A Book Of Everything(Taking R...


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This is the book of you, me, and everyone in between. Is there a story you want to read but don't want to wri... More

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Side Adventures of Phil(The Promised Neverland)

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The sounds of the forest coalesce into a beautiful hum. A soft one, enveloping the ears of all of the children forsaken by the world and fated to die. These children are the sacrificial herd to the slaughter. The donated material contributing to a great cause. These angelic, pure, and untainted entities sit in their chairs in their classrooms and wait. They wait and wait for their time, for their moment to finally fully become a part of the great cause. To finally complete the bigger picture of their small little world. To leave the gates of their family home and become adopted into a new world. One that will utilize every piece of that small delicate body, carve it up nicely and package it with care. So that someone out there can enjoy a sustenance that doesn't just fulfill hunger but one that also replenishes life. Leaves rustle and a small boy comes tumbling out of a bush. He picks himself up and comes to the frightening realization that he is lost.

✨ Author's Notes ✨


What do you think of the beginning of Phil's journey? If you would like to read more of this let me know in the comments. This could only be part one to a wholesome story of Phils off-the-way journey. He may or may not make some interesting friends along the way~

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