
By Booping123

3.8K 857 1.9K

(Book 2 of Vanished) It's been four months since everyone over the age of fifteen vanished. As food becomes s... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thrity-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Twenty

118 20 86
By Booping123

"You almost hit that one!" James panicked.

"No, I didn't!" Jason snapped as he attempted to scrape snow from around the campground. It wasn't exactly the easiest thing with the snow piled high.

They hit an icy ridge, causing James to scream. "Well, this will be an interesting death," he exaggerated.

"You could bust your way out of here," Jade said.

Jason dumped a pile on the side of the entrance. "See, I won't crash," he said before running into a buried tent.

"Yeah, won't crash," Jade mimicked.

Jason climbed out of the large truck, directing his hands at the pile. The blue and white light shot from his hands and melted the snow. It was almost as if ice were melting, but the freezing temperatures still lingered.

After burning it down where the squished tent had been, Jason attempted to pull it up. It was all laid out in a bundle of pieces, frozen together.

Jason threw it to the side, grumbling in thought. "We'd have to go back to town if we wanted more tents," he said, climbing back in.

Jade confirmed, "Officially, you're a horrible driver."

"I'm not that bad," Jason snapped, reversing.

"You've almost sent us flying out of this truck." Jade said.

Jason shot a glare at the two of them. It wasn't just being in the snowplough, but the fear that they could possibly crash. He stopped the snowplough near the entrance. Most of it had either been destroyed or was still perfect despite being buried.

"And maybe destroyed half the camping equipment," James implied.

Jason stood with narrowed eyes, looking around the dark lot. There were piles of broken camping equipment buried under snow. It's not exactly that he could see well in this condition, especially because he could feel the snowplough vibrating.

"Well, it's not like we can exactly see anything," Jason grumbled. "Let's try and dig through the RVs at least." He stopped the truck, opened the large door, and stumbled his way to a white RV.

Despite the locked door, he used his burning light to open the lock. Sliding the door open, there were no lights except for the darkness and cold. He held a hand out, with his light making a blue glow they could see.

"There are a lot of kids that could fit in here," Jade implied.

"We'd probably have to remove some of the tables," Jason said, pointing at the wide space.

"I don't see any construction sites in this bubble. You could ask the fire department, but Zane's sick," James implied.

Jason kept forgetting that Zane was sick. That had been one reason he didn't step up and lead for awhile. It felt awful not being back and helping whatever was happening, but he was exhausted.

"Did we bring tools?" Jason asked. James and Jade didn't say anything, but rather looked around the RV.

"We didn't know if we'd find anything," Jade said. She placed her hand on a connected table and froze it. He kicked it as the small table snapped off automatically, despite normally taking forever. "I guess you could say our supernatural abilities are."

"Try not to burn down the whole RV. If you want to move to this place when the snow ends, we're going to need a lot of help," James implied.

It would take awhile to not just scrape the snow or construct sleeping areas, but to clear the whole land. Jason wasn't sure what else they had to bring to this place.

"Just getting away from that town. There would be water here," Jason pointed around where a small lake settled.

It was part of Wasaga Beach, but it still gave them the water they needed. However, the lake has been frozen ever since this all started happening. Two weeks of this storm already?

"One issue is that we cannot crack water trapped in thick ice. I can't even decrease the density," Jade sighed.

"We could wait it out..." Jason trailed off, but his response already sounded stupid.

"Yes, we'll wait out a storm that someone evil created," Jade said.

They didn't have much light, which became the frightening part. They're barely able to see what's happening in the piles or if someone is actually approaching them. Jason held his hands out near something that wasn't Jade or James.

"This is the part where we get murdered," James mumbled.

In a flash of speed, Esme flew past him. "I win!" She screeched before Cindy pushed her to the ground.

"No," she gawked at Cindy.

"I found them first!" Esme exclaimed, waving her hands around and puffing out her cheeks. "Because I'm the fastest! Wait, where's Highlighter?"

Jason wasn't exactly sure who they had been implying. Someone glowing brightly around came stumbling over, almost falling multiple times.

"There," Cindy pointed out.

"Why are you three here?" Jason asked.

Esme started making air punches, almost as if she'd punch him. "We've come to beat up Ashley and find Lukey," she exclaimed.

"We intended to find you later, but we found the place earlier," Cindy said.

"Are you guys going to help with this?" Jason asked, motioning to the whole campground.

"We're here to fight and stop this storm," Cindy said as she pressed her glove firmly against Esme's head.

"Ow! Stop Cindy!" Esme pleaded, waving her arms around before speeding away from her.

"How's town?" Jason asked, all of them stood looking for an actual answer.

"Interesting!" Esme beamed.

"How bad are we talking?" James questioned.

"Emma is having a breakdown, Hanna is being mean, and Mark has no clue what to do. The housewife went somewhere, by the way," Esme said as she waved a hand at Jason.

"Went where?" he panicked, knowing that Bella didn't leave the house out of fear.

"I don't know, just rumours," Esme said, shrugging. "We're here because we're bored and Luke's back. Me and Cindy will actually kill him completely."

"Actually, we want to kill ugly Ashley," Cindy implied.

"We'll kill her and then stop all this," Esme said, waving her arms at the sky. "Then we can have decent food and warm weather."

Well, they all had some type of game plan in operation. It was better than just going full force, but Ashley wasn't going to be easy to stop.

"How do you know you can stop Ashley?" Jade asked with a hint of worry in her voice.

"Because I'm fast, and so is Cindy. River is just our light," Esme spoke up.

"We aren't even sure if we can kill Ashley," Jason stated.

"If you try to kill Luke, he'll just pop. We've never technically tried to kill Ashley, right?" Cindy inquired.

Divina had always tortured her and attempted to murder her in any way possible. It went from drowning her to even setting her face on fire, which left it looking gruesome.

"See! That's why we've got to fight her!" Esme exclaimed as she bounced around in the snow.

"No." They whipped around and spotted Ashley, wearing a hard glare. From River's light, you could make out the glow of her somewhat face.

"Yay!" Esme cheered and sped at the girl, holding her arm out to wrap it around her neck. Cindy bopped where the two were, while the other four stood frozen. "Come help us!"

Jason held his hands up while Ashley growled in frustration. Two of those followers came charging towards them, all of them jumping away. Jason shot at both of them before turning back to Ashley.

Cindy went behind her and kicked her in the back, causing Ashley to fall on the hard snow. Esme held up a large chunk of broken ice, whamming it down on Ashley's head. She cheered while Ashley's eyes were spinning. All of it seemed surprising until the snow and wind began to gradually die down.

Jason felt something go off inside as all of them looked around, seeing the snow and wind completely stop. There was still darkness all around, and the only source of light was River.

"It's not an illusion like in the car, right?" Jade asked.

They all looked around, but it didn't start up. You could clearly see the large snow piles, trailers, and everyone with River's glowing light.

"Does that mean I actually beat her?" Esme exclaimed, jumping up but almost tripping on a patch of ice.

How could a single patch of ice stop this whole storm? None of it made any sense until they all saw Ashley's glowing purple eyes grow wide. She looked around in the darkness, as if she had lost something.

"What's going on? How is this happening?" Ashley whispered before Esme slammed the same chunk of ice on her head.

"Night," Esme said to herself, nodding.

"It's bad," Ashley mumbled, somehow still awake. "This can't be possible."

"Esme, knock her out again," Jason said.

Esme held out her pistol and pointed it directly at Ashley. There was one final line that Ashley said, and Jason knew something was definitely wrong by the way she was trembling.

"Nobody should be able to stop my storm, including goddess."

Emma's eyes flew open in bed. She sat up, holding her head, feeling something odd. It was almost like that cold feeling, but different. It could be death or even the final terror of all this mess ending. She opened the blinds and saw that the blowing snow had disappeared from the sky.

The snow covered the ground and was piled high enough that it seemed impossible to melt. Putting her forehead against the small window, she wondered if Ashley had died. Cindy and Esme went out to try and kill her, and maybe they succeeded. If that happened, the bubble would have fallen, and it wouldn't be pitch black.

Feeling her body lifted, she hung upside down from Bryce's shoulders. "The storm stopped," she mumbled, but her heart raced.

"It probably got annoyed that you kept looking at it," Bryce said.

"I wasn't," she mumbled. She felt herself being carried down the hallway before Bryce tossed her on the sofa, looking down at her.

Emma curled her body and faced away from Bryce. It wasn't that she had just been embarrassed, but those feelings of being used remained. It wasn't that it'd go away magically, as she assumed. Her mother always said that suffering causes people to grow. It seems she'll just stay the insecure girl she's always been.

"Are you crying again?" Bryce sighed.

"My eyes are just producing water," she mumbled, not looking at him.

"We're supposed to show them that being used doesn't affect you," Bryce sighed.

"That's hard, and now I have a bad feeling," Emma muttered, glancing at him.

"Bad that I'll throw a snowball at you?" he asked, crouching down in front of her.

"The storm stopped, and that's not normal in this bubble. Everything has a cause, but this is different," Emma breathed, chewing her lip.

She wondered if someone who got killed caused this. Ashley has always had unpredictable actions, but this was different. Something then flickered like a switch in her mind.

"Someone broke in."

"This isn't a robbery."

"I mean the bubble, which only two people could possibly stop: Ashley or Divina. That means we have to find the person who broke in."

"Shouldn't you worry about the sick still?" Bryce inquired.

"Some will die while I'm sleeping," she murmured, flopping back on the sofa.

"The doctor has to be in proper care," Bryce said.

"No, I've slept enough," she said, climbing off the sofa but she tripped instead.

"Relax, Emma," Bryce sighed, but she shook her head.

"I have to worry about healing that illness. Zane's still sick, and Jason's out of town," Emma rambled as she tried sliding on the floor.

"Hanna said she's got it," Bryce stated. "You're supposed to be sleeping. Soon enough, you're going to get a visitor asking about the snow."

She didn't understand why people wanted to see her besides healing. She was just some healer, and nobody cared about her own feelings. She felt herself being dragged by her ankle, glancing up at Bryce.

The door then opened to Mark, who seemed breathless. "The storm stopped," he gasped.

"We've noticed," Bryce said.

"I'm guessing they already beat Ashley, or someone broke in," Emma implied, pushing herself up.

"The temperatures aren't as cold," Mark stated.

Emma crawled to the door, opening it, and felt the freezing weather had decreased. It was not all the way that it gave a neutral feeling, but it was not so freezing that it gave hypothermia.

"I want to find someone and ask, but I can't," Emma murmured, slamming her head against the door.

"I figured I'd just wait it out until something came," Mark implied.

What will come of it this time? Some monster that will eat them all? Perhaps they will all get sucked in by something underground, like an anteater.

"I think it's bad rather than good," she mumbled.

"What's worse than a deadly storm that has killed almost half of us?" Mark asked, but Emma shrugged and sat on the floor.

It could be infections that eat away at the skin. That'd be gross, and she'd be vomiting every minute until she had nothing. Maybe because Luke joined Ashley's side, he stopped it.

It twisted around her head like a math equation. It was just like her insecurities and being used. Tears slid down her cheeks, but she attempted to wipe them away.

"You think someone broke in?" Mark asked.

"An adult?" Bryce questioned, but she shrugged and didn't say anything.

"Why'd Ashley want to have someone break in?" Mark asked.

"Ashley isn't the one who wanted the storm to stop," she said, raising her head. "Divina did. Nobody knows her true powers, but what if they control matter, except the bubble?"

It wasn't just controlling objects, like Greyson, but something much grander. This wasn't just about the mind, like Nevaeh and Eden's power, but something else.

"Matter manipulation," Bryce started. "It was in a video game once where they could control everything."

Since the storm stopped with the dark sky, it left numerous questions. It had to be something or someone. Esme and Cindy had already gone off, and adding more could risk injury if someone went out to look. She put her head on her knees and tried to think about something unrelated to the widespread illness or being used for personal gain.

"James would know this better," she mumbled.

"Are you planning to go find out the information?" Bryce asked with amusement in his voice.

"Cindy will probably come back and tell you," Mark said.

Emma just sat against the door, staring at the washer that didn't work. She wasn't sure if Cindy would tell her, but she assumed.

"I'll try and get people to move the snow," Mark stated.

"It could be a trick, so don't let your skin touch the snow," Emma said, rubbing her raw eyes. They ached, and they have been like that with the constant crying.

"Be sure to check on the housewife, or Jason will beat us," Bryce snickered.

"Yeah, she kind of left without telling anyone," Mark implied.

"Where?" Emma asked, but Mark shrugged his shoulders.

"No note or anything," Mark said, while Emma chewed on her lip. It could be possible that she gets beat up or even stranded. What would she be doing?

"Don't tell me she's looking for the soldier," Bryce snarked.

"That's my guess, bro," Mark said. More people gone means more injuries or deaths. Emma has seen enough people die from coughing up their intestines.

"Jason and them probably ran into Ashley, which already puts harm on all of them," Emma began to ramble. "I could barely heal all those injured at the power plant!"

Emma felt tears running down her cheeks. "They'll be fine. Don't they eventually end up okay?" Bryce implied.

"What's that?" Mark asked as Emma lifted her head, pointing to part of the bubble. It glowed white before all of it became completely dark.

"Definitely, something terrifying is coming," Emma breathed.

Seeing the snow stop made Bella stop the car. She wasn't exactly sure where she had been, but the harsh weather stopped. She rubbed her eyes, thinking it might all be an illusion. Narrowing her eyes, she picked up a small bit of snow, touching it to her skin. When it made contact, it didn't burn her wrist.

Staring in horror, she took off her glove and winced at the pain. Holding her hand up, no wind blew or freezing air. It had still been cold, but not so freezing that ice had formed on her skin. For once, she wasn't worried about Jason's safety but rather about whatever happened.

"Impossible," she whispered.

How could this storm just randomly stop? Try to think back on some of Divina's words. She had stated that she controlled the holes being filled and fixed the broken door of a house. Was Divina back but invisible to them?

"It's horrifying," Vickie gasped.

Bella spun but couldn't see anyone because of the darkness. Even with the dim headlights, she saw darkness and snow.

"Do you know why the storm stopped?" Bella asked.

Bella spotted Vickie with her eyes wide with fear. "The storm stopped, which means Ashley is in danger." Vickie panicked.

"Why?" Bella asked as Vickie shook her head multiple times, looking around like a wild rabbit.

"Divina's here," Vickie gasped.

Bella sucked in a breath because she remembered how that thing acted. She was insane Divina, who couldn't care less who got hurt in the mix, especially Ashley. If she was back, it meant they were all going to deal with that again.

"How?" Bella asked.

"I don't know. It shouldn't be possible," Vickie finally stared at her. "The healer feels something."

"Emma?" Bella asked.

"Terror is coming," Vickie trembled.

Bella didn't know what terror could be. Terror of this ending, or of everyone dying? There were an endless number of answers that could be true, which someone had to know.

"Ashley doesn't have them all yet," Vickie mumbled.

"Did someone break in?" Bella urged.

"Nobody knows who," Vickie said, her hands trembling. "Ashley's perplexed and terrified."

Bella wanted to drive away and leave, but Vickie might attack her. "Why will they bring all this terror?"

Vickie gulped, still having all her head wounds from the day Stick hit her. "Grower."

Bella remembered that term. Ashley had mumbled about someone being a grower, and it ended up being Divina. Is Divina bringing terror to them all?

"It's Divina?" Vickie didn't say anything but then nodded.

"Something like Divina, but this is different," Vickie said.

Bella could think of hundreds of ideas. It could be some adults breaking in or Divina being a tree this time. Divina is frightening enough, but something else?

"They're dangerous," Vickie said, but she wasn't sure if that meant for Vickie or herself. "Everyone could die."

Bella sucked in a breath as her mind began to race. Half have already died from this illness, but more? Is everyone going to die from the lake?

Vickie then popped, leaving her to stand frozen. Is that her cue to leave? Bella opened the door and went to push the gas, but she felt the car shaking. Back and forth, that made her mind spin, setting her head on the steering wheel. In a moment, she felt the car go soaring, leaving her to scream.

Breathing hard, she squinted, seeing someone in front of her. The strongest Catholic stood herself, dusting the ice off her hat. Bella could just bypass Eden easily. The problem became Eden, who sidestepped her, eyes closed, praying.

Stick knocked on her window, scaring her. "You picked up the car!" Bella freaked. He didn't say anything as Eden came walking over.

"Bad Catholic," Eden said with an innocent smile on her face. "You shouldn't be out here. God tells me it's dangerous."

"Why are you out here then?" Bella mimicked.

"Searching for a place to connect with God," Eden said.

"Where am I?" Bella asked, genuinely unaware of her location.

"Near the hospital," Eden chimed.

"Do you know where Jason is?" Bella asked, but Eden shook her head and opened the backseat door.

"I'm going to show Stick the type of Catholic you should be," Eden said.

"I'm not taking you wherever," Bella spat.

"It's important that we help our friends," Eden said, but Bella glared at her.

"I'm not friends with you," Bella growled as Stick slowly climbed into the car.

"You remember what happened last time you made me angry?" Eden taunted with a dangerous look in her eyes.

Bella didn't get this girl's personality. Most of the time, she's focused on religion and then loses her cool seconds later.

"Are you threatening people now?"

"You should listen because I know how to fight. I was admitted because of something similar. Now listen to my words or I'll abandon you in the darkness. So, get going before I numb your movement! Sorry for my cruel actions, God. This girl just needs to understand the importance of friendship and forgiveness."

Bella stared over at Stick. All he did was look out into the dark sky, staying silent. She wondered why Stick wasn't saying anything, especially because he often voiced his opinion.

"Do you know where we are going?" Bella asked in a whisper.

"Nevaeh may have told me," Eden said. "They were going to Paradise Hotel, then Sunny's."

"It's a campground for poor people," Stick mumbled.

Normally in the summer, she would go camping to a private location where many people would often go. It wasn't some small camp she didn't know even existed in Simcoe.

"Why Paradise Hotel?" Bella asked.

"They want to find Ashley and kill her," Stick said.

"We must kill Ashley, but not my God," Eden remarked. "Who knows what will happen if we don't kill Ashley?"

Bella felt a chill spread through her body at that thought. It wasn't something she liked thinking about.

"We'll all die," Stick mumbled.

"I'm sure the Lord will give us something that could save us," Eden beamed.

They didn't need a lifeboat to sail away or anything to save them. All they needed was some twisted miracle, even if it gave them light instead of darkness. It all became a scary situation where Bella could confirm that they would all die here.

"Housewife, you better not test me," Eden hissed. "Have you ever heard of the crackheads named Bryce and Mia?"

Bella heard Bryce's name from Nevaeh but heard about Mia from bits and pieces. Apparently, Mia is like someone who is drunk and doesn't care much about what's going on.

"They knew me before I found God." Eden's voice sounded amused. "We all hung out together. So, it's important you keep that in mind, considering who they are."

The storm has finally stopped, but why?
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