๐‘บ ๐‘ฌ ๐‘น ๐‘ฌ ๐‘ต ๐‘ฐ ๐‘ป ๐’€ (18+)

By erensgf0712

1M 26.7K 12.5K

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A E S T H E T I C S & P L A Y L I S T
Author's Noteโ™ก
Epilogue part 1
Epilogue part 2
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
๐๐Ž๐Ž๐Š ๐“๐–๐Ž
Bonus Chapter 3
Bonus Chapter 4


10.1K 328 177
By erensgf0712

                              S E R E N I T Y


Noah's grand opening wasn't short of anything grand. Almost half of Seattle was there including the Mayor, the board, and unfortunately Giselle Harrington. Like every grand opening, there was a red ribbon that needed to be cut by obnoxiously large scissors and I almost laughed at how unamused Noah was. He'd saved his speech for later, not wanting to look performative in front of the press. He hated them, his mother on the other hand primped his jacket and made sure to smile innocently for the cameras.

"She's one hell of an actress isn't she?" Andrew leaned over and whispered in my ear. He had come to the opening with a date, her name was Taisa. She had no connections to any criminal networks and had a legitimate job, not just one out of boredom. She was nice but she didn't overdo it like she was trying to impress me. That was good. I was the last person she needed to impress and the main person she needed to win over. It was a bit ridiculous but we all couldn't take any more chances.

"The best, I'm starting to think she chose the wrong profession." For a surgeon, she lacked any compassion. With the way Isaiah talked about her she wasn't any better at work, I wondered how she didn't have a malpractice suit by now.

"You know, I'm a little offended, you get an entire private section in the library and I get nothing? He was mine first."

Jealous as ever that was never going to change. You either had it or you didn't. I wasn't one to brag but I wasn't unfamiliar with lavish gifts from men. Though Noah's was the only one that had any real meaning. Doe eyes and plump lips would leave any man swooning, even if it did take eight months.

"Maybe if you weren't so shallow you'd be mentioned," He placed a hand on his hollow chest and pretended to cry. Taisa glanced over at us a few times, her eyes filled with warning. She was a bit serious for Andrew but maybe that was what he needed. Someone to raise his maturity level.

"I think Taisa's going to kill us if we keep talking," he laughed. I shrugged and began clapping as the rest of the crowd did. Noah had finally cut the bow and the doors to the new city library were officially open.

"Not my problem, I'll see you later," I hurried through the crowd to escape the cold. My dress was a bit flimsy and my feet were exposed. I was wearing a coat but the numbness had started to reach my nose, sooner or later frostbite would kick in.

Luckily the inside was warm and not just in temperature. You could tell Noah had a hand in the design by how simplistic it was. It wasn't showy or over the top. It was elegant and pretty? I never thought I would call a library pretty but that's what it was. Even the children's section, bright with color and decorative paintings was simple yet engaging. The sound of children was bustling throughout the room with worried parents chasing after them. The scene would've surely stressed Noah but I enjoyed it.

I hoped to have a little bookworm of my own one day. Maybe not running through a library like it was a playground but one that enjoyed books wholeheartedly. Past the endless rows of books was a small room, a daycare for parents that had to get work or homework done and had no one else to watch their babies. Noah had thought of it all and was extremely kind for even incorporating something like that into a library of all places.

"He's a saint isn't he?" I was good with voices. I recognized that husky tone. It was Tom Duhamel, looking extremely sharp in his suit might I add.

"He's very kind, yes," I replied.

"I'm actually glad I ran into you, it isn't every day you meet a woman who has Noah Harrington at your doorstep begging for guidance." I liked Tom but I wondered where he was going with this. He had to have known I knew what went down with Sunny, what was the point in bringing it up here of all places.

"I'm not sure this is the place to discuss that," he could tell I was getting defensive. He relaxed and turned to me, eyes filled with innocence. I wanted to put my trust in him as Noah once did but I knew better. I'd let my guard down one too many times around rich people. Need I remind? They never missed an opportunity to bulldoze those they viewed as weak.

"Don't worry, I don't have an agenda. It's actually nice seeing Noah like this. I've known him for a long time, he's an ass but he's good with you. I have to go keep an eye on Summers, but here's my card. I'd like to have lunch soon, discuss some things." I took the card and glanced at it before tucking it in my pocket. I didn't know what he wanted but I couldn't say I wasn't more than a little curious.

By the time I'd made my way back to the main section of the library, Noah was preparing to make his speech. His parents were standing on either side of him looking as proud as ever. I was proud of him too. So many accomplishments at such a young age, truly a force to be reckoned with.

"Excuse me, everyone? First, I want to thank everyone for coming out today in this freezing weather." The crowd laughed and I gave a pity giggle. He hadn't even made a joke, what was so funny?

"This library started as nothing more than a side project I didn't expect to come into fruition. It wasn't until a college grad with poor time management skills and a passion for writing walked into my office that I became inspired to finish that project. She reminded me that reading was the foundation of everything, reminded me why I even enjoyed literature. I wanted to create a space for all personalities to enjoy. Whether that be to get some work done or escape their troubles. In my profession, there isn't much time for relaxation. Hopefully, this library will give everyone a bit of serenity."

I caught his drift. Subtle, almost like an inside joke between the two of us. George had caught it too and he smiled making me blush. I didn't even bother to look at his wife, I knew her poker face couldn't last through that. The crowd dispersed and I walked over to Noah and his parents greeting George kindly while ignoring Giselle.

"It's perfect, you really outdid yourself," Noah smiled brightly and thanked me.

"Are you planning on staying long?" He asked quietly. I could tell he was waiting for his parents to leave his side but George was too busy discussing fishing techniques with Andrew to listen to us, it was Giselle who eavesdropped.

"I think I'll hang out in the nook until this place empties out."

His mother scoffed, "it won't empty out, it's a library."

I ignored her and followed Noah's gaze. It went past me and when I turned around my stomach dropped slightly. It was Tom and Summers, heading right towards us. I had seen the other board members speaking to Noah in passing all with bright smiles on their faces. Summers didn't share that expression.

"Harrington, beautiful library," It was a compliment sure but it felt jagged. Noah thanked him without emotion and shifted in his stance.

"Excellent speech as well, your assistant must be quite the writer to be that influential. I also couldn't help but notice the private room dedicated to her."

Giselle giggled. She didn't laugh often—she picked an odd time to laugh. Summers glanced her way and she cleared her throat, it was fucking weird. Giselle never backed down, surely she wouldn't silence herself for a stranger?

"With all due respect Mr. Summers, I see what you are implying and I have to remind you again I can admire a woman without having slept with them. Serenity is a bright and talented young woman. There is nothing shameful in appreciating that."

I wanted to fuck him. Wanted him to take me back to that room that wasn't supposed to be a red room and do unimaginable things to me. But I guess him putting Summers in his place would satiate my hunger for now.

"I see, well congratulations, if you'll excuse us." Summers began walking away and Tom winked at the both of us before joining him. He was too old to be bitter but I guess knocking on death's door would do that to you.

"Noah," his mother started. "Not here, not now," he warned.

"Then let's speak in private, I won't drop this." Noah led the both of us to his office on the third floor. Yes, the library had three floors. His office there was almost identical to the one he had at Ivy. It was scary how particular he was.

"This has gone on far too long! Lying to one of the board members?" She wasted no time in yelling at the both of us.

"Who told you I was lying?"

"Don't be smart, I'm your mother. It's quite obvious you're involved with this woman." I truly wondered what I did to make his mother hate me so. It couldn't have been solely because I interrupted their conversation. Threatening to get her kicked out was a bit extreme but it wasn't enough for the level of hatred she had for me.

"You have absolutely no right to know about anything I do after the stunts you pulled. Your opinion, your guidance means fucking nothing to me."

I'd never heard him talk to his mother like that. He'd been stern with her sure but he'd never cursed at her. What exactly had she done?

"I already apologized for that, I'm looking out for you why can't you see that?! You and your sister are so undeserving you have no right to—"

"No right to what? Have our own opinions? Living our own lives? We're your children, not projects! You shouldn't have raised us to have a mind of our own if you wanted full control over it."

This was beyond awkward but it needed to happen. My presence wasn't necessary and I fought the urge to sneak out but a part of me wanted to stay. Wanted to hear just how far this argument would go.

"Serenity do you mind?" She almost sounded embarrassed.

"No, she's staying. If it's alright for you to berate her in front of anyone she can hear this too."

"Why do you hate me, Noah? I've given you and Beverly everything! Is that not enough!? I have lost everything to give to you!"

Whatever did that mean?

"Don't do that. Don't you dare do that. Bev won't even come home because she can't stand being at the house. When she does come home she stays with me because she thinks you hate her. I don't hate you, mother. But just because you are my mother doesn't mean I have to tolerate your behavior. We've all lost something, you were the only one that let it corrupt you."

She began crying and I honestly couldn't tell if they were real tears or just to get sympathy. Either way, I felt bad. I didn't like her but Noah had been especially cruel. Then again I had no idea what they were like when I wasn't around. How far the poison in her roots went. I saw a flash of regret on his face but he didn't console her. He was probably used to the tears. I for one had never been more uncomfortable a day in my life.

"Maybe I should go hang out with Drew and tell Mr. Harrington to join you both?" Noah nodded and I hurried out of the room muttering to myself. George was still deep in conversation with Andrew when I found him but hurried to go tend to his wife once he'd heard the news.

"What's that all about?" Drew questioned watching George run up the stairs.

"You don't want to know," I sighed. He probably really did want to know but I didn't want to air out his business in front of Taisa. She hadn't earned gossip privileges, didn't know if she ever would.

"Taisa and I are gonna head out, you good?"

"Yeah, I think I'll just hang out in my nook," I'd never get tired of calling it that. Andrew rolled his eyes and put his arm around Taisa. Still bitter, still a sore loser.

"Whatever, I'll see you later Rin."


The loud drum of people I'd heard outside the door had dissipated. It had been a few hours since I'd seen Noah and I wondered if tensions had cooled between him and his family. I had made it through a book and a half already. My eyes were starting to cross from reading I was getting antsy.

Another hour or so passed by judging by the time on my phone. I had fallen asleep with a book on my chest and drool on the side of my cheek. I wiped it off and noticed Noah sitting in the corner casually flipping through a book.

"Jesus fucking Christ why didn't you say something?!" Or at least been kind enough to wipe the spit off of my face so I wouldn't have to wake up in a frenzy.

He shrugged not looking up from his book, "Didn't want to wake you. Also, you drooled on that very expensive chair."

I could kill him. I had no clue how to hide a body but I would do it. Finally, rid the world of his smartass mouth.

"Fuck off," I mumbled.

"Someone's grumpy when they wake up. You're lucky I'm not too big on punishments or I would've had you over my knee."

I wasn't lucky he wasn't big on punishments. That was exactly what I wanted.

"Whatever, is everything good with your family now?"

He sighed heavily and tucked the book back in its respective spot on the shelf, "as good as it can be. I shouldn't have put you in that position, I also shouldn't have spoken to my mother like that I—"

"Hey," I hushed him. I walked over and took a seat on his lap running my hand along his stubbly cheek. I could see a few grays poking through. He was too young to have a salt and pepper beard but he would look incredible with one, and okay I was getting sidetracked. While the delivery could've been softer, it was something she needed to hear. We all had our moments of irrational anger, all we could do was work past it.

"I don't know the history but I know if she's hurt you, you have the right to let her know. She's not the only one that needs to heal, yeah?"

He kissed me softly, so soft yet so passionately I thought our lips would fuze together. His hand grazed the back of my head but of course, he couldn't run his fingers through my curls without getting them stuck so instead he just played with them.

"You deserve everything you could ever want in this world Serenity Taylor," he kissed the tip of my nose and rested his head on my chest. There was a lot I wanted, but I wasn't guaranteed any of it. Especially him, I'd never be guaranteed him.

"What do you want most in the world?" I asked running my manicured nails through his hair.

"Unfortunately, what I want, I will never get."

I think it's about time we learn all of the Harrington family secrets.

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