I know its you //Camilo x rea...

By Ms-Indiffwrent

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Camilo x reader In which modern!femreader was forced to go abroad with her family (despite wanting to stay at... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 5

1.5K 56 11
By Ms-Indiffwrent

The answer to that is yes he likes you. And now that he admits he is more aware of you. He notices the little details, the way your have a habit of running your hand through your hair when you're trying to prove a point, or how you puff your cheeks when you're upset, or you space out really often, or how touchy you are, you like physical affection, the amount of times you held his hand or hug his arm to catch his attention was absolutely doing a number on his heart. He notices how much you smile, or how when you smile your whole word colors itself in

Like now, three months after his little realization that he does in fact have feelings for you, almost everybody in the Encanto knows of his feelings for you if the fact that he goes to you the moment his chores end any indication

Your hands were laced again, and of course you initiated it. Camilo doesn't have that much courage. You were just staring at the water as you both sat by the end of the bridge. "Camilo" You began and he looks at you "What would happen if suddenly fall asleep on you, right here, right now?"

He straightens "Seriously?"

"I'm a bit sleepy," You admit "Its not impossible"

"I mean you—" He began

"No wait, you have chores, I have chores" You suddenly remembered "I can't sleep on you" You said and got up, letting go of his hand, making him sigh in defeat "We need to go, wait, I'm late" You panicked

He nods "Fine" He gets up, to look at you only to spot you already on your way to where your chores is supposed to be

"See you around hermano!" You yelled and turned the corner out of sight

He narrows his eyes at you, "Don't call me that"

"You're excited" Camilo hums looking at you a day later, he was walking by your side, between you and Abuela

"Of course I am" You confessed, turning to look at him wrapping your arms around his "We're gonna pick up Mariano and then by the end of the night, your sister will be engaged"

"Oh dear" Abuela laughs "Y/n you seem more excited than Dolores"

You smiled at her "Dolores is just better at hiding it" Camilo hums, heart slamming against his chest at the fact you still haven't let him go yet, you leaned closer to him to whisper "that and I'm also excited to talk to Mariano"

"You are?" he asks, a bitter taste on his mouth

"yeah, he's nice to me, and he's a big softie," You explained "he showed me his poems"

He frowns, getting upset "he did?" his stomach sank at your words

You nodded "There are times I'd bump into him and his mama when I do my chores and he is so caring for his mother" You smiled even more "Dolores is so lucky— Camilo why are you suddenly upset?"

He stopped listening midway through what you said, he made a face, rolling his eyes, why is it always Mariano? he thinks and letting out an angry huff of breath. Do you have a crush on him? His sister's amor? Do you like guys like that? Just how much have you spent your time with Mariano to get that excited?

It was obvious that he was upset and you slowly let go of his arm to give him some space and you all walked in silence, as Camilo used the time to calm himself down until you saw a familiar field stopping him from moving with a hand to his chest as you blocked his way

"Wanna see something cool, so you won't be upset anymore?" you asked him "Who am I kidding? I'm still showing you even if you say no. So give me your hand" You offered it

He stares at it for a second "I have no choice, whatsoever?"

"Nope" You replied

"Fine" He nods before placing his hand on yours and you locked your hand and dragged him to the field you spotted

"At the count of three we run through the grass" You instructed and he looks at you eyebrows together in confusion "Yeah, we run through, ok? 1... 2... 3!" You squealed and ran through the grass with him as hundreds of different fireflies appeared from them

Camilo watches surprised and in joy at the dazzling glowing yellow light lied up into the air, then he looks at you and you smiled "Thanks" He says

You nod "You like it?" You asked still holding his hand and he nods "No longer mad?"

"I wasn't mad to begin with" He lies

"Good, glad you like them," You roll your eyes teasingly "can you swipe the grass infront of us? I'm afraid" You laughed apologetically

"Really, Fireflies?" His eyes widened

"Bugs, but yeah" You nodded

"then why did you want to run through?"

"Cause you looked upset" You answered and yelped "Oh my god, I think something crawled on me" moving closer to him, letting go of his hand to wrap an arm around his shoulder so you can use your other hand to cover your eyes

"Your insane" he chuckles wrapping an arm around your waist to steady as the other swipes the grass "Why go here then?

"I wanted to make you smile, ok?" You whined and then gasped "Camilo" You whined more when you felt the grass move from his swiping

"I already swiped" He starts, and you moved to run out of the grass but he held you still with the arm around your waist "I'll carry you" He announces before bending slightly to hook his free arm by your knees as the other went to your back to carry you as walks out the patch, your face still covered

"It worked though, didn't it?" You asked, voice quiet from the initial fear when you felt the ground again by your feet.

Camilo chuckles at you seeing you still frozen in place, he holds your hand as the other takes your hand away from your face "What did?"

You looked at him and then the grass "I made you smile"

"yeah," He rolls his eyes "But I also carried you out"

"I thought I could handle it, alright?" You sighed "I thought that maybe oh, I ran in there before, I can do it again"

"You did?" He asks grinning in amusement "You could barely move in there, how did you get out?"

"Well, Mariano dragged me out" You confessed and his smile disappears "Well to be fair he was also who showed me the grass so there's that, plus when I ran at first I was like ooh lights, but then I remembered that those lights are bugs so I froze and he had to get me out"

The bitter taste returning to his mouth at your words "Can you walk?" He asks and you nod, he lets go of your hand walks "Come on" What is this? Why am I do mad? He asks himself as he walks away, the sinking feeling in his stomach not going away

You made a face when he walked ahead "Camilo?" You asked walking towards him "Why are you mad again?"

When you finally arrived at the Guzman's home, you were quiet, saddened that Camilo is visibly angry at something you did. You tried to think of what could that be to know avail

Camilo was seething, he did not like how excited you got when you're talking about Mariano, and even if you did run through grass to show him the fireflies despite being scared to the point that he can feel you shaking and freezing in place

Senora Guzman walked down the stairs to greet his grandmother with a hug, after that she went and greeted Camilo who smiled, despite being angry at himself and you. Next Senora Guzman walked up to you as you bowed in greeting, Camilo can tell that your smile was also quite forced from how tight lipped it was, when Senora Guzman looks to the side to call for Mariano and your smile quickly disappeared

"Y/n" Mariano says walking up to you and you smiled once more, bowing in greeting "You ran through the grass?" He asks

Your smile faded and turned into a look of shock "How did you know?"

He chuckles reaching down to pull the grass away from your skirt "I call it a keen sense of observation"

You laughed, catching Camilo's attention who stood beside his grandmother, he spots you and Mariano talking, with you laughing at something he said

"Yeah," You began "That is some sharp senses" You teased

"Aren't you afraid of fireflies?" He asks remembering how he had to drag you of the grass himself a couple of days ago, you nod, "then how did you get out?"

"Camilo helped me" You answered

He nods "How lucky of us to have Camilo by your side"

You nod, smiling

Camilo releases a sharp breath at the sight, getting really angry, "Abuela," He calls and catches his grandmother's eye "Me and Y/n will go wait outside ok?" He asks but before his grandmother could reply he turns to your direction

"Y/n" He calls and grabs you by the wrist making you turn to look at him "Lets go wait for everyone outside" He says before taking you away from Mariano and straight outside

"Camilo" You began but he doesn't say anything "Hey, wasn't that a bit rude? We were talking?" Again he says nothing "Camilo" You tried again and narrowed your eyes, forcibly prying his hand off "What s wrong with you?"

He stops and looks at you "What?"

"Oh so now you can talk?" You asked angry, crossing your arms, he narrows his eyes back at you at your comment "What's going on?" Why are you suddenly so mad?"

He falters a bit, stop being so close and friendly with my sister's amor! He says in his head Why do you have to be friendly with him when you can't even see me? "It doesn't matter" He replies

"It does!" You raised your voice "It obviously does, otherwise you and I wouldn't be fighting like this" You replied "tell me what's going on? At least I can try and help"

"Well You can't alright?!" He snaps

You opened your mouth to reply when the Guzman's door opened, making you halt in your steps and look away, Camilo looks towards them. Everyone can tell you two had a fight, you weren't exactly yelling, but neither of you were quiet "Ready?" Camilo asks and everyone nods

Dinner was eventful, everyone was excited for Dolores and Mariano. You decided to ignore Camilo and your fight just so Dolores and Mariano can have their special day.

Dinner was served, Mariano sits beside Dolores and Senora Guzman sitting between him and Abuela making Camilo moves two sits down, beside you. You met eyes, but neither spoke.

You laughed when Mirabel whispers something to you from your other side, you enjoyed dinner, true, but was your social battery almost reaching its end because of yours and Camilo's fight. Neither of you acknowledging the other's presence, which Pepa and Felix noticed

You barely heard the poem that Mariano has dedicated to Dolores. Actually you barely processed that Antonio dragged you to the side after dinner to play with him and Mirabel. You and Mirabel played with Antonio and his animals as dinner settles, giving everyone a moment as Mariano gathers his strength to propose

"Y/n" Dolores walks up to you, making you turn to her "Come here, wanna talk to you a minute" She motions you over and you nod

"yes?" You asked walking up to her as she leads you to the kitchen "What did you want to talk about?"

She crosses her arms and thinks of how to say it as you make yourself comfortable by sitting on the counter "You and Camilo had a fight"

"You heard us?" You froze

She nods "But, I didn't mean to" She starts and you nod "its just that, you guys barely said a word with each other when usually you guys would be together" She began "And I don't usually meddle into Camilo's stuff but I wanted to talk to you about making up?"

"Of course" You nodded "I want to make up with him, but your not saying I apologize?"

"It'll be easier" She continues

"Why?" You narrow your eyes, the anger from a while ago returning "he was the one who dragged me and left me!" You raised your voice making her flinch and cover her ears "Why would I apologize?!" You covered your face, slouching in place "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice" You murmured "Why should I apologize?" You asked voice quiet

"because" Dolores answers after a second and walk up to you to put your hand down and away from your face "I can tell that your trying to understand him but you're just as upset as he is, talk it out, so the two of you can at least enjoy tonight"

You think for a second and nod "Alright" she smiled "I'll apologize to him, only cause you asked me too"

She smiled even more "Thank you"

You both left the kitchen after that as you started looking for Camilo to apologize or atleast reconcile, after finally spotting him somewhere alone away from the guests, you took a deep breath

"Camilo" you called walking up to him and he turns to look at you "I'm sorry"

He stares at you surprised "Why are you apologizing?"

"Well you're obviously not in a good mood and I got mad, which probably didn't help, I should've been more understanding"

Now, Camilo felt bad, felt even shittier than what he did five minutes ago "Don't apologize, I should be the one, I didn't mean to get mad at you"

"Wanna talk about it?" You asked and he raises an eyebrow at you, you smile "Ok, I won't pry"

"Come here, bonita" He smiles back and opens his arms "I'm sorry"

You nodded and moved to hug him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he holds you by the waist "Just next time, talk to me atleast, ok?"

He nods and hugs you "Ok"


He doesn't reply, not sure if he can keep that, instead opting to hug you closer

"Promise me, hermano" You laughed and pushed away from him but not completely so your arms is still resting on his shoulder as his still on your waist. He clicks his tongue and you frowned "What?"

"Stop doing that" He says, the bile going up his throat

"Its because you don't understand!" Camilo raises his voice making Dolores who was sitting in the living room hear the fight erupting from the otherside of Casita

"How am I supposed to understand if you won't tell me?" You asked voice calm, you probably know that Dolores was listening "Don't you think I'm hurt? You've been doing this all day to me, I wanted to reconcile with you because its Dolores and and Mariano's special day but no, you just keep making it harder"

"Just stop, stop ok?!" Camilo says, Dolores could hear her brother's heavy breaths "Just leave me alone!"

"You want to be alone?" You asked, Dolores could hear the pain in your words "Fine, be alone, be by yourself for all I care" You hissed and then your receding footsteps

Dolores steps forward, tapping her father's shoulder, making him turn to her "Dolores?" He asks "Mi Vida, What's wrong?"

"Its not me, Papa" She says shaking her head "Camilo and Y/n are fighting, they're somewhere in the otherside of Casita"

"Fight?" Felix asks

"Yes" She answers "I tried talking to them but I think I just made it worse"

Felix nods placing a hand on Dolores' shoulder "Ok, I'll go check, stay with your mother" She nods watching her father walk away

Felix was willing to search Casita to look for either of you to talk to, but he breathes a sigh of relief when he spots you leaving the nursery, the sketchpad, which Felix realizes was one of Camilo's gift to your birthday, was tucked under your armpit " 'Scuse me, Tio"

"Oh ok, here" He moves to the side to let you pass but speaks up, as you passed he spots the quixk swip of your hand under your eyes as a tear escaped "Ay wait, Where's Camilo?"

Without lookibg at him or stopping you point at the direction of the terrace, and then you disappeared his line of sight

Felix could tell it was a big fight, whatever happened you and Camilo tend to always be by eachothers side and here you were, leaving him in the terrace.

"Camilo" Felix calls out when he spots his son sitting on the floor back against the railing

Camilo looks at his father, silent tears "Papa" he cries softly "I made Y/n cry" He tilts his head back hitting it against the railing "I didn't mean to, but I was just so angry and" He lets out a loud, deep, strangled exhale "Everytime I think of that look she gave me, It hurts, It hurts seeibg her cry"

Felix moves to sit beside his son, "Camilo" He says softly "What happened?"

"We fought," He answers "But it was all my fault" He sniffs, wiping his face he starts retelling the story, from how he felt bitter at you mentioning Mariano and then your attempt in making him smile only for him to get angry again and left, then the fight you both had infront of the Guzman's and then when you tried to reconcile it only ended in an even bigger argument when you called him Hermano, you both argued, words were exchanged and when you tried pry and ask him what's wrong her raised his voice at you, telling you to leave him alone, that's when he saw the tears that you tried so hard to hold back before giving him what he wanted

"Ay, Camilo," Felix sighs after he retells the story, a hand on his son's back for comfort "Alright, first of all, what you're feeling is understandable, it is normal and it is valid" He began assuring his son "You like her, don't you?" Camilo stares at his father, he hasn't really admitted it to anyone but himself that he likes you, he nods "See? Its normal and its ok to feel that way" He assures "What's not ok is using those feeling to justify you getting mad at her, because she doesn't know, if you want her to know, tell her, tell her you like her andbwhy your upset about it, other than that you can't expect her to understand"

Camilo looks at his hand as his father speaks, soaking up everything the latter was saying

"Second," His father began "You do not raise your voice at a woman," He pauses "or a man, or anyone for that matter" He reprimands "And we moet especially do not raise our voice to the women we care about, do you understand?" Camilo nods "You need to apologize to her"

"I can't," Camilo shakes his head "After the fight? I'd be lucky if she even looks in my direction"

"It doesn't matter," Felix answers "The longer you wait, the higher the chance it is for that bond you two have to break, try and apologize. Y/n cares about you, she tried to understand you, but like you, she is human, and she was upset, so apologize mijo" His dad stands and helps him up, nodding at him to give him strength and before Camilo nods and runs, wanting to look for you

He spots you out in the garden that his prima, Isabela made for you on your birthday, sitting on a rock (that you asked Luisa to place there) as you draw

He walks up to you, "Y/n?" He calls and you turned to look at him, only to scoff and turn the other way. He moves to otherside, "Y/n?" He tries again this time you face forward and ignored him again. He frowns, thinking on what he should do so you'll atleast look at him

He moves infront of you sitting on the ground crossed leg, looking up at you he was greeted by the sketch pad, "Y/n I'm taking your sketch pad away" he informs and pushes it down against your lap, then resting his chin on it as he looks up at you, but you still ignored him, resuming the strokes of your pencil against the paper

"hey" He smiles sadly, "talk to me? Bonita?" he tries to no reaction "Hermosa?" he tries again "Mi Bella?" He says and smiled when your eyes flickered from the paper to him and then back to the paper "Oh so you like being called that?" he says in genuine fondness "Mariposa?"

You finally looked at him and he smiles "Are you done calling me names?"

"They're not names," he replies "they're nicknames"

"Mariposa?" You repeated "Do I look like a butterfly to you? I'm afraid of bugs"

"True" He began "But, you're as pretty as one"

You stared at him and blinked "What is up with you and calling me nicknames that all mean the same?" You huffed "Are you done?

"No," He admits "Not until I make you smile" You rolled your eyes and resumed your drawing "I think I'm making progress, since your, replying to me" You don't reply and he sighs nodding "I guess I do deserve that, its ok" he smiles, but this time you can tell he was getting more on the serious side

"I'm sorry" He starts and you finally looked at him, halting your drawing and listening to his words "I know I hurt you, and it wasn't just that but we fought almost all day, I'm sorry"

"Why did we fight?"

He sighs and shakes his head "this one, I can't tell"

You scoffed and looked to the side "Why not?"

"Because," he swallows "You might not understand"

"You always say that" You looked at him "Did I tip you over?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like your angry and you just try your best to be calm and then when you get angry again this time even by something small you burst and just tip over" You explained, rambling on "Did I do that to you?"

He stares at you and shakes his head, reaching out to hold you by the shoulders "Y/n you did not do that, I'm sorry for making your think that way, but you did not tip me over, ok? You could never do that"

"Then why won't you tell me anything?"

"Because you might not be ok with it" He admits, What if you don't like me back?, He thinks "I'll tell you, but not now"

"Fine" You huffed and nodded resuming your drawing

He smiled and reached out to lift your head using your chin "I'm really sorry, please forgive me"

"Ok, I forgive you" You nodded and held him by the wrist to take his hand away "But if you so much raise your voice at me again even if you are angry, I'm seriously going to fight you"

He smiles even more and moves to sit on the rock beside you "I promise" he began "I won't" You nod and resumed drawing "Is it too early to ask you to smile for me, mariposa?"

"I'm still mad at you, so don't push it" You warned finishing the sketch

"How about a hug?" He offers after a second and smiles at you, the god damn smile that all of a sudden seems absolutely blinding, he opens his arms, invitingly "You said you always liked my hugs"

You shifted to lean your head against his chest, the sketch pad still on your lap as you inched closer, "yeah, ok" Camilo grinned even more and happily hugs you, leaning his cheek against the top of you head as one arm snakes by your shoulder to gently pet your hair "Next time" you began and he listens "You have to tell me"

"Tell you what?"

"You need to tell me what I did when I get you angry" You answered "I need to know, how else can I fix this if you won't tell me. So tell me, ok hermano?"

He closes his eyes to control his temper "That"

"What do you mean 'that'?"

He swallowed "Please don't call me that, I don't want to be called that"

You looked up at him and he lifts his head from your chin "Hermano?" You clarified and he nods "ok, I won't call you that" You nod

He finally smiles and nod "Thank you"

You were both silent and he can feel the tension leave your body and he can tell you've calmed down, so he speaks up "What are you drawing?"

"A gift for Dolores and Mariano for when Mariano proposes I'll show them this" You lifted up the pad to show hi the drawing you took of the both of them walking in a rose garden "I'll have to paint it, now so I can give it to them by the end of the night, right?" You said and pulled away from him, standing up

He misses your warmth when you pulled away and he yelps in surprise when you pinched his cheek "Join me?"

"To the nursery?"

You nod "I'm going to paint" You informed and walked inside to paint in your room so that no one will see the gift, with Camilo following after you

It took a while, maybe an hour to two hours (transferring the sketch to a canvas and painting over it) of just sitting there and painting the gift, Camilo was lying on your bed, asking you things to keep you company. He almost alerted the whole Casita when he jumped off the bed, pumping his fist in the air when you laughed (Finally at his joke). You finished just in time too cause once you were finished (You blew on the canvas to double check that it was infact dried) Casita alerted you and Camilo to go outside by opening the door. You grabbed the canvas and walked out with Camilo, only to gasp at the sight almost dropping the canvas in the process

Camilo grabbed the canvas from you when he noticed what was happening, Mariano was kneeling on one knee holding a ring for Dolores as he stares and tells her what's in his heart. Camilo stares at the scene before him, at how his sister was almost in tears from the joy. Almost everyone in the family gathered to look at what's happening and a chorus of whispers grows.

Camilo looks at you as you stared at the scene from downstairs, silently squealing in delight "Camilo look at Dolores", You walked forward, bending slightly over the railing to get a closer look as you motioned at Dolores

"Bella," Camilo panicked placing a hand on your waist to steady you "Be careful, you might fall" he warns

"No, I won't" You said laughing a bit too focused on the scene in front of you that he met his father's eyes from downstairs, giving him a thumbs up and a questioning look between you and him, he figures his dad is asking him if you and him have made up, He nods, making his father grin

You ran down the stairs, leaving Camilo behind "Dolores!" You called out and tackled her in a hug, to which she was more than happy to hug you back "Congratulations!" you greeted and she laughs, you extended your hand to place it on Mariano's forearms "Congrats to you too" You smiled and he nods grinning, You hugged Dolores again "Oh before I forget" You let go of her "I have a present for you guys" You smile and turned to grab the canvas from Camilo "Wait, where's Camilo?"

"I'm here," he announces walking towards you, canvas in hand "Didn't I tell you to wait for me, Mariposa?"

You shrugged "Didn't hear it" You teased, making him roll his eyes as you take the painting

"Mariposa?" Mariano repeats

"A new nickname" You shrugged again "Its not really my favorite, but ignore that," Mariano raises an eyebrow at Camilo who looks at you "I made you guys something" You turned the canvas and showed them your painting "Congratulations on the engagement" You smiled as they stared at it in aww

Dolores hugs you as Mariano takes the painting so it won't be damaged "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" She says happily

You hugged her back "You're absolutely welcome"

Both Mariano and Camilo had that lovestruck look as they watched their loves from the side, finding you both adorable, "I can guess that Y/n doesn't know of your feelings?" Mariano asks making Camilo break out of his gaze

"What?" Camilo asks surprised "I don't— I didn't say— How—?"

"You weren't really hiding it" Mariano answers and nods to your direction who was giggling as you tried and wiped the tears from Dolores' cheeks "besides, there is nothing wrong with liking someone, they can be your biggest source of inspiration, I mentioned it to wish you good luck in your own journey of Love"

Camilo doesn't answer but watch as Mariano walks up to both of you to hug Dolores who was still crying tears of joy, to you was smiling as you walked back to Camilo's side "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make your sister cry" Camilo laughs at your joke

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