the devil in miami • xxxtenta...

By xtckai

4.7K 159 74

everyone has their vices. an xxx fanfic. More

trigger warnings.
a few things


218 5 11
By xtckai

not edited (proabably will never b either)
(spoke too soon)

enjoy :)


Like any other day, me and Ally were sitting on the floor of my room, scrolling through our phones, laughing and talking. Today, Ally was telling us about J's ex— Alexia. Her and alexia were going back and forth on twitter and it was actually getting pretty heated.

"so obviously this bitch wants to fight me, so i told her to drop her location, the fuck." ally announced to me, obviously annoyed.

while waiting on alexia to reply with the address, where i secretly hoped that she didn't, ally pulls out a bag of miscellaneous, different colored pills, she pours them out into her hand, taking one before holding them out to me.

"take one" she says excitedly to towards me.

one thing i've noticed about this friend group is that there were always some drug being passed around, taken, sold and bought. i don't think there has ever been an instance where there wasn't either somebody offering me drugs, or someone taking drugs. but i guess everyone has something.

i usually decline their offer, just because i already take medication and im not sure how my body will react, but today I hadn't taken my medication so i take her up on her offer.

i pick up a light blue circular pill, popping it in my mouth, swallowing it dry as i usually do medications.

" ah, nice choice" she says giggling letting brit take one before picking up her phone, reading a message.

" she just sent it...lets go" she finishes while standing up, walking out of the door with me following behind.

· · ·


"yo nigga, pass the blunt" i hear Isaiah say from my right.

I take one more puff from the withering blunt before handing it to my left to him.

i hate when people rush me, makes me want to get up and start swinging.

knocking me out of my thoughts, i feel my phone vibrate continuously in my pocket, pulling it out, i see i'm getting a call from my mother. Hesitantly i answer it.

"hi jah jah" i hear a high-pitched voice say through the phone.

i smile slightly as i hear my little brother— Aiden voice come through the phone. i never really noticed how much i do miss seeing my brother everyday, until i'm not there.

"heyyy, it's my favorite little brother" i say in response to him.

" your only brother so by default, i have to be your favorite" he says smartly.

"man, whatever" i say, chuckling at his know-it-all tone of voice.

there's a long pause and it feels like he's hesitant to ask me something, so i decide to speak, getting rid of the silence.

"spit it out." i say before sighing, get tired of the silence.

"well, its just that i miss hanging out with you. Can you come over now?" he says before speaking again. "and i know, mommy really misses you." he finishes.

i sigh, thinking about the situation me and my mom have going on and how it's affecting Aiden. my mom did apologize to me but it really didn't mean much if she's going to continue to see that bitch nigga of a boyfriend she has. I know that i am stubborn but i do have a purpose with my stubbornness.

"aight Aiden, imma be around a little later, and i'll hang with you' i say, giving in.

'yay! im so excited jah jah, i'll see you later!" he said excitedly into the phone.

"alright big head, i'll talk to you later" i say back to him before hanging up the phone and tossing my phone on the coffee table, placing my face into my hands before I hear J speak up.

" what the fuck man" i hear him mumble aggressively. i look up at him as i try to figure out what's wrong from his tone of voice, but i end up just asking.

"what is it?" i ask, unable to read his face.

he then slides his phone across the table, i pick it up, reading the comments under a post between ally and another girl, whom i'll assume is Alexia, J's ex. They broke up once J started making money from his album. She was cheating on him and honestly, i think she was only with him for the money. she was always asking for money, or wanted to always be in his pictures and etc. it was all weird to me.

A/N- Starfire's actual name is alexia if u didn't know and i don't know the actual story that caused them to break up, this is pure fiction! i actually like alexia. her and juice were cute :) If you have no clue who this person is then just ignore this whole paragraph. ok sorry, back to the story.

I slide his phone back still questioning what was wrong.

"okay...they're arguing, what's the problem?" i question, actually pretty clueless. granted that i was a little high, and not functioning at 100%.

he sighs, moving closer to the edge of the couch and staring down at his phone.

"the last message was alexia sending her address...and now she's not replying to my texts or calls... and i checked her location and guess where she is?" he starts, obviously waiting on me to put the pieces together.

oh shit

"oh shit" i say, finally realizing why this was a problem.

we know ally, and if ally is going to fight... her intentions aren't just to fight... it's to kill.

"right..and i'm pretty sure she was hanging with brit at nova's so..." he trails off, once again waiting on me to finish his thought.

"they're definately going to kill that girl if she's by herself." i say, jumping up the same time as J does, making our way out to his car.

nova isn't the person to take part in fights or especially the kind that ally gets into, so part of me was wondering what she's even doing there and how did ally convince her to go fight with her. i shake the thoughts out of my head as J pulls out of the drive-way.

"she stay doing this shit bro " he starts venting out of nowhere. i just listen, trying to get as far away as possible from my thoughts. i was mad at ally, because nova wasn't type of person to be in some bs like this and ally shouldn't be the one nova models after. i was mad at nova for letting ally bring her into her own mess and i was mad at brit, just because she's britney.

"g, like i tell her to just let shit go but here we are. she has hundreds of thousands watching her and she always showing them her ass. she lets her pride get the best of her and i honestly think it's her worst trait" he finishes.

i just listen even though thats my friend, it's not my place to talk about his girl's shortcomings.

we pull up to a townhouse about 30 minutes away, and we see ally's car parked on the street and Alexia's front door is wide open.

J turns off the car and we both make our way into the open door and hear screaming coming from multiple places in the house.

he makes his way up the stairs towards one sound and i make my way into the kitchen, where i see nova with multiple scratches and red marks on her arms which will turn into bruises with time. she's throwing punches at the girl in front of her, while simaltaneously trying to dodge her hits. the girl pushes nova to the ground and before she can jump ontop of her, i grab the girl from the waist pulling her back away from nova.

" i don't fight women, but i will put a hole or two in them." i whisper cautiously before setting her down and pushing her out of the kitchen.

in front of me, nova lays flush to the ground, placing her arms over her eyes. I step closer to her holding my hand out.

"nova." i say sternly, "get up."

she eventually gets up, by taking my hand, i turn around and notice as i make my way to the door, that the screaming in the house would cease, but i hear hushed arguing from ally and J.

I grab nova who's following behind me limping, by the arm pushing her lightly towards the still open door.

"stand there, and don't move" i start before staring in her eyes "and i swear to god nova.."

she shakes her head, leaning against the door frame watching me closely.

i take one last look at her before jogging up the stairs walking into what looks like a crime scene. blood on the floor, the door, the bed.I look between ally and j as their arguing comes to a full stop. then i look behind them where i see Alexia slumped against the wall with blood pooling through her shirt. her body looked so lifeless, i'm not even sure she's alive.

"she's still breathing..." ally says hesitantly, as if she was reading my mind.

this whole situation is actually pissing me off, this girl is damn near out of blood and if we all don't go to jail for attempted murder, we'll definitely be accessories to murder. i decide that there's already enough on my plate. i turn around and walk back downstairs while ordering an uber. i make eye contact with nova as i walk past her, sitting on the front steps.

all of this commotion almost made me forget about Aiden. I send him a quick 'otw' before locking my phone and staring out into the street, watching the cars go by. nova comes and sits next to me. I can feel her staring at me so i decide to speak.

"what?" i say, continuing to look ahead of me.

i can feel her hesistant to talk after my tone of voice but i honestly couldn't help it.

"are you mad at me?" she eventually says, playing with hem of my hoodie.

i sigh mentally and physically, feeling my phone buzz in my hand, giving me a message that my car is a few minutes away.

"im not mad at just mad at the situation, and ally too." i say, which is actually true. i probably should be mad at nova, but i'd rather place the blame on someone else.

she stares at me for a few seconds before speaking again.

"we were at her house, and ally was arguing with that girl, and then she gave me a blue pill and the next thing i know...we were here and there was a girl throwing punches... i don't know" she says, all in one breath while shaking her head.

i quickly turn my head to meet her eyes.

"she gave you percocets?" i asked concerned, more irritated than concerned.

before ally met J she was a well known drug dealer, and thats how they met. Ally doesn't sell anymore but she does get a really good price on anything we want, and when i say anything... i mean it.

" yeah... i think thats what she called it" she says, "i actually do like the way they make me feel... like i'm floating and- and- .... do you have more?" i hear her ask as she looks away from me.

i debate on giving her what she's asking for. It actually makes me mad that i put her in this situation. I see that me introducing her to the people that i fuck with, means that she'll get involved with the things they get involved with. i really don't want her to end up like me, so i decline her request.

"what the fuck.." i whisper, annoyed, angry and somewhat concerned. I turn and look at her with all seriousness displayed on my face.

"i'm not giving you fucking percocets." i finish, watching her face soften before turning and looking out into the open neighborhood, almost as if i had hurt her feelings. sometimes, i say things that i don't mean to say and i also say things in a tone i don't mean to say it in, which in turn, gives my message the wrong message if you will.

i take a deep breath, i rub face, realizing how I just came off. I cup her face in my hand turning it towards me, looking in her eyes.

"i'm sorry. i didn't mean to come off like that...i just-.. i just got a lot of shit going on right now." i say before standing up off of the porch, walking up to the approaching car.

from my peripheeal i see her get up and follow behind me. I open the back passenger door, leaving the door open for her to get in. as we both settle into the car, i get a text. Pulling out my phone, I kick the seat in front of me seeing who it's from.


I got so roped into this, I honestly forget about going to see Aiden, but I sent him a quick response to his "are you coming?" text, telling him that i'm on my way.

"i'll pay you $100 cash, to take me to this address right here" i say, showing him the address to my mom's house where Aiden stays.

he nods at me, immediately putting the address into his phone and leading us there.

I turn towards nova, watching her stare out the window.

i really do feel bad because i hurt her feelings, but i know what addiction can do to people, especially people you love and i really don't want that for her but I say the only thing that I know that'll salvage this conversation and her feelings, but not my pride.

"i'll get them for you." i say, letting go of all pride and every moral I had for her with those five words.

she turns around and stares at me for a few seconds before speaking.

"really?" she exclaimed, her question full of surprise.

i nod my head, afraid to talk in regards of how i might sound, or what i might say if i did. The car eventually comes to a complete stop in front of the huge house I knew all too familiar. I take a deep breath before saying a quick 'thank you' to the driver before getting out of the car, walking up the pathway to the front door, pulling out my keys and unlocking the front door.

"we won't be here long. you can sit and watch tv or something." I say, closing the door, disappearing up the stairs.


I wandered aimlessly throughout the never-ending house until I came across what looked like a living room. There was a huge grey L-shaped couch with a matching size ottoman and an even bigger Tv to accompany, which was already on. I take a seat in the middle of the couch, flipping through the channels on the tv. Finally, landing on adult swim. I sit for around 30 minutes, constantly looking at my phone for a message from jah. As soon as I lock my phone for the 50th time in 30 minutes, I hear a door open and close, assuming it's jah, I stand up begin to make my way towards the ascending footsteps

"you told me a few minutes... i think we're pas-" i start talking as i continue to make my way towards the footsteps but stop mid-sentence coming face-to-face, or more like face-to-chest with a man. He was about 6'6, huge & scary looking, maybe 300 pounds.... did I mention huge..and scary looking? I took a step back away from him, looking up at him as he took one step closer to me, taking one of my shoulder length curls in between his fingers.

"Oh... you're a pretty one huh?" he starts, taking another step towards me.

my feet stayed planted out of fear. his demeanor was very creepy and i didn't even know what to do.

"much better than the last one." he finishes, chuckling as he uses his finger tips to trace the top of my shoulder.

i jerk my body away from his touch, taking a few steps back this time, still looking up at his face as he stares down evilly at me.

"don't touch me." I say softly, but as sternly as possible. I try to not run the risk of making him mad, but asking him to stop.

"what is it babygirl? you think i'm gonna hurt you?" he says with a smirk on his face as he reaches his hand out, using the back of his hand to caress the side of my face. I tense up, slapping his hand away from my face, before speaking again, much louder this time.

"don't fucking touch me." I say much louder, hearing it echo through the foyer.

i wonder where jah is, and how come he doesn't hear the commotion. I debate on yelling to him but i decide that the very large man in front of me, might take me and maybe kill me before he could even find me.

he steps closer to me, this time lowering down to my eye level, wiping the everlasting smirk off of his face. I instantly begin to fret.

"i do what i want. This is MY house, you little disrespectful bitch." he say, getting louder and louder with each word.

before i can even respond, or even think about what was just said to me. Jah is standing in front of me and as he throws one good punch to the jaw, knocking him down, i fall backwards. from there jah is on-top of him, throwing as many punches as he can to his face. every time his fist connecting, in result a cracking sound.

I eventually sit up, frozen in shock as i see the bloody, unrecognizable face and lifeless body of the man that once stood in front of me.

I scramble to my feet, pushing jah off of him as it felt, like he was a few punches away from killing the man.

I stare in between jah and the man on the floor, trembling as I finally feel how wet my face was. I was crying. I didn't even notice that i had been crying. I wipe my eyes with my sleeve as i see jah get up from the side of my eye.

"FUCK!" he says. Punching a hole in the nearby wall. I flinch from the suddenness of it.

The room begins to spin as I start to hyperventilate as i step over the body on the ground, stumbling as i make my way to the front door opening it up, breathing in the fresh air as i hunch over, placing my hands on my knees.

I lean against the porch totems as i catch my breath.

I think about all the things that Jah has told me in the past. I had never seen him like that, and it was scary. The anger in his eyes, his aggression in the punches he was throwing...almost as if he wanted to kill him, and the even scarier part is that, if i hadn't stopped him....he probably would've.


ok hear me out. this chapter only took like two weeks lmao i had writer's block like mid-chapter.

but it's out now, now say thanks >:)

new self record of 3,100 words ;)

but yeah, still deciding about how i feel abt this book and whatnot

so pls pls vote & comment.

i think thats it.


shoutout to FLACKOCAINE

ty for your comments, bc it really made me wanna finish and publish just 4 u

so ily, this one was 4 u <3333

but i hope u guys enjoyed, thank u a milli for reading.

ily <3

think i shld put my name at the end of these, makes it more personal yk.

-Love, Kai.

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