snoring, meaning she must have returned to her box. He takes my hand from the strangers and pulls me up.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? I'm sorry I couldn't get to you faster," Tanjiros voice is soft as his other hand wipes my hair out of my face. I shake my head, smiling to let him know I'm okay. "Good. My crow should be here soon, since we finished the job." Tanjiro releases me, kneeling by the stranger.

"Kazumi, are you okay?"

"I've lost my fiancée; how can I be alright?" I hear the soft plip of tears on his lap as he speaks, and despite his venom, Tanjiro understands him.

"Kazumi, you may lose people again and again, but you have to go on living. No matter how devastating the blows may be." The strangers' tears grow violent, and he lashes out at Tanjiro, grasping onto him. I feel my eyes widen and look to Tanjiro as the stranger speaks.

"What do you know? You're just a kid!" The man yells at Tanjiro and I almost want to yell at him. Tanjiro feels calm next to me, so I hold my tongue, trusting his judgement. Tanjiro removes the man's hands from him and pulls something from his pocket, giving it to Kazumi.

"We'll be on our way now. Here, I hope you find something of Satokos in there." I hear the stranger, Kazumi, begin to sob. I can't help but feel uncomfortable and unsure if I could even help this man with his conflicting feelings. Tanjiros hand returns to me, this time resting on my back, pushing me to bow. I hesitate to follow his bow, unsure if he deserves respect after his tantrum toward Tanjiro. Tanjiro pushes harder and I comply. Seemingly satisfied with the goodbye, Tanjiro places my hand in his own, pulling me along behind him. We walk a few steps before our journey is interrupted.

"I- I'm sorry! That was an awful thing to say! Please forgive me! I'm so sorry!" Kazumi's voice was heartbreaking. I wish I could tell what he was thinking, or what Tanjiro was thinking as he turned and raised his free hand to wave. I felt his grief, both of their griefs, enough to feel sour tears rise to my own eyes. It made me wish that I'd never feel what they were, that I'd never have to lose someone I loved.

I sniffled and willed the tears away. I'll be okay, mom is safe at home and Tanjiro and Nezuko can protect themselves. I won't have to shoulder my own grief for a while. A long, long time. Never hopefully. We continued on our path, the rising sun warming my drenched body. It's quiet as we leave town. I'd mistake it for a peaceful walk if I couldn't feel Tanjiros seething rage rolling off him in waves. I could feel his pure undying hatred for one specific entity. That he felt his rage was righteous and justified. Frankly it was a little overwhelming, even frightening me.

I stopped myself from pulling my hand away, not wanting to get lost again, instead giving his hand a gentle squeeze. I barely get his attention, so I decide to speak.

"Whatever you're thinking about, you can talk to me about it if you want to."

His threatening aura dissipated as quickly as it came.

"Oh! (Y/N), hehe," he seemed nervous so, I squeezed his hand again, only I think I made it worse because it shifted to embarrassment. "I'll tell you about it later, okay? When I'm not so worked up over it."

I nod in understanding. "Alright," I would've let the conversation go dry there but I was afraid he'd slip back into the anger from before. "It was amazing how calm you were even thought Kazumi blew up at you. I don't think I'd be able to do that."

Tanjiro became shy and I could almost feel his blush from here. "Ah it's nothing special, I just understood where he's coming from."

"Still, I get frustrated when I can't find my chopsticks, I can't imagine keeping my cool with someone yelling in my face."

And with that our conversation became much more light hearted. With the sunrise we chatted ourselves into a bright new day. Frankly we walked further than I've ever walked before, I was practically dead on my feet. The sun beginning to set behind us as we approached a city. It was certainly a shock to hear so many people gathered in one spot, and it was supposed to be night. It's odd, there's an artificial warmth all around, but I'm sure it's not candle lamps.

Sometime along the way Tanjiro stopped and let Nezuko out of her box, so now I'm holding her hand as she holds Tanjiro. This way if we're separated again I'm protected, and Nezuko can see and find Tanjiro. I thought it was a clever idea at the time, but just holding Nezuko's hand made me realize she's just as worn out as I am.

Tanjiro pulls us along after a shifting of fabric. Jerking to a stop at the sounds of people kissing and moaning.

"Let's go this way- ah! Sorry to bother you!"

And we ran back the way we came. I don't think the city is the place for us.

Eventually we stopped running, I could smell trees and grass around us, so we must be at a park or something. And udon, which smells divine. I can hear my stomach growl and I hold onto Nezuko tighter. I wasn't expecting Tanjiro to stop, but he did.

"Pardon me sir, could I please get a bowl of udon with grated yam?"

"Why yes, coming right up."

And with that we sat on a wooden bench, Nezuko and I are leaning against each other, falling in and out of sleep. I'm almost positive I had started snoring once or twice. Before sleep could take me our udon was ready.

"Thank you very much!" I chirped up in agreement.

"Yes thank you sir!" I reached out to where I thought he was.

"Here (Y/N), take this one." Tanjiro placed a warm bowl in my hands from beside me. The warmth and smell alone told me how much this man enjoyed cooking, I can't wait to taste it. After being led back to the bench I put the bowl to my mouth and pour.

"Uhm, (Y/N), we have chopsticks?" Tanjiro was confused. And I finished chewing before answering.

"It's easier to eat like this, there isn't a table and I don't want to spill anything trying to get situated. Thank you though," I smiled at him, I would have enjoyed chopsticks but, I can't always use them accurately and I don't want to embarrass myself either. As I ate I felt Tanjiro stiffen next to me and I tilted my head at him. But he just dropped his bowl and dashed off.

"Well that's a bit rude, dontcha think Nezuko?" I asked but didn't really expect an answer. "Hope he comes back for us though."

"Hey! Where'd that kid go!" The udon man yelled after Tanjiro.

"He'll be back, but I can pay if that's the issue sir."

"No, but it's rude to run off without even eating anything first if you're going to dine and dash."

I have a little giggle at that.

"So what's your deal anyway. You're just some kids running around?" The udon man strikes up a conversation.

"Hah, kinda?" I pause trying to find out the best way to explain ourselves. "We work for an organization that searches for people, I guess."

"Ah, some junior detectives, eh? Looking for missing persons and stuff. Sounds pretty tough for a few youngsters."

"Well, it's not the easiest, but we already found one person we were sent to find." I smile a little nervously at that. I'm not lying per say but, I'm leaving out the parts where Tanjiro kills them and the fact they're actually demons.

"Well good for you, does that other girl want any? She's got some kinda muzzle on?"

"Oh, she lost a bet that's what that's about. And nah she doesn't eat much, but your udon is delicious!" I quickly try and change the subject, it wouldn't be good to have people finding out about Nezuko.

"Oh you think? I have my own recipe and everything! The secret is in the broth rather than the noodles is what I say!"

And this is how it goes until Tanjiro sulked his way back. I could feel him coming before I realized it was him. He seemed to be brooding over something.

"Hey! I can't believe you'd walk away from a perfectly good bowl of udon!"

"I'm sorry sir!"

"At least one of you kids knows how to appreciate a good bowl of udon!"

I can't help but laugh at the situation. Tanjiro was getting yelled at by the udon man, and ended up ordering two bowls and eating them both so fast.

Now we're walking again, but at least I've had a good meal. Although, now that my belly is full I'm feeling even sleepier than before.

"I'm so sorry Nezuko, (Y/N). I left you two behind," Tanjiro was leading our little train until Nezuko stopped with a grunt.

"What is it?" I ask bumping into Nezuko's back.

"What's wrong Nezuko? Oh" Tanjiro seems to notice something and pulls us over to it. Although I can feel Nezuko's hesitance at the idea. Which just makes me even more curious as to what's going on.

"Are you out here waiting for us?"

A new voice responds, rather bored sounding. "I'm here on her orders, I'm supposed to bring you back with me."

"You know I could've just tracked your scent?"

"Our hide out is protected by a concealment spell, you'd never have found it."


"And before we go. Did you know that girls a demon? And both aren't much to look at."

"I'm sure you're no peach, either" I scoff. But actually ouch. I don't even know what I look like besides "similar" to my mom. (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes, is that considered attractive? I guess not. I reach a hand up to smooth my hair out.


"Let's go."


"Tanjiro, I'm sure it's okay. We all know Nezuko is pretty, but maybe this person isn't attracted to girls." The new boy scoffed at me.

"I'm not into "girls" I'm devoted to one woman only, My Lady."

"A convenient excuse," I chirp. I'm not going to let him insult me so easily. "I'm sure you just think Tanjiro here is the cutest."

His agitation became palpable, "Don't make me laugh, I couldn't care less about him."

"Well now that's just plain rude."

"I don't care, I wouldn't be talking to you if my lady hadn't insisted on seeing you."

I scoffed at him, content to just let the conversation die there. This guys head was so far up his lady's ass. Tanjiro wouldn't let it go though. Dragging Nezuko and me behind him, rambling about lighting and muzzles.

The walk couldn't have been longer. There's only so much talking about something visual that I could take.

"Tanjiro please, I know you want to defend Nezuko but, please there has to be something else to talk about."

"But look at Nezuko and tell me she isn't much to look at!"

I sigh defeatedly and wave my hand in front of my face.

"Blind, Tanjiro. I'm blind." This caused Tanjiro to fluster and the other guy to laugh.

"Ha! You're fortunate that you can't see her!"

"Why you!"

And just like that the one sided debate began anew.

"It's gotta be the muzzle, you'd just have to see her without it!" And they stopped suddenly.

"Come on, while no ones looking."

I dropped Nezuko's hand and reached for the new boy, grasping onto his shirt tightly. I don't know what that was exactly, but it felt like walking through a sheet of warm dough. Kinda sticky and resistant.

"Don't touch me."

"Can't see, just take me to where we're going"

"Get one of the others to take you."

"But I'm tired of hearing about Nezuko's face."

I felt his shoulders rise and fall with the sound of his laugh. If he wasn't antagonizing Tanjiro I'd find his laugh cute.

"Alright fine. Since you're obviously the most tolerable."

I nod and smile at him, at least I hope I'm looking at him right. And with another threat towards Tanjiro we entered a house.

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