Physics Chemistry Biology Lov...

By Cute_Chibi

162 0 3

ALTERNATE GALAXY.. err, UNIVERSE. Amy confessed her feelings to Sheldon. Sheldon reluctantly consented so the... More

Sometimes, It's Physics
According to Biology

Maybe, It's Chemistry

51 0 2
By Cute_Chibi

Hello once again!

The Writer does not own The Big Bang Theory.


"... so for the sake of scientific curiosity and for the money, I volunteered myself to have multiple orgasms by firing the pleasure centers off my brain," Amy Farrah Fowler narrated to her new-found acquaintance, Sheldon Lee Cooper, as they journeyed towards their next class. Their friends, who were following them behind, went wide-eyed as they heard that scandalous escapade of hers. Her friends were embarrassed as well as Sheldon's friends. Amy seemed not bothered, though.

"Honestly, I found sexual gratification as disgusting. But it seems acceptable if you do it for the sake of Science. That was admirable, Ms. Fowler!" Sheldon complimented.

It seemed that Sheldon was not bothered, too.

Amy was delighted by his comment, "Well, thank you, Mr. Cooper." And they started conversing to different topic once again.

There friends have been always left dumbfounded by their exchange.

It has been weeks since their first encounter on that fateful afternoon at study area. Since then, they seemed inseparable.

Bernadette looked at Sheldon's friends at said, "I'm sorry if you have to hear that."

Howard was first to respond, as he was having interest to her, "Don't worry. Being friends with Sheldon, we were kinda immune to that."

"It was somehow weird, though," Leonard spoke, "To see, a female version of Sheldon."

"And a male version of Amy," Penny added.

"But I think it's romantic," Rajesh cooed. "It was as if they were once lost elements that were paired once again. Maybe, they have 'Chemistry'...". The rest of them just shook their heads.

"They are interesting pair," Lucy commented quietly.

"Do you think it is a matter of time they will be dating?" Howard asked.

"Sheldon Cooper? Who viewed romantic relationships as completely 'hokum'? Ha!" Leonard reacted.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"..As it turns out, our Physics professor indeed got wrong in his calculations. Glad, I set him right. It would be a horror if my classmates believed in that asininity.."

"Wow, I would be willing to be a carbon dioxide molecule to witness that moment," Amy said.

They were interrupted when Leonard entered their room.

"Hey, Sheldon, I will be going home tomorrow morni—Oh! Ms. Fowler! Hi?" Leonard greeted, surprised. His roommate never invited a woman before in their dorm. It was Friday evening, and most of the students in dorms went to their respect homes.

"Hello, Mr. Hofstadter," Amy greeted.

"What brings you here?" Leonard asked, still surprised by the fact that Sheldon, THE Sheldon Cooper, is inviting a woman in their room. If he went home, they will be alone. That thought made Leonard shiver.

"All of my roommates went to their respected homes. My friends too went home. Mr. Cooper offered me to stay for a while in your dorm so I won't be alone," Amy explained. Leonard was even more surprised. Sheldon is now considerate? Is this the end of humanity?

"That's good. That's good," Leonard replied absent-mindedly.

"So Leonard, what were you saying earlier?" Sheldon inquired.

"Ah! I am informing you I will go home tomorrow morning."

"So I will be alone tomorrow," Sheldon paused a while, thinking. "Okay." Sheldon is not scheduled to be going home. It is always first Friday of the month.

"Okay, uh-m, I will be going outside, I will return later. Have a good evening, Sheldon, Ms. Fowler."

The couple bid their farewell to Leonard.

"Mr. Cooper, I invented a new game," Amy told Sheldon enthusiastically.

"Oh! What is it?"

"I named it, 'Counterfactuals'. We postulate an alternative world that differs from our world in one key aspect and then pose questions to each other", Amy explained.

"Oh!", Sheldon exclaimed enthusiastically, "That's so interesting! I'm in!" They prepared questions and wrote them on cards.

Amy looked at her first card and said, "In a world where rhinoceros are domesticated pets, who wins the Second World War?"

"Uganda," Sheldon answered after thinking.


"Kenya rises to power on the export of rhinoceroses. A Central African power block is formed, colonizing North Africa and Europe. When war breaks out, no one can afford the luxury of a rhino. Kenya withers, Uganda triumphs."

Amy gave her an appreciative smile, "Correct. My turn."

Once again, whenever the duo is together, there is no stopping them from talking.

Just then a text from Amy's phone disrupted their conversation. She read it silently then typed in response. She then faced her companion, "My seniors asked me to feed the experimental monkeys in the laboratory tomorrow."

"The one you said you were invited to be part of their study?" Sheldon inquired.

Amy smiled before replying, "Yes. I still can't believe they invited me to such opportunity, after all, I'm still a first year. Only few were offered to such. Although I'm not assigned to the main tasks and I mostly do observations, still, it was such a privilege."

"It is no doubt you will be offered, Ms. Fowler. You made a promising progress in your academics."

"Thank you, Mr. Cooper. So are you. You said before you were part of a study too, right?"

"Yes. I do most of the calculations. Hopefully this month our study will be verified," he replied proudly.

"I guess the saying 'Birds of the same feather, flock together' applies to us."

"Indeed, Ms. Fowler," he affirmed, clinking his tea mug against hers, "Indeed."

. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .

The next afternoon, Sheldon decided to take a walk around the university. He was alone in his room. Moreover, he can't invite Amy since she was on the laboratory. He was thinking of possibilities of multiverses when he saw a familiar form sitting on the bench. Her body was hunched and her hands were shielding her face. He briskly walked to the said woman. He worriedly called her attention, "Ms. Fowler?"

The said woman faced him. She was surprised and at the same time embarrassed to see her in vulnerable state. She abruptly wiped her tear-stained cheeks hoping he did not catch her crying. After a few moments, she acknowledged his presence, "Mr. Cooper".

He stared her face for a long time, contemplating what he will say. Amy felt really awkward of his staring and faced the other direction. Sheldon sat beside her and said, "Are you crying? Are you sad?" he asked worriedly.

Defeated, Amy replied, "Yes, I am crying. Yes, I am sad."

"Why?" He asked, a concerned tone coloring his voice.

She faced him and explained, "In our study, I am assigned to watch over the experimental monkeys in the lab. I feed them, I bathe them, I talked to them, I cleaned their cages," she smiled as she recalled those moments. "They are Capuchin Monkeys. I love them all. But one of them is my most favorite. His name is Ricky."


"Yes, Ricky. My seniors named them 'subject 1', 'subject 2', but I gave them names. They are our close relatives, right? And I eventually formed a bond amongst them. Ricky.. i-is my most favorite because he hugs me everytime I give him a pack of cigarette. He reached my hand when I feed them. And every time I talk to them, Ricky seems to be listening to me. He seems to be interested. That's crazy, right?" Amy laughed. "And then, after I feed the monkeys this morning," her voice was cracking and tears were threatening to fall, "My seniors went to the lab telling me that our study was behind the schedule and they've decided to dissect the monkeys' brains. I-I know that will happen, but I was shocked and I haven't prepared myself when that happens. I was really shaking, a-and I told them I can't participate because dissecting is not yet taught in my classes. But the truth is, I can't bear them seeing them dead. I-I can't..." she barely finished her sentence because she was sobbing. "..i-magine my be-beloved m-monkeys g-gone.."

Sheldon Cooper was upset. True, he hates people crying in front of him. But in this case, it wasn't the reason. He was upset because he can't say something comforting or wise in this situation. 'Cooper, you are a genius with an IQ of 187. You can think of something.'

"I can't return the lives of your monkeys. But can I at least give you a consoling hug?" he offered. He did not contemplate his words. He knew he despises human contact, but right now human comfort is what she needs.

"Okay," Amy replied meekly.

Sheldon initiated. He opened his arms and hugged her. He placed his chin above her head. He did not admit it, but hugging Amy felt right. On the other hand, Amy's grief lessened as Sheldon's warmth engulfed her. She felt she was not alone. It was even more depressing her friends were not around to comfort her. It was a good thing Sheldon saw her, albeit in her weak state.

She smiled when Sheldon patted her back twice and said, "There. There." She knew Sheldon lacked the ability to comfort other people.

"Thank you, Sheldon. I am glad you are here." Amy hugged him tighter.

Sheldon reciprocated the gesture. "You're welcome, Amy."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .

Sheldon knew that the duration of grieving stage is not the same to all people. He knew it was his responsibility to help Ms. Fowler. After all, he initiated comforting her, so he must (he thinks) help her until the end. So he planned activities for "moving on" (as their friends put it). It has been weeks since that encounter, and Sheldon and Amy frequently visit a local zoo. They will observe some monkeys and koalas (because koalas are Sheldon's favorite animals). They also play Counterfactuals and 3D chess. They started watching movies at theater with their friends. It was hard to admit but the 'couple' is the reason why the two groups of friends were now a big circle. It was also hard to admit that because of this two quirky couple relationships among them starts to blossom. Leonard is dating Penny; Howard and Bernadette are now an item; Raj and Lucy are starting to get to know each other. Everything is getting better.

Amy appreciated Sheldon's efforts to comfort her. Since that fateful day, she thinks her friendship with Sheldon deepen. Her friends teased her that someday their relationship is heading somewhere. Amy first response was "It's impossible".

But this day, she can't say that anymore.

They were looking at the adorable monkeys at the zoo. It was Wednesday morning. The teachers were having a meeting so the students have free time. Sheldon and Amy decided to visit the zoo, which their friends declined. They were observing quietly when Sheldon broke the silence, "Ms. Fowler, have you recovered from the loss of your beloved monkeys?"

Amy smiled at his thoughtfulness, "It still hurts when I think of them but not as hurtful as before," she then changed her expression to worry, "I know it's somehow weird to be hurt this way. In span of weeks, I am expected to recover on their loss. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. I understand," Sheldon assured, then added, "You know, I read an article that 'moving on' requires avoiding situations or things that reminds you of the 'loss'. I see this article irrelevant since it's about 'breaking ups'".

"Most of the articles indeed advise you that way," Amy confirmed.

"So, what we are doing—visiting the zoo to see monkeys—is not a good idea?" Sheldon asked fearfully.

"In some people, yes."

"Oh dear, I did the wrong thing, didn't I? Forgive me. Let's go to the koalas then!" He offered nervously. Without thinking, he held Amy's hand and led her away from the monkey enclosure. Amy was taken aback by the sudden contact. Never in her life had a man taken her hand. It made her nervous and exhilarated at the same time. She then observed sudden changes in her body: fast-beating heart, weak limbs, sweaty palms and reddening cheeks. She stopped abruptly, staring at him. Sheldon looked at her worriedly and called her attention, "Amy?"

Never in her life Amy felt like this towards the opposite gender. She recalled her mother telling her stories of love. A ten-year-old Amy never understands the feeling of love other than parental love. She remembered her mother saying, "Amy, my lovely child. You will not understand this right now. But promise me, when you found someone you love, you will do everything to show him how much you love him. Pursue your happiness and do what it takes to make him happy, too. I want you to experience the love I had with your father."

Amy innocently replied, "I promise, mother."

"Ms. Fowler?" Sheldon inquired once again. This time Amy managed to reply, "I'm okay, Sheldon. You did not do the wrong thing. Maybe to some people, avoidance is the cure, but for me it isn't."

"Okay," Sheldon replied, smiling. But still he did not let go Amy's hand. As they stare each other, remembering her mother's words, she knew what she felt towards Sheldon was beyond friendship. She knew she never felt this feeling towards anyone. She doesn't have a point of reference. But right at this moment, looking at his blue depths, she knew this feeling. She now understands what her mother said. What she had promised to her mother in that hospital. She held Sheldon's hand tighter, breathe deeply and confessed:

"Sheldon Lee Cooper, I have feelings for you!"


January 2022

Originally posted: November 2016

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