I know its you //Camilo x rea...

By Ms-Indiffwrent

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Camilo x reader In which modern!femreader was forced to go abroad with her family (despite wanting to stay at... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 2

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By Ms-Indiffwrent

"Do you remember anything now?" Mirabel asks for the nth time this tour

You laugh "You don't need to ask me that," You tilt your head "I'll tell you when I do"

She nods "Sorry"

You shake your head "Don't be its fine" You assured and returned walking by her side "Actually, how old are you?"

She turns to look at you "Why?"

"Its just," You began and licked your lower lip thinking on how you could open up the conversation without it being questioned "I remember something, not much just, you know, something its about age"

"Oh," She hums "I'm sixteen"

"Ah," You said and shrugged "Just a year apart, you're fine"

"What did you remember?"

"If you were way younger than me, you should call me Ate" You explained "It means older sister, or girl who is older than me" You shrugged again "Its fine, you don't have to call me that"

"Cause we're a year apart?"

"Yeah" You smile and she nudges you towards another direction

After a while you looked at Mirabel and spoke up "Can I know more about your family?"

She nods "What do you wanna know?"

"Everyone" You turned to look at her "Like what's Abuela's gifts?"

Mirabel shakes her head "She's the head of the family, the one who protects the miracle. She doesn't have" you nod in understanding "But what you already know what my mom does"

"Mrs. Julieta" You agreed "Heal anything with food" She nods in agreement with you words "And I'm guessing the guy beside her a while ago is your dad?" Mirabel nods "What's his gift?"

"He doesn't have one" Mirabel answers and clarifies when you made a face "he married into the family"

"Ahh" You said in realization "So no gift when you marry into the family, makes sense. So like, their children, they have right?"

"Yes, my sisters have" She began but you cut her off

"What's your gift?"

"I don't have one" She answers truthfully


"Yeah," She shrugs "The only Madrigal kid without a gift"


"Its fine" She smiles "We're all still family" She answers and points at someone "That's Luisa" She introduces

"Oh that's the one who can move a piano" You realized

"mhm" She agrees "Her gift is strength"

"Wow" You said softly as she kicks a house back into place

"Oh and that's my oldest sister, Isabela" She points at the beautiful long haired woman "Isa!" She calls

"Hey" She greets and smiles at you, as you bow in greeting "How's the tour?"

"Informative" You answered

"I was just about to tell her your gift" Mirabel elaborated

"Well, I can show you instead" She offers "What's your favorite flower?"

Your smile disappeared "I don't know" You admitted

Isabela hums before snapping her fingers "Do you know what it looks like?" You think for a moment, before nodding "I can make one based on that"

You spun around, looking for a stick and moving to draw a likeness of the flowers you like on the ground

You watch as Isabela tries to figure out what the flower it may be and she gasps "Orange mock?"

You're eyes light up "Yes! That's what they're called!"

She chuckles and cups her hand a bouquet of Orange Mocks appeared out of no where as she hands them to you

You gasped and happily accepted the gift "Thank you! They're so pretty!"

She hums a bit unsatisfied with the display before waving her hand over your head adoring your head with orange mocks. She nods as if satisfied "There, all better, These are my get well soon gifts"

You bowed "thank you"

She smiles at you and Mirabel "I need to go now, be careful, you two" She hums and turns to leave

Once she was out of sight and ear shot you turned to look at Mirabel "You have a pretty sister"

She snorts

"Antonio has chores?" You asked surprised at the sight of the young boy who spoke to chickens asking them to return to their pens

Mirabel hums "Yeah, everyone does, why?"

"Didn't expect him to have chores is all." You admitted "Like, he's what? Five?"

"He's Six"

"Close enough," You shrugged "But the point is isn't he to young to have chores?"

"Everyone gets chores, the Madrigals chores are ways where our gifts can be put to good use" Mirabel began explaining "I have chores, and so does my dad and Tio Felix"


"Antonio's dad" She clarifies "The point is its how we give back"

"Everyone?" You asked

She nods "Everyone"

You were silent as you think of what to say and do "Mirabel" You began no longer walking and she stops beside you at her name "Can you take me to Abuela?"

"Y/n" Abuela says when you and Mirabel walked in "What brings you here?"

You swallowed, clasping your hands infront of you and bowed "I would like to ask for a favor"

"What kind of favor?" She asks raising an eyebrow at the question

"I wanted to ask if I can do chores to"

That caught her off guard not expecting you to willingly volunteer for that "What made you ask?"

"Mirabel was telling me about the family when I felt like I should have chores too." You began "I am willing to help with anything, if I can do it. I can clean the house" You suggested and then squeaked when you saw the window blinds moving on its own, making you look at Mirabel "Your house moves" You said unsure yourself

"Yeah, Casita does" Mirabel answers


"The house"

You licked your lip "Right"

Abuela laughs at the interaction "I am thankful of the offer Y/n"

"I am not ok with sleeping and eating here without helping" You cut off "Please, let me help"

She nod, finally relenting "Ok, if you are so sure, you can help Mirabel with her chores and anyone else that might need it ok?"

You nod, happy "Thank you"

"I'll tell everyone later at dinner" she began "You can help tomorrow, but for now, rest is important"

"Who's that?" You asked pointing at the man with long black hair and green Poncho

"Oh, That's my Tio Bruno" She explains "Him, my mom and Tia Pepa" she looks at you "Antonio's mom" You nod "Are triplets"

You looked at her in amazement "Cool" You smile "What his gift?"

"See the future" She answers

"Really?" You asked "Wow, You uncle's cool"

"Do you want him to read your future?" She asks and you perk up "Maybe that way we can learn on how to get your memories back"

You looked away and shake your head "No" You answered, What if he realizes that I'm lying? "I'm honestly afraid of the future." You lied "I'd rather see how it unfolds rather than"

"Have it told to you?" Mirabel asks and you nod

She snorts and nods, waving goodbye at the man and you bow walking back outside and the tour continues. Around some time later you gasped as a sudden sound of thunder filled the air

"What was that?" You asked confused

"Something must've ticked off Tia Pepa" Mirabel murmured and almost immediately rain came from nowhere

"Oh no, here you two go" Says a man, one of the people you saw eat at the table, you can guess this is Felix

"Thank you Tio Felix" Mirabel says taking the umbrella he has offered. You were right

"Welcome, Mija" He says to her and smiles at you "Sorry I'll go calm down the wife"

You smile "Nice to officially meet Senor"

"You're too formal" He complains, holding (you can guess was) Pepa by the waist as she calms down "Just call me Tio" You nod "Good, now amor," He says looking at his wife "What seemed to have bothered you?"

And just like that the sky slowly cleared "She can control the weather?" You said in realization

Mirabel hums "Almost right." She answers "She doesn't control it but like weather and her emotions go hand in hand"

"So her emotions control the weather?" You ask and Mirabel nods "Yeah ok, I have a new favorite gift"

"He was the one who carried me right?" You asked after spotting the same curly haired boy, Mirabel nods "What's his name?"

"Camilo" Mirabel answers, "His gift is shapeshift"

"Really?" You asked surprised and she nods, motioning for you to watch as he turns to look like someone and take the probably a year old kid from their moms arms

Who starts crying, when Camilo takes him, so Camilo goes for another strategy he shifts into the mother only for the baby to cry more and louder. He panics and shifts to someone else in an attempt to make the baby laugh only to make it worse

You made a face and motioned for Mirabel to join you, you walked up to Camilo "Um, Camilo?" You asked and he (still shifted into someone else) looked at you "I think your scaring her"

He scoffs and looks at you "How am I scaring her exactly, Bonita?"

"Well," You looked at Mirabel and gave her your bouquet "Mirabel hold this for me" You approached the crying two year old in Camilo's arms and hummed a simple tune and cupped her cheeks "Oh its ok, no need to cry" You spoke a couple of seconds later using your thumb to wipe the tears "You're ok, are you frightened?" You spoke to them and Camilo watches as the baby relaxes into your touch

"How are you doing that?" He asks shifting back to himself

"Can I have her just a second?" You asked with a finally looking up at him to see how close you were

He stares and then nods, Letting you carry the baby, he watches as you moved to sit on the ground the baby on your lap, the crying died down "There, pretty baby done crying?" The baby babbles and you laugh "I'm glad to hear that, I'm Ate Y/n. What's your name?"

"Amelie" Camilo answers before lookibgvat Mirabel "Ate?"

"How you address a girl that's older than you"

Camilo nods "noted"

"Such a pretty name Amelie" You coo and pat her head "Did Kuya (Pronounced Coo-Yah is how you address a guy thats older) Camilo scare you?"


"Same with Ate" You explaned "but for guys" only to chuckle at the nonsense babbling from the baby "Kuya Camilo never meant to scare you. He was trying to make you laugh" You raised one hand towards him as if asking him to take it and when he did you pulled him down making him sit by your side "Look is Kuya scary?" hand still keeping him from getting up

The baby just stares and babbles and you smile

"See?" You nod "Not scary, Is Ate scary?"

She babbles

"Good" You smile "Kuya is Ate's friend, if ate isn't scary, Kuya isn't too, Ok?"

She babbles again

"Yay!" You cheered "Hug it out" You guided the baby into his arms and he holds her "Hi five?" You ask and guide her hand to hi five you making you clap "Yay" You cheered as she yawns "Aww sleepy?" You pat her back "Sleep well baby"

You both sat on the ground as the baby falls asleep in Camilo's arms "How did you do that?" He asks and cover his mouth with your hand

"Don't wake her" You whispered and then removed your hand then You shrug "But to be honest I don't know. Kids just like me"

You moved to pet her hair before reaching by your hair and plucking one of the flowers to place onto her "There, pretty thing"

You motioned for Mirabel to sit beside you as you hum a sweet tune, when the baby became restless in Camilo's arms

"You're good with kids" You mumbled when you notice him shifting his sitting position to carry her better

"Think so?" He asks amused "When you're the one who made her stop crying," He paused "Y/n, Right?"

You nod "One and only" You gave him a thumbs up "Besides I'm just observant" You got up "You got her?"

He nods "Yeah, I got it now"

You looked at Mirabel silently asking her if she wants to leave or stay, "I'm good" She hums and stands up as well, taking the bouquet from her you smile "Lets go?" She nudges Camilo in greeting and walks ahead

You nod following after her "Where should we go to next?" You looked at Camilo and smiled "See you around" You bowed and then catched up with Mirabel

"Have I met everyone?" You ask after you both decided to rest under the shade of a tree in the middle of town

"No" Mirabel answers and points to the side "There's one more"

You don't look, but you think back to when you ate lunch thinking of all the people there when it clicked "Ahh" You said aloud when you snapped your fingers "The pretty girl with a bow"

She hums in agreement before giggling "Her name is Dolores" She nudges you to look at where she's looking at. Dolores was there speaking to some towns folk about something "Her gift is hearing"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means she heard everything" She nudges you again "say hi" She ushered

"Like great hearing?" You asked going red in embarrassment "Um. Hi?"

She stops conversing and looks at you direction, waving before returning to her conversation

You covered your eyes "This is so embarrassing" You whined "You should've said so, I can't even look at her"

Mirabel just laughs at your pain making no moves to assure you

Camilo would be lying if he said you didn't catch his attention. He thought you were pretty when you clinged on to him when you passed out the first time he saw you. He thought you were the most politest (redundant but true) person he has ever met with your greeting and bowing. He thought you were kind when he saw how much Antonio seemed to like you. And now he thought you were amazing being able to calm the baby like that

So here he was returning to Casita after a long day of chores, ready to go into his room and flop down and take a nap before eating dinner. On the way to his room he passes by kitchen, he spots Tia Julieta, Mirabel and you all making food for dinner

He stands there, watching as you laughed and playfully splashed Mirabel with water after you washed you hands. You moved to place the already cut up vegetables into the soup on the stove, your clothes have changed from the weird shirt that seemed too small on you and the pair of pants that he wasn't familiar with into a normal everyday top and skirt (Mirabel must've lent you some). Bag no longer around you

He smiles when you panicked after Mirabel jokes around with you, you reached up and felt the flowers that were still in your hair "Mirabel be careful" You warned and tapped the pot with your ladle "this is really hot"

He continues to his room before anyone spots him, he just wants a nap

He couldn't take a nap

Antonio and Dolores thought it'd be fun if they hanged out in their parent's room which is in truth, no problem at all until they both physically dragged Camilo with them

And there he was lying on his parents bed as everyone all talked, adding some comments here and there to let everyone know that, yes, he was still paying attention.

"Camilo" His dad calls "Can you ask tea from you tia Julieta for your mother?"

Camilo nods, getting off the bed to walk to the kitchen and do as he's told

Entering the kitchen he spots his Tia Julieta and Mirabel laughing as you sat on one of the counters, writing something on one of Mirabel's notebooks. Only to stop and look at him in surprise, jumping off, catching everyone else's attention "Camilo" You greeted and smiled "Hi"

He smiles you probably didn't want to be caught sitting like that, "Its ok, Bonita" He nods towards the counter "Continue what you were doing"

You nod and got back on, continuing as if nothing happened earlier

Camilo goes to Mirabel "What is she doing, exactly?"

"Mama asked her if she could draw something for us" Mirabel explained "And there she us doing as requested"

He turns his head to look at you, tapping both your thumb and ring finger against the paper twice and then frown when you realize what you did, you flipped the pencil over to erase what you drew

"Camilo what are you doing here?" Julieta asks

"Oh, Mami wanted some tea, Tia Julieta" He explained

Julieta nods and starts preparing the cups for the family as she already knows that that means All five of them are together

"Ok done!" You exclaimed and hopped off the counter, turning the paper over to show them your sketch, it was a simple sketch of Mirabel and Julieta in the kitchen, working, Julieta makes the food as Mirabel holding a spoon and a bowl laugh "its a bit messy, but what do you guys think?"

Mirabel stares at it in amazement "That's amazing"

"Really beautiful Y/n" Julieta praises

"It looks just like them" Camilo adds on, he spots it, the way you tried to hid a smile after all the complements they have said

"Thank you" You hand Mirabel her notebook "Tia, I'll do the tea for Mrs. Pepa" You offered and took the kettle from her then you prepared the tea for them as Mirabel stayed there fascinated by your drawing "Ok, done. Can I help you in carrying these?"

Camilo stares at the two trays, one had the thermos while the other five cups of tea were spread out, he nods taking the one with the thermos "Yeah you can carry the cups"

You nod and did as you were told, waiting outside the kitchen as Camilo says something to Mirabel and the follows after You "Ready?"

You nod and followed after him, it was silent the first couple of seconds 'till Camilo speaks up "So" He began, catching your attention "How'd the tour of the Encanto working for you? Remember anything?"

You shake your head "Not really, Unless the words Ate and Kuya counted, otherwise, nothing"

He hums and turns to you "It might take sometime, but I'm confident that you'll regain your memories"

You smiled softly "I hope so too"

He walks ahead leading you towards his parents room, "You and Mirabel spoke about our gifts, right?"

You nod "yeah, I have a grasp of everyone's gifts"

"So did she say what our rooms look like?"

"No," You shake your head "Why?"

He smiles mischievously, "You'll see" You raised an eyebrow when you both stopped infront of a door that has Pepa written on it with a picture of her figure "Try not to drop your tray" he reminds

"What do you mean?" You asked as he opens the door "Oh my God?" You asked in confusion once you saw the inside of Pepa's room, it could pass off as normal until you realize how bigger it is on the inside. A bed occupied one side as a fairly normal coffee table and couches surrounded it (Where they were sitting), it would've been fine but the ceiling, it was different, you saw clouds, and at a distance thunder rumbles and lightning strikes, in another part of the room there was nothing but clear skies and rainbow, in another part cloudy skies that carried hail falling to the ground but turning into air before it could reach the ground.

"Y/n?" a voice breaks you from your blatant amazement, and something wrapping around your waist, you look down to see Antonio tackle you in a hug

"Hi Antonio" You greet "But darling wait, the cups might fall"

"You heard her Tonito, let her walk" Camilo says from the coffee table as he places the thermos down

Antonio lets go of you enough to let you walk and place the tray of cups to the coffee table, Camilo reaches out to serve the tea to his family

"There," You said and reached out to pet Antonio's head, everyone watches how close you and Antonio have become despite just meeting "Hi to you too"

He laughs "You changed your clothes" He noticed

"Yup" You nodded and twirled infront of him "Mirabel lent me a dress, What do you think? Does it look pretty on me?"

Camilo stops pouring and looks at you, as if he was who you asked the question to, examining you, watching how Mirabel's clothes seem to fit you, you looked comfortable, like it was yours and not someone else, confident even. Yeah, you're pretty, he thinks with a small smile and resumes pouring. The action not going unnoticed by his mother, who only raised an eyebrow

"yeah!" Antonio quickly answers nodding

You laugh and offer him your hand where Antonio was more than happy to give you a hi-five

"You and Tonito seem to like each other" Felix notes

"I like Y/n" Antonio declares

You smile "Kids just like me, Tio" You took the tray "Enjoy your tea" You said ready to leave

"You're leaving already?" Pepa calls and you stop "Come join us" She motions to the empty seat between Camilo and Antonio

You blinked in surprise at her offer, "I would love to, Mrs. Pepa" You began and looked at them "But, I don't have a cup—" You were cut off when Camilo takes out an extra cup and fills that with Tea "What?"

"I figured Mami would ask you to stay so I asked or an extra cup from Tia Julieta" he places it at the seat Pepa wanted you to sit at "Stay"

Your eyes drifted to Dolores who drank her tea quietly, she looks at you and you blushed making her laugh "are you still embarrassed because of that?" You covered your face "It's really ok"

"Why what happened?" Felix asks

"When Mirabel was telling her about our gifts she called me pretty only to find out I heard everything she said" Dolores chuckles as you sit and take a sip of the tea "I think its cute, no need to get shy"

"She's right Y/n" Pepa began "I think its cute too"

You blushed even more "Mrs. Pepa" You said trying to stop her

She clicked her tongue "You should call me Tia Pepa instead" She hums "Might aswell get used to it since you'll be staying here"

The conversation flowed from there, with you making them laugh with your witty replies. After a couple of minutes the conversation flowed away from you and into them, in their own worlds the only person to talk to you was Antonio and even that wasn't frequent so you sat there quiet as you listen to their conversation

Camilo noticed you, he sat watching you. He was confused, you're usually talkative and as loud as he is but your quiet, he sees you with Mirabel and Antonio but as compared to now, you barely said a word unless they addressed you

Pepa stopped talking to Felix when she noticed that her son's attention was to you, eyes glued to you, watching and studying you, and you don't even notice. She watches as Camilo reaches out to tap your arm only for a familiar bell resounding in the Casita

You heard that bell before and you spun to look at Camilo "What was that?" You asked

He smiles "Its the bell for dinner" He explains

Camilo notices how quiet you are again, The whole family and you sat by the table eating dinner and you were quiet. you weren't joining the conversation or trying to catch anyone attention. You just kept to yourself, eating your food. Camilo worried for you, were you nervous to interact with them?, curious on why you treat Mirabel and Antonio so differently

Pepa counted this as the third time she noticed, the way Camilo stares at you and observes you. She watches as her son extends his hand swiping the table to catch your attention, it did

You saw something wave from your peripheral vision, making you look up and at Camilo, he mouths to you "You okay?"

You blinked and nodded, mouthing back "Why?"

He looks to the side and Pepa quickly pretend she wasn't watching "You're just quiet" He says

You smile "I'm always quiet" You answered and he makes a face, not replying since your conversation could now be heard as the voices at the table dies down

"No you're not" Camilo says after dinner, as you helped Dolores clean up

"What?" You asked surprised

"You said you've always been quiet so I replied, No, you're not" He answers and follows you to the sink, as you left the plates there

"I am though"

"You're talkative with Mirabel" He points out

"Cause its Mirabel, there's always something to tell her"

"Then why aren't you talking to anyone else?" He asks again

"Cause," You turned to return to the dining room to collect the other plates "Who can I talk to?"

He takes the remaining plates from you before they could fall and walks to the kitchen where his sister was washing the dishes "You can talk to me"

You smile "You?" You squeaked when Mirabel pushes you and Camilo out of the kitchen after saying Thank you with the help

He nods "Me"

"Alright" You began and looked at him "lets say I will talk to you, What can we talk about?"

He shrugs "Anything at all"

"Your serious?" You ask

He nods "Really, come on." He walks infront of you "Besides Mirabel, you're the only one here who's the same age as me, I want to get closer to you"

You stared at him a second after he admits and you nod "Ok" You started and he perks up "I'll talk to you"

He nods "Ok" He says happily

And you laugh, before stopping "Ok, I just thought of our first conversation"

He hums "What is it?"

"Which way to Mirabel's room?" You asked

He stares and laughs "Right, You still might get lost" he walks ahead "Come on, this way"

You smile and followed after him "Thank you"

Camilo lies awake in his bed, sixty percent cause He can't sleep, The other forty percent was cause you plagued his mind, he was curious about you, really curious about you

He gives up, tossing and turning won't do him any good, maybe he should drink a glass of water, that should help

Walking out of his room and to the kitchen he spots Dolores

She smiles "What are you doing still awake?"

"Couldn't sleep" He answers "So I thought I'd get water. Is everything ok?"

Dolores nods "I was just thinking, I couldn't sleep either"

"Me too" Adds another voice to see Antonio "Can't sleep today"

"Oh Tonito come here" Dolores calls and he walks to her

Camilo takes a glass of water to drink only to stop when he saw his sister's eyes widen "What's wrong?"

Don't think about it, You begged to yourself, hugging the pillows as panic overwhelms your senses, You're ok, you're fine. The Madrigals are kind and they gave you food and place to stay. You took a shaky breath in and then out. You're in the past, you got here meaning there's a way back, you'll figure it out, you need to get back to your brother, you need to return to Arthur, you can do it, take it one day at a time. You tried to focus on your breathing, You're eyes clamped shut

You didn't realize what was happening 'till you felt someone drag you out from your thoughts by shaking you awake "You're having a nightmare!" Mirabel raises her voice to wake you and it did, eyes opening, and out of breath

Tears trailed from your eyes as you gripped the sheet trying to breathe for oxygen. You were having another Panic attack, you reached out to hold on to Mirabel's arm as she says calming things, reminding you to still your breathing

Mirabel didn't make you feel burdened, she lets you draw it out until you've calmed down and you were thankful for those words of encouragement

"Th-Thank you" You managed to say

"What happened?" She asked

You wipe your face, noticing how shaky your hands were, you shake your head "I just thought about something"

"Can I get you anything?"

"Water and something sweet please" You ask and She nods, leaving you to get what you asked

Finally being left alone, after all this time. You moved to look under the bed where you stashed your bag, grabbing your phone, fifty-two percent

You made a face "I can't charge you when you die" You whispered and unlocked it, moving to try and call your brother but to no avail. You sigh, defeated, you opened your gallery the first photos you see was your family, you with your parents then you with your brother. You smiled at the photo "Oh Arthur, I miss you" You murmured reaching out to caressed his picture

You heard it the sound of footsteps, a sound you managed to get used to living in a strict household as a night owl. Except its not just one footsteps, it was many. You shoved your phone back in your bag and under your bed, before sitting back on the bed like when Mirabel left you

The door opened and you spot Mirabel all before a small curly haired boy ran up to you climbing the bed and sitting by the side "Y/n are you ok?"

"Antonio?" You asked "I'm ok but what are you doing still awake?"

"None of us could sleep" He answers and you look at the door to see, Camilo and Dolores walk in behind Mirabel "Mirabel said you have nightmares"

You nodded "but don't worry" Your said patting his hair "Mirabel saved me"

Mirabel smiles and hands you the thing you asked, the water and a cookie to calm you, you smiled an took a bit of the cookie

"How are you feeling now?" Dolores asks with a tilt of her head

"Better" You smile "It was just a nightmare, I don't like being alone," You laugh and pet Antonio's hair "Gives me time to think"

Camilo just watches you, sitting on the corner of Mirabel's bed with Mirabel as both Dolores and Antonio talk to you

But it was late and Antonio started drifting off a bit later, Camilo noticed how hard Antonio tried to fight it and he smiles, what a cute sight, "You should take our hermano back to his room, Dolores" He mumbles, knowing that she could hear him

"What about you?" She asks looking at him

"I'll stay a bit more," He looks at Mirabel from the corner of his eye and spoke up "And maybe take Mirabel with you for a bit" He mumbles again and watches as his sister grabs Antonio

"mm not tired" Antonio whines

You chuckle "Get some rest, I'll see you tomorrow"

"Mirabel can you help me with something?" Dolores calls as Camilo approached to open the door of the nursery,

"Sure!" Mirabel stood to leave the room and followed after Dolores

You watched curiously as Camilo shuts the door behind everyone "Aren't you going to bed too?"

He shakes his head and goes to you "I'll leave once you've fallen asleep"

You made a face "Why?"

"Cause you said you don't like being alone," he shrugs "I'll fight your nightmares for you so you can sleep"

"But aren't you tired?"

He clicks his tongue and flattens his palm against your forehead to push you down on the bed, once you've lied down he adjusts the blankets to tuck you in as he sits at the edge of the bed "Just sleep"

"Why are you doing this?" You asked after a minute

"I don't know" He answers after a moments thought "honestly I'm just curious about you"

"Then ask" You replied

"That's not my point, just get some rest ok?"

"How about we take turns asking questions instead?" You suggested "I won't fall asleep just like that," You snap your fingers "anyway"

He raises an eyebrow "What kind of questions?"

"Any," You supplied "If we can answer it, we answer it as long as it isn't mean. Think of it as a way we can get to know each other"

He hums thinking about it and then nods "Ok, lets play, who first?"

"Me, I suggested the game" You began and he nods, making you think of what to ask him "What does it feel like? The shifting I mean" He blinks staring at you in surprise "Sorry, was that rude?" You asked "You don't have to answer when you don't want to"

"No," He shakes his head "It's just, that's the first time anyone has asked me that" You nodded in understanding before he spoke up again "but to describe what it feels like" He looks around the room to see if he could compare it to anything when he reaches out to grab your hand, cupping it between his before he speaks "Familiar," he says and you look at your hand on his "I felt fine before I had my gift but when I became five and I was given this gift, I felt complete, it has this sense of familiarity that makes me wanna keep using my abilities" He explains and you blinked when you noticed, your bracelets and ring on Camilo's hand, only to look up and see that he shifted into you, "That's what it feels like" He says and shifts back into himself

You stared at him before smiling and taking your hand back "That's so cool"

"Thanks," He laughs and nods "My turn?" You nod, he hums wondering what he should ask you "My question is similar to yours" You hummed and motioned for him to continue "How does it feel to not remember your past?"

"Oh" You frowned and for a second he panicked afraid that he has offended you, right, I don't have my memories, you thought to yourself before shrugging "I don't know, there's really nothing to compare it to" He tilts his head and this time you decide to elaborate "Well I don't have my memories so I don't know if I feel empty, there's just nothing to compare it too"

He nods "Ahh, sorry"

"It's fine" You shrug "My turn," You announced "Can you shift into anyone?"

He nods "Well if I have met them, Yes. Otherwise, no"

"Fair" You murmured "your turn"

He nods and then clasps his hands "Ok, your clothes" he began and you look down on the night gown that Mirabel lent you, and he shakes his head "No I meant the other ones"

"The one you saw me in the first time?" You supplied and he nods "What about them?"

"Aren't they uncomfortable?"

You blinked and then snorted "No, they're fine" you shifted to get tucked under the sheets more, a little offended that he questioned your fashion sense "I don't really remember but I think they're quite famous, since I'm wearing them after all" You puffed one of your cheeks in spite

He grins, finding it adorable "You're turn"

"Ok, I have one" You began and he nods for you to continue "Do all rooms look like Tia Pepa's?"

He blinks and then shakes his head "It depends on your gifts," You tilt your head and he elaborates "Well for example, Isabela's room is full of flowers and other exotic plants, Antonio's room is a jungle for his animals. It really depends on your gift" He answers

"So what's your room like?"

"Isn't it my turn?"

You waved him off "Ask me too questions afterwards" You smiled "So? What's your room like?"

He stares at you before answering "Mirrors, its full of mirrors and mix matched things"

"I can't imagine it" You hummed

"My turn" He says and you nod "Want to come and see my room?" He asks

You blinked "Now?"

"Well no," He answers "We need to sleep "Tomorrow"

"I need to help Mirabel with her chores" You began

"Then after, maybe after lunch" He offered "And then for my other question What do you think?"

You smile and nod "Yeah" You quickly agreed "I wanna see your room"

He smiles back and the game resumes with you both asking questions, he realizes around two to three questions later you barely responded and he sees you asleep

He sits there watching you, the way your hair framed your face, or how your chest rises and falls with your breath, he just observed you until the door opens revealing Mirabel

"Oh Camilo you're still here" She says, pushing up her glasses

He stands "Yeah, I was keeping her company 'till you came back" He answers and smiles at her "Since you're here I'll go, Good night"

"Good night" Mirabel replies as Camilo leaves the room and towards his own

Pepa counts three, the amount of times she has spotted Camilo staring at you today, sure staring was normal but not by this much. She honestly payed no mind to it 'till she saw Camilo walk out from the nursery. Surely it was just a coincidence

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